65 research outputs found

    O tecnológico e o tupiniquim : uma leitura do conto de ficção científica Ma-Hôre de Rachel de Queiroz

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literaturas, 2017.Este trabalho consiste em uma leitura do conto de ficção científica Ma-Hôre, de Rachel de Queiroz, a partir das visões críticas de M. Elizabeth Ginway e Ramiro Giroldo. O trabalho apresenta títulos de obras de ficção científica brasileira que reforçam a ideia de que o gênero encontrou em terras nacionais um prolífero campo para se desenvolver. Busca também questionar as relações de poder existentes entre os personagens a partir de interpretações dos ícones mais presentes nas narrativas de ficção científica. Dentre os ícones estabelecidos por Wolfe como recorrentes no gênero, foram utilizadas as figuras do robô e do alienígena através de uma leitura crítica das relações representativas que cada ícone transmite no contexto narrativo. Os ícones são utilizados, no conto de Rachel de Queiroz, como artifício para questionar a posição do colonizado e sua reação diante da cultura imposta, além de trabalhar com a ideia de apropriação dos instrumentos do colonizador para benefício próprio e rompimento do status quo.This work is a reading on the science fiction tale Ma-Hôre, by Rachel de Queiroz, from the critical perspectives of M. Elizabeth Ginway and Ramiro Giroldo. This essay presents titles of Brazilian science fiction books, reinforcing the idea that the genre has found in national lands a prolific field on which it can be developed. It also seeks to question the existing power relations between the characters by analizing the most present icons in science fiction narratives. Among the icons defined by Wolfe as recurrent in the genre, the 'robot' and 'alien' archetypes were interpreted through a critical reading of their representative relations in the narrative context. In Rachel de Queiroz's tale, these archetypes are used as a means to question the colonized's position and their reaction to the imposed culture, as well as to present the idea of appropriation of the colonizer's instruments for the colonized's benefit and disruption of the status quo


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    Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o vídeo do artista Psy da música Gangman Style trabalhado na disciplina de Arte. O recurso usado para análise do vídeo foi o celular e a didática baseia-se na análise das observações levantadas pertinentes as cenas apresentadas no vídeo, a letra da música, assim como a desconstrução do vídeo através de uma (re)significação do uso dos aparelhos celulares dos alunos. Para tal, vamos nos basear em diversos autores para estruturar nossa pesquisa em três momentos, antes, durante e depois. A fim de aproveitar cada momento na tentativa de atingirmos o máximo do projeto que é agregar conhecimento e explorar novas possibilidade de acordo com a realidade dos alunos com o uso de recursos tecnológicos, fazendo com que consequentemente possamos despertar nos alunos à atenção para o uso consciente desse recurso. Nosso estudo além de dialogar com o conceito de arte procura despertar nos alunos o uso autônomo e consciente do celular, para se chegar a isso partimos do debate em sala de aula mediado pelo professor. O debate procurou orientar os alunos e levantar questionamentos para possibilitar que cada um reflita e não imponha uma resposta ideal e que se aplicasse a todos envolvidos, o estudo procura dialogar dentro da diversidade da sala de aula e que cada aluno possa falar e ser ouvido, possibilitando a cada um compreender a importância e o potencial dos recursos tecnológicos. This article presents a reflection on the video of Psy artist of the song Gangman Style worked on the discipline of Art. The resource used for analysis of the video was the cell phone and the didactics is based on the analysis of the observations raised pertinent to the scenes presented in the video, the lyrics of the music, as well as the deconstruction of the video through a (re) signification of the use of the Students' cellular devices. To do so, we will rely on several authors to structure our research in three moments, before, during and after. In order to take advantage of each moment in the attempt to reach the maximum of the project that is to add knowledge and explore new possibility according to the reality of the students with the use of technological resources, so that, consequently, we can awaken in students the attention to the Conscious use of this resource. Our study, in addition to dialoguing with the concept of Art, seeks to awaken the students' autonomous and conscious use of the cell phone, in order to arrive at this we start from the debate in the classroom mediated by the teacher. The debate sought to guide students and raise questions to enable each one to reflect and not impose an ideal response and that applied to all involved. The study seeks to dialogue within the diversity of the classroom and that each student can speak and be heard, enabling each one to understand the importance and potential of technological resources

    Quando o Dízimo é Crime Maior que o Genocídio: os scripts religiosos escritos e descritos pela mídia brasileira

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    Este dossiê traz resultados e conclusões parciais da pesquisa em iniciação científica da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP) “Religião e Mídia: os vieses da cobertura jornalística brasileira”, iniciada no segundo semestre de 2007 e orientada pela Profª. Drª. Marilia Pacheco Fiorillo. O objetivo do trabalho é realizar um levantamento minucioso da cobertura de temas religiosos em quatro veículos da imprensa nacional: os jornais O Globo, O Estado de São Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo e a revista Veja. O referencial teórico deste artigo está calcado em Max Weber, especialmente os trabalhos em sociologia da religião; Teun van Dijk, com a ferramenta da análise do discurso nas notícias e mídia em geral; e George Kennedy, com pesquisas em retórica religios

    Transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation versus parasacral stimulation in the treatment of overactive bladder in elderly people: a triple-blinded randomized controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (TTNS) and transcutaneous parasacral stimulation on the treatment of overactive bladder (OAB) in elderly people and to compare the final results between groups. METHODS: Fifty female volunteers, mean age 68.62 (±5.9) years, were randomly allocated into two groups: those receiving TTNS (G1, N=25) and those receiving transcutaneous parasacral stimulation (G2, N=25). The primary outcome was the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (ICIQ-OAB) score, and secondary outcomes were the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire – short form (ICIQ-SF) score and 3-day bladder diary measurements. Volunteers were assessed before and after the treatment. Clinical Trials (ReBeC): RBR-9Q7J7Y. RESULTS: Both groups’ symptoms improved as measured by the ICIQ-OAB (G1 = o0.001; G2 = o0.001) and ICIQSF (G1 = o0.001; G2 = o0.001). In the 3-day bladder diary assessments after treatment, G1 showed a reduced number of nocturia (po0.001), urgency (po0.001) and urge urinary incontinence episodes (po0.001), whereas G2 showed only a reduced number of nocturia episodes (po0.001). No difference between groups was found. CONCLUSION: Both of the proposed treatments were effective in the improvement of OAB symptoms, but TTNS showed a reduction in a greater number of symptoms as measured by the 3-day bladder diary. No differences were found between groups


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    Introdução: O programa melhor em casa aprovado pelo Ministério da Saúde em agosto de 2013 tem o objetivo de realizar intervençõesque irão beneficiar especialmente pacientes que necessitam de cuidados especiais dentro de seus próprios lares. Nestecontexto, a fisioterapia é parte integrante da equipe de atenção domiciliar na reabilitação e prevenção de incapacidades. Objetivo:Caracterizar o perfil e a atuação dos Fisioterapeutas do Programa Melhor em Casa da cidade de Sobral (CE). Métodos: Caracterizou-se como pesquisa qualitativa, onde, foram entrevistados todos os fisioterapeutas atuantes no Programa Melhor emCasa no ano de 2017, em Sobral (CE), a fim de caracterizar a atuação e o perfil deste profissional no serviço. A coleta de dadosocorreu na sede do Programa Melhor em Casa por meio de entrevistas gravadas. A análise dos dados qualitativos ocorreu pormeio da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram uma avaliação positiva deste programa de saúde pela visãodos fisioterapeutas envolvidos, embora existam algumas dificuldades como: insegurança pública, falta de infraestrutura. Alémde ter sido destacada a necessidade do fisioterapeuta na reabilitação destas pessoas com necessidades especiais.Palavras-Chave: Fisioterapia. Assistência Domiciliar. Assistência à Saúde

    Incisional Hernia in a Dog

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    Background: The rupture of the suture in the abdominal wall, but with integrity of the cutaneous suture, results in a condition known as incisional hernia. It is characterized by the protrusion of the abdominal viscera through orifices or areas of the abdominal wall. In most of the cases these defects in the abdominal wall are iatrogenic. The incisional hernia occurs in an intact wall that is weakened by surgical incisions. The available literature on the incidence of incisional hernias in animals is scarce. With the aim to contribute to the information about incisional hernia in animals, it was decided to describe the case of incisional hernia in a female dog after performing ovariohysterectomy (OH).Case: An adult mongrel shelter bitch, of unknown age, weighing 9.5 kg was admitted for OH in a practical class of the veterinary surgical technical discipline. Once the anesthetic condition was established, a retro-umbilical cutaneous incision was made. After opening the abdominal cavity, the bitch was castrated routinely. The abdominal wall was sutured including peritoneum, muscle fascia, and rectus abdominis muscle with nylon thread and U-stitches. The subcutaneous tissue was then sutured with the same thread using Cushing suture. Ten days after the surgery, when the stitches were removed, the bitch revealed an increase in volume at the region of the surgical scar. Incisional hernia was diagnosed after careful palpation. For correction of the hernia, the bitch was submitted to surgical procedure. After the skin opening, an intense inflammatory reaction was observed in the subcutaneous tissue. The inflamed skin and subcutaneous tissue were removed. The abdominal cavity was closed with nylon thread by means of U-stitches. The subcutaneous and skin sutures were the same as the first surgery. Ten days after the second surgery, stitches were removed, and the bitch had fully recovered. Discussion: One of the factors that may have contributed to the occurrence of the hernia was carrying out the surgical procedure in a practical class. The difficulties shown by students are related to the long learning curve, the complexity of the invasive technique, and the lack of ability. The apprentice surgeon can cause injuries in the tissues due to excessive manipulation. Post-incision hernias are acquired and formed when a cavity wall closed by surgery is ruptured. Another factor that may have contributed to the occurrence of the hernia described here is unsatisfactory postoperative care, which may be considered as one of the factors for acute cases of incisional hernias. Information on postoperative care after the patient was returned to the shelter is not available. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the patient, in contact with other animals by means of games or even fights, could have ruptured the points, thus causing dehiscence of the suture in the abdominal wall. However, it was concluded that the most probable factors involved in the etiology of the hernia in question were nutritional deficiencies along with the inexperience of the surgeon. The treatment adopted in the patient (herniorrhaphy) was adequate for the correction of the hernia. The technique and the material to be used in the procedure are of great importance, since it must be resistant enough to avoid recurrences. In the patient in question, nylon thread was used in separate U-shaped stitches. In the literature, there are reports that unabsorbable yarns used at separate points present the lowest rate of dehiscence and relapse in the abdominal wall sutures. The incisional hernia can be prevented by preparing the patient for surgery, improving the nutritional requirements, and by a more intense training of the students performing the surgical procedure in the neutering program of dogs and cats during practical classes


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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise da concepção que os docentes do ensino superior possuem sobre avaliação de aprendizagem e os instrumentos avaliativos utilizados no processo de avaliação em duas instituições do ensino superior, sendo uma particular e uma privada sob o enfoque docente. A metodologia aplicada foi uma pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo com uso de questionário fechado, o questionário aplicado foi disponibilizado de forma online, via Google forms, e enviado por email para o público participante da pesquisa o que possibilitou verificar qual concepção fundamenta a pratica avaliativa dos professores e quais instrumentos avaliativos mais utilizados pelos docentes. Os resultados demonstram que examinar para avaliar é a concepção que permeia suas ações avaliativas e a prova é o instrumento mais utilizado nesse processo. Conclui-se então, que existe um caminho a ser percorrido até que o processo avaliativo deixe de ser uma prática de exames e passe a ser um processo qualitativo o que leva a entender a avaliação como um processo contínuo.This article presents an analysis of the conception that higher education teachers have about learning evaluation and the evaluation tools used in the evaluation process in two higher education institutions, one private and one private under the teaching focus, with the general objective of comparing and to analyze the conception that the teachers have on evaluation of learning in public and private institutions of Higher Education and as specific objectives to observe the evaluation instruments used in the evaluation process of the student and to point out other possibilities that provide a more adequate evaluation for the students. The applied methodology was a bibliographical and field research with the use of a closed questionnaire, the questionnaire applied was made available online through Google forms in a period of two months and sent by email to the public that participated in the research, which enabled to verify which conception evaluation practice of teachers and which evaluation instruments are most used by teachers. The results demonstrate that to examine to evaluate is the conception that permeates its evaluation actions and the proof is the instrument most used in this process. It is concluded that there is a way to go until the evaluation process is no longer an exam practice and becomes a qualitative process, which leads to understand evaluation as an ongoing process


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    Objective: To identify the repercussions of mining practices on Indigenous Territories on health.Method: A qualitative documentary study was conducted, based on online news articles from Brazilian and international newspapers published between March 2020 and December 2022. Data collection took place between December and January 2023. A content analysis was performed.Results: A total of 28 news articles from online newspapers were identified, revealing two core themes: Mining and Threats to Indigenous Peoples; and Exposure of Indigenous Peoples' Health.Conclusion: The expansion of illegal mining is evident, posing a threat to the isolation of indigenous peoples and weakening the control of health-related issues by epidemiological services. This research contributes to raising awareness about mining activities and indigenous health, enabling nurses to better understand emerging health issues and adapt their care practices

    Sugar apple seedling production as a function of substrates and slow-release fertilizer

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    There is still a lack of studies on the effect of slow-release fertilizers and substrates on the production of high-quality sugar apple seedlings. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the quality and biomass of sugar apple seedlings grown in organic substrates at doses of slow-release fertilizer. The experimental design was randomized blocks in split-plot scheme, with four replicates and eleven plants per plot. Substrates were evaluated in the plots (fresh sugarcane bagasse; enriched sugarcane bagasse; coconut powder; commercial organic substrate Tropstrato®), whereas the doses of the slow-release fertilizer Osmocote® were evaluated in the subplots (0; 3; 6; 9; 12 and 15 kg m-3 of substrate). Substrates and slow-release fertilizer doses had effect on the formation of sugar apple seedlings. The effect of slow-release fertilizer is influenced by the substrate used in the formation of sugar apple seedlings. The substrate coconut powder showed the best performance for E%, NL and LAI in sugar apple plants, which reinforces its recommendation to be used in seedling production. For the studied conditions, based on the DQI, we recommend coconut powder associated with the slow-release fertilizer dose of 9 kg m-3 to produce sugar apple seedlings.There is still a lack of studies on the effect of slow-release fertilizers and substrates on the production of high-quality sugar apple seedlings. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the quality and biomass of sugar apple seedlings grown in organic substrates at doses of slow-release fertilizer. The experimental design was randomized blocks in split-plot scheme, with four replicates and eleven plants per plot. Substrates were evaluated in the plots (fresh sugarcane bagasse; enriched sugarcane bagasse; coconut powder; commercial organic substrate Tropstrato®), whereas the doses of the slow-release fertilizer Osmocote® were evaluated in the subplots (0; 3; 6; 9; 12 and 15 kg m-3 of substrate). Substrates and slow-release fertilizer doses had effect on the formation of sugar apple seedlings. The effect of slow-release fertilizer is influenced by the substrate used in the formation of sugar apple seedlings. The substrate coconut powder showed the best performance for E%, NL and LAI in sugar apple plants, which reinforces its recommendation to be used in seedling production. For the studied conditions, based on the DQI, we recommend coconut powder associated with the slow-release fertilizer dose of 9 kg m-3 to produce sugar apple seedlings

    A atuação da fisioterapia no nível de atenção primária durante a pandemia do Covid-19 em uma unidade de saúde no interior do Ceará: relato de experiência/ Physiotherapy's practice at the level of primary care during the Covid-19 pandemic in a health unit inside Ceará: experience report

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    Introdução: O novo vírus do COVID-19 tornou-se uma pandemia e uma grande emergência de saúde pública por sua rápida disseminação e seu comportamento instável, tendo o sistema respiratório como um dos mais afetados pela doença, podendo também desenvolver manifestações sistêmicas, incluindo distúrbios neurológicos, cardiovasculares, gastrointestinais e musculoesqueléticos.  Como vírus é potencialmente grave e de alta transmissibilidade, o isolamento social passou a fazer parte da realidade da população e os serviços de saúde precisaram reformular seu formato de assistência. Objetivo: Descrever a atuação da fisioterapia no nível de atenção primária durante a pandemia do COVID-19 em uma unidade de saúde no interior do Ceará, por meio de um relato de experiência. Métodos: Trata-se de um relato de experiência de caráter descritivo realizado no período de abril a dezembro de 2020, na Unidade de Atenção Primária de Saúde Dr. Joaquim Braga em Caucaia-Ceará. Utilizou-se como recursos: disseminação de informação, assistência em saúde empregando meios digitais, remotos e físicos inseridos nessa nova realidade e atenção ao cuidado dos profissionais do equipamento. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que as atividades desenvolvidas no equipamento primário de saúde, possibilitaram levar informação e assistência aos usuários, respeitando o isolamento social e proporcionando momentos mais leves no trabalho de profissionais da saúde na linha de frente do combate ao COVID-19