Gondang: Jurnal Seni dan Budaya
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    154 research outputs found

    The Phenomenon of Bandung Street Musicians: Interaction with Road Users and Legal Aspects

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of street musicians at Bandung Traffic Lights from the perspective of traffic law and road transportation. The research method employed is a qualitative approach with a specific focus on the interaction between road users and aspects of traffic law and road transportation concerning street musicians at Bandung Traffic Lights. The research methodology includes observations, interviews, documentation, and in-depth analysis. The research findings reveal that the presence of street musicians at Bandung Traffic Lights has a diverse impact on commuters; some find it entertaining, while others feel distracted. From the standpoint of traffic and road transport law, the activities of street musicians on the sidewalk or roadway may be considered violations of Article 275, paragraph (1), and Article 28, paragraph (2), of Law No. 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Road Transport. The implications of this study underscore the significance of arts education in fostering a sense of discipline among street musicians. This research can help ensure that their artistic performances are more focused and orderly without causing disruption to road users

    KauAku: Interpretation of Toxic Relationships and Senandung Jolo

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    Toxic relationships are dangerous. Toxic relationships are often found in dating relationships. The cause of a toxic relationship is when in a relationship there is intimidating behavior towards their partner, being rude, reluctant to blame and winning alone. The social phenomena of toxic relationships or toxic relationships above become ideas in the creation of works. The creators interpret the atmosphere and emotions experienced in dating such as joy, sadness, anger, chaos and moral messages about dating as important parts that can be expressed. In developing the work, the artist uses the local idiom of the Senandung Jolo tradition. The creation method used in the cultivation is based on the testimony of the creative thinker Graham Wallas (1926) in the book Psychology of Art by Irma Damayanti it is stated that there are three stages, namely the data collection stage, the observation stage, and the work embodiment stage. The author interprets that a toxic relationship always begins with harmony, but there is also an emotional imbalance with the big title Composition KauAku, which consists of three works entitled "Selaras", "Kentara" and "Swantantra" with world music approach

    Sinergi Paramassa: Implementation of the Social Values of the Meugang Tradition into Digital Music Composition

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    The Meugang tradition as Acehnese local wisdom is an activity that has a togetherness. This togetherness is a social value that creates a harmonious society in the midst of the globalization era. This is something interesting to implement in the form of music compositions. The aim of this research is to create a music that implement social values in the Meugang tradition through the use of a Digital Audio Workstation. The method used is an artistic research method which consists of 1) the formulation of ideas; 2) determine the work; 3) express ideas; 4) and performances. The result of this research is music entitled "Sinergi Paramassa". This music consists of two parts that represent Meugang activities and values asah, asih, and asuh. It is hoped that this research can be an answer to the challenges of music development in the digital era in terms of the novelty of the music content sourced from local Indonesian wisdom

    Minangkabau Traditional Music Practice Learning Strategies; Student Competency Achievement In The Impact Of Pandemic

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    Education is one sector that plays an important role in building the nation and forming a complete human being. The impact of the pandemic condition makes the learning process at all levels of school to college feel very less enthusiastic. This is because the teaching and learning process which was initially carried out directly / face to face shifted to the learning and teaching process which was carried out through platforms that were integrated into internet-based networks (e-learning). The purpose of this study was to find and design a learning strategy for the Minangkabau Traditional Music Practice Course, FBS UNP Sendratasik Department. From the situation and conditions seen through the GAP analysis, several techniques/procedures must be passed so that the learning objectives can be achieved. The research method was carried out through several stages, including; 1) observation, 2) design of learning devices, 3) implementation of learning, and 4) tests, evaluations and revisions. This research is proven through stages; 1) learn the basic principles of the technology under study, 2) use the formulation of technology concepts; and 3) proof-of-concept of important functions and/or characteristics analytically and experimentally regarding learning strategies for Minangkabau Traditional Music Practice to achieve student competence

    Utilizing Craft Techniques in Zero Waste Fashion Design Clothing

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    The role of research in design is to develop the potential that drives the creation of novel value in design. In the research process for design, the majority of designer-students have difficulties in determining the starting point or initial idea of a design, so they have the potential not to have a train of thought regarding what needs to be done in realizing the design and do not know the next process. One aspect that can enrich design ideas and novelty in fashion products is the application of craft techniques. With the application of craft techniques, the data and facts obtained become increasingly massive. So that the series of ideas-research-design requires a clear mapping of the flow of thinking in the creative process. Today's student-designers cannot be limited to just one research method, knowing that conceptual ideas can start from anywhere, such as design concept ideas that start from craft techniques in a linear mapping flow. This can be a reference regarding the linear flow of ideas-research-design that is carried out in zero waste fashion design to find out its potential, especially in the application of craft techniques. This research was conducted qualitatively by reviewing literature data and looking at examples of case studies from the student-designer work process using the linear method. Observations are made periodically for students who have designed the application of craft techniques to zero waste fashion design, to become research subjects and find out their creative process. The result of this study is an analysis of fashion product design methods with the application of craft techniques that have been carried out in a linear way of thinking as a reference for designers in producing innovative works

    Development of Teaching Materials for Dance Music Courses Based on Project Based Learning Containing QR Codes

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    This research aims to develop Project Based Learning-Based Teaching Materials containing QR Codes for the Dance Music course that are valid and effective in improving the learning outcomes of Dance and Performing Arts Study Program students. The research method used is development research with a 4D (Four-D) development model which consists of four stages, namely: 1) Define, 2) Design, 3) Development and 4) Disseminate. The data collection techniques that will be used are expert validation sheets, response questionnaires and student learning outcomes instruments. The results of this research are as follows (1) Producing Project Based Learning-Based Teaching Materials containing QR Codes in the Dance Music course which are suitable for use with an average percentage of expert validation results of 89.28% in the "very good" category while the percentage is average -The average in individual tests, small groups and limited field tests was 95.20% in the "very good" category. (2) The effectiveness of using teaching materials that have been developed in learning shows that there is a prominent difference between learning outcomes before using and after using teaching material products. This is based on data processing using the SPSS 20 application, obtained t count > t table or 42.32 > 2.05 with df =25, the learning outcomes after using teaching materials are 77.42% higher than the learning outcomes before using teaching materials which are 64.46%. So, it is concluded that the teaching materials developed are effective in improving student learning outcomes

    The Innovative Marketing Strategy to Introduce Traditional Woven Fabrics of Kubang as a Minangkabau Cultural Heritage

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    Kubang Payakumbuh Weaving is a cottage industry that produces traditional woven fabric using the unique weaving techniques of the Minangkabau culture. The efforts of the Kubang Payakumbuh Weaving UMKM to maintain and modernize the weaving production are aimed at remaining relevant in an increasingly advanced era. They have adopted contemporary technology and designs to enhance the attractiveness of Minangkabau woven products, thus reaching a wider market. The marketing strategy employed by the Kubang Payakumbuh Weaving UMKM to promote their products involves the use of social media and e-commerce platforms to increase the visibility and accessibility of Minangkabau woven products globally.This research reveals the positive impact of innovation and marketing strategies by the Kubang Payakumbuh Weaving UMKM in introducing the cultural heritage of Minangkabau to both local and international communities. Not only do they preserve the weaving tradition, but they also create new economic opportunities for the local community. The research methodology includes observations and interviews with the owners of Kubang Payakumbuh Weaving UMKM as well as their customers. The collected data is qualitatively analyzed to understand the implementation of innovation and its impact on the introduction of Minangkabau cultural heritage. In conclusion, the innovation of the Kubang Payakumbuh Weaving UMKM in introducing the cultural heritage of Minangkabau has brought about positive changes to the traditional weaving industry. Through the use of technology and smart marketing strategies, they have been able to expand their market and introduce the richness of Minangkabau culture to the world

    Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory and Its Implementation in Markeso Mudo's Garingan Ludrukan Monologue

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    This paper aims to create works of art with Bandura's social cognitive theory approach consisting of a) Attention (attention), b) Retention, c) Motion Reproduction and d) Motivation as a foundation in the creative process of art learning in monologue courses in the Drama Concentration, Drama, Dance and Music Education Study Program (Sendratasik) Faculty of Language and Arts, Surabaya State University. This lecture is a type of practice with a total of 4 credits, students are directed to practice directly through various methods, strategies and competency content contained in the course. The focus in the current discussion is to practice the Monologue Ludrukan Garingan Markeso Mudo is a competency achievement that will be obtained by students if the stages can be carried out according to the procedure. The implementation of the Ludrukan Garingan Markeso Mudo Monologue is simulated in public spaces targeting crowded places such as markets, stalls or other public spaces that are in accordance with the needs of the actor's concept. The application of Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory as a tool to produce student process space in obtaining structured steps before implementing in the Monologue Ludrukan Garingan Markeso Mudo. Finally, it can obtain a good implementation formulation in practice in the fiel

    Reception of Students of SMA Negeri 5 Sarolangun for The Silent Piece (1949) Music Composition by John Cage

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    Broadly speaking, we can associate music with sound. The association received a "challenge" from John Cage, an American composer of the Avand-Garde era who in 1949 made the most famous work, namely 4'33' or can be called four thirty three, the purpose of this research/article is to discuss responses, responses, interpretation, and the percentage of student respondents to John Cage's unconventional music. The author uses a qualitative and quantitative mix-method research method in data collection and data analysis. Discussion and analysis of data using the theory of reception and interpretation. Various receptions/responses were presented by the students, some of whom responded "silence, murmuring, and wondering". The interpretation presented by the students is th at the answers given are subjective and not influenced by anyone. The quantitative data that the researcher has analyzed provides an overview of the percentage of students listening to John Cage 4'33' in the form of a percentage graph

    Increasing Male Students' Interest in Learning Dance with the Peer Tutor Method: An Action Research

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    Dance learning in schools is synonymous with learning movements that have a gentle character. This condition is one of the things that causes men's interest in learning dance to be very weak. Moreover, the tendency of students' interest in learning dance today has been influenced by modern culture such as the existence of modern dance that has developed in society, especially among the younger generation today. When teachers provide traditional dance material, the majority of students consider it too old-fashioned to learn at school. The purpose of this study was to increase male students' interest in learning dance in extracurricular activities by using the peer tutor method. This research uses the Classroom Action Research method with a quantitative approach to find a solution to the problem of weak male students' interest in learning dance in extracurricular dance activities. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews and questionnaire instruments through google form. Data analysis was carried out by conducting a Paired Sample T Test to see differences in pretest and posttest results. The findings of this study indicate that the peer tutor learning method is able to increase male students' interest through the Lenyepan dance material provided by the teacher in extracurricular dance activities. From the four stages of learning carried out, the results look very significant, the improvement that continues to occur in each phase makes the results of this study show a positive increase. So it can be concluded that the peer tutor learning method is very suitable for attracting male students' interest in dance learning. Judging from the increase in male students' interest in learning dance


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