149 research outputs found

    Gestión Sustentable De Riesgos Y Crisis En El Turismo Mexicano Y Latinoamericano Como Problema Estratégico Para La Seguridad De Los Destinos. Implicaciones Para Ciudad Juárez, México

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    The integrated management of risk and crisis in tourism has recently been incorporated to scientific debate and therefore to the practical management; which is why concepts and procedures are required to gain efficiency and practical operational development. The aim of this study is to justify the sustainable management process of risk and crisis in Mexican and Latin American tourism as a strategy for the security of destinations, and identify the experiences that promote a better preparedness and planning of risk and crisis caused by insecurity in Ciudad Juarez. The results of this study demonstrate that the integrated management of risk and crisis on tourism is justified as a strategic problem for security in tourist destinations, as well as the necessity to have policy and institutional framework to manage tourism safety. Then as a learning experience, an analysis of crisis and management strategies related to unsafe destinations in Latin America and Mexico are presented. Finally, the strategic projection for the preparation and planning of tourism, facing risks and crisis caused by insecurity in Ciudad Juarez is proposed. This includes the characterization of the city as an insecure cross-border tourist destination, the formulation of the strategic problem, the development of the principles to form a Sustainable and Secure Tourism System, and the planning of action areas for short-term and longterm implementation

    Effectiveness of an educational program in nursing in the self-care of patients with heart failure: randomized controlled trial

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    Ensayo clínico controlado aleatorizado sin cegamiento, con el que se evaluó la efectividad de un programa educativo de enfermería (encuentros educativos, visitas domiciliarias, tele enfermería y cartilla impresa) en el mejoramiento de los comportamientos de autocuidado en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca. Participaron 33 personas en el grupo de estudio y 30 en el grupo control. Al inicio y al finalizar el estudio (noveno mes) se aplicó la Escala de Comportamientos de Autocuidado de Pacientes con Insuficiencia cardiaca de Nancy Artinian para evaluar el nivel de autocuidado. Resultados: 66,0% del grupo de intervención versus 26,6% del grupo control mejoraron en al menos un 20% el puntaje de autocuidado (pUnblinded randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program in nursing (educational meetings, home visits, telenursing and a printed book) in the improvement of self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure was evaluated. Thirty-three people participated in the intervention group and thirty in the control group. At the beginning and at the end of the study (ninth month), Nancy Artinian's Heart Failure Self-care Behaviors Scale was applied to assess the level of self-care. 66.0% of the intervention group versus 26.6% of the control group improved the self-care score by at least 20% (pTrata-se de ensaio clínico controlado, aleatorizado, sem cegamento, no qual se avaliou a efetividade de um programa educativo de enfermagem (encontros educativos, visitas domiciliárias, tele-enfermagem e cartilha impressa), no melhoramento dos comportamentos de autocuidado em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Participaram 33 pessoas no grupo de estudo e 30 no grupo controle. No início e no final do estudo (nono mês), aplicou-se a Escala de Comportamentos de Autocuidado de Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, de Nancy Artinian, para avaliar o nível de autocuidado. Resultados: 66,0% do grupo de intervenção contra 26,6% do grupo controle melhoraram em ao menos 20% da pontuação de autocuidado (

    The link between selfing and greater dispersibility in a heterocarpic Asteraceae

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    Premise of the Study: Although an evolutionary link between breeding system and dispersibility has been proposed, to date empirical data and theoretical models of plants show contrasting trends. Methods: We tested two competing hypotheses for the association between breeding systems and dispersibility in the heterocarpic Hypochaeris salzmanniana (Asteraceae) by using both an experimental approach and surveys over 2 years of five natural populations along an environmental cline with a gradient of pollinator availability. Key Results: Hypochaeris salzmanniana produced two types of fruits, beaked (BF) and nonbeaked (NBF), which differ in their dispersal ability. The BF were lighter and had a lower dropping velocity and higher dispersal distance than the NBF. Potential for long-distance dispersal, measured as BF ratio per head, had high narrow-sense heritability. Greater dispersibility and selfing ability were linked at all the scales studied. Both selfed BF and NBF fruits had longer plumes and lower plume loading than outcrossed fruits, characteristics that promote farther dispersal. Natural populations with a higher percentage of self-compatible plants showed a higher BF ratio. Moreover, selfing led to a higher BF ratio than outcrossing. Conclusions: The avoidance of inbreeding depression seems to be the most plausible selective pressure for the greater dispersibility traits of selfed seeds. Furthermore, the ability to modulate the BF ratio and thus the potential for long-distance dispersal of offspring based on its selfed or outcrossed origin could be advantageous, and therefore selected, under unpredictable pollination environments that favor higher dispersive selfers, which overcome both pollen limitation and inbreeding avoidance.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2012- 33270, CGL2015- 63827, CGL2015- 66161-

    Single-longitudinal-mode dual wavelength-switchable fiber laser based on superposed Fiber Bragg Gratings

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    In this work, a simple switchable dual-wavelength short-cavity fiber laser operating in a single-longitudinal-mode regime at room temperature and based on superposed fiber Bragg gratings is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Only by introducing stress into one of the overwritten FBGs, single- or dual-wavelength laser oscillations can be attained. Either single- or multimode operation of the laser can be easily achieved. Single-longitudinal-mode emission has been verified in two different ways: the first corroboration has been conducted by the heterodyne detection of the output signal, and the second one has been carried out by using a high-resolution optical spectrum analyzer.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología within Project TEC2013-47264-C2-R and in part by FEDER funds

    Diseño de un Sistema de Gestión de Inocuidad Alimentaria Bajo la Norma ISO 22000:2005 para Una Planta Procesadora de Quinua

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar un sistema de gestión de inocuidad alimentaria bajo la Norma ISO 22000:2005 para la planta procesadora de quinua de la Corporación de Productores y Comercializadores Orgánicos Bio Taita Chimborazo (COPROBICH), mediante la integración de los diferentes manuales, procedimientos y aplicaciones que plasmen las actividades llevadas a cabo diariamente en la planta. La implantación de este sistema constituirá una llave que abrirá la puerta a la posibilidad de ingresar de manera efectiva y eficiente a mercados internacionales, cuyos parámetros de exigencia son ciertamente altos, garantizando la producción de alimentos inocuos. El desarrollo de este trabajo partió con una investigación de campo, puesto que se llevaron a cabo auditorías que permitieron identificar los agentes causales que generan bajos estándares de seguridad alimentaria. Asimismo se realizó una evaluación diagnóstica de la situación actual de la empresa, para lo cual se aplicó un test basado en la Norma Internacional ISO 22000:2005, cuyo resultado reflejó un porcentaje de cumplimiento igual a 12. Posteriormente se estructuró el sistema documental de acuerdo a los programas prerrequisitos que establece la Norma Internacional ISO 22000:2005; se perfiló igualmente el Plan HACCP a partir de la formación de un equipo de inocuidad y el análisis de peligros y puntos críticos de control de cada una de las etapas que comprende el procesamiento y comercialización de quinua orgánica, con lo cual se incrementó a 52% el cumplimiento del test aplicado. This paper focuses on designing a food safety management system under the ISO 22000: 2005 Standard for the quinoa processing plant of the Organic Taita Chimborazo Organic Producers and Marketers Corporation. This was achieved through the integration of the different manuals, procedures, and applications that reflect the activities carried out daily in the plant. The implementation of this system will serve as a key that will open the possibility of effectively and efficiently entering international markets, whose parameters of demand are certainly high, guaranteeing the production of safe food. The development of this study started with a field investigation. This is because audits were carried out that help to identify the causal agents generating low standards of food security. Likewise, a diagnostic evaluation of the current situation of the company was carried out. In this case, a test was applied based on the International Standard ISO 22000: 2005. The result reflected a fulfillment percentage equal to 12. Afterward, a documental system was structured according to the prerequirement programs that the ISO 22000:2005 International Standard establishes. HACCP plan was outlined starting with the conformation of a safety group, the hazard analysis, critical control points of one and each of the stages that the procedure includes, and organic quinoa commercialization through which the test applied experience a significant increase at a 52% of the fulfillment

    Administración Pública

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    El presente trabajo de investigación bibliográfica tiene como tema general la Administración, y como subtema la Administración Pública. Su relación en base a los planteamientos administrativos que esto conlleva en torno a las cuatro fases del proceso administrativo es en las que a través de este se lleven a cabo procesos de planeación y esquematización dentro del rubro que consolida diferentes sectores del Estado. Nuestro objetivo general para nuestro seminario de graduación es explicar en qué consiste la Administración Pública que controla de manera hábil y transparente los recursos del Estado, tanto los materiales como los humanos, para que de manera tal pueda satisfacer necesidades primordiales de la sociedad. Este informe está estructurado bajo cuatro capítulos tales como: Capítulo uno: Administración Pública, Capítulo dos: La Organización del Sector Público, Capítulo tres: Los Procesos de Planeación en la Administración Pública y Capítulo cuatro: Manejo Integral de los Recursos en la Administración Pública. Bajo la Modalidad de Graduación, cumpliendo con las normativas de Seminario de Graduación de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua), y la aplicación de las rúbricas elaboradas por el Claustro Docente, el presente informe está elaborado bajo la aplicación de las Normas APA – Sexta Edició

    Influence of saturable absorbers on fiber ring laser sensors

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    In this work, a fiber ring laser sensor has been employed to analyze the influence of passive Er-doped fiber acting as saturable absorber. Lasing modes of fiber ring lasers can be reduced by properly locating a saturable absorber that narrows the spectral width of the FBG that selects the lasing wavelength. Employing commercial Er-doped fiber, different configurations have been evaluated, reaching the SLM regime on a ring cavity of several meters. Thus, the achieved strain response of the whole sensor behaves at its mirror FBG, exhibiting linear response to strain.This work has been supported by the project TEC2013-47264-C2 and TEC2016-76021-C2, of the Spanish government and by a Parliament of Cantabria postdoc grant

    Virtual FBGs using saturable absorbers for sensing with fiber lasers

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    The spectral narrowing of Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) introduced by unpumped Er-doped fiber (EDF) was analyzed for fiber lasers (FL). Owing to spatial hole burning (SHB), the spectral response of a virtual FBG can be employed for narrowing the band pass filter employed to determine the lasing wavelength of laser cavities. A common FL was mounted to analyze the spectral stability of the method, and a FL sensor for strain and temperature measurements was experimentally characterized to determine the stability of the narrowing effect achieved by the unpumped EDF, which acts as a virtual FBG. The results exhibited remarkably good narrowing effects of the spectral response of uniform FBGs.This research was funded by MINECO (Spain) project TEC 2016-76021-C2-R and FEDER funds

    Escuela y comunidad: Una experiencia de desarrollo comunitario

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    Nuestra comunicación presenta la experiencia que se está desarrollando en dos barrios periféricos con la participación de cuatro centros educativos: dos de educación Infantil y Primaria (CEIP) y dos Institutos de Educación Secundaria (IES). Partiendo de la cultura como manifestación social, reflexionamos sobre la cultura escolar y su relación con el fracaso escolar, y analizamos las posibilidades del desarrollo comunitario como vía para afrontarlo. En esta experiencia, el proceso de desarrollo comunitario está en su fase inicial y se ha consolidado la coordinación de los diferentes servicios y recursos públicos y privados que inciden en la zona. El trabajo de prevención y promoción que se está realizando en las calles gracias al proceso “El Patio”, se complementa con la participación de los centros educativos, además del uso comunitario de sus instalaciones. Actualmente estamos realizando un diagnóstico comunitario en el que hemos finalizado la recopilación de datos objetivos y estadísticos así como el proceso de audición para la parte subjetiva. Con la síntesis de estos datos se iniciará un proceso de discusión con toda la población para la búsqueda comunitaria de alternativas