1,402 research outputs found

    Affiliative Subgroups in Preschool Classrooms: Integrating Constructs and Methods from Social Ethology and Sociometric Traditions

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    Recent studies of school-age children and adolescents have used social network analyses to characterize selection and socialization aspects of peer groups. Fewer network studies have been reported for preschool classrooms and many of those have focused on structural descriptions of peer networks, and/or, on selection processes rather than on social functions of subgroup membership. In this study we started by identifying and describing different types of affiliative subgroups (HMP- high mutual proximity, LMP- low mutual proximity, and ungrouped children) in a sample of 240 Portuguese preschool children using nearest neighbor observations. Next, we used additional behavioral observations and sociometric data to show that HMP and LMP subgroups are functionally distinct: HMP subgroups appear to reflect friendship relations, whereas LMP subgroups appear to reflect common social goals, but without strong, within-subgroup dyadic ties. Finally, we examined the longitudinal implications of subgroup membership and show that children classified as HMP in consecutive years had more reciprocated friendships than did children whose subgroup classification changed from LMP or ungrouped to HMP. These results extend previous findings reported for North American peer groups

    Affiliative Subgroups in Preschool Classrooms: Integrating Constructs and Methods from Social Ethology and Sociometric Traditions

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    Recent studies of school-age children and adolescents have used social network analyses to characterize selection and socialization aspects of peer groups. Fewer network studies have been reported for preschool classrooms and many of those have focused on structural descriptions of peer networks, and/or, on selection processes rather than on social functions of subgroup membership. In this study we started by identifying and describing different types of affiliative subgroups (HMP- high mutual proximity, LMP- low mutual proximity, and ungrouped children) in a sample of 240 Portuguese preschool children using nearest neighbor observations. Next, we used additional behavioral observations and sociometric data to show that HMP and LMP subgroups are functionally distinct: HMP subgroups appear to reflect friendship relations, whereas LMP subgroups appear to reflect common social goals, but without strong, within-subgroup dyadic ties. Finally, we examined the longitudinal implications of subgroup membership and show that children classified as HMP in consecutive years had more reciprocated friendships than did children whose subgroup classification changed from LMP or ungrouped to HMP. These results extend previous findings reported for North American peer groups

    The Impact of Airbnb on Residential Property Values and Rents: Evidence from Portugal

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    Short-term rentals have facilitated the upraise trend in tourism growth in several cities around the world. However, concerns for the negative effects that such home-sharing platforms may have on the housing market and traditional markets have driven community groups and housing advocates to intensely react against them. Whether or not shortterm rentals increase housing prices and rentsfor local residents is an empirical question. We quantify the causal effects of Airbnb´s short-term rentals on urban housing affordability in Portugal by estimating quarterly housing rents and prices as a function of Airbnb concentration. We take advantage of the 2014 regulatory reform and employ a differencein-differences (DiD) empirical strategy. We estimate an overall increase in property values of 34% and 10.9% for rents due to the short-term lease regulatory reform. We also find that these effects are particularly localized to the historical centers and areas attractive to tourists in the cities of Lisbon and Porto. A better understanding of the effects of shortterm home rentals on housing markets and of the magnitude of its impact on residential property prices and rents are crucial information to determine whether it needs to be regulated and how proper regulation should be designed.N/

    Patrons de passades en profunditat: anàlisi observacional dels tornejos sènior de la UEFA i la FIFA

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi va ser identificar les variables d’interacció, de comportament i estructurals més freqüents que induïen tres tipus de passades en profunditat que generaven opcions de marcar gols en futbol d’elit. Seguint criteris d’inclusió estrictes (tots i cadascun dels tipus de passades que alteren l’última línia defensiva del contrari), es van seleccionar 134 seqüències d’atac de la UEFA Euro 2016, la FIFA Copa Confederacions 2017 i la FIFA Copa Mundial 2018. Es va utilitzar l’instrument observacional PePas, que integra criteris previs validats, per analitzar les passades en profunditat. A més, es va dur a terme el test z de proporcions per comprovar si les proporcions de comportaments tàctics i tècnics diferien dels altres (α = .05). Els resultats van mostrar que controlar la pilota i córrer amb la pilota van ser els comportaments més freqüents abans de la passada en profunditat curta precedida d’una acció individual i que la passada curta va ser el comportament més freqüent que va precedir la passada en profunditat curta precedida d’una acció col·lectiva. Tots els comportaments tecnicotàctics es van produir en un context d’interacció sense pressió i principalment a les zones centrals del camp. A més, el control de la pilota va ser significativament diferent d’altres categories en la passada en profunditat llarga precedida d’una acció individual. Suggerim que els entrenadors considerin replicar escenaris sense pressió a la defensa i incloure activitats que potenciïn comportaments tecnicotàctics com córrer amb la pilota i un intercanvi ràpid de passades amb un toc o dos.Els autors expressen el seu agraïment al patrocini del subprojecte del Govern d’Espanya Enfocament de mètode mixt en l’anàlisi de rendiment (en entrenament i competició) en l’esport d’elit i acadèmia [PGC2018-098742-B-C33] (2019-2021) [del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats (MCIU), l’Agència Estatal d’Investigació (AEI) i el Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional (FEDER)], que forma part del projecte coordinat New approach of research in physical activity and sport from mixed methods perspective (NARPAS_MM) [SPGC201800X098742CV0

    Perceptions of Justice after Recovery Efforts in Internet Purchasing: the Impact on Consumer Trust and Loyalty toward Retailing Sites and Online Shopping in General

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    The main goal of this paper is to extend the traditional theoretical model of service recovery to the online purchasing environment by investigating the impact of perceptions of justice after recovery efforts toward unsatisfactory Internet purchasing on customer trust and loyalty. The authors develop a theoretical model focusing on interrelationships among complaint handling evaluations, quality of prior experience, familiarity, trust, perceived value and loyalty. To test this model, 3,339 customers from all over Brazil who had been engaged in complaint processes about online purchases within the past 6 months answered an online questionnaire. Findings indicate that interpersonal treatment by the e-retailer improves consumer perceptions of the online recovery process. Consumer trust in the firm's website is strongly influenced by satisfaction with complaint handling, familiarity and the quality of prior experiences with the website, while consumer trust in Internet shopping is mainly affected by familiarity and the quality of prior experiences with Internet purchasing. These two dimensions of trust are distinct and represent discrete facets, as they do not impact each other. Moreover, repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth communication are influenced by consumer trust


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    The aim of this study is to conceptualize anthropization, with a historical survey of the human presence in the eastern Amazon. The character / anthropic person is characterized as a human agent for transforming the environment, based on Brazilian legislation and the territorialization of traditional peoples and communities and their ethnicities. Finally, as an operationalization of the concept of anthropic profile, we proposed the identification of this profile in productive skills and traits of behavior, generators of anthropic actions and narratives. In addition to the use of state documents, this study was based on references by Aristotle (1976), DaMatta (2010), Lima and Pozzobon (2005), Little (2002), Poutignat (2011), Veríssimo (1883) and Bourdieu (2004).O objetivo deste estudo é conceituar a antropização, realizando-se um levantamento histórico da presença humana na Amazônia oriental. Caracteriza-se a personagem/persona antrópica como agente humano de transformação do ambiente, pautando-se na legislação brasileira e na territorialização de povos e comunidades tradicionais e suas etnicidades. Por fim, como operacionalização do conceito de perfil antrópico, propõe-se a identificação deste perfil em habilidades produtivas e traços de comportamento, geradores de ações/narrativas antrópicas. Além da utilização de documentos estatais, este estudo se pautou em referencial de Aristóteles (1976), DaMatta (2010), Lima e Pozzobon (2005), Little (2002), Poutignat (2011), Veríssimo (1883) e Bourdieu (2004)


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    In this paper we connect the concepts of “knowing” and “knowledge” as complementary forms of organization of human thought, which should be prioritized according to the nature of the research or the object to be grasped, varying the word according to the approach and conception of science to be prioritized. Favoring the concept of “knowing”, as an intrinsic part of the "close experience" to traditional peoples, we show characteristics of the modus operandi and the nature of the "knowing", envisaging the application of this combination of thought methods for building a society of “Bom Viver”. Theories of Da Matta (2010), Levi-Strauss (1997), Geertz (1997; 2005)), Gramsci (1931; 1991), Escobar (2012) and Foucault (2007) are used to support the concepts.Trata-se, aqui, de relacionar os conceitos de saber e conhecimento como formas complementares de organização do pensamento humano, que devem ser priorizados conforme a natureza da pesquisa ou do objeto a ser apreendido, variando o termo conforme a abordagem e a concepção de ciência a ser priorizada. Privilegiando-se o concepto de saber, como parte intrínseca da “experiência próxima” em povos tradicionais, apresentam-se características do modus operandi e da natureza do “saber”, além de se vislumbrar a aplicação dessa conjunção de formas de pensamento para a construção de uma sociedade do Bom Viver. Priorizam-se as teorias de DaMatta (2010), Lévi-Strauss (1997), Geertz (1997 e 2005), Gramsci (1931 e 1991), Escobar (2012) e Foucault (2007) para dar suporte aos conceptos

    A economia do gesto

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    Este texto procura articular e refletir, sobre a matéria pensada que resulta da prática de desenho. O desenho por contacto assume-se como dispositivo, para aceder a imagens que na sua grande maioria se revelam enquanto coisas inacabadas, impuras ou como fissuras. A partir de uma sucessão de tentativas e erros, atenção aos pequenos gestos na sua relação com o corpo e ao contacto da matéria com a superfície do papel: à sua inscrição e rasura. Procuro um momento de tensão que funcione como o mínimo necessário, para captar uma imagem no seu ponto máximo de fragilidade. O que parece estar em causa é a procura atenta, uma atenção e ao exercício do corpo a uma certa economia do gesto, que promova a produção de "quase imagens" capazes de reabilitar a imaginação

    Rancho de Resistência

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    Cotidiano dos "silêncios": momentos de plantio em agricultura familiar

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    Este vídeo mostra o cotidiano de uma família no trabalho agrícola e sua interação doméstica pelos “silêncios”. Em um dia do mês de novembro de 2016, a partir da lógica da agricultura familiar. O vídeo utiliza como campo os espaços da família Souza, momentos da mãe,dos filhos, do pai e dos primos. Situados na Vila de Areia Branca, município de Santa Izabel do Pará/Pará. Foi utilizada para a captura das imagens uma máquina SONY, modelo DSC - H50.Assista aqui