1,333 research outputs found

    O cenário assimétrico e desfavorável da UFRJ: um diálogo sobre discentes com deficiência e a educação inclusiva

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    O tema central deste trabalho é o atendimento às necessidades educativas especiais de discentes com deficiência na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Realizamos um estudo onde discentes com alguma deficiência e representantes de comissões de acessibilidade foram entrevistados, com perguntas semidiretas tratadas de maneira qualitativa. Nas considerações finais observamos que a UFRJ não abarca a questão em sua totalidade, sendo ela tocada apenas por ações esparsas. O tempo decorrido desde as leis para inserção de pessoas com deficiência no âmbito da educação inclusiva e a assimetria das ações impossibilita dizer que a Universidade como um todo enfrenta a questão

    As estratégias do “Movimento Pela Base” na construção da BNCC: consenso e privatização

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    This article presents the articulations of the Movimento Pela Base in conducting the process of building the Base Nacional Comum Curricular throughout the Brazilian territory. In a political and economic context influenced by the managerial discourse of reducing the role of the State, the Brazilian business sector has become a central figure in most of the policy recommendations for the educational field, as a result of an international growth trend in the third sector on actions public. The analysis of scientific productions about BNCC, considering books, articles, thesis and dissertations, in addition to documents made available on electronic media, allowed us to demonstrate the capillarity of the movement, the involvement of the subjects and public and private institutions, and their intentions to educate for the new capitalist sociability, based on the need to form consensus around the idea of a collective social project of public policy.Este artículo presenta las articulaciones del Movimento Pela Base en la realización del proceso de construcción del la Base Nacional Comum Curricular en todo el territorio brasileño. En un contexto político y económico influenciado por el discurso gerencial de reducir el papel del Estado, el sector empresarial brasileño se ha convertido en una figura central en la mayoría de las recomendaciones de políticas para el campo educativo, el resultado de una tendencia internacional de crecimiento en el tercer sector sobre las acciones públicas. El análisis de producciones científicas sobre BNCC, considerando libros, artículos, tesis y disertaciones, además de documentos disponibles en medios electrónicos, nos permitió demostrar la capilaridad del movimiento, la participación de sujetos y instituciones públicas y privadas y sus intenciones de educar para La nueva sociabilidad capitalista, basada en la necesidad de formar un consenso en torno a la idea de un proyecto social colectivo de política pública.Este artigo apresenta as articulações do Movimento Pela Base na condução do processo de construção da Base Nacional Comum Curricular em todo o território brasileiro. Em um contexto político e econômico influenciado pelo discurso gerencial de redução do papel do Estado, o empresariado brasileiro torna-se figura central em boa parte das recomendações de políticas para o campo educacional, resultado de uma tendência internacional de crescimento do terceiro setor sobre as ações públicas. A análise das produções científicas sobre a BNCC, considerando livros, artigos, teses e dissertações, além de documentos disponibilizados nas mídias eletrônicas nos permitiu demonstrar a capilaridade do movimento, o envolvimento de sujeitos e instituições públicas e privadas e suas intencionalidades de educar para a nova sociabilidade capitalista, pautada na necessidade de formação de consensos em torno da ideia de um projeto social coletivo da política pública

    Cryopreservation of achenes of caju-de-árvore-docerrado (Anacardium othonianum Rizz)

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the water content limit for the cryopreservation of cajude-árvore-do-Cerrado (Anacardium othonianum Rizz) achenes and assess the effect of the thawing method on their performance. Achenes were dried in silica gel until water contents of 14, 12, 8 and 4% w.b. (wet basis) were reached and then were stored in cryogenic cylinders in direct contact with liquid nitrogen (-196°C) for 20 days; then, the achenes were subjected to slow, fast and microwave thawing. After thawing, the achenes underwent physiological evaluation and vigor tests. The water content limit for the cryopreservation of A. othonianum Rizz achenes was determined to be between 14 and 12% w.b. Water contents of less than 12% reduced the physiological quality and vigor of the achenes. The thawing method used did not affect the viability of the achenes for most features assessed; however, when thawed in a microwave, the achenes exhibited poorer performance, especially those that had 8% water content.Keywords: Preservation, desiccation, cryogeny, liquid nitrogenAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(22), pp. 3537-354

    Cloacoplasty in a 40-Day-Old Monk Parakeet with Cloacal Prolapse

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    Background: The monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) is also known as the quaker parrot and belongs to the order Psittaciformes in the family Psittacidae. The cloaca is a posterior orifice common to reproductive, digestive and urinary systems and the cloacal prolapse is the displacement or inversion of its anatomic position. Nowadays, the non-conventional pet market in Brazil is rapidly growing, which demands more skills and competences from an avian veterinarian. This study case has as its main objective to present a 40-day-old monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) with cloacal prolapse, treated using the cloacoplasty technique. It is important to mention that the occurrence of cloacal prolapse in this species and in such an early age is uncommon.Case: The patient presented 1 day before the physical examination an increased volume in the cloacal region and hematochezia, and diagnosed as cloacal prolapse. For the treatment, wounds were washed using physiological saline solution, ice and sugar were applied in order to reduce the edema, and mineral oil was used for repositioning the cloacal mucosa. Finally, local anesthesia was applied and 2 isolated contralateral sutures were done with the objective of reducing the sphincter’s diameter, without compromising the flow of urine and feces.  The monk parakeet was treated with antibiotic Avitrin®)  [oxytetracycline hydrochloride - 8.1 mg/mL] and a vermifuge [mebendazole 50 mg/mL]. A sample of feces was also obtained and sent to the Laboratory of Avian Pathology Diagnosis. The patient was discharged after 7 days of the treatment, obtaining a favorable result with no further complications.Discussion: The results of the coproparasitological examination were negative for the samples analyzed; nevertheless, the possibility of a false negative result cannot be totally dismissed. Cloacal prolapse may be related to cases of hypersexual disorder or overexertion to defecate due to intestinal parasites, posture, polyps, enteritis, neoplasm or cloacal hyperplasia. Besides that, endoparasitism is common in captive birds. For the correct treatment, proceed with a cloacoplasty, in which 1 or 2 simple sutures are made separated laterally in both sides, promoting the narrowing of the orifice. The surgeries such as the cloacoplasty are currently being defended, but in most cases as an adjuvant therapy. Cloacal prolapse in birds is a disease considered as an intestinal emergency. The techniques presented in this work demand sedation or anesthesia for the patient, which were not authorized by the tutor due to the high risk involved. However, due to the characteristic of domestication and docile behavior of the bird, it was possible to perform the 2 sutures with a local anesthetic block only. Cloacal prolapse is relatively common in adult psittacine birds, but uncommon in monk parakeets and young birds.  The treatment performed was effective for the monk-parakeet presented in this study case. The authors, however, would like to strongly reinforce the need to identify the cause of cloacal prolapse in order to properly treat it. The importance of correctly identifying the anatomy of a psittacine bird as well as applying precisely the suture techniques are the most important conclusions obtained, making both the identification of the problem and its solution through surgical intervention a simpler and successful process.Keywords: birds, endoparasites, suture, wild

    Programa Saúde na Escola: contribuições e limites na perspectiva dos professores

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    This conclusion work of course aims to identify the contributions and limits of the School Health Program (PSE) in local public educational institutions of the city of Umbaúba/Sergipe, having as parameter the perspective of Biological Sciences teachers. It is a qualitative research developed from the dialectical method that starts with abstract concepts synthesis and along the walk allows discover and (re) build categories through mediation between the thought and the object. A questionnaire was applied with teachers who experienced the PSE since the implementation in 2013. The results signaled the PSE contributions to the redefinition of the Science/Biology curriculum and the development of more interactive lessons, and promote cross-cutting actions to scientific knowledge of the subjects with the theme health. The limits of PSE pass the lack of teaching materials and the need for continued formation in service with the involved professionals.Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar as contribuições e os limites do Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE) nas instituições de ensino municipais da cidade de Umbaúba/Sergipe, tendo como parâmetro a perspectiva dos professores de Ciências Biológicas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida a partir do método dialético que se inicia com conceitos sínteses abstratos e ao longo da caminhada possibilita descobrir e (re)construir categorias por meio da mediação entre o pensamento e o objeto. Aplicou-se questionário com os docentes que vivenciaram o PSE desde a implementação, em 2013. Os resultados sinalizaram as contribuições do PSE para a ressignificação do currículo de Ciências/Biologia e o desenvolvimento de aulas mais interativas, além de promover ações transversais voltadas ao conhecimento científico das disciplinas com o tema saúde. Os limites do PSE perpassam pela falta do material didático e pela necessidade de uma formação continuada em serviço com os profissionais envolvidos.Aracaju, S

    Farmacovigilância em tuberculose: experiência-piloto de um Centro de Referência do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Introdução: Farmacovigilância é um conjunto de atividades que tem por objetivo identificar, avaliar, compreender e prevenir possíveis eventos adversos (EA) ao uso de medicamentos através da detecção precoce dos problemas de segurança relacionados a esses produtos. Objetivo: Descrever a experiência do projeto-piloto de Farmacovigilância em Tuberculose realizado no Centro de Referência Professor Hélio Fraga da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (ENSP) da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), no período de julho de 2013 a fevereiro de 2014. Resultados: Foram avaliadas 15 notificações e os principais EA encontrados foram: poliartralgia (dois); neuropatia periférica (um); dor articular (cinco), sendo um desses com insônia; artralgia (dois); alteração da acuidade visual (um); diarreia (três); vômitos, cefaleias, dor articular e náuseas (um). As variáveis analisadas foram: Gravidade, Não graves, Providências adotadas e Medicamentos suspeitos. Gravidade: 11 eram efeitos clinicamente importantes e, dentre estes, um foi notificado como incapacidade persistente ou significante; Não graves: quatro notificações descritas; Providências adotadas: quatro notificações com interrupção do medicamento suspeito e em quatro houve redução da dose e em sete houve manutenção da dose; Medicamentos suspeitos; o Levofloxacino foi o medicamento mais prescrito aos pacientes e suspeito de causar EA. Conclusões: Os resultados mostraram que alguns medicamentos utilizados no tratamento da tuberculose resistente são mais propensos de causarem EA. Existe a necessidade de adotar medidas para que os medicamentos sejam objetos de atenção permanente


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    Presence of iridociliary cysts may cause a specific form of uveitis not associated with any known systemic disease or underlying cause. The condition was previously characterized in golden retrievers. However, Labrador retrievers, Great Danes and Boston terriers are reported to develop a similar disease condition. The following report documents seven cases of iridociliary cysts, with or without associated pigmentary uveitis, in American bulldogs from Brazil and Spain. Although not an uncommon disease, this syndrome has been relatively infrequently documented in the literature, with only one study in the American bulldog. This article describes clinical findings as well as medical and surgical management of each case. Because some of the patients were closely related in this series, a possible hereditary basis is considered for pigmentary uveitis associated with iridociliary cysts in American bulldogs

    Realização de um modelo térmico-elétrico para simulação unidimensional de um painel fotovoltaico / Realization of a thermal-electrical model for one-dimensional simulation of a photovoltaic panel

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    Um modelo de um painel fotovoltaico (painel FV) tem a função de simular o seu funcionamento, podendo assim estimar a quantidade de eletricidade que será gerada, ou estimar quantos painéis são necessários para gerar certa quantidade de eletricidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de desenvolver um modelo térmico-elétrico de um painel fotovoltaico, que possibilite a simulação de diferentes painéis, em diferentes condições climáticas. O modelo térmico, unidimensional e estacionário, foi acoplado ao modelo elétrico baseado no modelo de Villalva. A temperatura da célula fotovoltaica e a eficiência elétrica foram calculadas ao longo de dias simulados, e comparadas com as de outros modelos térmico-elétricos e puramente térmicos. As temperaturas calculadas apresentaram maior proximidade às do modelo térmico T Faiman, enquanto que a eficiência se comportou de maneira semelhante à do modelo térmico-elétrico TE Smets. As comparações realizadas indicaram que o modelo desenvolvido apresentou resultados semelhantes aos encontrados na literatura.

    Effect of paraquat and glyphosate for the control of poaceae and convolvulaceae specimens on hydric deficit

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    O uso de herbicidas é uma prática muito utilizada para o controle de plantas daninhas. Entretanto, sua eficácia pode ser comprometida pela menor disponibilidade de água no ambiente, influenciando na absorção, translocação e metabolismo destes pelas plantas. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito dos herbicidas paraquat (Gramoxone) e glyphosate (Roundup Original) para o controle de capim-braquiária [Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R.D.Webster (Poaceae)] e corda-de-viola [Merremia cissoides (Lam.) Hallier f. (Convolvulaceae)], em condições de déficit hídrico. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado e esquema fatorial 5×3, com três repetições. Foram consideradas cinco épocas de indução de déficit hídrico (0, 1, 3, 5 e 7 dias) e três caldas de pulverização [paraquat, glyphosate e testemunha (com a aplicação de água, apenas)]. As avaliações de porcentagem de controle foram realizadas aos 2, 5, 7, 10, 14 e 21 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos. Aos 21 dias foi determinado o teor de massa seca das plantas daninhas. Pelos resultados obtidos, observou-se que a partir de 5 dias com déficit hídrico, a eficácia dos herbicidas paraquat e glyphosate para o controle de capim-braquiária e corda-de-viola foi reduzida.The use of herbicides is very used by growers for the control of weeds. However, their effectiveness can be compromised by the reduction of water in the atmosphere, influencing its uptake, translocation and metabolism in plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides paraquat (Gramoxone) and glyphosate (Roundup Original) for the control of Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R. D. Webster (Poaceae) and Merremia cissoides (Lam.) Hallier f. (Convolvulaceae) when submitted to hydric deficit. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions with completely randomized design in factorial 5×3, considering three replicates. It was considered five induction conditions of hydric deficit (0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 days) and three treatments (paraquat, glyphosate and untreated check, only water). The evaluations were performed at 2, 5, 7, 10, 14 and 21 days after treatment application. At 21 days, it was also determined the dry weight of weeds. From the results obtained, it was observed that from 5 days without irrigation the herbicides reduced their effectiveness for the control of weeds

    Effects of different levels of irrigation suppression and fertigation on potato yield

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    With the limitation in the availability of water for agriculture and the high costs of fertilizers, it is necessary to adopt strategies for water and nutritional management of agricultural crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphological and physiological characteristics and productivity of potato under the influence of suppression of irrigation and fertigation in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in randomized blocks, conducted in the field, using a 3 x 2 factorial scheme. Different times of irrigation suppression were studied at 80, 90 and 100 days after planting, along with forms of fertigation, following the rate of crop absorption and equivalent fertigation. The imposition of irrigation suppression at 100 days, linked to fertigation following the rate of crop absorption, showed a positive effect on the aerial fresh mass of the potato variety studied, especially promoting the increase in productivity, which was 47.82 t ha-1, and efficiency in water use, which was 10.53 kg of tubers per cubic meter of water. This observation indicates that the application of fertilizers, in sync with the needs of the crop, can improve the efficiency of water use and increase productivity. These findings highlight the importance of integrated strategies to optimize potato cultivation and make it more resistant to adversity, seeking a more sustainable and productive agriculture.With the limitation in the availability of water for agriculture and the high costs of fertilizers, it is necessary to adopt strategies for water and nutritional management of agricultural crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphological and physiological characteristics and productivity of potato under the influence of suppression of irrigation and fertigation in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in randomized blocks, conducted in the field, using a 3 x 2 factorial scheme. Different times of irrigation suppression were studied at 80, 90 and 100 days after planting, along with forms of fertigation, following the rate of crop absorption and equivalent fertigation. The imposition of irrigation suppression at 100 days, linked to fertigation following the rate of crop absorption, showed a positive effect on the aerial fresh mass of the potato variety studied, especially promoting the increase in productivity, which was 47.82 t ha-1, and efficiency in water use, which was 10.53 kg of tubers per cubic meter of water. This observation indicates that the application of fertilizers, in sync with the needs of the crop, can improve the efficiency of water use and increase productivity. These findings highlight the importance of integrated strategies to optimize potato cultivation and make it more resistant to adversity, seeking a more sustainable and productive agriculture