2,997 research outputs found


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    ARI SULISTYOWATI. 2009. TEACHING VOCABULARY TO THE 4TH GRADE STUDENTS IN SDN PURWOSUMAN 5 SIDOHARJO SRAGEN. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. The writer writes the final project report based on doing the job training. The final project report discussed teaching vocabulary to the 4th grade students in SDN Purwosuman 5 Sidoharjo Sragen. In writing final project report the writer also collected the data by interviewing the teacher and the students, observing class, and teaching directly in the classroom. In doing the job training, the writer gave the material from the LKS and followed what the teacher said to the writer. The writer also gave the material such as concrete words (animal, fruit, shape, etc) because their level is the Elementary School. The final project report also discussed problems and solutions faced by the writer when teaching vocabulary to the 4th grade students in SDN Purwosuman 5 Sidoharjo Sragen


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    Research on Representation of the Powers of Informal People in Novel Dasamuka Karya Junaedi Setiyono is trying to reveal the power of informalleaders. The selection of Dasamuka's novel by Junaedi Setiyono is based on theidea that the novel comprehensively describes the power of informal leaders in thereality of life recorded in the form of literary works.The problems studied in this research are the representation of dominance and the strength of informal leaders. This is based on the consideration that both represent the power of informal leaders used to explore the power of informalleaders in a literary work. The theory used in this research is literary hegemony byAntonio Gramsci.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with approach ofsociology of literature. The source data is a novel titled Dasamuka Junaedi Setiyono work. The form of data in the form of sentences, excerpts and sequences of stories in novels relating to research problems. Data collection in this researchusing the technique of documentation and analyzing using qualitative descriptive technique.Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there presentation of informal leaders in Dasamuka novel by Junaedi Setiyono is are presentation of domination and strength. Representation of the dominance of informal leaders is reflected in the dominance of actions, attitudes, speeches andthe role of informal leaders who describe the things that informal leaders do incontrolling social groups. The representation of the power of informal figures is illustrated in the power of ideas / powers of thinking, the power of managing tactics, the power of convincing others, and the risk-taking power that describes the power within the informal leaders in creating power. The value of education relevant to all of this research is as a means of analysis of the subject of sociology of literature

    Group Counseling Management Based On Cognitive Behavior Therapy For Mental Retarded Students (A Site Study at SMPLB Bina Putera Ambarawa, Semarang)

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    Focus of this study is on the characteristics of group counseling based on cognitive behavior therapy at SMPLB (Special Secondary School) Bina Putera Ambarawa, Semarang. This study has three objectives. The first is describing the characteristic of organizational structure of group counseling based on cognitive behavior therapy. Secondly, it is describing the characteristic of mental retarded students. And finally, the research aims at classifying the characteristic of group counseling based on cognitive behavior therapy for mental retarded students. It is a qualitative research using ethnography design. This research was done at SMPLB Bina Putera Ambarawa, Semarang. The main subject included the principal, counselor and classroom teacher. Data collection method used in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis technique of this research used an analysis arranged in site. the component of analyzing data includes data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion. Data Validity used a triangulation method. This finding suggests that (1) the organizational structure of group counseling based on cognitive behavior therapy at SMPLB Bina Putera Ambarawa is compiled by including the role and task of each parties. The principal has a role as the supervisor, the classroom teacher as the executor of the program of group counseling based on cognitive behavior therapy. (2) The mental retarded students at SMPLB Bina Putera Ambarawa are different with the other normal students. Their physical condition, especially the head size. Their behavior also needs an adjustment to communicate. But with the group counseling based on cognitive behavior therapy, the mental retarded students can do several activities like the other normal students although it is far from perfect. (3) Group counseling based on cognitive behavior therapy for mental retarded students is held by giving students to tell their problem experienced. Students learn to dare to express their opinion in front of their friends. There are four stages in the group counseling based on cognitive behavior therapy for the mental retarded students such as formation, transition, action, and finishing stage. Evaluation is done by observing students’ behavior which is done by the classroom teacher, counselor, and subject teacher


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    The dynamic changes in the Law on Election for Governors, Regents, and Mayors prove that there are dynamics and progressiveness in the implementation of Pilkada. The process of the birth of laws, including the process of the birth of amendments to the Law, is a legal political process. The legal political process is under the authority of the legislator. The approach method used is normative juridical method. The power of legislators in the political and legal process is not absolute, because the government also has a domain of authority, although not as big as the authority of legislators. The result states that The legal political process always rests on the principle of normative democracy as the embodiment of the das sollen principle. At the level of implementation of the rule of law, there will always be legal anomalies, because there is a mismatch between normative democracy as the embodiment of the basic principle with empirical democracy as the embodiment of the basic sein principle. The legitimacy of a single candidate in Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors makes the preferences of political parties increasingly pragmatism


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    Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pembelajaran membaca melalui anak Islam di TK Aisyiysh III Girimargo. Subyek penelitian ini adalah anak-anak TK Aisyiyah III Girimargo, sedangkan peneliti sebagai pengamat yang dibantu oleh guru dan kepala sekolah menjadi mitra penelitian. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Pada penelitian ini analisis data dilakukan dengan metode interaktif baik dalam pengumpulan data, reduksi data, sampai pada penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa implementasi pembelajaran membaca melalui anak Islam suka membaca yang dilaksanakan dengan pembimbingan, antara guru dengan anak selama 60 menit sebelum masuk kelas berjalan dengan baik. Metode ini sesuai dan efektif untuk pembelajaran anak TK. Anak yang memiliki kemampuan sangat baik (SB) sebanyak 10,2%, baik (B) 38,4%, cukup (C) 25,6% , dan kurang (K) 25,6%. Namun terdapat faktor penghambat dalam implementasi pembelajaran membaca melalui anak Islam suka membaca antara lain, kurangnya keseimbangan antara guru dengan jumlah anak, kurangnya motivasi dan upaya dari orang tua untuk memperkuat kembali pembelajaran membaca di rumah


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    The measurement of adjective comparison level in the Javanese language is becoming benchmark or yardstick of why language users choose adjective vocabulary with a special selection. Syntactically Javanese language speakers feel more solid in saying by using the marker of speech comparison level. Syntactic structures are characterized by the use of comparison level before and after the adjective. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. A form of discourse research data obtained from the daily text documents, namely the Java language magazine. Data were analyzed using distributional studies. Data analysis procedures is carried out through four stages of activities: (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) presentation of data, and (4) the conclusion of the research findings and (5) verification. The research found some syntactic structure adjective comparable levels, namely: 1)Rada preceded by the word 'rather', 2) preceded by the word luwih 'more'.3) preceded by olehe 'how', 4) followed by dhewe ‘alone',and 5)followed by the word banget 'really'

    Model of Empowerment Arad Nets Fisherman Towards Responsible Fisheries to Improve The Welfare of Fishermen

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    This study aims to describe the profile of fishermen, Arad's empowerment strategy, and model of empowerment of fisherman of Arad net to "responsible fisheries" to improve the welfare of fishermen in the waters of Batang Regency. This research use mixed method, that is combination of two approaches that is qualitative and quantitative approach. Techniques of data collection were obtained through questionnaire (questionnaire), FGD.Data analysis using qualitative descriptive. To determine the Model of Fishermen Empowerment Strategy usingSWOT and AHP analysis. The study was conducted in March - September 2014. Based on SWOT analysis of Strategy of Fisherman Empowerment of Arad Network to Responsible Fisheries to improve fisherman's prosperity by doing Controlling, monitoring the carrying capacity of the environment and the catch of shrimp through improving the quality of fishing resources. Where the role of fishermen determines the pattern of resource utilization and sustainable management. The success of fisheries development requires perception, participation of fishermen and the role of goverment to accommodate all needs, and future management expectations. Based on the results A’WOT is obtained : Arad fisher men empowerment model to Responsible Fisheries, through socio-ecology-based Empowerment, Co-management-based empowerment,Responsible-Fisheries Empowerment Development, Empowerment of fisherman skill to improve the welfare offishermen Keyword: Models of empowerment, fisherman Arad nets, responsible fisherie

    PROBLEMATIKA EKSISTENSI MODAL VENTURA SYARIAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (Studi Pada Perusahaan Permodalan Nasional Madani ventura Syariah Jakarta)

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    The research to be carried out is a field research and a documentary to answer questions chronologically and systematically about the role and problems of the existence of sharia venture capital in improving micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The research method used in this study is an inductive method. The results of this study explain the role and function of venture capital in improving (MSMEs) as PPU, especially those who are new start-ups starting their business with limited capital and do not have assets to be used as collateral for the financing guarantee according to the characteristics of PMVS in financing without any collateral and It is also very helpful for business partner companies (PPU) that are feasible (worthy of funding) but are not bankable (does not meet banking requirements) that are on the black list of other financial institutions, but have the determination and earnest spirit to continue to develop their business with good prospects. promising. In addition to providing business capital financing assistance, venture capital companies are also involved in mentoring the business development management of business partner companies (PPU). Strategies for developing sharia venture capital that can be carried out include intensive and comprehensive socialization from both practitioners and academics so that public literacy understanding of sharia venture capital companies increases, expansion of venture capital funding for PMVS from various parties, both domestic and foreign, not domestically. only limited to Islamic financial institutions but can synergize with other institutions, for example in collaboration with BPKH (Hajj Financial Management Agency) and foreign loans, namely IDB (Islamic Development Bank), increasing reliable and professional human resources by holding training, workshops , increasing capacity building, and improving the management system of sharia venture capital companies, especially sharia strategic management efforts to realize operational activities that are truly based on sharia principles, and there is an effort to approach networking with government agencies so that with the hope there is government intervention as a policy maker in synergy with the OJK regulator on sharia venture capital companies


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    This study aims to analyze implementation of human rights in economic field and role of the Government, Educational Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations in the prevention and control of trafficking in women. How to achieve the goal, is done by empirical studies and documentation studies, to obtain primary and secondary data. This research is descriptive analytical. The approach method used is empirical juridical. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. Factors that cause the implementation of human rights in the economic field have not been fully realized because between legal policies and legal implementation have not been running consistently and simultaneously. The realization of human rights in the economic field is still only limited to issues and has not become a concrete implementation. The role of the Government in the prevention and overcoming of trafficking in women is still limited to political will by the issuance of a law that ratifies the ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, then followed by Institutional Infrastructure Compilation. The role of Educational Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations in the prevention and prevention of trafficking in women, has responded with action, prevention and handling of trafficking in women, through the socio-economic empowerment of families and advocacy in handling cases of trafficking in women. The struggle and movement for the achievement of feminism justice, in the economic field is carried out by empowering the family economy, improving education and expanding access to job search for women by utilizing information technology

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Tematik Integratif Semua Mata Pelajaran Di Sekolah Dasar Islam

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    Development of the fist class textbook using a thematic approach to integrative learning in Islamic primary school (SDI) based on the fact that the unavailability of special thematic textbook for students who attend school in Islamic institutions that accommodate all subjects including PAIand manners. The approach chosen thematic learning because students in the early grades still think holistically. They see something to make a whole, so that the thematic approach is the right approach to use.In this textbookdevelopment, developers use development methods in general, the planning, development, validation, testing, and dissemination. Development design model used is a model of Dick and Lou Carey. The results showed that the textbook class I by using thematic integrative learning approach has a level of effectiveness, effiiency, and attractiveness high. This is indicated by the test results are in good category according to a scale of 5 and an increase in student scores of 7.38. Thus, it can be said the development has contributedto the settlement of problems that arise in schools, especially on thematic integrative learning all subjects, including religion in class I. The product of this development can be disseminated to students who have the same characteristics
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