231 research outputs found

    Euonymus latifolius (L.) Miller (Celastraceae) en Castilla-La Mancha

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    [email protected] [email protected] aportan los primeros datos sobre la presencia de Euonymus latifolius en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha (España). La población hallada se encuentra próxima a las hoces del río Tajo en Cuenca y está compuesta por 32 ejemplares, de los cuales sólo 2 son adultos.We found the first population of Euonymus latifolius in Castilla-La Mancha region (Spain) near the river Tajo in Cuenca province with only 32 plants, 2 of which are adults

    El origen de las especies naturalizadas en las floras valencianas (E de la Península Ibérica)

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    Se ha estudiado la proporción de plantas exóticas en las diferentes floras publicadas sobre la Comunidad Valenciana, así como la frecuencia relativa de las diferentes regiones de origen de los elementos naturalizados. Los datos de las diferentes áreas estudiadas (subregiones) se comparan con los obtenidos para el total de la flora de la Comunidad Valenciana. La media de la fracción exótica de las subregiones (6%) fue muy inferior a la del total valenciano, establecida en el 16,5% de las especies presentes, aunque las zonas litorales presentaron un porcentaje de especies exóticas muy superior al de las interiores. La flora naturalizada de las diferentes regiones está dominada por especies que tienen su origen en las zonas tropicales del viejo y nuevo mundo. Las diferencias en los porcentajes de especies naturalizadas no pueden ser explicadas únicamente por diferencias climáticas, sugiriendo que el grado de alteración de los ecosistemas naturales puede explicar de forma más fiable las diferencias observadas. -- This paper describes the non-native flora of the Comunidad Valenciana (East of the Iberian Peninsula) attending to the information gathered in a wide bibliographic survey of the flora and vegetation of the different studied areas, analysing the percentages of naturalized species as well as their geographical origin. We compare data from the different regions in the Comunidad Valenciana with global data in this area. The average percentages of naturalized species in the subregions (6%) was smaller than that of the total flora of Valencia (16,5%), although coastal areas showed higher percentages of non-native species than inland regions. Most of the naturalized species come from neotropical and paleotropical regions. Differences in the percentages of naturalized species between regions can't be explained only by climatic characteristics; data show out the importance of humanized habitats as ways of introduction and maintenance of exotic flora

    Compatison of S-SI, A-SI and CDTE technologies wording at the same conditions, after the first year of electricity production

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    Grid connected solar plants are a good opportunity for their use for research as a secondary objective. In countries were feed-in tariffs are still active, it is possible to include in the design of the solar plant elements for its use for research. In the case of the solar plant presented here both objectives are covered. The solar plant of this work is formed by PV modules of three different technologies: Multicrystalline, amorphous and CdTe. In one part of the solar plant, the three technologies are working at the same conditions, not only ambient conditions but also similar voltage and current input to the inverters. Both the commercial and the experimental parts of the solar plant have their own independent inverters with their meters but are finally connected to the same meter to inject. In this work we analyse the results for the first year of operation of the experimental solar plant. Productions of three different technologies in exactly the same conditions are compared and presented. According to the results, all the three technologies have conversion efficiencies dropping when the temperature increases. Amorphous module experiences the lesser reduction, whereas the multicrystalline module suffers the most

    Reforzamientos poblacionales de Otanthus maritimus (L.) Hoffmanns. & Link (Compositae) en la Comunidad Valenciana (E de España)

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    Otanthus maritimus (Compositae) es un taxon presente en escasas playas de la Comunidad Valenciana y amenazado por el turismo y urbanismo. A lo largo de varios años se han venido realizando repoblaciones y reforzamientos poblacionales en diversos tramos costeros utilizando diferentes métodos. Asimismo, se han llevado a cabo pruebas de viabilidad de las semillas. El presente artículo ofrece los resultados de unos y otros trabajos. -- Abstract: Otanthus maritimus (Compositae) is a taxon found only in few beaches of the Comunidad Valenciana and is therefore threatened by tourism and urbanism. During the last years, the authors have made seed viability tests as well as dune refforestations and reinforcements of populations using different methods. This paper describes the results of all these studies

    Evaluación del uso de paneles solares como elemento de sombreo en invernaderos

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo experimental, es evaluar el uso de paneles solares como opción de elemento de sombreo en viveros, tanto de gran escala como de pequeña superficie. Esta opción podría elegirse tanto en el caso de no disponer de red de suministro eléctrico cercano así como en el caso de preferir no depender de una fuente de energía eléctrica exterior. Como hecho novedoso, se ha elegido paneles solares flexibles de capa fina y poco peso, que serían situados en la cubierta del invernadero. Dicha elección permite que los paneles se adapten a la forma de la cubierta, sea cual fuere

    Intention-to-treat survival analysis of HCV/HIV co-infected liver transplant: Is it the waiting list?

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    In human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfected patients, the accelerated severity of liver disease, associated comorbidities, and mortality on the waiting list could change the possibility and results of liver transplantation (LT). Intention-to-treat survival analysis (ITTA) can accurately estimate the applicability and efficacy of LT. The primary objective of this study was to compare the survival of patients with HCV with and without HIV infection. We analyzed a cohort of 199 patients with HCV infection enrolled for LT between 1998 and 2015; 17 were also infected with HIV. The patients with HCV/HIV coinfection had higher mortality on the waiting list than those with HCV monoinfection (35.3% versus 4.6%; P¿¿70 years (hazard ratio [HR]¿=¿3.12; P¿<¿0.05), United Network for Organ Sharing status 1 (HR¿=¿10.1; P¿<¿0.01), Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (HR¿=¿1.13; P¿<¿0.001), and HIV coinfection (HR¿=¿2.65; P¿<¿0.05) had independent negative predictive value for survival. In conclusion, our study indicates that HIV coinfection is a factor in mortality prior to transplantation and associated with higher mortality on the waiting list

    Coordination between growth and stress responses by DELLA in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha

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    Plant survival depends on the optimal use of resources under variable environmental conditions. Among the mechanisms that mediate the balance between growth, differentiation, and stress responses, the regulation of transcriptional activity by DELLA proteins stands out. In angiosperms, DELLA accumulation promotes defense against biotic and abiotic stress and represses cell division and expansion, while the loss of DELLA function is associated with increased plant size and sensitivity toward stress.1 Given that DELLA protein stability is dependent on gibberellin (GA) levels2 and GA metabolism is influenced by the environment,3 this pathway is proposed to relay environmental information to the transcriptional programs that regulate growth and stress responses in angiosperms.4,5 However, DELLA genes are also found in bryophytes, whereas canonical GA receptors have been identified only in vascular plants.6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Thus, it is not clear whether these regulatory functions of DELLA predated or emerged with typical GA signaling. Here, we show that, as in vascular plants, the only DELLA in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha also participates in the regulation of growth and key developmental processes and promotes oxidative stress tolerance. Moreover, part of these effects is likely caused by the conserved physical interaction with the MpPIF transcription factor. Therefore, we suggest that the role in the coordination of growth and stress responses was already encoded in the DELLA protein of the common ancestor of land plants, and the importance of this function is underscored by its conservation over the past 450 million years

    Cost-effectiveness of multicomponent interventions in type 2 diabetes mellitus in a cluster randomised controlled trial: the INDICA study

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    Objective: To analyse the cost-effectiveness of multicomponent interventions designed to improve outcomes in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in primary care in the Canary Islands, Spain, within the INDICA randomised clinical trial, from the public health system perspective. Design: An economic evaluation was conducted for the within-trial period (2 years) comparing the four arms of the INDICA study. Setting: Primary care in the Canary Islands, Spain. Participants: 2334 patients with T2DM without complications were included. Interventions: Interventions for patients (PTI), for primary care professionals (PFI), for both (combined intervention arm for patients and professionals, CBI) and usual care (UC) as a control group. Outcomes: The main outcome was the incremental cost per quality-adjusted life-years (QALY). Only the intervention and the healthcare costs were included. Analysis: Multilevel models were used to estimate results, and to measure the size and significance of incremental changes. Missed values were treated by means of multiple imputations procedure. Results: There were no differences between arms in terms of costs (p=0.093), while some differences were observed in terms of QALYs after 2 years of follow-up (p=0.028). PFI and CBI arms were dominated by the other two arms, PTI and UC. The differences between the PTI and the UC arms were very small in terms of QALYs, but significant in terms of healthcare costs (p=0.045). The total cost of the PTI arm (€2571, 95% CI €2317 to €2826) was lower than the cost in the UC arm (€2750, 95% CI €2506 to €2995), but this difference did not reach statistical significance. Base case estimates of the incremental cost per QALY indicate that the PTI strategy was the cost-effective option. Conclusions: The INDICA intervention designed for patients with T2DM and families is likely to be cost-effective from the public healthcare perspective. A cost-effectiveness model should explore this in the long term.This study received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), grants: ADE10/00032 and PI16/00769, jointly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) ‘A way to make Europe’. The sponsor did not play any role in study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, drawing up of the report or the decision to submit the article for publication.S