68 research outputs found
A destinação dos embriões excedentários sob uma perspectiva civil-constitucional: análise da ADI 3510-0 e do substitutivo ao estatuto do nascituro
O estudo versa sobre a destinação dos embriões excedentes da fertilização in vitro, que varia conforme as suas acepções, seja como pessoa, pessoa em potencial ou um amontoado de células. Para tanto, comenta-se o voto condutor do julgamento da ADI 3510-0, qual seja, do Ministro Ayres Britto, a fim de verificar quais fundamentos embasaram a declaração de constitucionalidade da utilização dos embriões excedentários para fins de pesquisa e terapia, nos termos do artigo 5º da Lei de Biossegurança. O tema é abordado é luz do substitutivo ao Estatuto do Nascituro, que visa incluir os embriões laboratoriais ao conceito do ente concebido, para fins de titularidade de direitos. Dessa forma, discute-se a ponderação de princípios e direitos constitucionais, como o princípio da dignidade humana e o direito à vida, a fim de buscar uma solução ético-jurídica para a destinação dos embriões extranumerários
A RESISTÊNCIA DE BROMÉLIAS E VITÓRIAS-RÉGIAS: narrativas femininas frente à mineração
THE RESISTANCE OF BROMÉLIAS AND VICTORY-RÉGIAS: feminine narratives in front of the miningLA RESISTENCIA DE BROMÉLIAS Y VICTORIAS-RÉGIAS: narrativas femeninas frente a la mineríaRESUMOO artigo tem o objetivo de descrever e analisar as narrativas de resistência e de organização das mulheres face ao extrativismo mineral, das comunidades de São João do Burajuba e Sítio São João, cidade de Barcarena, nordeste do estado do Pará. Também se pretende “apresentar”, via narrativas, as transformações sociais decorrentes da atividade mineradora na vida dessas mulheres e as formas de organização por elas vivenciadas como forma de resistência ao extrativismo mineral (à mineração). Procurou-se expor relatos da realidade das lideranças femininas, os caminhos trilhados e o protagonismo político, além de questões em relação aos efeitos provocados pela mineração no ambiente familiar e nas suas comunidades. Nesse sentido, utilizou-se do processo de construção de relato de vida (narrativas) e da observação participante. Essa metodologia mostrou um panorama muito mais completo acerca dos impactos causados, direcionando a novas considerações em relação à realidade das mulheres e da autonomia na luta contra o modelo mineral introduzido em seus territórios. Assim, esta pesquisa é um processo de outras construções de realidades da ação das mulheres e da luta contra grandes empreendimentos que às “atingem”.Palavras-chave: Mulheres; Mineração; Resistência; Estado do Pará; Extrativismo Mineral.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article is to describe and analyze the narratives of resistance and organization of women in the face of mineral extractivism from the communities of São João do Burajuba and Sítio São João in the city of Barcarena, northeast of the state of Pará. Also, this article aims to “present”, through narratives, the social transformations resulting from the mining activity in life of these women and the forms of organization experienced by them as a way of resistance to the mineral extractivism (mining). It was sought to expose narrations from the reality of the women's leaders, the pathways and political protagonism, as well as issues regarding the effects caused by mining in the family environment and in their communities. In this sense, the process of construction of life story (narratives) and participant observation was used. This methodology showed a much more complete view about the impacts caused, directing new considerations regarding the reality of women and the autonomy in the fight against the mineral model introduced in their territories. Therefore, this research is a process of other constructions of realities of the action of women and of the fight against big enterprises which "attain" them.Keywords: Women; Mining; Resistance; State of Pará; Mineral Extractivism.RESUMENEl artículo tiene el objetivo de describir y analizar las narrativas de resistencia y de organización de las mujeres frente al extractivismo mineral, de las comunidades de São João do Burajuba y del sitio São João, ciudad de Barcarena, nordeste del estado de Pará. También se pretende "presentar" ", a través de narrativas, las transformaciones sociales derivadas de la actividad minera en la vida de esas mujeres y las formas de organización por ellas vivenciadas como forma de resistencia al extractivismo mineral (a la minería). Se buscó exponer relatos de la realidad de los liderazgos femeninos, los caminos trillados y el protagonismo político, además de cuestiones en relación a los efectos provocados por la minería en el ambiente familiar y en sus comunidades. En ese sentido, se utilizó el proceso de construcción de relato de vida (narrativas) y de la observación participante. Esta metodología mostró un panorama mucho más completo acerca de los impactos causados, dirigiendo a nuevas consideraciones en relación a la realidad de las mujeres y de la autonomía en la lucha contra el modelo mineral introducido en sus territorios. Así, esta investigación es un proceso de otras construcciones de realidades de la acción de las mujeres y de la lucha contra grandes emprendimientos que a las "alcanzan".Palabras clave: Mujeres; La Minería; Resistencia; Estado de Pará; Extractivismo Mineral
Morbidades e qualidade de vida de idosos com diabetes mellitus residentes nas zonas rural e urbana
This study aimed to describe the socio-demographic variables and to compare the morbidities and the quality of life (QoL) of elderly individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM) residing in urban and rural areas. The sample consisted of 271 elderly individuals from urban areas and 104 from rural areas with self-reported DM. A descriptive analysis was used, and in the location comparison, an age adjustment was employed through linear and logistic multiple regression models (pSe objetivó describir las variables sociodemográficas y comparar morbilidades y calidad de vida (QV) de ancianos con diabetes mellitus (DM) residentes en zonas urbanas y rurales. Muestra compuesta por 271 ancianos de zona urbana y 104 de zona rural que autorrefirieron padecer DM. Se utilizó análisis descriptivo y, en la comparación de localidades, se efectuó ajuste etario mediante regresión logística y lineal múltiple (pEste estudo objetivou descrever as variáveis sociodemográficas e comparar as morbidades e a qualidade de vida (QV) dos idosos com diabetes mellitus (DM) residentes nas zonas urbana e rural. A amostra foi composta de 271 idosos da zona urbana e 104 da rural que autorreferiram DM. Utilizou-se análise descritiva e, na comparação das localidades, realizou-se ajuste para a idade por meio de regressão logística e linear múltipla (p < 0,05). Os idosos da zona rural eram mais jovens, casados e possuíam maior escolaridade e renda em relação àqueles da área urbana. Além disso, apresentaram maior escore de QV nos domínios físico e relações sociais e nas facetas autonomia, atividades passadas, presentes e futuras e intimidade, em relação aos do espaço urbano, nos quais se verificou maior número de comorbidades. Os idosos com DM da zona rural apresentaram, de forma geral, melhores condições de saúde em comparação aos que residiam na área urbana
Virulence Genes and Resistance Profile of Escherichia coli Isolated in Meat Meal Samples
Background: Feed is the main route of transmission of pathogenic microorganisms and is responsible for a large part of the cost of poultry production, so the inclusion of alternative foods in diets for monogastrics has been a constant. Among alternative foods most used in modern poultry farming are animal meal, however, when contaminated they constitute a route of transmission of several pathogenic agents, including Escherichia coli. In addition, there is a zoonotic potential, as poultry products are intended for human consumption. The objective of this research was to detect virulence genes, as well as to evaluate the resistance profile of Escherichia coli isolates from meat meal samples. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 40 Escherichia coli isolates were analyzed and the virulence genes surveyed iss, ompT, hlyF, iutA, and fimA identified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The antimicrobial agents tested were: amoxycillin (30 μg), ceftiofur (30 μg), ciprofloxacin (5 μg), doxycycline (30 μg), florfenicol (30 μg), fosfomycin (200 μg), gentamicin (10 μg), norfloxacin (10 μg) and oxacillin (1 μg). It was possible to observe the occurrence of the iss resistance gene in 100% of Escherichia coli isolates, followed by hlyF (85%), fimA (75%), ompT (17.5%) and iutA (5%). Regarding the simultaneous detection for the genes, a greater association between the genes iss, hlyF and fimA (60%) was verified. All isolates showed resistance to oxacillin (100%), followed by doxycycline (25%), amoxicillin (22.5%), norfloxacin (17.5%), ceftiofur (15%), florfenicol (12.5%), fosfomycin (12.5%), ciprofloxacin (10%) and gentamycin (2.5%). In this study, a variation of the multiple antimicrobial resistance index (IRMA) was observed between 0.22 and 0.77. Discussion: The indiscriminate use of of antimicrobials as performance enhancers in production animals, may have contributed to the increase in antimicrobial resistance, with the occurrence of multiresistant Escherichia coli carrying virulence genes. Virulence genes present in Escherichia coli isolates are studied to understand the degree of influence they exert in the establishment of the disease, one of the most researched genes is the iss gene, involved in the processes that promote serum resistance. In this study, iss (100%) was present in all the isolates analyzed, although it is not the only mechanism used by these bacteria to reach internal organs and trigger an infection, this gene encodes an important mechanism associated with high levels of virulence. The second highest prevalence found was of the hlyF gene (85%), the high prevalence of hlyF suggests virulence potential, involved with the production of hemolysin and improvement of outer membrane vesicles associated with the release of toxins. The fimA gene (75%) was detected in a slightly lower percentage when compared to iss and hlyF. With the second lowest prevalence, the ompT gene (17.5%), is involved in a process that includes the proteolytic degradation of antimicrobial peptides and with the lowest prevalence the iutA gene (5%). Certain combinations of virulence genes make the strains easier to survive, adhere to, colonize and even the ability to develop septicemic conditions. Multiresistant E. coli strains, is a fact of concern for both animal and human health, since the presence of multiresistant strains, originating from poultry, can be transmitted from chicken carcasses. In this sense, the importance of sanitary control of the inputs used in animal feed is emphasized, as well as the prudent use of antimicrobials in animal production, with a view to producing a safe food, minimizing not only the economic losses, but also the risks to human health. Keywords: antimicrobial, bacterial resistance, colibacillosis, poultry.
Sars-Cov-2 evolution analysis in Rio Grande do Sul and reflections about of controlled distance model
A pandemia de Covid-19 chegou ao Rio Grande do Sul (RS) evidenciando a necessidade de uma abordagem multidisciplinar e sistemática, buscando respostas emergentes. A falta de uma estratégia nacional de combate ao novo coronavírus exigiu a elaboração de uma alternativa própria por parte do governo estadual. A opção adotada foi um modelo de distanciamento controlado, considerando a gestão do sistema de saúde, visando garantir a capacidade de atendimento dos enfermos por Covid-19 e demais doenças e propiciar o funcionamento dos setores econômicos. O presente artigo faz um apanhado geral da confirmação de casos de Covid-19 no Rio Grande do Sul, analisa a evolução da doença no período de fevereiro a outubro de 2020 e disserta criticamente acerca do modelo de distanciamento controlado aplicado pelo governo do estado. São feitas reflexões sobre os objetivos de tal modelo, que exprimem uma tentativa de condicionamento das práticas espaciais da população, e sobre a eficiência da instrumentalização do controle social simbolizada por cores que indicam a intensidade de restrições.La pandémie de Covid-19 a atteint le Rio Grande do Sul (RS), soulignant la nécessité d'une approche multidisciplinaire et systématique, à la recherche de réponses émergentes. L'absence d'une stratégie nationale de lutte contre le nouveau coronavirus a nécessité l'élaboration d'une solution de rechange par le gouvernement de l'État. L'option adoptée a été un modèle de distanciation contrôlée, considérant la gestion du système de santé, visant à garantir la capacité de soigner les patients atteints de Covid-19 et d'autres maladies et à permettre le fonctionnement des secteurs économiques. Cet article donne un aperçu de la confirmation des cas de Covid-19 dans l'État de Rio Grande do Sul, analyse l'évolution de la maladie de février à octobre 2020 et discute de manière critique le modèle de distanciation contrôlée appliqué par le gouvernement de l'État. Des réflexions sont menées sur les objectifs de ce modèle, qui expriment une tentative de conditionner les pratiques spatiales de la population, et sur l'efficacité de l'instrumentalisation du contrôle social symbolisé par des couleurs qui indiquent l'intensité des restrictions.The Covid-19 pandemic reached Rio Grande do Sul (RS), highlighting the need for a multidisciplinary and systematic approach, seeking emerging responses. The lack of a national strategy to combat the new coronavirus required the elaboration of an alternative by the local government. The option adopted was a controlled distance model, considering the health system management, aiming at guaranteeing the capacity to attend the sick due to Covid-19 and other diseases, and allowing the functioning of the economic sectors. This article provides an overview of the confirmation of cases of Covid-19 in Rio Grande do Sul, analyzes the evolution of the disease from February to October 2020, and gives a critical commentary on the controlled distance model applied by the state government. Reflections are made on the objectives of such a model, which express an attempt to condition the population’s spatial practices, and on the efficiency of the instrumentalization of social control symbolized by colors indicating the intensity of restrictions
COVID-19 laboratory diagnosis: comparative analysis of different RNA extraction methods for SARS-CoV-2 detection by two amplification protocols
The gold standard for the laboratory diagnosis of COVID-19 is the reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) assay, which searches for SARS-CoV-2 target genes in nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal (NP/OP) samples, and its performance depends on the quantity and quality of the RNA input. This study compared the performance and cost-effectiveness of three different kits/reagents for RNA extraction used in COVID-19 diagnosis in Sao Paulo, Brazil. A total of 300 NP/OP samples belonging to suspected cases of COVID-19 stored in a biorepository were randomly selected, and RNA was extracted using (i) automated extraction (Loccus, Extracta Kit FAST), (ii) manual extraction (BioGene Kit, Bioclin, Quibasa), and (iii) quick extraction methods (Lucigen, Quick DNA Extract Kit). Next, the samples were tested using RT-qPCR for SARS-CoV-2 with the Allplex 2019-nCoV modified assay and the Charité-Berlin protocol. All assays/kits were used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For the Allplex kit, the sensitivity in detecting SARS-CoV-2 with previously extracted RNA by different procedures was 100.0% for Loccus, 100.0% for BioGene and 91.9% for Quick. Using the Charité-Berlin protocol, the sensitivities were 81.4% for Loccus, 81.2% for BioGene and 60.7% for Quick. The least sensitive target gene and the gene most affected by RNA extraction procedures was the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene (Charité-Berlin protocol). No false-positive SARS-CoV-2 results were detected using RNA obtained from any of the different protocols. In conclusion, Loccus and BioGene RNA extractions were efficient for RT-qPCR assays, and although the BioGene procedure is less expensive, Loccus is the best choice because it allows the rapid handling of hundreds or thousands of samples, a desirable feature during pandemics. Although less sensitive, the Quick extraction is useful during outbreaks coupled with the Allplex amplification kit for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis (κ = 0.925)
Genetic diversity and selection using an ideotype in a Formosa papaya population
Ideotype is a combination of traits to be sought in a breeding program, supporting the selection process. However, there must be sufficient genetic variability to be explored to ensure success in this process. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity of a population of Formosa papaya from the cultivar Rubi Incaper 511, maintained by farmers, and the use of an index based on the genotype-ideotype distance for preserving the original traits of the cultivar. A population of 250 individuals, maintained for approximately 10 years, was evaluated for 13 quantitative morpho-agronomic descriptors. Genetic divergence was estimated from the dissimilarity matrix using the mean Euclidean distance, and the dendrogram was formed using the hierarchical method of unweighted pair groups method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA). The index based on the genotype-ideotype distance was used for plant selection, with the cultivar Rubi Incaper 511 being the desired ideotype. The new means of the selected individuals and the selection differential were obtained after this selection. The individuals had fruit mass ranging from 0.73 to 1.99 kg, soluble solids content between 9.63 and 12.68 °Brix, and number of commercial fruits per plant ranging from 23 to 90. The dendrogram divided the genotypes into five groups. The selected individuals exhibited favorable selection differentials for ten traits and were closer to the selected ideotype. The management of this population by the farmers proved to be efficient in maintaining the genetic variability of the cultivar, and the selection through the index based on the genotypeideotype distance can be used to restore the phenotypic pattern of open-pollinated cultivars
Análise do descarte ambientalmente correto da produção do queijo coalho em fabriquetas do Sertão Sergipano
The curd cheese has occupied an important place in human nutrition due to its high nutritional value, however, it is responsible for the development of a large amount of waste or liquid waste arising from the processing of milk into cheese. The main effluent from this transformation is the cheese whey, this is considered one of the dairy industry of polluting and sweatshops of small, medium and large, rich in fats and proteins lactoses. It is currently very little exploited for food purposes and all wasted volume is sent to pig nutrition, or directed to water sources or soil, creating environmental problems such as high biochemical oxygen demand. In this sense it is extremely important to seek alternatives to environmentally correct disposal and proper cheese whey treatments. This study aimed to investigate the sweatshops of the High Wilderness Sergipe intended their waste or effluent from curd cheese production. The research is characterized as descriptive, held in the form of case study, based on quantitative analysis, as well as direct observation in the properties. Applied non-probability sampling for convenience, using the structured questionnaire as a tool and applied to the sample of 18 owners of curd cheese homemade. With regard to the processing of data, they were compressed and exported to Microsoft Office Excel software, and analyzed prioritizing the socio-environmental aspects. The results showed that 16 owners responded that the effluents from the production of the cheese making process consist of serum and 2 consists of whey and wash water, which all owners responded that the destination of the liquid waste from the production process is facing feeding pigs, all owners said they do not perform any treatment of waste generated by them, that 83% of the sample consider that the waste from the production cause no impact on their daily lives and 17% are indifferent to its effects. It also identified that 10 owners said they are unaware of the damage caused to the environment that may cause serum, 5 and 3 know little know. Finally, it points out the need to demonstrate and discuss the environment impact caused by waste from the production of cheese curds in the droughts of Sergipe.O queijo de coalho vem ocupando um lugar relevante na alimentação humana devido ao seu alto valor nutritivo, contudo, é responsável pelo fomento de uma grande quantidade de rejeito ou efluentes líquidos decorrentes da transformação do leite em queijo. O principal efluente proveniente desta transformação é o soro de queijo, este que é considerado um dos grandes poluentes da indústria de laticínios e fabriquetas de pequeno, médio e grande porte, rico em gorduras, lactoses e proteínas. Atualmente é muito pouco aproveitado para fins alimentícios e todo volume desperdiçado é enviado para nutrição de suínos, ou direcionados a mananciais de água ou solo, gerando problemas ambientais como alta demanda bioquímica de oxigênio. Neste sentido é de extrema relevância buscar alternativas para o descarte ambientalmente correto e tratamentos adequados do soro de queijo. O presente estudo objetivou investigar com as fabriquetas do Alto Sertão Sergipano destinam os seus resíduos ou efluentes provenientes da produção de queijo de coalho. A pesquisa é caracterizada como descritiva, realizada sob a forma de estudo de caso, com base de análise quantitativa, além da observação direta nas propriedades. Aplicou-se uma amostragem não probabilística por conveniência, utilizando o questionário estruturado como instrumento e aplicado na amostra de 18 proprietários de fabriquetas de queijo de coalho. No que se refere ao tratamento dos dados, estes foram compactados e exportados para o software Microsoft Office Excel, sendo analisados priorizando os aspectos sócio- ambientais. Os resultados evidenciaram que 16 proprietários responderam que os efluentes decorrentes do processo produtivo do queijo são constituídos de soro e 2 é constituído de soro e água de lavagem, que todos os proprietários responderam que o destino dado aos resíduos líquidos decorrentes do processo produtivo é voltado para alimentação dos suínos, todos os proprietários responderam que não realizam nenhum tratamento aos rejeitos gerados pelas mesmas, que 83% da amostra consideram que os rejeitos provenientes da produção não causam impactam em seu cotidiano e 17% são indiferentes aos seus efeitos. Identificou-se também que 10 proprietários responderam que desconhecem sobre os danos causados ao meio ambiente que o soro pode provocar, 5 conhecem pouco e 3 conhecem. Finalmente, cabe ressaltar a necessidade de demonstrar e discutir os impactos ambientes causados pelos rejeitos da produção do queijo coalho no Sertão Sergipano.Aracaj
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