10,957 research outputs found

    Inequalities for electron-field correlation functions

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    I show that there exists a class of inequalities between correlation functions of different orders of a chaotic electron field. These inequalities lead to the antibunching effect and are a consequence of the fact that electrons are fermions -- indistinguishable particles with antisymmetric states. The derivation of the inequalities is based on the known form of the correlation functions for the chaotic state and on the properties of matrices and determinants.Comment: 8 pages Latex2e, 2 eps figure

    Points of Low Height on Elliptic Curves and Surfaces, I: Elliptic surfaces over P^1 with small d

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    For each of n=1,2,3 we find the minimal height h^(P) of a nontorsion point P of an elliptic curve E over C(T) of discriminant degree d=12n (equivalently, of arithmetic genus n), and exhibit all (E,P) attaining this minimum. The minimal h^(P) was known to equal 1/30 for n=1 (Oguiso-Shioda) and 11/420 for n=2 (Nishiyama), but the formulas for the general (E,P) were not known, nor was the fact that these are also the minima for an elliptic curve of discriminant degree 12n over a function field of any genus. For n=3 both the minimal height (23/840) and the explicit curves are new. These (E,P) also have the property that that mP is an integral point (a point of naive height zero) for each m=1,2,...,M, where M=6,8,9 for n=1,2,3; this, too, is maximal in each of the three cases.Comment: 15 pages; some lines in the TeX source are commented out with "%" to meet the 15-page limit for ANTS proceeding

    Correlation Functions and Spin

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    The k-electron correlation function of a free chaotic electron beam is derived with the spin degree of freedom taken into account. It is shown that it can be expressed with the help of correlation functions for a polarized electron beam of all orders up to k and the degree of spin polarization. The form of the correlation function suggests that if the electron beam is not highly polarized, observing multi-particle correlations should be difficult. The result can be applied also to chaotic photon beams, the degree of spin polarization being replaced by the degree of polarization.Comment: 6 pages, 1 eps figure, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Iso-singlet Down Quark Mixing And CP Violation Experiments

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    We confront the new physics models with extra iso-singlet down quarks in the new CP violation experimental era with sin(2β)\sin{(2\beta)} and ϵ/ϵ\epsilon'/\epsilon measurements, K+π+ννˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu} events, and xsx_s limits. The closeness of the new experimental results to the standard model theory requires us to include full SM amplitudes in the analysis. In models allowing mixing to a new isosinglet down quark, as in E6_6, flavor changing neutral currents are induced that allow a Z0Z^0 mediated contribution to BBˉB-\bar B mixing and which bring in new phases. In (ρ,η)(\rho,\eta), (xs,sin(γ))(x_s,\sin{(\gamma)}), and (xs,sin(2ϕs))(x_s, \sin{(2\phi_s)}) plots we still find much larger regions in the four down quark model than in the SM, reaching down to η0\eta \approx 0, 0sin(γ)10 \leq \sin{(\gamma)} \leq 1, .75sin(2α)0.15-.75 \leq \sin{(2\alpha)} \leq 0.15, and sin(2ϕs)\sin{(2\phi_s)} down to zero, all at 1σ\sigma. We elucidate the nature of the cancellation in an order λ5\lambda^5 four down quark mixing matrix element which satisfies the experiments and reduces the number of independent angles and phases. We also evaluate tests of unitarity for the 3×33\times3 CKM submatrix.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, REVTeX

    Family support and cardiac rehabilitation: A comparative study of the experiences of South Asian and White-European patients and their carer's living in the United Kingdom

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    Background: Effective lifestyle modification facilitated by cardiac rehabilitation is known to reduce the occurrence of adverse coronary events and mortality. South Asians have poorer outcomes after a myocardial infarction than the general UK population, but little is known about their experiences of family support, cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle change. Aims: To explore the nature of family support available to a sample of South Asian and White-European cardiac patients and to highlight similarities and differences between these groups with regard to cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle modification. Methods: Using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews (in 1 of 6 languages) were conducted by researchers with; 45 South Asian patients and 37 carers and 20 White-European patients and 17 carers. Interviews were conducted in a home setting, up to eighteen months after discharge from hospital following myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery or unstable angina. Results: The main themes that emerged related to the provision of advice and information, family support and burden, dietary change and exercise regimes. Conclusions: Several cultural and ethnic differences were identified between patients and their families alongside similarities, irrespective of ethnicity. These may represent generic characteristics of recovery after a cardiac event. Health professionals should develop a cultural repertoire to engage with diversity and difference. Not every difficulty a person encounters as they try to access appropriate service delivery can be attributed to ethnic background. By improving services generally, support for South Asian populations can be improved. The challenge is to know when ethnicity makes a difference and mediates a person's relationship with service support and when it does not. (C) 2007 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The X-Ray Zurich Environmental Study (X-ZENS). I. Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of active galactic nuclei in galaxies in nearby groups

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    We describe X-ray observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton of 18 galaxy groups (M_group ~ 1-6x10^13 Msolar, z~0.05) from the Zurich Environmental Study (ZENS). We aim to establish the frequency and properties, unaffected by host galaxy dilution and obscuration, of AGNs in central and satellite galaxy members, also as a function of halo-centric distance. X-ray point-source detections are reported for 22 of 177 observed galaxies, down to a limit of f_(0.5-8 keV) ~ 5x10^-15 erg cm^-2 s^-1, corresponding to a limiting luminosity of L_(0.5-8 keV)~3x10^40 erg s^-1. With the majority of the X-ray sources attributed to AGNs of low-to-moderate levels (L/L_Edd>~10^-4), we discuss the detection rate in the context of the occupation of AGNs to halos of this mass scale and redshift, and compare the structural/morphological properties between AGN-active and non-active galaxies of different rank and location within the group halos. We see a slight tendency for AGN hosts to have either relatively brighter/denser disks (or relatively fainter/diffuse bulges) than non-active galaxies of similar mass. At galaxy mass scales <10^11 Msolar, central galaxies appear to be a factor ~4 more likely to host AGNs than satellite galaxies of similar mass. This effect, coupled with the tendency for AGNs to reside in massive galaxies, explains the (weak) trend for AGNs to be preferentially found in the inner regions of groups, with no detectable trend with halo-centric distance in the frequency of AGNs within the satellite population. Finally, our data support other analyses in finding that the rate of decline with redshift of AGN activity in groups matches that of the global AGN population, indicating that either AGNs occur preferentially in groups, or that the evolution rate is independent of halo mass. These trends are of potential importance, and require X-ray coverage of a larger sample to be solidly confirmed.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal, this is a revised version that addresses the referee's comment

    Theory of the propagation of coupled waves in arbitrarily-inhomogeneous stratified media

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    We generalize the invariant imbedding theory of the wave propagation and derive new invariant imbedding equations for the propagation of arbitrary number of coupled waves of any kind in arbitrarily-inhomogeneous stratified media, where the wave equations are effectively one-dimensional. By doing this, we transform the original boundary value problem of coupled second-order differential equations to an initial value problem of coupled first-order differential equations, which makes the numerical solution of the coupled wave equations much easier. Using the invariant imbedding equations, we are able to calculate the matrix reflection and transmission coefficients and the wave amplitudes inside the inhomogeneous media exactly and efficiently. We establish the validity and the usefulness of our results by applying them to the propagation of circularly-polarized electromagnetic waves in one-dimensional photonic crystals made of isotropic chiral media. We find that there are three kinds of bandgaps in these structures and clarify the nature of these bandgaps by exact calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Europhys. Let

    High-speed, high-frequency ultrasound, \u3ci\u3ein utero\u3c/i\u3e vector-flow imaging of mouse embryos

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    Real-time imaging of the embryonic murine cardiovascular system is challenging due to the small size of the mouse embryo and rapid heart rate. High-frequency, linear-array ultrasound systems designed for small-animal imaging provide high-frame-rate and Doppler modes but are limited in regards to the field of view that can be imaged at fine-temporal and -spatial resolution. Here, a plane-wave imaging method was used to obtain high-speed image data from in utero mouse embryos and multi-angle, vector-flow algorithms were applied to the data to provide information on blood flow patterns in major organs. An 18-MHz linear array was used to acquire plane-wave data at absolute frame rates ≥10 kHz using a set of fixed transmission angles. After beamforming, vector-flow processing and image compounding, effective frame rates were on the order of 2 kHz. Data were acquired from the embryonic liver, heart and umbilical cord. Vector-flow results clearly revealed the complex nature of blood-flow patterns in the embryo with fine-temporal and -spatial resolution