10 research outputs found

    Nederland-België: de Belgisch-Nederlandse betrekkingen vanaf 1940

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    Wat leert ons een vogelvlucht over de bijna zeventig jaar Nederlands-Belgische betrekkingen sinds 1945 ? Een eerste conclusie kan niet anders zijn dan dat de bilaterale relaties tussen beide vuurlanden onderhevig zijn geweest aan wisselende krachten van aantrekking en afstoting, toenadering en verwijdering. Een schets met ruwe borsteltrekken levert drie opeenvolgende fasen op: nauwe samenwerking in de twee decennia na het einde de Tweede Wereldoorlog, gevolgd door een periode van verwijdering die duurde tot het einde van de Koude Oorlog, en, meer recentelijk, in een derde fase vanaf het midden van de jaren negentig, schuchtere tekenen die kunnen wijzen op een mogelijke nieuwe toenadering

    Predicting Software Revision Outcomes on Github Using Structural Holes Theory

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    Many software repositories are hosted publicly online via social platforms. Online users contribute to the software projects not only by providing feedback and suggestions, but also by submitting revisions to improve the software quality. This study takes a close look at revisions and examines the impact of social media networks on the revision outcome. A novel approach with a mix of different research methods (e.g., ego-centric social network analysis, structural holes theory and survival analysis) is used to build a comprehensible model to predict the revision outcome. The predictive performance is validated using real life datasets obtained from GitHub, the social coding website, which contains 32,962 pull requests to submit revisions, 20,399 distinctive software project repositories, and a social network of 234,322 users. Good predictive performance has been achieved with an average AUC of 0.84. The results suggest that a repository host's position in the ego network plays an important role in determining the duration before a revision is accepted. Specifically, hosts that are positioned in between densely connected social groups are likely to respond more quickly to accept the revisions. The study demonstrates that online social networks are vital to software development and advances the understanding of collaboration in software development research. The proposed method can be applied to support decision making in software development to forecast revision duration. The result also has several implications for managing project collaboration using social media

    Severe Pediatric COVID-19 and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children from Wild-type to Population Immunity: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study with Real-time Reporting

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    Background: SARS-CoV-2 variant evolution and increasing immunity altered the impact of pediatric SARS-CoV-2 infection. Public health decision-making relies on accurate and timely reporting of clinical data. Methods: This international hospital-based multicenter, prospective cohort study with real-time reporting was active from March 2020 to December 2022. We evaluated longitudinal incident rates and risk factors for disease severity. Results: We included 564 hospitalized children with acute COVID-19 (n = 375) or multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (n = 189) from the Netherlands, Curaçao and Surinam. In COVID-19, 134/375 patients (36%) needed supplemental oxygen therapy and 35 (9.3%) required intensive care treatment. Age above 12 years and preexisting pulmonary conditions were predictors for severe COVID-19. During omicron, hospitalized children had milder disease. During population immunity, the incidence rate of pediatric COVID-19 infection declined for older children but was stable for children below 1 year. The incidence rate of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children was highest during the delta wave and has decreased rapidly since omicron emerged. Real-time reporting of our data impacted national pediatric SARS-CoV-2 vaccination- and booster-policies. Conclusions: Our data supports the notion that similar to adults, prior immunity protects against severe sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infections in children. Real-time reporting of accurate and high-quality data is feasible and impacts clinical and public health decision-making. The reporting framework of our consortium is readily accessible for future SARS-CoV-2 waves and other emerging infections

    Increase in Invasive Group a Streptococcal Infections in Children in the Netherlands, a Survey Among 7 Hospitals in 2022

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    Following an increase in notifiable invasive group A streptococcal (iGAS) infections in the Netherlands, we conducted a survey among 7 hospitals. Pediatric iGAS case numbers were 2-fold higher between July 2021 and June 2022 versus pre-COVID-19. A sharp increase occurred early 2022, most pronounced in <5 years old and for diagnoses empyema and necrotizing fasciitis. This recent pediatric iGAS surge warrants investigation and vigilance

    Increase in Invasive Group a Streptococcal Infections in Children in the Netherlands, A Survey Among 7 Hospitals in 2022

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    Following an increase in notifiable invasive group A streptococcal (iGAS) infections in the Netherlands, we conducted a survey among 7 hospitals. Pediatric iGAS case numbers were 2-fold higher between July 2021 and June 2022 versus pre-COVID-19. A sharp increase occurred early 2022, most pronounced in <5 years old and for diagnoses empyema and necrotizing fasciitis. This recent pediatric iGAS surge warrants investigation and vigilance

    Why non-native grasses pose a critical emerging threat to biodiversity conservation, habitat connectivity and agricultural production in multifunctional rural landscapes

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