54 research outputs found

    Error Analysis on the Writing Test by the Second Year Students of Man 3 Malang

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    Keywords: Error analysis, error, types of error, writing test Language is the best means of communication to interact among people and to create a good relationship between them in society. Practicing language skills can be done by applying it in daily life in order to improve or master the language. Learning English is not easy; particularly for those where English is not the mother tongue. In Indonesia, English has been taught from Elementary school, Junior High School, Senior High school to the University level. Therefore, for Indonesians usually English is their first foreign language. In learning English, the students may make errors. It happens because between Bahasa Indonesia and English have different grammatical rules. The research problems of this study are (1) What are the types of English writing errors made by the second year students of MAN 3 Malang?; (2) What is the type of errors mostly done by the second year students of MAN 3 Malang?This study used descriptive qualitative approach and data analysis to answer the problems of the study. The data are the 16 papers from the second year students on final test papers. The final test papers were collected from one class (MABI) in MAN 3 Malang.The result of this study showed that the students did some types of errors when they wrote a writing test. Those are omission of auxiliary verb, omission of plural marker (-s/-es), omission of third person singular verb marker (-s/-es), omission of article (a/an/the), omission of verb, omission of subject and omission of noun. Then addition was divided into eight. They are addition of auxiliary verb be (is/am/are), addition of third person singular verb marker (-s/-es), addition of article (a/an/the), addition of plural marker (-s/-es), addition of conjunction, addition of preposition, addition of adjective, and addition of verb. Misformation consists six types, they are misformation of auxiliary verb be (is/am/are), misformation of verb, misformation of preposition, misformation of noun, misformation of reflexive pronoun, and misformation of adjective. The last is misordering. The total of number of errors is 84. The most frequent error that the writer found in the writing paragraph are omission (Om) with 23 errors (27%), addition (Ad) with 15 errors (18%), misformation (Mf) with 43 errors (51%), and misordering (Md) with 3 errors (4%).The writer suggests the next writers who want to conduct a similar study use the same theory with another object or use the same object with other theories or make their study more complete. The next writer can use another object, for example novels, short stories, articles or journals as the data

    The Role of the Ambon City’s Population and Civil Registration Office in Controlling Incoming Migration

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    The objectives of this study are to find out the role of the Ambon City’s Population and Civil Registration Office in Controlling Incoming Migration and to find out the obstacles faced by the Ambon City's Population and Civil Registration Office in Controlling Incoming Migration. This study used a qualitative descriptive research method. Data Collection was obtained through observation, interview, and documentation. Data were analyzed using data reduction, display data, and verification. Primary and secondary data were used as the sources for analysis. The informants in this study were the chief of the Population and Civil Registration Office Ambon City and the Population Monitoring and Control Division, as well as the migrants. Ambon City’s Government, through the Population and Civil Registration Office, has carried out its duties as regulated by the Mayor of Ambon Regulation No. 17/ 2009 article 14 paragraph 2, namely: Coordinating the monitoring of urbanization of population and supervising the registration of population mobility flows. The constraints faced by the Ambon City population and civil registration office, namely: Most of the population who migrated to Ambon City did not report themselves so the authorities had difficulty monitoring the flow of urbanization and monitoring population mobility; inspected and supervised residents, who have not lived in Ambon city for six months, have moved to other areas; there is no effort and awareness of people who have been examined and under supervision to change by reporting personal data to the government

    Pengujian Anomali January Effect Terhadap Saham Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Jakarta Islamic Index

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk menguji perbedaan return dan abnormal return pada bulan Januari dan selain bulan Januari pada indeks JII. Sampel yang digunakan adalah saham perusahaan yang termasuk pada indeks JII, penelitian ini merupakan event study sehingga pada periode pengamatan akan melihat reaksi pada sebelum, saat, dan sesudah event. Pada penelitian ini, periode yang digunakan adalah H- 10 (sebelum event), H0 (saat event) dan H+10 (sesudah event). Sumber data diperoleh dari yahoo finance, sahamok.com dan IDX. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder, diantaranya adalah harga penutupan saham yang sudah disesuaikan (adjusted closing price) dan harga penutupan IHSG. Data berupa harga saham harian (daily stock price). Data-data tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jika dilihat return saham (Rit) pada tahun 2014 dan 2015 menunjukkan adanya perbedaan return dan memberikan adanya signal adanya January Effect sedangkan untuk tahun 2016 hasilnya berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya karena hasilnya tidak menunjukkan perbedaan return dan dipastikan tidak ada indikasi January effect. Untuk abnormal return (AR) untuk semua tahun penelitian (2014, 2015, 2016) menunjukkan adanya perbedaan, yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan AR dan memberikan signal adanya January Effect sehingga memengaruhi para pelaku pasar dalam mengambil keputusan

    Hubungan Kompensasi Finansial Dengan Kinerja Karyawan Kontrak PT Unilever Body Care Indonesia Tbk

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    Perusahaan perlu membuat strategi untuk menciptakan kepuasan bagi karyawan, sehingga berdampak positif untuk Perusahaan. Salah satunya adalah memberikan kompensasi yang tepat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : 1) Mengetahui pelaksanaan kompensasi finansial menurut karyawan kontrak PT Unilever Body Care Indonesia Tbk (ULBC); 2) Mengetahui kinerja karyawan kontrak PT ULBC; dan (3) Mengidentifikasi hubungan kompensasi finansial dengan kinerja karyawan kontrak PT ULBC. Data bersumber dari data primer dan sekunder. Penelitian menggunakan analisis korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Berdasarkan persepsi karyawan kontrak mengenai kompensasi finansial dan kinerja karyawan kontrak menunjukkan bahwa, kompensasi finansial dan kinerja karyawan kontrak telah sesuai dengan harapan karyawan. Hasil uji korelasi antara kompensasi finansial dengan kinerja karyawan kontrak sebesar 0.813 menunjukkan hubungan positif dan kuat. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa, kompensasi finansial dapat meningkatkan kinerja karyawan kontrak PT ULBC


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    GopayLater by Findaya is a technology-based financial service that means a service in the Platform or Authorized Platform Partner which is the provision of information technology-based loan facilities. In the use of the GopayLater payment method, a multipurpose financing agreement will arise. The problems in this study are the provisions governing the multipurpose financing agreement with the GopayLater payment method in the Gojek application, then regarding the rights and obligations of the parties to the multipurpose financing agreement with the GopayLater payment method in the Gojek application and legal protection for consumers related to problems arising in the use of the GopayLater payment method in the Gojek application. This type of research uses normative law using a descriptive form of analysis. The source of data used in this study is secondary data in the form of laws or written laws which in this case are the Civil Code, Law Number. 8 of 1999 on consumer protection, and Law on the credit system. The data collection method used is library research. Data analysis in this writing uses qualitative data. In Article 19 paragraph (1) of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 35/POJK.05/2018 concerning the Implementation of Financing Company Business it is stated that "Financing Companies can carry out their business activities by utilizing information technology". Forms of legal protection of consumer users. GopayLater is a provision that describes the protection of consumer rights, compensation, handling consumer complaints and resolving consumer disputes.  Keywords : Legal Protection, Credit, GoPayLater, Consume

    Pengaruh Shopping Lifestyle Dan Fashion Involvement Terhadap Impulse Buying (Studi Kasus Pada Konsumen Toko Mantan Karyawan Kota Bengkulu)

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    The advance of this modern era is triggered the increasing of fashion trends, which make the need for goods and services in the fashion sector is more increasing and vary. The problem faced, business people are required to provide a variety of fashion that is taste of consumers. By paying attention to shopping lifestyle and fashion involvement business people can attract consumers to do impulse buying. This study aims to analyze the effect of shopping lifestyle and fashion involvement on impulse buying consumers of Mantan Karyawan shop’s in Bengkulu city. The research used a quantitative with associative quantitative approach. Sampling of this research used purposive sampling technique with sample of 150 responden. Data was collected through multiple linier regression by using SPSS 24 tool. The results of research showed that there was an effect shopping lifestyle and fashion involvement on impulse buying. The coefficient of determination, which can be seen of R square = 0.786. This showed that shopping lifestyle and fashion involvement affect impulse buying by 78.6 %, while the remaining 21.4% can be explained by other variabels not included in this study. Other, data also showed the effect of shopping lifestyle and fashion involvement on impulse buying, this can be seen from the results of t_count, which was greater that t_table, this can be concluded that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. Partially and simultaneously, this study sum up that shopping lifestyle and fashion involvement  affect the impulse buying consumers of Mantan Karyawan shops in Bengkulu City


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    Media Pembelajaran mempunyai peran penting pada saat kegiatan belajar mengajar karena membuat proses komunikasi antara guru dengan peserta didik terjalin secara optimal. Namun media pembelajaran yang digunakan di SMP Negeri 1 Seputih Agung belum sepenuhnya mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan peserta didik  dalam pembelajaran. Hal ini dikarenakan media yang digunakan baru berupa buku paket dan powerpoint. Buku yang digunakan banyak sekali materi yang harus dihafal dan dipahami karena menggunakan kalimat yang terlalu panjang. Tujuan dari pengembangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan buku kerja (workbook) berbasis soal higher order thinking skills (HOTS) pada materi aktivitas manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan kelas Vll SMP Negeri 1 Seputih Agung yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Development, Disseminate). Proses untuk mengembangkan buku kerja (workbook) berbasis soal higher order thinking skills (HOTS) diawali dengan tahap validasi oleh 1 ahli media, dan 1 ahli materi buku kerja (workbook) berbasis soal higher order thinking skills (HOTS) juga diujicobakan kepada kelompok kecil untuk melihat respon peserta didik kelas Vll SMP Negeri 1 Seputih Agung. Hasil penelitian validasi ahli media pembelajaran dengan persentase sebesar 93,75% dengan kriteria sangat kuat. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi dengan persentase 91,25% dengan kriteria sangat kuat. Sedangkan untuk hasil uji coba secara daring dengan kelompok kecil yaitu 10 orang dari 32 orang peserta didik dengan persentase 89,50% termasuk dalam kriteria sangat kuat. Berdasarkan presentase yang diperoleh maka buku kerja (workbook) berbasis soal higher order thinking skills (HOTS) dinyatakan valid dan praktis untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran


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    Abstract This study is aimed to propose ideas on the issues of professional competence of social science teachers. It is believed that academic supervision and Deliberation Subject Teacher (MGMP) have a significant effect on professional competence of social science teachers. The problems of professional competence social teacher are shown in the district Sleman. Accordingly this study proposes 1) the professional competence of social science teachers have should be able to deliver innovation in the classroom so that facilitate students in understanding, 2) to develop the professional competence of social science teachers, MGMP can be a forum to develop, and 3) supervision capable of being measures for evaluating the performance of teachers and see the level of professionalism. This study is expected to provide contributions for social science teachers in district Sleman as an evaluation and get attention to improve their competence and the implementation of learning in the classroom. Keyword: professional competence, supervision, MGMP, social science teacher
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