100 research outputs found

    La construcción simbólica de un sango y un cantar

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    To think of the Patía Valley from another place, that of ethnography, is to insist on the contingency of a world in the middle of other worlds, on the need for that heterogeneity, on the longing for a diverse palette of colors to paint life. It is to share through the text, a time lived so that the Other matters, so that the we can be conjured, a time that allows contemplation and the joy of life. It is also to establish a bridge with the beings that inhabit this legendary valley of luminous green and ocher color. My ancestors have lived on this earth and have left many traces, and with them the possibility of opening the paths of memory. The word is the footprint and the path to enter that world, on this occasion, during the celebration of Holy Week in the village of El Tuno, from where a group of black people have built forms of Re-existence through a particular feeling-doing in a state of grouping and of a singing-living as experiential wisdom that configures the Being from Tunisia. It is not only a task carried out within the framework of the Process of Recovery of Cultural Traditions of the Valle del Patía, it is a commitment to an anthropology that somehow can walk alongside the people and serve the struggles that its protagonists give, who allow us together in the common task of finding ways for the conversation, for life itself.Pensar el valle del Patía desde otro lugar, el de la etnografía, es insistir en la contingencia de un mundo en medio de otros mundos, en la necesidad de esa heterogeneidad, en el anhelo de una diversa paleta de colores para pintar la vida. Es compartir a través del texto, un tiempo vivido para que el Otro importe, para que el nosotros pueda conjurarse, un tiempo que permite la contemplación y el gozo de la vida. Es también, establecer un puente con los seres que habitan este valle legendario de luminoso color verde y ocre. Mis ancestros han vivido en esta tierra y han dejado muchas huellas, y con ellas la posibilidad de abrir los caminos de la memoria. La palabra es la huella y la senda para adentrarnos a ese mundo, en esta ocasión, durante la celebración de la Semana Santa en la vereda El Tuno, desde donde un grupo de gente negra ha construido formas de Re-existencia a través de un particular sentir-hacer en estado de agrupamiento y de un cantar-vivir como sabiduría experiencial que configura el Ser tuneño. No se trata sólo de una tarea realizada en el marco del Proceso de Recuperación de Tradiciones Culturales del Valle del Patía, es una apuesta por una antropología que de alguna manera pueda caminar junto a la gente y servir a las luchas que dan sus protagonistas, que nos permita la juntanza en la tarea común de encontrar maneras para la conversa, para la vida misma


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    Resumen Las Incubadoras de Empresas (IE) se han convertido en una reciente línea de investigación por la importancia que tienen para el desarrollo económico de los países. Su principal objetivo es contribuir a crear y desarrollar empresas jóvenes ofreciéndoles apoyo en diferentes ámbitos. Sin embargo, no todas las incubadoras cumplen con este objetivo. Solamente 2 IE de 8 IES están certificadas por el Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor (INADEM), lo que ha significado una disminución en la creación de nuevas empresas en el Estado de Guanajuato. Como consecuencia, hay un impacto directo en la generación de empleos, y en el desarrollo económico del mismo. A pesar de que 6 IE restantes se mantienen en funcionamiento, no califican de manera efectiva para la obtención de créditos financieros. La investigación tiene un enfoque de estudio de casos múltiple con diseño incrustado. El tiempo de estudio comprende de enero del 2016 a agosto del 2017, ocurriendo en 5 ciudades del Estado. La población incluye 8 IE de IES, reconocidas por el Sistema Nacional de Incubadoras de Empresas (SNIE). Finalmente, se recomienda que el rediseño de las políticas gubernamentales debe enfocarse en la adaptación de las necesidades financieras de las IE. De la misma forma, el sistema de evaluación debe ser acorde a los objetivos de las IE para poder medir su desempeño de forma adecuada.Palabras clave: certificación, emprendedores, incubadoras de empresas (IE).BUSINESS INCUBATORS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN THE STATE OF GUANAJUATOAbstract The Business Incubators (BI) have recently become in a research field due to the importance they have in the economic development of many countries. Their main objective is to create and develop young companies by providing support and guidance in different aspects. Nonetheless, not all of the incubators achieve their objectives. In Mexico, and particularly in the state of Guanajuato, just 2 BI out of 8 Institutions of Higher Education (IES) are certified by the Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor (INADEM), resulting in a lower number of newly created companies in the state. As a result, there has been a direct impact in the jobs creation and the economic development. Although 6 incubators are still functioning, they don’t qualify to effectively get financial credits. This paper’s research focus on multiple case studies with an incrusted design. The studies’ timespan begins in January, 2016 and ends in August, 2017, happening in 5 cities of the State. The population target includes 8 BI of IES acknowledged by the National System of Business Incubators (SNIE). Finally, the paper suggests that the redesign of government policies should focus in adapting the financial needs of the BI. Moreover, the evaluation system must cope with the objectives of the BI in order to effectively measure their performance.Keywords: Business Incubators, certification, entrepreneurs

    The Potential of Zebrafish as a Model Organism for Improving the Translation of Genetic Anticancer Nanomedicines

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    In the last few decades, the field of nanomedicine applied to cancer has revolutionized cancer treatment: several nanoformulations have already reached the market and are routinely being used in the clinical practice. In the case of genetic nanomedicines, i.e., designed to deliver gene therapies to cancer cells for therapeutic purposes, advances have been less impressive. This is because of the many barriers that limit the access of the therapeutic nucleic acids to their target site, and the lack of models that would allow for an improvement in the understanding of how nanocarriers can be tailored to overcome them. Zebrafish has important advantages as a model species for the study of anticancer therapies, and have a lot to offer regarding the rational development of efficient delivery of genetic nanomedicines, and hence increasing the chances of their successful translation. This review aims to provide an overview of the recent advances in the development of genetic anticancer nanomedicines, and of the zebrafish models that stand as promising tools to shed light on their mechanisms of action and overall potential in oncologyThis work was supported by the Xunta de Galicia, Spain (Competitive Reference Groups, GRC2014/010), the Carlos III Health Institute/FEDER (PI15/00828), and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU15/06595)S

    Effect of folic acid supplementation on homocysteine concentration and association with training in handball players

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    [Background] Strenuous physical activity can alter the status of folic acid, a vitamin directly associated with homocysteine (Hcy); alterations in this nutrient are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Handball players are a population at risk for nutrient deficiency because of poor dietary habits. [Objective] The aims of this study were to evaluate nutritional status for macronutrients and folic acid in members of a high-performance handball team, and determine the effect of a nutritional intervention with folic acid supplementation and education. [Design] A total of 14 high-performance handball players were monitored by recording training time, training intensity (according to three levels of residual heart rate (RHR): 80%), and subjective perceived exertion (RPE) during a 4-month training period. Nutritional, laboratory and physical activity variables were recorded at baseline (Week 0), after 2 months of dietary supplementation with 200 μg folic acid (50% of the recommended daily allowance) (Week 8) and after 2 months without supplementation (Week 16). We compared training load and analyzed changes in plasma concentrations of Hcy before and after the intervention. [Results] Bivariate analysis showed a significant negative correlation (P < 0.01) between Hcy and folic acid concentrations (r = −0.84) at Week 8, reflecting a significant change in Hcy concentration (P < 0.05) as a result of hyperhomocysteinemia following the accumulation of high training loads. At Week 16 we observed a significant negative correlation (P < 0.01) between Hcy concentration and training time with an RHR <60%, indicating that aerobic exercise avoided abrupt changes in Hcy and may thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents in high-performance athletes. [Conclusion] Integral monitoring and education are needed for practitioners of handball sports to record their folic acid status, a factor that directly affects Hcy metabolism. Folic acid supplementation may protect athletes against alterations that can lead to cardiovascular events related to exertion during competition.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education (grant number AP2009- 3701) and by FIS Project PI07/1228 form the Carlos III Health Institute

    Kinematic analysis of the spine during placement on 2 transfer devices: a spinal backboard and a scoop stretcher

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    Objective. To analyze and compare measurements of spine kinematics during prehospital emergency responders’ placement of a patient on a spinal backboard or a scoop stretcher. Methods. Cross sectional, quasi-experimental clinical simulation to compare misalignment (main endpoint) by means of data from a 3-dimensional motion capture system. Results. Mean (SD) misalignment during placement on the 2 devices was 37.53° (14.15°). By device, mean misalignment was 31.08° (6.38°) for the scoop stretcher and 43.97° (7.97°) for the backboard (P=.048). Conclusion. Less misalignment occurs during placement on the scoop stretcher than on the spinal backboard.Actividad Física y Deport

    Cómo clasificar un texto híbrido: sobre la escritura silenciada en el siglo XVIII

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    El lenguaje es un devenir constante de transformación y en el intento de categorizar los discursos se han organizado los géneros literarios para establecer los diferentes usos del lenguaje. En el siglo XX en analogía al género literario se crea el concepto de género discursivo, Bajtín, Voloshinov, Vossler, los definen como “los conjuntos más o menos estables de enunciados que una comunidad puede identificar.”[1] El lenguaje representa diferentes escenarios culturales, no sólo en su contenido histórico que prevalece por la escritura, sino también su herencia verbal, que de acuerdo con Mijaíl Bajtín es posible gracias a la selección de recursos, léxicos, fraseológicos y gramaticales.[2] En el caso de los textos literarios «los diversos géneros ofrecen diferentes posibilidades para expresar lo individual del lenguaje y varios aspectos de la individualidad»[3] La escritura como la oralidad mantiene un vínculo que se corresponde con la historia y los continuos cambios de la actividad humana, el uso cotidiano del lenguaje como la aplicación del mismo en las creaciones literarias representan un sistema organizado acorde con las estructuras sociales. Por lo tanto los géneros discursivos pueden ser aplicados en la caracterización de textos de distinta naturaleza, ya que, apoyados de un conocimiento histórico social podemos contextualizar la escritura de acuerdo a su época y a las actividades humanas que le corresponden, lo que permite construir una proyección del pasado adecuado para su interpretación

    Effect of training in advanced trauma life support on the kinematics of the spine: A simulation study.

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    More than 7.5 million people in the world are affected by spinal cord injury (SCI). In this study, we aimed to analyze the effect of training in advanced trauma life support (ATLS) on the kinematics of the spine when performing different mobilization and immobilization techniques on patients with suspected SCI. A quasi-experimental study, clinical simulation, was carried out to determine the effect of training in ATLS on 32 students enrolled in the Master's program of Emergency and Special Care Nursing. The evaluation was performed through 2 maneuvers: placing of the scoop stretcher (SS) and spinal board (SB), with an actor who simulated a clinical situation of suspected spinal injury. The misalignment of the spine was measured with the use of a Vicon 3D motion capture system, before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the training. In the overall misalignment of both maneuvers, statistically significant differences were found between the pre-test misalignment of 62.1° ± 25.9°, and the post-test misalignment of 32.3° ± 10.0°, with a difference between means of 29.7° [(95% confidence interval, 95% CI 22.8–36.6°), (P = .001)]. The results obtained for the placing of the SS showed that there was a pre-test misalignment of 65.1° ± 28.7°, and a post-test misalignment of 33.2° ± 10.1°, with a difference of means of 33.9° [(95% CI, 23.1–44.6°), (P = .001)]. During the placing of the SB, a pre-test misalignment of 59.0° ± 28.7° and a post-test misalignment of 33.4° ± 10.0° were obtained, as well as a difference of means of 25.6° [(95% CI 16.6–34.6°), (P = .001)]. The main conclusion of this study is that training in ATLS decreases the misalignment provoked during the utilization of the SS and SB, regardless of the device used.Actividad Física y Deport

    Verificación de entregables del proceso de elicitación en PyMEs argentinas de la región centro

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    La calidad de los entregables de la Elicitación de Requisitos es causa de gran parte de los desvíos significativos en los proyectos de desarrollo de software por el alto impacto de sus consecuencias sobre el producto final. Aun así las empresas no invierten los recursos suficientes, cuando ello les permitiría reducir esfuerzos, costos y obtener ventajas en un mercado altamente competitivo. Si bien la Ingeniería de Requisitos intenta con sus aportes mejorar la situación, el alcance de sus propuestas no siempre aplica a las PyMEs desarrolladoras de nuestra región, industrias que se enfrentan a diario con falta de recursos, habilidades y experiencia en su búsqueda por crear software de calidad y sobrevivir en el mercado. En este marco el presente trabajo propone una herramienta basada en la aplicación de técnicas de mejora que permitirán complementar el rol de los ingenieros de requerimientos en lo que hace a la verificación de los resultados de este proceso. Se trabaja en el desarrollo y construcción de la misma para ser procesada por una aplicación de software a efectos de facilitar la comprensión del problema manifestado por el usuario y reducir la brecha conceptual entre los resultados del proceso de elicitación y su modelado.Eje: Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Student Perceptions of the Resilience in a Confinement Due to COVID-19 in University of A Coruña: A Qualitative Research

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    [Abstract] The home confinement caused by COVID-19 has caused university students to express feelings, negative experiences, and concerns about the confinement situation they were experiencing. This prompted the development of research on resilience, which shows that it is closely related to well-being. The general objective is to determine if resilience acts as a guarantor of personal growth and, therefore, of the self-perception of well-being. The research is developed with qualitative methodology and is framed in the interpretative phenomenological analysis approach and is framed in the hermeneutic-dialectical method. The selection of participants was carried out through an intentional sampling, by non-random methods, among university students. Fifty-two students participated, 41 are women (78.84%) and 11 men (21.15%), with an average age of 20.7 years. The information was collected through a diary card in which they had to collect their experiences and prepare a short speech identifying three temporal moments of confinement: beginning, during, and end. The information was collected between 16 April and 15 May 2020. An inductive analysis was carried out, and the emerging categories were defined: personal growth, resilience, and well-being. Personal growth materializes through three subcategories: personal changes, interpersonal changes, and changes in the philosophy of life. The university students showed that the vital transformation related with resilience acts as a guarantor of personal growth and self-perception of well-being. A voluntary, conscious, and intelligent evolution of people is detected, and personal changes, interpersonal changes, and changes in the philosophy of life are identified as factors of personal growth

    Características farmacognósticas de las hojas de Capparis avicennifolia

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    A study was realized farmacognóstico of the leaves of Capparis avicennifolia, where the macromorphologic characteristics decided initially, and the parameters physical-chemist of the control of quality of the raw drug fell like: percentage of moisture, total ashes, extractives substances in ethanol 70º, foreign organic matter, foreing inorganic matter were determined initially. According to the Norms Branches For Crude Drugs, of the MINSAP,which values obtained averages whose obtained values averages, they were inside the permissible range. When being made tamizaje phytochemical according to the phytochemical march of Miranda Migdalia, there was demonstrated the presence of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoides, bitter principles, oil and fats, resins, catequinas, triterpenos and steroids, antocianidinas and amino acids.Se realizó un estudio farmacognóstico de las hojas de Capparis avicennifolia, donde se determinaron inicialmente las características macromorfológicas, los parámetros físico químicos del control de calidad de la droga cruda tales como: porcentaje de humedad residual, cenizas totales, cenizas insolubles en ácido, cenizas solubles en agua, sustancias solubles en etanol 70º; materia extraña, materia inorgánica extraña; según las Normas Ramales Para Drogas Crudas del MINSAP; cuyos valores promedios obtenidos, se encontraron dentro del rango permisible. Se realizó el tamizaje fitoquímico; según la marcha fitoquímica de Miranda Migdalia, donde se evidenció la presencia de alcaloides, taninos, flavonoides, principios amargos, aceite y grasas, resinas, catequinas, triterpenos y esteroides, antocianidinas y aminoácidos