37 research outputs found

    DNA metabarcoding unveils niche overlapping and competition among Caribbean sea urchins

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    Detailed information of trophic interactions among consumer-resources in food webs is usually limited due to the lack of accurate identification of eaten food resources. The use of DNA-metabarcoding has been proven useful for molecular identification of the numerous taxa present in stomach contents. Here, we characterize the diet and trophic behavior of four sea urchin species inhabiting shallow waters of Puerto Rico using this molecular technique. We extracted, sequenced, and analyzed DNA from the gut content of a total of 60 individuals collected at three sites at the northeastern coast of Puerto Rico. Our results demonstrated that seaweeds were the dominant food source for the four sea urchin species at all three sites, but also small protists, fungi and metazoans were important components of sea urchin's diet. Interspecific differences in diet were also found among sites. PERMANOVA analysis detected significant differences among species (Pseudo-F 1.755, p < 0.001), and among sites (Pseudo-F 2.52, p < 0.001). A SIMPER analysis showed that in all cases the main taxa causing differences between species and sites were macroalgae (Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta and Ochrophyta) with some contribution of small eukaryotes (Apicomplexa and Bacillariophyta). This diet characterization in sea urchins revealed a generalist omnivore behavior, but with a clear dominance of algae as a main dietary component. Thus, we found a potential inter-specific competition due to niche overlapping, which seems to be more common than initially thought

    Evaluación de los factores de riesgo en la salud visual de los pacientes con retinopatía diabética

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    Background: People suffering from chronic hyperglycemia have a higher risk of developing macrovascular complications such as coronary, cerebrovascular ischemic disease and microvascular complications such as retinopathy, which is the third cause of irreversible blindness in the world, but the first in people of productive age in developing countries, generating large economic losses. Objective: to identify the risk factors for diabetic retinopathy in patients of two ophthalmological units of the city of Montería- Córdoba. Methods: a descriptive, retrospective study conducted with a sample of 62 patients with diabetic retinopathy. We collected sociodemographic information and variables corresponding to the risk factors to develop diabetic retinopathy such as hypertension, CKD, obesity, and disease progression. The statistical program SPSS version 23 was used to analyze the data. Results: the average age of the participants was 57.9 years SD = 10.5, the male sex predominated with 62.9%, 75% presented an evolution of DM greater than 10 years, levels of basal glycemia greater than 130 mg / dl 61.2%, also had comorbidities such as hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease. Conclusions: variables that could act as predisposing factors for the development of this entity were found, although no statistical significance was found. &nbsp;Introducción: las personas que padecen hiperglicemia crónica tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones macro-vasculares como enfermedad isquémica coronaria, cerebrovascular y complicaciones micro-vasculares como la retinopatía, que es la tercera causa de ceguera irreversible en el mundo, pero la primera en personas de edad productiva en países en desarrollo, generando grandes pérdidas económicas. Objetivo: identificar los factores riesgo para retinopatía diabética en pacientes de dos unidades oftalmológicas de la ciudad de Montería-Córdoba. Materiales y Métodos: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, realizado con una muestra de 62 pacientes con retinopatía diabética. Se recolectó información sociodemográfica y variables correspondientes a los factores de riesgo para desarrollar retinopatía diabética como HTA, ERC, obesidad, y progreso de la enfermedad. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS versión 23. Resultados: la edad promedio de los participantes fue de 57,9 años DE=10,5, predominó el sexo masculino con un 62,9%, el 75% presentó una evolución de la DM mayor a 10 años, niveles de glicemia basal mayor a 130 mg/dl el 61,2%, además presentaron comorbilidades como hipertensión arterial y Enfermedad Renal Crónica. Conclusión: se encontraron variables que pueden actuar como factores predisponentes para el desarrollo de esta entidad, aunque no se encontró significancia estadística

    El ingreso domiciliario como indicador de impacto en el primer nivel de atención.

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    Es incuestionable que el ingreso domiciliario constituye una estrategia de impacto del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Con el objetivo de caracterizar el uso del ingreso domiciliario en la provincia de Granma se realizó el presente comentario que ayudará a materializar su importancia como indicador de impacto en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Se apeló a una exhaustiva revisión documental en páginas digitales y libros impresos, nacionales e internacionales, para relacionar los resultados de la investigación. Aumentó la cantidad realizada a medida que transcurrieron los años, donde el 2012 fue el más significativo. Se describieron los éxitos y las dificultades que incidieron en no disfrutar de la totalidad de las ventajas de esta actividad

    History of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and its association with delirium tremens on later hospitalizations: retrospective cohort study

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    Introducción: el consumo excesivo de alcohol es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial que ocasiona anualmente, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2,5 millones de muertes. En Colombia, el 11% de los mayores de 15 años cumple los criterios de abuso de alcohol del DSM-IV, con las consecuencias personales, legales y sociales que este implica, incluyendo las complicaciones asociadas al consumo crónico como el síndrome de abstinencia al alcohol y el delírium trémens. Objetivo: determinar si el antecedente de síndrome de abstinencia al alcohol se asocia con una mayor aparición de delírium trémens en pacientes atendidos por este síndrome en la ciudad de Medellín entre agosto de 2010 y julio de 2012. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, comparando pacientes con y sin antecedente de síndrome de abstinencia al alcohol y el desarrollo de delírium trémens, además de otras posibles asociaciones como disfunción hepática y desequilibrios electrolíticos. El análisis de los datos fue de tipo bivariado, por medio de las pruebas estadísticas c2, Fisher y Mann Whitney. Resultados: se incluyeron 60 pacientes, en las características de base el 67% presentaron síndrome de abstinencia a alcohol, y 22% tuvieron antecedente de delírium trémens. Durante la estancia hospitalaria 56% de los sujetos desarrollaron delírium trémens. El antecedente de síndrome de abstinencia al alcohol no se asoció con desarrollar delírium trémens (p=0,26). En tanto que el antecedente de delírium trémens se comportó como un factor de riesgo para presentarlo nuevamente (p=0,02). Conclusión: el antecedente de síndrome de abstinencia al alcohol no se encontró relacionado con el desarrollo de delírium trémens en hospitalizaciones posteriores, en tanto que el antecedente de delírium trémens está asociado con la aparición de nuevos episodios. (MÉD. UIS. 2014;27(1):17-23).Introduction: alcohol abuse is a public health problem around the world, which causes 2.5 million deaths per year according to the World Health Organization. In Colombia, 11% of the male population older than 15 years fulfills the DSM-IV criteria for alcohol abuse, with the personal, legal and social consequences that it entails, including those associated with chronic comsumption, such as withdrawal syndrome and delírium trémens. Objective: to establish if the history of alcohol withdrawal syndrome is related to a higher risk for development of delírium trémens in patients treated by this syndrome from the city of Medellin, between August of 2010 and July of 2012. Methods: this is a retrospective cohort study, with a comparison between patients with history of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and patients in their first episode, and the development of delírium trémens and the risk factors related with this. We did a bivariate analysis of the factors with the Mann Whitney, C2 and Fisher test. Results: 67% of the patients had a history of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and 22% showed previous episodes of delírium trémens. During hospitalization 56% of the subjects developed delírium trémens. The study showed that history of withdrawal syndrome is not a risk factor for the appearance of delírium trémens (p=0.26). In contrast, the record of delirium trérmens is a risk for new episodes (p=0.02). Conclusion: the history of alcohol withdrawal syndrome appears not to be a risk factor for the development of delírium trémens in a new hospitalization. On the other hand, the history of delírium trémens was associated with new episodes of delírium. (MÉD.UIS. 2014;27(1):17-23). &nbsp

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia en la Ciudad de Bogotá

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    En este informe se plasman actividades realizadas desde la imagen narrativa, con el fin de contar historias desde diferentes contextos de violencia, se inicia con el análisis de un caso de violencia. Para este análisis se seleccionó el caso de Carlos Arturo Bravo, un adolescente de 14 años que su vida dio un giro inesperado al ser víctima de un artefacto explosivo que fue abandonado por las farc en zona rural de Colón Génova, Nariño, después el grupo realizó un análisis a profundidad identificando elementos simbólicos y subjetivos de la víctima, eventos emergentes dentro del sujeto como ser psicosocial, se realiza formulación de preguntas de tipo estratégicas, reflexivas y circulares con el objetivo que el grupo ponga en práctica la pregunta como herramienta en los contextos sociales. En la segunda fase del informe se realiza un segundo análisis del caso de las comunidades de Cacarica, una comunidad ubicada en la cuenca del río Cacarica, son comunidades negras del Baudó, donde a partir del 20 de diciembre de 1996 se comienza a desatar una oleada de enfrentamientos militares en disputa por su territorio, que desencadena en bombardeos por el ejército e ingreso de los paramilitares, que provocaron asesinatos en estas comunidades y un desplazamiento masivo entre 550 a 1200 habitantes de esta comunidad, en este análisis se identifica pérdida de la identidad de los habitantes, daño en la memoria simbólica y memoria vincular, emergentes sociales que causan impactos psicosociales, finalmente el grupo propone acciones psicosociales para la atención en crisis, como fase final se presenta informe sobre foto voz que experiencias, imágenes de la actividad ,conclusiones y reflexiones finales.This report captures activities carried out from the narrative image, in order to tell stories from different contexts of violence. It begins with the analysis of a case of violence. For this analysis, the case of Carlos Arturo Bravo was selected, a 14-year-old adolescent whose life took an unexpected turn when he was the victim of an explosive device that was abandoned by the FARC in rural Colón Genoa, Nariño, after which the group carried out An in-depth analysis identifying symbolic, subjective elements of the victim, emergent events within the subject such as psychosocial being, formulates strategic, reflective and circular questions with the aim that the group puts the question into practice as a tool in the social contexts. In the second phase of the report, a second analysis is made of the case of the communities of Cacarica, a community located in the Cacarica river basin, they are black communities of Baudó, where as of December 20, 1996, a wave of Military confrontations in dispute over its territory, finally leading to bombardments by the army and the entry of the paramilitaries, which led to assassinations in these communities and a massive displacement of 550 to 1,200 inhabitants of this community. This analysis identifies the loss of the identity of inhabitants, damage to memory, symbolic and memory link, social emergencies that cause psychosocial impacts, finally the group proposes psychosocial actions for crisis care, as a final phase a report is presented on photo voice that experiences, images of the activity, conclusions and final thoughts

    Cirurgia de Acesso Mínimo em Reintervenções Cirúrgicas: Estudo Comparativo

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    Despite the development reached in the endoscopic era, there are skeptics to the practice of reoperations due to minimal access surgery (MAS). In order to evaluate the outcome of the minimally invasive surgery in the reinterventions, a comparative, prospective, quasi-experimental study was performed in patients reoperated by conventional surgery (N = 64) and minimal access surgery (N = 32). , attended at the Provincial Teaching Surgical Clinical Hospital "Celia Sánchez Manduley" of Manzanillo, Cuba between 2013 and 2017. The evolution time for both series was similar, with 60% of patients in the first three days. The coleperitoneum (28.1%) and the hemothorax (28.1%) were the most represented conditions in the endoscopic cases, with aspiration and lavage being performed. 66.7% of the cases reoperated by MAS were initially treated by open surgery. a favorable evolution in 94.4%. The average surgical time was lower in the endoscopic series (70.8 min), (conventional surgery 89.8 min), 2 patients were converted to RR 3.54. The arithmetic mean of the hospital stay in the endoscopic series was 4.9 days, and 10.1 in the conventional series. In the endoscopic series, feeding was started early (5.1 hours), and labor reincorporation occurred at 17.6 days. The minimal access surgery allowed patients of all ages to safely undergo surgery, applying the same surgical techniques, with a surgical time slightly inferior to conventional surgery, hospital expenses were reduced due to the stay and early incorporation into social activities and productive. A pesar del desarrollo alcanzado en la era endoscópica, existen escépticos a la práctica de reintervenciones por cirugía de mínimo acceso (CMA). Con el objetivo de evaluar el resultado de la cirugía de mínimo acceso en las reintervenciones, se realizó un estudio comparativo, prospectivo, cuasi-experimental, en pacientes reintervenidos por cirugía convencional (N=64) y cirugía de mínimo acceso (N=32), atendidos en el Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente “Celia Sánchez Manduley” de Manzanillo, Cuba entre el 2013 y 2017. El tiempo de evolución para ambas series fue similar, con un 60% de pacientes en los primeros tres días.   El coleperitoneo (28,1%) y el hemotórax (28,1%) fueron las afecciones más representadas en los casos endoscópicos, realizándose aspiración y lavado. El 66,7% de los casos reintervenidos por CMA fueron tratados inicialmente por cirugía abierta, hubo una evolución favorable en el 94,4%. La media del tiempo quirúrgico fue inferior en la serie endoscópica (70,8 min), (Cirugía convencional 89,8 min), fueron convertidos 2 pacientes para un RR 3,54. La media aritmética de la estadía hospitalaria en la serie endoscópica fue 4,9 días, y 10,1 en la serie convencional. En la serie endoscópica se inició la alimentación de manera precoz (5,1 horas), y la reincorporación laboral se produjo a los 17,6 días. La cirugía de mínimo acceso permitió reintervenir con seguridad a pacientes de todas las edades, aplicando las mismas técnicas quirúrgicas, con un tiempo quirúrgico ligeramente inferior a la cirugía convencional, se redujeron los gastos hospitalarios por concepto de estadía y la incorporación precoz a las actividades sociales y productivas. Apesar do desenvolvimento foi alcançado em endoscópica há céticos reoperação prática para a cirurgia de acesso mínimo (CMA). A fim de avaliar o resultado de cirurgia de acesso mínimo em re-operações, uma comparativo, prospectivo, quaseexperimental foi realizada em pacientes reoperados por cirurgia convencional (N = 64) e a cirurgia minimamente invasiva (N = 32) ele participou no Hospital Provincial Clínica Ensino cirúrgico "Celia Sanchez" de Manzanillo, Cuba entre 2013 e 2017. a evolução no tempo para ambas as séries foi semelhante, com 60% dos pacientes nos primeiros três dias. O coleperitoneo (28,1%) e hemotórax (28,1%) eram condições mais representados nos casos endoscópicos, realizando aspiração e lavagem. 66,7% dos casos reoperados por CMA foram inicialmente tratadas por cirurgia aberta, houve uma tendência positiva em 94,4%. O tempo operatório médio era mais baixo na série endoscópica (70,8 min), (cirurgia convencional de 89,8 min), 2 pacientes foram convertidos para um RR 3,54. A média aritmética de permanência no hospital em série endoscópica foi de 4,9 dias e 10,1 na série convencional. Na alimentação série endoscópica precoce (5,1 horas) foi iniciado, e retorno ao trabalho ocorreu em 17,6 dias. A cirurgia de acesso mínimo permitido reoperação com segurança a pacientes de todas as idades, aplicando as mesmas técnicas cirúrgicas, com um tempo cirúrgico ligeiramente menor do que a cirurgia convencional, despesas hospitalares para estadia e incorporação precoce nas atividades sociais foram reduzidos e produtiva

    WASA-FRS experiments in FAIR Phase-0 at GSI

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    We have developed a new and unique experimental setup integrating the central part of the Wide Angle Shower Apparatus (WASA) into the Fragment Separator (FRS) at GSI. This combination opens up possibilities of new experiments with high-resolution spectroscopy at forward and measurements of light decay particles with nearly full solid-angle acceptance in coincidence. The first series of the WASA-FRS experiments have been successfully carried out in 2022. The developed experimental setup and two physics experiments performed in 2022 including the status of the preliminary data analysis are introduced

    Assessing the reliability of two tagging techniques in the echinoid Echinometra lucunter

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    4 páginas, 2 figurtas, 1 tabla.Several tagging methods have been tested to assess important aspects on ecology, such as population dynamic, movement pattern, and behavioral studies. The use of external and internal tags has been extensively used for individual identification in sea urchins. Different types of tags have been used in Echinometra lucunter, considered the most common sea urchin in the Caribbean. We evaluated whether PIT-tags and S-tags may affect retention, survival and growth rates under laboratory conditions, using the sea urchin E. lucunter as a model. The type of tag was critical in terms of retention rates, with significant differences between PIT-tag and S-tags groups (Kruskal–Wallis, H = 5.33, p = 0.021), and mortality exhibited similar rates among treatments. No significant association was detected between initial maximum test diameter and the number of weeks the individuals retained neither the PIT-tag (r = −0.09, p = 0.620), nor the S-tag (r = −0.175, p = 0.413), and no significant differences in growth rate were detected among treatments (F = 1.66, df = 2, p = 0.401). We do not recommend the use of S-tag due to low retention; but we support the use of PIT-tags in E. lucunter for their positive performance displayed in terms of retention and survival but with caution, particularly in those studies requiring 80% or higher retention.Peer reviewe