6,219 research outputs found

    Extensive structure‐activity relationship study of albicidin’s C‐terminal dipeptidic p‐aminobenzoic acid moiety

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    Albicidin is a recently described natural product that strongly inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase. The pronounced activity, particularly against Gram‐negative bacteria, turns it into a promising lead structure for an antibacterial drug. Hence, structure–activity relationship studies are key for the in‐depth understanding of structural features/moieties affecting gyrase inhibition, antibacterial activity and overcoming resistance. The 27 newly synthesized albicidins give profound insights into possibilities for variations of the C‐terminus. Furthermore, in the present study, a novel derivative has been identified as overcoming resistance posed by the Klebsiella‐protease AlbD. Structural modifications include, for example, azahistidine replacing the previous instable cyanoalanine as the central amino acid, as well as a triazole amide bond isostere between building blocks D and E.BMBF, 03VP00030, Validierung einer neuen antibakteriellen Wirkstoffklasse - AlbiPharmTU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Construção e implementação de modelo para avaliar a qualidade da informação estratégica bancária

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    Apresenta a construção e implementação de um modelo para avaliação da qualidade da informação estratégica organizacional no contexto de uma organização bancária pública federal brasileira, identificando aspectos da gestão da informação que influenciam essa qualidade. Com base nos trabalhos de vários autores, nacionais e estrangeiros, o modelo estabelece que a avaliação da qualidade da informação estratégica envolve três aspectos: a classificação e avaliação da informação e a identificação dos aspectos que impactam a sua qualidade por meio da análise do processo de gestão da informação. Outrossim, o estudo permitiu identificar que informação estratégica no contexto bancário estudado constitui-se, basicamente, entre outras características, de informação solicitada, formal, interna e tratada. Os principais elementos constitutivos de sua qualidade são “livre de erro” e “fidedigna”. De acordo com a percepção dos especialistas consultados, o nível da qualidade da informação estratégica da referida instituição é satisfatório, os processos de gestão da informação são diferenciados e as fases da gestão que mais impactam as características de qualidade são similares. A adoção das abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa e a respectiva triangulação dos dados obtidos pelo uso de questionários e entrevistas credenciam positivamente os resultados

    Model of quality assessment of the strategic bank information

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    A informação estratégica de qualidade mostra-se essencial às organizações à medida que contribui para a identificação de desafios, oportunidades, riscos e outras questões relevantes. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade da informação, identificando aspectos de gestão da informação que a influenciam, mediante estudos de caso em duas organizações bancárias federais brasileiras, o que permitiu a construção e implementação de um modelo para avaliação da qualidade da informação estratégica. O estudo fundamentou-se em abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa e na respectiva triangulação dos dados. O modelo teórico conceitual da pesquisa estabelece que a avaliação da qualidade da informação estratégica envolve a classificação, a avaliação da informação e a identificação dos aspectos que impactam a qualidade por meio da análise do processo de gestão da informação. Identificou-se que informação estratégica, no contexto estudado, constitui-se de informação solicitada, formal, interna e tratada. Os principais elementos de qualidade são "livre de erro" e "fidedigna". O nível da qualidade da informação estratégica é satisfatório, os processos de gestão são diferenciados e as fases da gestão que impactam as características de qualidade são similares. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados credenciam positivamente os resultados à medida que o modelo construído e implementado demonstrou ser consistente e aplicável. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe quality of strategic information is essential to organizations, as it contributes to the identification of challenges, opportunities, risks, and other relevant issues. This study had as objective to evaluate the quality of information, identifying the aspects of information management that influence it, through case studies in two Brazilian federal banking organizations, which permitted the creation and implementation of a model for quality evaluation of organizational strategic information. The study was based on the adoption of both qualitative and quantitative approaches, and on the respective triangulation of the data. The conceptual theoretical model of our research establishes that the assessment of the quality of strategic information involves: the classification and evaluation of information, and the identification of aspects that impact its quality through the analysis of the information management process. It was identified that strategic information in the studied context is made of information requested, formal, internal, and treated. The principal constitutive elements of its quality are "error free" and "reliable". The level of quality of strategic information is satisfactory, the management processes are differentiated, and the management phases that impact quality characteristics are similar. The utilized methodological procedures do accredit the results in a positive way, since the created and implemented model demonstrated to be consistent and applicable

    Automatic and Controlled Processing: Implications for Eating Behavior

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    It is a widely held view that humans have control over their food choices and consumption. However, research also suggests that eating behavior is often triggered by contextual cues and guided by automaticities and habits. Interestingly, the dichotomy between automatic and controlled processing has recently been challenged, suggesting that they may be intertwined. In a large female sample (n = 567), we investigated the hypothesis that task-based and self-reported measures of automatic and controlled processing would interact and impact self-reported eating behavior. Results analyzed via structural equation modeling suggest that automatic, but not controlled processing, during a modified flanker task, including a context-specific proportion congruent (CSPC) manipulation, was inversely associated with self-reported self-control. The influence of self-control on unhealthy eating behavior (i.e., uncontrolled and emotional eating, heightened consumption of fat and sugar) was only indirect via habitual behavior, which itself had a strong direct impact. Unhealthy eating was further associated with real-life outcomes (e.g., body mass index (BMI)). Our findings suggest that eating behavior may indeed be guided primarily by automaticities and habits, whereas self-control might facilitate this association. Having self-control over eating might therefore be most effective by avoiding contextual cues eliciting undesired automatic behavior and establishing habits that serve long-term goals

    Attack Rate for Wild-Type SARS-CoV-2 during Air Travel: Results from 46 Flights Traced by German Health Authorities, January–March and June–August 2020

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    Background. Evidence on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission during air travel is scarce. We aimed to estimate the attack rate for wild-type SARS-CoV-2 to improve the evidence base for the adaptation of nonpharmaceutical intervention (NPI) strategies aboard airplanes. Methods. In collaboration with German Public Health Authorities (PHA), we conducted a follow-up of in-flight SARS-CoV-2 contact persons. We included those contact persons whom the Emergency Operations Centre at the Robert Koch-Institute had forwarded to PHA between January to March 2020 (before masking on flights became mandatory) and June to August 2020 (after the introduction of mandatory masking). We retrospectively collected data on whether these contact persons had been successfully contacted, had become symptomatic and had been tested for SARS-CoV-2, and whether alternative exposures other than the flight were known. Results. Complete data that allowed for the calculation of attack rates were available for 108 contact persons (median age of 36 (IQR 24–53), 40% female), traveling on 46 flights with a median flight duration of 3 hours (IQR 2–3.5). 62 of these persons travelled after masking on flights became mandatory. 13/87 developed symptoms, 44/77 were tested (no data for 21 and 31). 13 persons (9 of whom had been SARS-CoV-2 positive) were excluded from the analysis of attack rates due to a likely alternative exposure. We thus identified 4 probable in-flight transmissions (2 of which occurred after the introduction of mandatory masking). The overall attack rate resulted in 4.2% (4/95; 95% CI: 1.4%–11.0%). Considering flights after mandatory masking, the attack rate was 3.6% (2/56, 95% CI 0.6%–13.4%), before masking 5.1% (2/39, 95% CI 0.9%–18.6%). Conclusions. The risk of wild-type SARS-CoV-2 transmission during air travel seemed low, but not negligible. In order to formulate an effective, evidence-based NPI protocol for air travel, further studies considering the different transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and vaccination status are needed.Peer Reviewe

    Automatic and Controlled Processing : Implications for Eating Behavior

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    It is a widely held view that humans have control over their food choices and consumption. However, research also suggests that eating behavior is often triggered by contextual cues and guided by automaticities and habits. Interestingly, the dichotomy between automatic and controlled processing has recently been challenged, suggesting that they may be intertwined. In a large female sample (n = 567), we investigated the hypothesis that task-based and self-reported measures of automatic and controlled processing would interact and impact self-reported eating behavior. Results analyzed via structural equation modeling suggest that automatic, but not controlled processing, during a modified flanker task, including a context-specific proportion congruent (CSPC) manipulation, was inversely associated with self-reported self-control. The influence of self-control on unhealthy eating behavior (i.e., uncontrolled and emotional eating, heightened consumption of fat and sugar) was only indirect via habitual behavior, which itself had a strong direct impact. Unhealthy eating was further associated with real-life outcomes (e.g., body mass index (BMI)). Our findings suggest that eating behavior may indeed be guided primarily by automaticities and habits, whereas self-control might facilitate this association. Having self-control over eating might therefore be most effective by avoiding contextual cues eliciting undesired automatic behavior and establishing habits that serve long-term goals.Peer reviewe

    Molecular mechanism of topoisomerase poisoning by the peptide antibiotic albicidin

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    The peptide antibiotic albicidin is a DNA topoisomerase inhibitor with low-nanomolar bactericidal activity towards fluoroquinolone-resistant Gram-negative pathogens. However, its mode of action is poorly understood. We determined a 2.6 Å resolution cryoelectron microscopy structure of a ternary complex between Escherichia coli topoisomerase DNA gyrase, a 217 bp double-stranded DNA fragment and albicidin. Albicidin employs a dual binding mechanism where one end of the molecule obstructs the crucial gyrase dimer interface, while the other intercalates between the fragments of cleaved DNA substrate. Thus, albicidin efficiently locks DNA gyrase, preventing it from religating DNA and completing its catalytic cycle. Two additional structures of this trapped state were determined using synthetic albicidin analogues that demonstrate improved solubility, and activity against a range of gyrase variants and E. coli topoisomerase IV. The extraordinary promiscuity of the DNA-intercalating region of albicidins and their excellent performance against fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria holds great promise for the development of last-resort antibiotics

    Aspectos sociais, econômicos e ambientais de comunidades pesqueiras de uma reserva extrativista marinha na Amazônia paraense

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    In the Amazon, among the several population groups dedicated to extractivism, those related to artisanal fishing stand out and are representative of the population who lives in line with the rivers and the sea. The objective of this study was to analyze and trace the socio-environmental profile of artisanal fishermen living in three fishing communities in the municipality of Bragança, northeastern Pará state, in the Caeté-Taperaçu Marine Extractive Reserve. To this end, interviews were carried out through questionnaires to 251 families of artisanal fishermen, between men and women, 85 (33.86%) from Vila dos Pescadores, 96 (38.25%) from Vila do Castelo and 70 (27.89 %) from Vila do Taperuçu. The results indicate the age of respondents between 18 and 55 years old, found low schooling, most have their own house, and annual income ranging from R3,905.85toR 3,905.85 to R 5,506.56. Access to water is through the distribution network and the provision of urban cleaning services serves almost 50% of communities. The results obtained allowed us to trace a social, economic, and environmental profile of artisanal fishermen from fishing communities in the extractive reserve, which could serve as a basis for the generation of subsidies that involve the implementation of public policies that are directed to artisanal fishermen in the conservation unit in question.En la Amazonía, entre los diversos grupos poblacionales dedicados al extractivismo, se destacan los relacionados con la pesca artesanal y son representativos de la población que vive en la ribera de los ríos y el mar. El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar y rastrear el perfil socioambiental de los pescadores artesanales que residen en tres comunidades pesqueras en el municipio de Bragança, al noreste del estado de Pará, en la Reserva de Extracción Marina Caeté-Taperaçu. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas a través de cuestionarios a 251 familias de pescadores artesanales, entre hombres y mujeres, siendo 85 (33,86%) de Vila dos Pescadores, 96 (38,25%) de Vila do Castelo y 70 (27,89%) de Vila hacer Taperuçu. Los resultados indican que la edad de los encuestados entre 18 y 55 años, encontró baja escolaridad, la mayoría tiene casa propia e ingresos anuales que oscilan entre R3.905,85yR 3.905,85 y R 5.506,56. El acceso al agua es a través de la red de distribución y la prestación de los servicios de limpieza urbana atienden a casi el 50% de las comunidades. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron trazar un perfil social, económico y ambiental de los pescadores artesanales de las comunidades pesqueras de la reserva extractiva, que podría servir de base para la generación de subsidios que impliquen la implementación de políticas públicas que estén dirigidas a los pescadores artesanales en la unidad de conservación en cuestión.Na Amazônia, entre os vários grupos populacionais que se dedicam ao extrativismo, destacam-se os que estão relacionados à pesca praticada de forma artesanal e são representativos da população que habita em consonância aos rios e o mar. O estudo objetiva a caracterização social, econômica e ambiental em três comunidades pertencentes a Reserva Extrativista Marinha Caeté- Taperuçu e, para assim, contribuir para traçar o perfil de pescadores que residem em três comunidades pesqueiras do município de Bragança, nordeste do estado do Pará, na Reserva Extrativista Marinha Caeté-Taperaçu. Foi realizada entrevista através de questionários a 251 famílias de pescadores artesanais entre homens e mulheres, sendo 85 (33,86%) da Vila dos Pescadores, 96 (38,25%) da Vila do Castelo e 70 (27,89%) da Vila do Taperuçu. Os resultados indicam a idade dos entrevistados entre 18 e 55 anos, constatou baixa escolaridade, a maioria possui casa própria e renda anual variando de R3.905,85aR 3.905,85 a R5.506,56. O acesso à água se dá pela rede de distribuição e a disponibilização dos serviços de limpeza urbana atendem quase 50% das comunidades. Os resultados obtidos permitiram obter um perfil social, econômico e ambiental dos pescadores artesanais de comunidades pesqueiras na reserva extrativista, podendo contribuir como base para a geração de subsídios que envolvam a implementação de políticas públicas que esteja direcionada a pescadores artesanais na unidade de conservação em questão