187 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Implementasi Hasil Program Diklat Kerajinan Tangan dan Kesenian (Kertakes) Guru Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama PPPPTK Seni Budaya Yogyakarta.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang implementasi program diklat kerajinan tangan dan kesenian Guru SD dan SMP, setelah peserta kembali ke sekolah yang difokuskan pada: (1) konteks, meliputi manfaat dan relevansi diklat dengan kebutuhan guru; (2)input, meliputi dukungan sekolah, fasilitas yang tersedia dan motivasi guru untuk menerapkan hasil diklat; (3) proses, meliputi implementasi hasil program diklat; dan (4) hasil meliputi kinerja guru yang difokuskan pada peningkatan kemampuan guru dan perubahan sikap. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi, dengan menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) yang dikembangkan oleh Stufflebeam. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua peserta diklat Kertakes dan Dikseni di PPPPTK – Seni Budaya. Subyek penelitian meliputi peserta diklat, kepala sekolah dan teman sejawat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara, observasi dan dokumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Hasil evaluasi Konteks menunjukkan bahwa: a) manfaat diklat Kertakes dan Dikseni bagi guru adalah untuk mengembangkan potensi pribadi dan meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengajar menunjukkan bahwa ada 9 guru (45%) menilai baik dan 11 guru (55%) menilai cukup; b) relevansi program diklat dengan kebutuhan guru dalam mengajar 20 guru (100%) menilai baik karena materi yang diberikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan guru untuk mengajar; 2. Hasil evaluasi Input menunjukkan bahwa: a) dukungan sekolah dan fasilitas yang tersedia di sekolah 6 guru (30%) menilai cukup dan 14 guru (70%) menilai baik respon sekolah terhadap diklat positif, kesempatan mengikuti diklat bagi guru SD dan SMP masih sedikit. b) motivasi guru untuk menerapkan hasil diklat 3 guru (15%) menilai baik, 8 guru (40%) menilai cukup, dan 9 guru (45%) menilai kurang karena kesibukan guru sebagai guru kelas dan tidak adanya sanksi; 3. Hasil evaluasi Proses menunjukkan implementasi program diklat Kertakes dan Dikseni 13 guru (65%) menilai baik dan 7 guru (35) menilai cukup; 4. Hasil evaluasi Produk, menunjukkan bahwa kinerja peserta diklat menurut 4 (7%) teman sejawat dan kepala sekolah menilai baik dan 50 (93%) teman sejawat dan kepala sekolah menilai cukup baik

    An Exploration of Voice in Second Language Writing

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    Writing with strong voice is desirable in the U.S. mainstream culture, yet it is not necessarily easy to accomplish it. This is even harder for second language writers who are new to the culture. The different cultural expectation and the knowledge of the language presumably become some of the obstacles for them to write in the expectation of the U.S. mainstream. Even the notion of voice in writing itself is often confusing. This paper, focusing on exploring what voice is and how it is manifested in second language writing, reviews related literature on voice and second language writing research as well as the author\u27s experience being an international student who has to write for the U.S. mainstream audience. The findings show that the concept of voice itself is broadly defined to refer to many things, adding confusion to novice second language writers who are trying to fit to the expectation of the intended audience. Additionally, the struggles that second language writers experience in writing with strong voice are triggered by many factors which are not necessarily lacking of the knowledge of the language. The insight of the challenges that second language writers have may give implications on how second language writing instruction should focus

    Learning to Teach in Indonesian High School Settings: A Case Study of Two EFL Female Pre-service Teachers

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    The teaching practicum has long been recognized as an important component of pre-service teacher education (Santoro, 1997) if not the most important one (Farrell, 2007). It is also the “capstone experience” in most teacher education programs (Gaudelli & Ousley, 2009, p. 931). The importance of the teaching practicum for student teachers in the process of becoming teachers is also widely recognized (Beck & Kosnik, 2002). One reason for that is that it provides opportunities for pre-service teachers to apply knowledge of teaching and learning which they gain during their university coursework (Beeth & Adadan, 2006). Due to the importance of teaching practicum in the process of becoming teachers, this field has been extensively studied for the last four to five decades, if not longer (Caires & Almeida, 2005). Abundant research has highlighted the impact of the teaching practicum on the professional development of pre-service teachers (Caires et al., 2012; Canh, 2014; Choy, Wong, Goh, & Low, 2014; Kabilan, 2013; Kayi-Aydar, 2015; Kuswandono, 2013; Leijen & Kullasepp, 2013; Moussay et al., 2011; Schoeman & Mabunda, 2012; Vetter et al., 2013). While the teaching practicum for language teachers especially in TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of other languages) has been scrutinized widely, ESL (English as a second language) and EFL (English as a foreign language) practicums remain unexplored (Canh, 2014). My research, then, extends the little research on teaching practicum in EFL settings. Purposes of the Study The purpose of my study is to explore the experiences of two female EFL preservice teachers in an Indonesian university teacher education program in learning to teach in high school settings.Using a qualitative case study design, I aim to answer the following research questions: 1. What are the goals of the pre-service teachers’ student teaching? 2. What instructional tools do they utilize in their teaching? 3. What tensions do they encounter in the process of learning to teach in high school settings

    Shifting identities through switching codes: A close look at the social languages of pre-service English teachers in an Indonesian context

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    The globalization of English has undoubtedly brought shifts into how the English language is taught in classroom settings and how English teachers are prepared. In English as a foreign language (EFL) settings, for example, teaching and learning English is generally influenced by local contexts. Taking into account the sociocultural contexts of the learners and the teachers, identity construction becomes one important aspect in the process of English teaching and learning. Focusing on the microanalysis of social language uses, the study was aimed to understand how pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language in a multilingual setting, Indonesia, enact their identities through their language use in classroom settings. The data for this study was obtained from a classroom observation where an English pre-service teacher was performing peer teaching. The discourse analysis of the first thirteen minutes of a pre-service teacher's teaching demonstration indicates that multiple identities were enacted when the student teacher switched from one language to another. The pervasive use of code-switching in four different languages (Indonesian, English, Arabic, and Malay) provides clues that Mamas, a student teacher's pseudonym in the study was enacting different identities as he taught his peers. While further research is absolutely necessary to obtain more vivid pictures of the reasons behind using multiple languages in teaching English within this context, the study provides insight about how pre-service teachers in an Indonesian context try to develop identities as they learn to teach English

    Students’ reflections in teaching practicum: A case study of EFL pre-service teachers

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    The importance of reflection in enhancing teachers’ professional development has been widely acknowledged. Yet, little is known about how EFL pre-service teachers do reflection and how they perceive reflective practice as one of the tools to improve their professional development. The current study attempts to address this gap by investigating how EFL pre-service teachers reflect on their teaching performances and perceive their reflective practices. Employing a qualitative case study, the study involved six teacher candidates who were taking microteaching. The data were gathered from an open-ended questionnaire made by the author, journal writing, participants' analysis on the videos of their teaching performances, and an interview with each participant. To triangulate the data, classroom observations and document analysis were also conducted. The obtained data were analyzed thematically based on emerging themes. The findings show that the participants did reflections in different stages of their teaching performances, reflecting on the surface level. In terms of how they view a reflection, the research participants perceive a reflection as a good practice because it gives them opportunities to look back and scrutinize what they did during their teaching practicum


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    Program PPL Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang dilaksanakan pada semester khusus tahun 2014 memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa UNY untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam bidang pendidikan. SD Negeri Kepek Pengasih merupakan salah satu sekolah yang ditunjuk oleh pihak UNY untuk menjadi lokasi PPL pada tahun 2014. Program PPL bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang manajerial dan pembelajaran di sekolah; memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan keprofesionalan dalam bidang keguruan atau pendidikan; memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengenal, belajar, dan memahami seluk beluk sekolah dengan segala permasalahannya; serta memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang telah dimiliki dalam proses pembelajaran. Kegiatan yang dilakukan program PPL adalah mengajar mata pelajaran dasar selama kurang lebih dua setengah bulan dimulai tanggal 2 Juli sampai dengan 17 September 2014. PPL dilaksanakan di semua kelas dari kelas I sampai kelas VI. Sebelum proses pembelajaran dilaksanakan di kelas, praktikan menyusun perangkat pembelajaran yaitu Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP). Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan PPL, dapat memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam pengembangan kompetensi di bidang pendidikan, memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar dan mengenal segala permasalahan di sekolah yang terkait dengan proses pembelajaran, memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang telah dipelajari dalam kehidupan nyata di sekolah, serta dapat meningkatkan hubungan kemitraan yang baik antara UNY dengan sekolah yang terkait

    Shifting Identities Through Switching Codes: a Close Look at the Social Languages of Pre-service English Teachers in an Indonesian Context

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    The globalization of English has undoubtedly brought shifts into how the English language is taught in classroom settings and how English teachers are prepared. In English as a foreign language (EFL) settings, for example, teaching and learning English is generally influenced by local contexts. Taking into account the sociocultural contexts of the learners and the teachers, identity construction becomes one important aspect in the process of English teaching and learning. Focusing on the microanalysis of social language uses, the study was aimed to understand how pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language in a multilingual setting, Indonesia, enact their identities through their language use in classroom settings. The data for this study was obtained from a classroom observation where an English pre-service teacher was performing peer teaching. The discourse analysis of the first thirteen minutes of a pre-service teacher\u27s teaching demonstration indicates that multiple identities were enacted when the student teacher switched from one language to another. The pervasive use of code-switching in four different languages (Indonesian, English, Arabic, and Malay) provides clues that Mamas, a student teacher\u27s pseudonym in the study was enacting different identities as he taught his peers. While further research is absolutely necessary to obtain more vivid pictures of the reasons behind using multiple languages in teaching English within this context, the study provides insight about how pre-service teachers in an Indonesian context try to develop identities as they learn to teach English

    Fear of Success and Risk Taking on Balinese Woman Entrepreneur

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    Up to now the world of entrepreneurship has been considered as world of men while actually there are not few women who attempt to become entrepreneur. According to Drucker (1988) this fact is due to the number of woman entrepreneurs are less than man entrepreneurs and the majority moves in small or temporary business. Nevertheless since the 1980's number of woman entrepreneurs has been increasing rapidly. In Singapore from 15% woman entrepreneurs there is 5% increase so there is 20 % out of 160000 entrepreneurs. The data from Badan Pusat Statistik (1999) says that in Jakarta there were 25% woman in productive age were entrepreneurs. Data from Badan Pusat Statistik (http://www.pikiranrakyat.com/cetak/0703/07/06xl.htm) also says that 40,79% of 2 millions micro business and 194.564 small enterprise scale in industry sector 896,047 (40,79%) running by woman entrepreneurs. According to Drucker (1988) this fact shows that entrepreneurship belongs to all people because anyone can learn about it. Behavior, concept, and theory could be studied by anyone. Everybody can learn entrepreneurship including womenThis paper wil describe fear of success and risk taking among Balinese woman entrepreneur. This research can give more comprehensive explanation about Balinese woman entrepreneurs and how they reach the succeed on business
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