192 research outputs found

    Kompetensi Karyawan Pada Trans Studio Bandung

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    The focus of this study is to describe the competency of employees at the Trans Studio Bandung Departement Show and production. This study aims to describe employee competencies and solutions in dealing with these obstacles. Good employee competency can support the success of a company in achieving its goals. The results obtained show that the competency of Trans Studio Bandung employees is good enough, for knowledge and understanding must be added again seen from the achievement of targets that are still lacking. And for solutions to deal with obstacles employees are able to overcome them well to achieve the work in accordance with expectations, and the company needs to reinstate the appreciation or initiative to employees who have good competence


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    This study is to analyze the focus of the problem: Pricing Policy at PT. Atrindo Asia Global Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the pricing policy, constraints and pricing policy solutions at PT. Atrindo Asia Global Bandung. This study uses a Qualitative Method with an independent variable: Price. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling, which is a data source sampling technique with certain considerations. Informants are: Marketing Staff, Service Supervisor. Data analysis using the model of Miles and Huberman with the steps: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, conclusion. The method used to test the validity of the data is the triangulation technique. Based on observations, interviews and data analysis, it was concluded that the implementation of the pricing policy at PT. Atrindo Asia Global Bandung, which sets prices based on satisfaction based pricing, relationship pricing, efficiency pricing, cost based pricing, competition based pricing and demand based pricing. Problems that arise are forgetting or not including all the components of the costs incurred, often setting prices too low. The solution is expected to use a mathematical calculation of the costs incurred so that the costs to be incurred are more systematically arranged Implementation of pricing policies at PT. Atrindo Asia Global is expected to be implemented well so that it is able to achieve the company's target

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Etos Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT. Fuzi Citra Mandiri

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    The essence of the problem in this research is that the performance of employees at PT Fuzi Citra Mandiri has not been optimal. This study aims to determine the effect of work discipline on employee performance, the effect of work ethic on employee performance, the influence of work discipline and work ethic on employee performance at PT. Fuzi Citra Mandiri. This study used a descriptive analytical method with a survey approach, quantitative methods, data collection techniques namely observation and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis, correlation test, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. The results of the discussion show that the effect of work discipline on employee performance is 96.2%, the effect of work ethic on employee performance is 54.2% and the influence of work discipline and work ethic on employee performance at PT. Fuzi Citra Mandiri is 67.4% and there are still 32.6% other factors. The results of testing the hypothesis that f count = 6.133 and f table = 3.35, the hypothesis which states that simultaneously work discipline and work ethic have an influence on employee performance at PT. Fuzi Citra Mandiri


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    This paper posits an opinion that the state of philosophy in contemporary world including in academic milieu is quiet unsatisfying in terms of how it is formulated and perceived. Though only lightly touched here and there, similar situation happens in Indonesia. Philosophy has been notoriously accused of corrupting young generations, of continuously irritating establishments, or at best leaves the world unchanged. Con-sidering that even music, for example, which satisfies only a few human sense, could have such enormous effect to human life, philosophy which claims to cover all traces of human existence could basically do something much much more, rather than simply uninfluencial or harming humanity. By elucidating initial and a little further meaning of philosophy, this paper try to build a foundation for such claim. In between such elucidation, it is briefly mentioned certain reasons why philosophy has been, is and will exist as long as human being exist. All in all, however, this article is only a beginning or at least the first part to explain the existensial nature of philosophy. A further article is needed to expound that


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    Permainan tradisional merupakan salah satu warisan kearifan lokal di Indonesia. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman, permainan tradisional ini tergerus oleh arus globalisasi, bagaikan sebutir pasir yang terhempas oleh dahsyatnya angin. Kini, anak-anak berlaih pada permainan modern, seperti game online dan sejenisnya yang berbasiskan teknologi dan jaringan internet, tanpa menyadari dampak negatif bagi perkembangan perilaku anak dari permainan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, permainan tradisional perlu digalakan kembali sebagai basis permainan anak dan se- bagai penguatan pendidikan karater bangsa. Sekolah Dasar merupakan salah satu lembaga awal yang mempunyai peran penting dalam pengembangan pendidikan karakter. Oleh karena itu, pen- genalan pendidikan karakter melalui permainan tradisional sebagai warisan dari kearifan lokal perlu diperkenalkan sejak dini, mengingat dari permainan tradisional ini banyak terdapat dampak positifnya dibandingkan dengan dampak negatifnya. Tulisan ini berupaya mengungkapkan per- an penting permainan tradisional di Sekolah Dasar dalam upaya penguatan pendidikan karakter bangsa sebagai salah satu cara dalam membendung arus negatif globalisasi. Kata Kunci: Kearifan Lokal, Permainan Tradisional, Pendidikan Karakte


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    This article delves into the intricate relationship between political campaigns, specifically presidential and legislative, and their impact on economic growth. Employing a robust analytical approach, the study systematically examines how these political events influence economic dynamics. The research integrates a comprehensive review of economic-political theories and empirical data analysis to assess the extent to which political campaigns affect economic indicators such as GDP growth, investment, and consumer confidence. By correlating election cycles with economic fluctuations, the study offers a nuanced understanding of the interplay between political activities and economic performance. The findings reveal significant insights into the temporal and causal relationships between political campaigns and economic growth, highlighting the role of political stability, policy anticipation, and investor sentiment. This article contributes to the broader discourse on economic-political interactions, providing valuable implications for policymakers, economists, and political strategists. It underscores the importance of considering political factors in economic forecasting and policy-making, especially in periods leading up to major elections

    Penggunaan Fruity Loops Studio dalam Pembelajaran Konsep Musik Tonal dengan Berkarya Musik Populer untuk Peserta Didik SMA

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    Artikel ini membahas pembelajaran seni musik menggunakan aplikasi Fruity Loops Studio yang dapat mengolah data suara dan bunyi secara digital. Namun, keberhasilan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan aplikasi Fruity Loops dalam pembelajaran memiliki berbagai aspek yang harus diperhatikan agar fitur-fitur membuat musik yang tersedia dalam aplikasi dapat digunakan dengan efektif. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas tingkat kemajuan musikal yang dapat dicapai, mengidentifikasi kendala dalam pembelajaran, memberikan umpan balik dan informasi penting untuk perbaikan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, studi literatur, dan dokumentasi dengan data utama hasil karya musik peserta didik. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya prasyarat ruang lingkup materi ajar dengan konsep musik Tonal yang harus dikuasai secara baik serta dapat diamatinya peningkatan kemampuan musikal melalui pengalaman auditif bagi peserta didik dalam penugasan membuat karya musik populerABSTRACTThe Use of Fruity Loops Studio in Learning Concept of Tonal Music With Popular Music Working for High School Students. This article discusses learning the art of music using the Fruity Loops Studio application that can process sound and sound data digitally. However, the success of learning by using the Fruity Loops application in learning has various aspects that must be considered so that the features that make music available in the application can be used effectively. This article aims to discuss the level of musical progress that can be achieved, identify obstacles in learning, provide feedback and important information for learning improvement. This research uses descriptive analysis method. Data collection is done using observation techniques, interviews, literature studies, and documentation with the main data of students' musical works. The results of this study indicate the need for prerequisites for the scope of teaching material with the concept of Tonal music that must be mastered properly and can be observed in improving musical ability through auditive experience for students in the assignment to make popular music works.Keywords: Tonal Music; Popular Music; Fruity Loops; Musical Intelligence

    The Phenomenon of Bandung Street Musicians: Interaction with Road Users and Legal Aspects

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of street musicians at Bandung Traffic Lights from the perspective of traffic law and road transportation. The research method employed is a qualitative approach with a specific focus on the interaction between road users and aspects of traffic law and road transportation concerning street musicians at Bandung Traffic Lights. The research methodology includes observations, interviews, documentation, and in-depth analysis. The research findings reveal that the presence of street musicians at Bandung Traffic Lights has a diverse impact on commuters; some find it entertaining, while others feel distracted. From the standpoint of traffic and road transport law, the activities of street musicians on the sidewalk or roadway may be considered violations of Article 275, paragraph (1), and Article 28, paragraph (2), of Law No. 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Road Transport. The implications of this study underscore the significance of arts education in fostering a sense of discipline among street musicians. This research can help ensure that their artistic performances are more focused and orderly without causing disruption to road users

    Nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Suku Anak Dalam pada karnaval hari kemerdekaan di Kecamatan Renah Pamenang, Kabupaten Merangin, Jambi

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    Konflik keberagaman di Indonesia, lunturnya nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Indonesia, serta terjadi degradasi sikap nasionalisme dan cinta tanah air marak terjadi akhir-akhir ini. Namun, masih ada sebagian masyarakat yang memiliki rasa nasionalisme serta memegang teguh nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang mereka miliki. Salah satunya ialah masyarakat Suku Anak Dalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Suku Anak Dalam pada karnaval Hari Kemerdekaan di Kecamatan Renah Pamenang, Kabupaten Merangin, Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Alasan penggunaan metode penelitian ini karena menyesuaikan dengan tujuan pokok penelitian. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan melakukan kegiatan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kearifan lokal masyarakat Suku Anak Dalam di Kecamatan Renah Pamenang tercermin dalam bentuk kebiasaan/ cara hidup yang mereka lakukan, pakaian yang mereka kenakan, pandangan hidup, serta aturan dan larangan yang ada. Nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat yang tercermin pada kegiatan karnaval Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia di Kecamatan Renah Pamenang adalah nilai spiritual, nilai moral dan kesopanan, nilai kesederhanaan/ efisiensi, nilai keteguhan dan ketaatan, nilai gotong royong dan solidaritas, nilai cinta lingkungan, nilai kemanfaatan, nilai kesadaran hukum, dan nilai cinta tanah air


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    Penelitian bertujuan menghasilkan produk berupa multimedia pembelajaran yang interaktif.  Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah 4D Models. Pada tahap development prototipe dinyatakan valid, dibuktikan dengan validasi 5 ahli materi yang memberikan persentase 92,6%, 4 ahli desain 90,8% dan 3 ahli media 95,2%. Hasil uji coba empiris yang melibatkan 3 siswa pada uji coba one to one, 6 siswa pada uji kelompok kecil dan 30 siswa pada uji coba kelompok besar. Uji coba kelompok besar diperoleh persentase sebesar 81% dengan interpretasi “baik”. Efektivitas multimedia di uji dengan melibatkan 30 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil belajar diperoleh nilai rata-rata 63 pada pretest dan 84 pada posttest. Normalitas data diperoleh dengan One Sample K-S dengan Sig.(2 Tailed) 0,200>0,05.  Hasil Uji Paired Sample T-Test menunjukkan bahwa nilai Sig. adalah 0,000 <0,05 maka terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam hasil belajar. Berdasarkan N-Gain Score diperoleh gain skor 0,57 atau berada di antara 0,3-0,70 dan persentase gain 56,6% atau di antara 56-75% sehingga multimedia dikategorikan cukup efektif. Efektivitas multimedia berdasarkan respons siswa diperoleh rata-rata persentase 83,15% yang terdiri dari aspek materi 82,67%, manfaat 83,47%, penggunaan 79,78%, relevansi 85,00% dan navigasi 83,52%. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitian pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif pada pembelajaran seni rupa kelas IV di SD Negeri 12 Jerora menghasilkan multimedia yang valid menurut ahli, relevan bagi siswa dan efektif dalam pembelajaran