4,644 research outputs found

    O fogo bacteriano

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    O Fogo Bacteriano é uma doença altamente contagiosa e de rápida disseminação. Uma vez que não existem meios de luta totalmente eficazes para o seu combate, o controlo deve ser efetuado com base numa estratégia integrada que assenta em medidas que visam a redução do inóculo, evitam o estabelecimento da bactéria no hospedeiro e diminuem a suscetibilidade deste à infeção. O recurso a meios de diagnóstico para evitar a entrada do organismo em zonas isentas da doença ou a sua deteção precoce, são fundamentais para o seu combate e erradicação

    Fire blight in Portugal

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    O fogo bacteriano das pomoideas em Portugal

    Modelação espacial da tendência do bosque na Serra da Gardunha

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    A modelação da tendência espacial do bosque à escala regional baseada na cartografia actual local, teve como objectivo estabelecer padrões possíveis para a gestão equilibrada do bosque e da implantação de novos cerejais

    Identificação de isolados portugueses de Erwinia amylovora

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    Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.Identificação de isolados portugueses de Erwinia amylovora

    Controllability of fast diffusion coupled parabolic systems

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    In this work we are concerned with the null controllability of coupled parabolic systems depending on a parameter and converging to a parabolic-elliptic system. We show the uniform null controllability of the family of coupled parabolic systems with respect to the degenerating parameter

    Size matters in Triticeae polyploids: larger genomes have higher remodeling

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    ReviewPolyploidization is one of the major driving forces in plant evolution and is extremely relevant to speciation and diversity creation. Polyploidization leads to a myriad of genetic and epigenetic alterations that ultimately generate plants and species with increased genome plasticity. Polyploids are the result of the fusion of two or more genomes into the same nucleus and can be classified as allopolyploids (different genomes) or autopolyploids (same genome). Triticeae synthetic allopolyploid species are excellent models to study polyploids evolution, particularly the wheat–rye hybrid triticale, which includes various ploidy levels and genome combinations. In this review, we reanalyze data concerning genomic analysis of octoploid and hexaploid triticale and different synthetic wheat hybrids, in comparison with other polyploid species. This analysis reveals high levels of genomic restructuring events in triticale and wheat hybrids, namely major parental band disappearance and the appearance of novel bands. Furthermore, the data shows that restructuring depends on parental genomes, ploidy level, and sequence type (repetitive, low copy, and (or) coding); is markedly different after wide hybridization or genome doubling; and affects preferentially the larger parental genome. The shared role of genetic and epigenetic modifications in parental genome size homogenization, diploidization establishment, and stabilization of polyploid species is discussed

    Performance of GPS/GPRS tracking devices improves with increased fix interval and is not affected by animal deployment

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    The use of GPS tracking technologies has revolutionized the study of animal movement providing unprecedentedly detailed information. The characterization of GPS accuracy and precision under different conditions is essential to correctly identify the spatial and temporal resolution at which studies can be conducted. Here, we examined the influence of fix acquisition interval and device deployment on the performance of a new GPS/GSM solar powered device. Horizontal and vertical accuracy and precision of locations were obtained under different GPS fix acquisition intervals (1min, 20 min and 60 min) in a stationary test. The test devices were deployed on pre-fledgling white storks (Ciconia ciconia) and we quantified accuracy and precision after deployment while controlling for bias caused by variation in habitat, topography, and animal movement. We also assessed the performance of GPSError, a metric provided by the device, at identifying inaccurate locations (> 10 m). Average horizontal accuracy varied between 3.4 to 6.5 m, and vertical accuracy varied between 4.9 to 9.7 m, in high (1 min) and low frequency (60 min) GPS fix intervals. These values were similar after the deployment on white storks. Over 84% of GPS horizontal positions and 71% of vertical positions had less than 10m error in accuracy. Removing 3% of data with highest GPS-Error eliminated over 99% of inaccurate positions in high GPS frequency intervals, but this metric was not effective in the low frequency intervals. We confirmed the suitability of these devices for studies requiring horizontal and vertical accuracies of 5-10m. For higher accuracy data, intensive GPS fix intervals should be used, but this requires more sophisticated battery management, or larger batteries and devicesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Poder E Direito Em Foucault: Relendo Vigiar E Punir 40 Anos Depois

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    This article deals with Foucault's conception of power and its relation to law, as it appears especially in his book Discipline and Punish, first published in 1975. That book is the main source of this article, though I rely also on a number of Foucault's texts. After a detailed presentation of his analysis of power as well as the relation between power and law in his works, I conclude by emphasizing his important contributions to our understanding of modern societies. But I also advance some critical comments regarding both his diagnosis of modern society as an almost total pathology and the lack of a normative dimension in his theoretical perspective.19713917

    Comparative Study of the Response of Kinematical Variables from the Hip and the Center of Mass in Butterfliers

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    The aim of this study was to compare the intracyclic variation of kinematical variables from the hip and the center of mass (CM) with the purpose to assess if the analysis of kinematical variables of the hip might replace the study of the kinematical variables of the CM. Seven Portuguese male swimmers of national and intemational levei were studied. Each swimmer performed 3 sets of3x25 meters, at a constant velocity and as close as possible to the maximum, using exclusively frontal inspiration cycles, lateral inspiration cycles and non-inspiratory cycles in each set. Two pairs of cameras were used to create "dual media" images. Another cam era was set behind an underwater window in the endwall. One last camera was placed above the water surface. The study comprised the analysis of complete stroke cycles in buttert1y using the "Ariel Performance Analysis System" from Ariel Dynamics Inc. Some of the correlations between the maximal vertical amplitude of displacement of the hip and the CM didn't present significant values. AlI the correlations between the horizontal velocity and horizontal acceleration of the hip and the CM were significant in all breathing models. However, only one swimmer presented in both cases r>=O.95. So, apparently, the hip does not represent properly the intracyclic variations ofthe kinematical variables ofthe CM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conhecendo o IAF do cafeeiro arábica através do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi relacionar a série temporal do Índice de Área Foliar (IAF) estimado pelo método proposto por Barbosa et al. (2012) ao índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) adequando um modelo de determinação do IAF através de dados de NDVI coletados em um cafezal na região de Lavras, sul de Minas Gerais. Para isso foi realizado o estudo em cafezal no campus da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) no período de fevereiro de 2014 a fevereiro de 2015 onde trinta plantas de Coffea arabica L, cv Catuaí IAC 144 foram avaliadas mensalmente com medições de altura do ramo ortotrópico e comprimento de plagiotrópicos em 5 posições na copa para estimativa do IAF, enquanto as avaliações de NDVI foram realizadas semanalmente em três posições distintas da planta. Dados mensais de precipitação (mm- Prec) e temperatura média do ar (°C- Tm) também foram coletados. Os valores de cada variável foram submetidos à análise de correlação (r). A série temporal demonstra que o IAF varia em função da temperatura e precipitação. O modelo de regressão exponencial foi o mais adequado para determinar os valores de IAF em função do NDVI. As correlações do IAF com o NDVI variam em função da posição da medida de NDVI da planta. A série temporal do IAF é uma variável útil nas práticas de manejo, enquanto NDVI pode ser utilizado para determinar o IAF em plantas de café