147 research outputs found

    Hoops and Barns: a new dilemma for Sosa

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    This paper critically assesses Sosa’s normative framework for performances as well as its application to epistemology. We first develop a problem for one of Sosa’s central theses in the general theory of performance normativity according to which performances attain fully desirable status if and only if they are fully apt. More specifically, we argue that given Sosa’s account of full aptness according to which a performance is fully apt only if safe from failure, this thesis can’t be true. We then embark on a rescue mission on behalf of Sosa and work towards a weakened account of full aptness. The key idea is to countenance a distinction between negligible and non-negligible types of risk and to develop an account of full aptness according to which even performances that are endangered by risk can be fully apt, so long as the risk is of a negligible type. While this alternative account of full aptness solves the problem we developed for Sosa earlier on, there is also bad news for Sosa. When applied to epistemology, the envisaged treatment of barn façade cases as cases in which the agent falls short of fully apt belief will no longer work. We show that, as a result, Sosa faces a new version of a familiar dilemma for virtue epistemology. Either he construes full aptness as strong enough to get barn façade cases right in which case his view will run right into the problem we develop. Or else he construes full aptness as weak enough to avoid this problem but then he will not be able to deal with barn façade cases in the way envisaged

    Les cténophores : de leur position dans l'arbre des métazoaires (approche phylogénomique) à leur diversité taxonomique (phylogénie moléculaire et anatomie comparée)

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    Ctenophores are one of the four animal phyla positioned outside from the Bilateria. Most ctenophore species are planktonic and gelatinous, and are easily recognisable by their eight comb rows used for swimming. Ctenophore systematics remains nowadays poorly understood. Anatomical characters do not help much in placing them within the animal tree, and similarly the grounds for establishment of their internal phylogeny as well as delimitation of species are notoriously weak due to a paucity of informative morpho-anatomical characters. Until now, the use of molecular data has failed to improve significantly this situation. The aim of this PhD thesis was to bring a contribution to our understanding of ctenophore evolution at different taxonomic scales. At the metazoan level, the position of ctenophores was addressed using a phylogenomic approach. Taxonomic sampling was significantly improved through sequencing and assembly of transcriptomes of 22 non-bilaterian species (belonging to ctenophores, cnidarians and sponges). Two independent datasets were analysed, one consisting in an update of an existing supermatrix of 128 genes, the other one (4235 genes) having been entirely built de novo, thanks to a newly-devised semi-automated protocol intended to eliminate all major potential causes of artefacts (contaminations, paralogies, missing data). Results clearly contradict recent phylogenomic studies which claimed Ctenophora to be the most early-diverging animal lineage, our analyses instead supporting Porifera as the sister-group to other metazoans. The exact position of ctenophores remains however uncertain at this stage, different conditions of analyses yielding three contradictory hypotheses as open possibilities. At the intra-phyletic level, analyses of a ADNr 18S and ITS (internal transcribed spacers) dataset, together with study of duplicated genes and the results of phylogenomic analyses, allowed resolving most phylogenetic relationships between ctenophore orders and families, including the placement of the ctenophore tree root. Finally, at smaller taxonomic scale, in-depth comparison between two species of the genus Pleurobrachia using immunohistochemistry demonstrates the potential of these techniques for uncovering new structural “micro-anatomical” characters useful for diagnosis and identification of ctenophore species. It is our hope that this work will contribute to improving the systematics of a poorly known phylum of great importance for understanding early animal evolution.Les cténophores représentent l’un des quatre embranchements animaux extérieurs aux Bilateria. La majoritédes espèces sont planctoniques et gélatineuses, et sont reconnaissables à leurs huit rangées de peignes dont lebattement permet la nage. Leur systématique est encore de nos jours mal comprise. L'anatomie descténophores offre peu de caractères aussi bien pour placer la lignée dans l’arbre des métazoaires, que pourétablir les relations de parenté au sein de l’embranchement et délimiter les espèces, et jusqu’à présent lesdonnées moléculaires n’ont pas permis de résoudre ces problèmes de manière satisfaisante. L’objectif de cetravail de thèse est de contribuer à améliorer notre compréhension de l'évolution des cténophores àdifférentes échelles taxonomiques. A l’échelle des métazoaires, la position phylogénétique des cténophores aété abordée par une approche phylogénomique. Un effort significatif a été réalisé pour améliorerl’échantillonnage taxonomique à travers le séquençage et l’assemblage des transcriptomes de 22 espèces denon-Bilateria (cténophores, cnidaires, spongiaires). Deux jeux de données indépendants ont été analysés, lepremier représentant une mise à jour d’une supermatrice existante de 128 gènes ; le second (4235 gènes)ayant été entièrement construit de novo via un protocole original comportant la mise au point de nouvellesméthodes pour traiter de manière semi-automatisée les principales sources potentielles d’artéfact(contaminations, paralogies, données manquantes). Les résultats contredisent certaines études récentes enmontrant que les spongiaires et non les cténophores représentent le groupe-frère des autres métazoaires. Laposition exacte de ces derniers reste à ce stade incertaine (trois options se présentant suivant les analyses). Al’échelle intra-phylétique, l'analyse d'un jeu de données comprenant les marqueurs ADNr 18S et InternalTranscribed Spacers (ITS), associée à des analyses de gènes dupliqués chez les cténophores et aux analysesphylogénomiques précédentes, a permis de résoudre une grande partie des relations phylogénétiques entre lesordres et les familles de cténophores, tout en permettant de préciser la position de la racine. Enfin, à uneéchelle taxonomique plus fine, une comparaison approfondie entre deux espèces du genre Pleurobrachia aumoyen de marquages immunohistochimiques montre le potentiel de ces techniques comme source denouveaux caractères structuraux « micro-anatomiques » à valeur diagnostique pour la délimitation etl’identification des espèces de cténophores. En conclusion, ce travail se veut une contribution au progrès dela systématique d’un embranchement encore méconnu et d’une grande importance pour la compréhensiondes évènements anciens de l’évolution animale

    A note on the correlations between NIST cryptographic statistical tests suite

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    This paper is focused on an open question regarding the correlation and the power of the NIST statistical test suite. If we found some correlation between these statistical tests, then we can improve the testing strategy by executing only one of the tests that are correlated. Using the Galton-Pearson “product-moment correlation coefficient”, by simulation, we found a high correlation between five couples of this statistical tests: (frequency, cumulative sums forward), (frequency, cumulative sums reverse), (cumulative sums forward, cumulative sums reverse), (random excursions, random excursions variant), and (serial 1, serial 2)

    Upward and Downward Counterfactual Thought After Loss:A Multiwave Controlled Longitudinal Study

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    Counterfactual thoughts, mental simulations about how a situation may have turned out differently (i.e., “if only …, then …”), can reduce mental health after stressful life-events. However, how specific counterfactual thought types relate to post-loss mental health problems is unclear. We hypothesized that self-referenced upward counterfactuals (i.e., “If only I had done …, then the current situation would be better”) may serve as cognitive avoidance, thereby perpetuating loss-related distress. Conversely, downward counterfactuals (i.e., “If … had happened, then the current situation could have been [even] worse”) may facilitate benefit finding, thereby reducing distress. In a longitudinal survey, self-referent, other-referent, and nonreferent upward counterfactuals, and nonreferent downward counterfactuals were assessed at baseline. Prolonged grief and depression symptoms were assessed at baseline, and 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Multiple regression analyses assessed associations between counterfactual thoughts and symptom levels in 65 recently bereaved people who generated counterfactual thoughts about the loss-event. Moderator analyses assessed the unicity of significant effects in the previous step, by comparing these effects in 59 people generating loss-related counterfactuals with those in 59 propensity-score matched participants generating counterfactuals about other negative life-events. Multivariate analyses showed that nonreferent upward counterfactuals were uniquely strongly positively associated with prolonged grief and depression symptoms concurrently. Self-referent upward counterfactuals were uniquely positively associated with prolonged grief and depression symptoms longitudinally. Moderator analyses confirmed that thinking about how one's (in)actions could prevent a death uniquely exacerbated prolonged grief and depression severity. Prolonged grief treatment may be improved by targeting self-blame and guilt

    Development and economic assessment of different WWTP control strategies for optimal simultaneous removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus

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    This paper presents the comparison of four control strategies for the A²/O WWTP configuration for simultaneous C, N and P removal. The control strategies: (i) external COD-P control; (ii) external recycle flow-P control; (iii) nitrate control in the last anoxic reactor; (iv) ammonia control in the last aerobic reactor, were combined with other common control loops to build different control structures and were simulated in Matlab/Simulink under different influent conditions. A systematic approach was conducted with all the strategies to assess their potential effectiveness, according to the following steps: theoretical design, setpoint optimization and, finally, a detailed comparison of the control results against a reference operation and an optimized reference scenario. The optimization of the reference operation presented a 7% reduction of the total operational cost. The simulation results showed that some control strategies further reduced 3-7.5% the WWTP operational costs while the effluent quality is greatly improved

    Composición de malezas y efecto de herbicidas en el cultivo de zanahoria (Daucus carota L.) var. Royal Chantenay en Huánuco.

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    Weeds are an important factor in carrot production, which can considerably reduce crop yield. The objective was to evaluate the effect of herbicides on weed control in carrot. The study was set up under the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications and nine treatments, these were: control (T1), manual (T2), 2.5 ‰ Linuron (T3), 5 ‰ Linuron (T4), 1 ‰ Metribuzin (T5), 1.5 ‰ Metribuzin (T6), 1 ‰ Oxifluorfen (T7), 1.5 ‰ Oxifluorfen (T8) and 2.5 ‰ Oxifluorfen (T9). The results indicate that The most predominant monocotyledonous weed was S. verticillata with 16 % of the total density and the dicotyledonous weed N. physaloides with 28%. Treatment T4 (Linuron 5.0 ‰) expressed effect on the density of D. sanguinalis with 5.0 weeds/m2. The weeds A. hybridus, P. oleracea, G. parviflora, C. album and I. purpura reported lower density with Linuron herbicide. The treatments Linuron at 5 ‰ and manual stood out statistically in total weed density. Keywords: herbicides, weeds, density, weight, rootLas malezas constituyen un factor importante en la producción de zanahoria, el cual puede mermar el rendimiento del cultivo considerablemente. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de los herbicidas en el control de malezas de zanahoria. El estudio se instaló bajo el Diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar (DBCA) con cuatro repeticiones y nueve tratamientos, estos fueron: testigo (T1), manual (T2), 2,5 ‰ Linuron (T3), 5 ‰ Linuron (T4), 1 ‰ Metribuzin (T5), 1,5 ‰ Metribuzin (T6), 1 ‰ Oxifluorfen (T7), 1,5 ‰ Oxifluorfen (T8) y 2,5 ‰ Oxifluorfen (T9). Los resultados indican que La maleza monocotiledónea más predominante fue S. verticillata con 16 % de la densidad total y la maleza dicotiledónea N. physaloides con 28%. El tratamiento T4 (Linuron 5.0 ‰) expresa efecto sobre la densidad de D. sanguinalis con 5,0 malezas/m2. Las malezas A. hybridus, P. oleracea, G. parviflora, C. album y I. purpura reportan menor densidad con el herbicida Linuron. Los tratamientos Linuron al 5 ‰ y el manual destacaron estadísticamente en la densidad total de malezas. Palabras clave: herbicidas, malezas, densidad, peso, raí

    Enmiendas orgánicas y su efecto en los componentes de rendimiento de maíz morado (Zea mays L.) en Huánuco, Perú

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    Purple corn is a gramineae of great economic, industrial, medical and culinary relevance; however, at the agricultural level, it obtains unjustifiable yields for the family economy of farmers, due to the high cost and inadequate use of fertilizers. The objective was to evaluate the effect of organic amendments on the yield components of purple corn. Four treatments were used: control (T1), 20 t.ha-1 of Multiguano (T2), 4 t.ha-1 of Guano de las islas (T3) and 5 t.ha-1 of Orgaguano premium (T4). The dose of amendments was determined by soil nutrient balance, amendment richness and nutrient extraction rate (0.025 N; 0.007 P and 0.027 K / kg of cob). The calculated amount was applied before planting in a continuous stream at the bottom of the furrow. The trial determined that Orgaguano premium (T4) had a significant effect on plant height, ear insertion, length, diameter, number and weight of ears, so it is recommended to use it in the cultivation of purple corn to obtain 10 610.35 kg.ha-1 of ears; it is also suggested to use the extraction rate 0.025 kg N; 0.007 kg P and 0.027 kg K for future fertilization plans in purple corn. Key words: yield; organic amendments; purple corn; ears.El maíz morado gramínea de mucha relevancia económica industrial, médica y culinaria, sin embargo a nivel agrícola obtiene rendimientos injustificables para la economía familiar de los agricultores, debido al costo elevado e inadecuado uso de los fertilizantes. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de las enmiendas orgánicas en los componentes de rendimiento de maíz morado, para ello se dispusieron cuatro tratamientos: testigo (T1), 20 t.ha-1 de Multiguano (T2), 4 t.ha-1 de Guano de las islas (T3) y 5 t.ha-1 de Orgaguano premium (T4). La dosis de enmiendas se determinó mediante el balance de nutrientes del suelo, riqueza de la enmiendas y el índice de extracción de nutrientes (0,025 N; 0,007 P y 0,027 K / kg de mazorca). La cantidad calculada se aplicó antes de la siembra a chorro continuo en el fondo del surco. El ensayo determinó que el Orgaguano premium (T4) tuvo efecto significativo en la altura de planta, inserción a la mazorca, longitud, diámetro, número y peso de mazorcas, por lo que se recomienda emplearlo en el cultivo de maíz morado por obtener 10 610,35 kg.ha-1 de mazorcas; asimismo se sugiere utilizar el índice de extracción 0,025 kg N; 0,007 kg P y 0,027 kg K para futuros planes de fertilización en maíz morado.

    Convergent consequences of parthenogenesis on stick insect genomes

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    International audienceThe shift from sexual reproduction to parthenogenesis has occurred repeatedly in animals, but how the loss of sex affects genome evolution remains poorly understood. We generated reference genomes for five independently evolved parthenogenetic species in the stick insect genus Timema and their closest sexual relatives. Using these references and population genomic data, we show that parthenogenesis results in an extreme reduction of heterozygosity and often leads to genetically uniform populations. We also find evidence for less effective positive selection in parthenogenetic species, suggesting that sex is ubiquitous in natural populations because it facilitates fast rates of adaptation. Parthenogenetic species did not show increased transposable element (TE) accumulation, likely because there is little TE activity in the genus. By using replicated sexual-parthenogenetic comparisons, our study reveals how the absence of sex affects genome evolution in natural populations, providing empirical support for the negative consequences of parthenogenesis as predicted by theory

    In Vitro Toxicity of Industrially Relevant Engineered Nanoparticles in Human Alveolar Epithelial Cells: Air-Liquid Interface versus Submerged Cultures

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Engineered Nanomaterials Exposure and Risk Assessment: Occupational Health and SafetyDiverse industries have already incorporated within their production processes engineered nanoparticles (ENP), increasing the potential risk of worker inhalation exposure. In vitro models have been widely used to investigate ENP toxicity. Air-liquid interface (ALI) cell cultures have been emerging as a valuable alternative to submerged cultures as they are more representative of the inhalation exposure to airborne nano-sized particles. We compared the in vitro toxicity of four ENP used as raw materials in the advanced ceramics sector in human alveolar epithelial-like cells cultured under submerged or ALI conditions. Submerged cultures were exposed to ENP liquid suspensions or to aerosolised ENP at ALI. Toxicity was assessed by determining LDH release, WST-1 metabolisation and DNA damage. Overall, cells were more sensitive to ENP cytotoxic effects when cultured and exposed under ALI. No significant cytotoxicity was observed after 24 h exposure to ENP liquid suspensions, although aerosolised ENP clearly affected cell viability and LDH release. In general, all ENP increased primary DNA damage regardless of the exposure mode, where an increase in DNA strand-breaks was only detected under submerged conditions. Our data show that at relevant occupational concentrations, the selected ENP exert mild toxicity to alveolar epithelial cells and exposure at ALI might be the most suitable choice when assessing ENP toxicity in respiratory models under realistic exposure conditions.This research was funded by CERASAFE (www.cerasafe.eu; accessed on 26 October 2021), with the support of ERA-NET SIINN (project id:16) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT; SIINN/0004/2014). This work was also supported by the NanoBioBarriers project (PTDC/MED-TOX/31162/2017), co-financed by the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) through European Regional Development Funds (FEDER/FNR) and FCT; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects PCIN-2015-173-C02-01 and CEX2018-000794- S-Severo Ochoa), and by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation (CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project number 29/2016 within PNCDI III). M.J. Bessa (SFRH/BD/120646/2016) and F. Brandão (SFRH/BD/101060/2014) are recipients of FCT PhD scholarships under the framework of Human Capital Operating Program (POCH) and European Union funding. The Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences, of the ICBAS—University of Porto, offered additional funds. S. Fraga thanks FCT for funding through program DL 57/2016–Norma transitória (Ref. DL-57/INSA-06/2018). Thanks are also due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to EPIUnit (UIDB/04750/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio