46 research outputs found

    Sedation During Neurocritical Care

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    AbstractSedation is an essential therapeutic strategy in the care of neurocritical patients. Intravenous sedative agents are the most widely used, with promising alternatives (dexmedetomidine, ketamine, and volatile agents) to propofol and midazolam arising. Studies designed to evaluate superiority and avoid biases are required. A neurological awakening test is safe in most patients. Potential risks and benefits of limiting deep sedation and daily interruption of sedation in these patients remain unclear. The aim of this review was to report recent clinical evidence on sedation in this subgroup of patients, focusing on its effects on clinical prognosis

    El realizador matiza y el espectador focaliza: aproximación al software básico para un entorno de análisis y crítica cinematográfica

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    Guía de análisis cinematográfico (con ejemplos de comentarios y dècoupage) y exposición de programas gratuitos en la red para captura de fotogramas y secuencias de video.Quilis Casanova, V. (2011). El realizador matiza y el espectador focaliza: aproximación al software básico para un entorno de análisis y crítica cinematográfica. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15280.Archivo delegad

    An OGSA Middleware for Managing Medical Images Using Ontologies

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1007/s10877-005-0675-0This article presents a Middleware based on Grid Technologies that addresses the problem of sharing, transferring and processing DICOM medical images in a distributed environment using an ontological schema to create virtual communities and to define common targets. It defines a distributed storage that builds-up virtual repositories integrating different individual image repositories providing global searching, progressive transmission, automatic encryption and pseudo-anonimisation and a link to remote processing services. Users from a Virtual Organisation can share the cases that are relevant for their communities or research areas, epidemiological studies or even deeper analysis of complex individual cases. Software architecture has been defined for solving the problems that has been exposed before. Briefly, the architecture comprises five layers (from the more physical layer to the more logical layer) based in Grid Thecnologies. The lowest level layers (Core Middleware Layer and Server Services layer) are composed of Grid Services that implement the global managing of resources. The Middleware Components Layer provides a transparent view of the Grid environment and it has been the main objective of this work. Finally, the upest layer (the Application Layer) comprises the applications, and a simple application has been implemented for testing the components developed in the Components Middleware Layer. Other side-results of this work are the services developed in the Middleware Components Layer for managing DICOM images, creating virtual DICOM storages, progressive transmission, automatic encryption and pseudo-anonimisation depending on the ontologies. Other results, such as the Grid Services developed in the lowest layers, are also described in this article. Finally a brief performance analysis and several snapshots from the applications developed are shown. The performance analysis proves that the components developed in this work provide image processing applications with new possibilities for large-scale sharing, management and processing of DICOM images. The results show that the components fulfil the objectives proposed. The extensibility of the system is achieved by the use of open methods and protocols, so new components can be easily added.Blanquer Espert, I.; Hernández García, V.; Segrelles Quilis, JD. (2005). An OGSA Middleware for Managing Medical Images Using Ontologies. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. 19:295-305. doi:10.1007/s10877-005-0675-0S29530519“European DataGrid Project”. http://www.eu-datagrid.org.“Biomedical Informatics Research”. http://www.nbirn.net/.“ACI project MEDIGRID: medical data storage and processing on the GRID”.http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/MEDIGRID/.“Information eXtraction from Images (IXI) Grid Services for Medical Imaging”. Working Notes of the Workshop on Distributed Databases and processing in Medical Image Computing (DIDAMIC'04). Pag 65.“NeuroBase: Management of Distributed and Heterogeneous Information Sources in Neuroimaging”. Working Notes of the Workshop on Distributed Databases and processing in Medical Image Computing (DIDAMIC'04). Pag 85.Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Part 10: Media Storage and File Format for Media Interchange. National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 N. 17th Street, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 USA.“Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)”, http://www.globus.org/ogsa.Globus alliance Home Page. “Relevant documents”, http://www.globus.orgAllen Wyke R, Watt A, “XML Schema Essentials”. Wiley Computer Pub. ISBN 0-471-412597Web security and commerce/Simson Garfinkel. - Cambridge: O'Reilly, 1997. - 483 p.; 23 cm. ISBN 1565922697“The GridFTP Protocol and Software”. http://www-fp.globus.org/datagrid/gridftp.html.JPEG2000: Image compression fundamentals, standards and practice/David S. Taubman, Michael W. Marcellin. – Boston [etc.] : Kluwer Academic, cop. 2002. - XIX, 773 p.; 24 cm. + 1 CD-Rom - (The Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science) ISBN 079237519XBradley J, Erickson MD, “Irreversible Compression of Medical Images”, Dpt. Radiology, Mayo F., Rochester, MN, Jo. of D. Imaging, DOI: 10.1007/s10278-002-0001-z, 02.Monitoring & Discovery System (MDS)” http://www-unix.globus.org/toolkit/mds/“Key management for encrypted data storage in distributed systems”. Proceedings of HeathGrid 2004

    Enhancing Privacy and Authorization Control Scalability in the Grid through Ontologies

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    © 2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The use of data Grids for sharing relevant data has proven to be successful in many research disciplines. However, the use of these environments when personal data are involved (such as in health) is reduced due to its lack of trust. There are many approaches that provide encrypted storages and key shares to prevent the access from unauthorized users. However, these approaches are additional layers that should be managed along with the authorization policies. We present in this paper a privacy-enhancing technique that uses encryption and relates to the structure of the data and their organizations, providing a natural way to propagate authorization and also a framework that fits with many use cases. The paper describes the architecture and processes, and also shows results obtained in a medical imaging platform.Manuscript received November 19, 2007; revised July 27, 2008. First published August 4,2008; cur-rent version published January 4,2009. This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science to develop the project "ngGrid-New Generation Components for the Efficient Exploitation of eScience Infrastructures," under Grant TIN2006-12860 and in part by the Structural Funds of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Blanquer Espert, I.; Hernández García, V.; Segrelles Quilis, JD.; Torres Serrano, E. (2009). Enhancing Privacy and Authorization Control Scalability in the Grid through Ontologies. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 13(1):16-24. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITB.2008.2003369S162413

    Content-Based Organisation of Virtual Repositories of DICOM Objects

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    The integration of multi-centre medical image data to create knowledge repositories for research and training activities has been an aim targeted since long ago. This paper presents an environment to share, to process and to organise medical imaging data according to a structured framework in which the image reports play a key role. This environment has been validated on a clinical environment, facing problems such as firewalls and security restrictions, in the frame of the CVIMO (Valencian Cyberinfrastructure of Medical Imaging in Oncology) project. The environment uses a middleware called TRENCADIS (Towards a Grid Environment for Processing and Sharing DICOM Objects) that provides users with the management of multiple administrative domains, data encryption and decryption on the fly and semantic indexation of images. Data is structured into four levels: Global data available, virtual federated storages of studies shared across a vertical domain, subsets for projects or experiments on the virtual storage and individual searches on these subsets. This structure of levels gives the needed flexibility for organising authorisation, and hides data that are not relevant for a given experiment. The main components and interactions are shown in the document, outlining the workflows and explaining the different approaches considered, including the protocols used and the difficulties met. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors wish to thanks the financial support received from Valencia Region Ministry of Enterprises, University (Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia) to develop the project "Ciberinfraestructura Valenciana de Imagen medica Oncologica", with reference GVEMP06/04.Blanquer Espert, I.; Hernández García, V.; Meseguer Anastasio, JE.; Segrelles Quilis, JD. (2009). Content-Based Organisation of Virtual Repositories of DICOM Objects. Future Generation Computer Systems. 25(6):627-637. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2008.12.004S62763725

    Hacia un Mercado Único Digital: Caso práctico del Proyecto europeo: Promoting the AS4 between PEPPOL Access Points around EU

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    [ES] La Unión Europea está eliminando las barreras transfronterizas en las transacciones comerciales dentro del territorio europeo, fomentando así la economía digital. La estrategia del Mercado Único Digital busca que los ciudadanos europeos puedan acceder libremente a bienes y servicios en línea. En esta comunicación se presentará la estrategia del Mercado Único Digital y se analizará como caso de estudio el proyecto ‘Promoting the AS4EU between PEPPOL Access points around EU-AS4EU’ financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro de su programa CEF Telecom.Los autores agradecen a la Comisión Europea la financión al Proyecto “Promoting the AS4 between PEPPOL Access Points around EU (AS4EU)’’ (Ref.: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2017/1527217 Action number: 2017-EU-IA-0104) dentro del programa “Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).Gil Gómez, H.; Stratu Strelet, D.; Lozano Quilis, JA.; Guerola Navarro, V. (2020). Hacia un Mercado Único Digital: Caso práctico del Proyecto europeo: Promoting the AS4 between PEPPOL Access Points around EU. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 951-959. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10945OCS95195

    Improving knowledge management through the support of image examination and data annotation using DICOM structured reporting

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    [EN] An important effort has been invested on improving the image diagnosis process in different medical areas using information technologies. The field of medical imaging involves two main data types: medical imaging and reports. Developments based on the DICOM standard have demonstrated to be a convenient and widespread solution among the medical community. The main objective of this work is to design a Web application prototype that will be able to improve diagnosis and follow-on of breast cancer patients. It is based on TRENCADIS middleware, which provides a knowledge-oriented storage model composed by federated repositories of DICOM image studies and DICOM-SR medical reports. The full structure and contents of the diagnosis reports are used as metadata for indexing images. The TRENCADIS infrastructure takes full advantage of Grid technologies by deploying multi-resource grid services that enable multiple views (reports schemes) of the knowledge database. The paper presents a real deployment of such Web application prototype in the Dr. Peset Hospital providing radiologists with a tool to create, store and search diagnostic reports based on breast cancer explorations (mammography, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, pre-surgery biopsy and post-surgery biopsy), improving support for diagnostics decisions. A technical details for use cases (outlining enhanced multi-resource grid services communication and processing steps) and interactions between actors and the deployed prototype are described. As a result, information is more structured, the logic is clearer, network messages have been reduced and, in general, the system is more resistant to failures.The authors wish to thank the financial support received from The Spanish Ministry of Education and Science to develop the project "CodeCloud", with reference TIN2010-17804.Salavert Torres, J.; Segrelles Quilis, JD.; Blanquer Espert, I.; Hernández García, V. (2012). Improving knowledge management through the support of image examination and data annotation using DICOM structured reporting. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 45(6):1066-1074. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2012.07.004S1066107445

    The high-velocity clouds and the Magellanic Clouds

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    From an analysis of the sky and velocity distributions of the high-velocity clouds (HVCs) we show that the majority of the HVCs has a common origin. We conclude that the HVCs surround the Galaxy, forming a metacloud of 300 kpc in size and with a mass of 3 10^9 M_sun, and that they are the product of a powerful ``superwind'' (about 10^58 ergs), which occurred in the Magellanic Clouds about 570 Myr ago as a consequence of the interaction of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The HVCs might be magnetic bubbles of semi-ionized gas, blown from the Magellanic Clouds around 570 Myr ago, that circulate largely through the halo of the Galaxy as a stream or flow of gas.Comment: 28 pages with 23 figure

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Clave preliminar de las escamas de los peces de agua dulce de España, a nivel de familiaExito reproductor del Buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus) en NavarraAlimentación del Gavilán (Accipiter nisus) en la Isla de TenerifeEl Verdecillo (Serinus serinus): Tendencias en la estación de nidificación, en el tamaño del huevo y en la supervivencia.las batidas como método de censo en especiesde caza mayor: aplicación al caso del Jabalí (Sus scrofa L.) en la provincia de Burgos (Norte de España)La adquisición de madurez sexual en el camaleón común (Chamaeleo chamaeleon)Nuevas citas de Hemidactylus turcicus en la provincia de CáceresLa focha común (Fulica atra) en la isla de Gran Canaria: nueva especie nidificante en el archipiélago CanarioTraslado de huevos en incubación por la urraca (Pica pica)Predación de Falco peregrinus sobre Oryctolagus cuniculusCuatro nuevas especies de aves para Bolivia.Sobre la utilización de nidos de golondrina común abandonados.Parasitismo múltiple del críalo (Clamator glandarius)Predación del topo de rio (Galemys pyrenaicus, Geoffroy 1811) por parte de la lechuza común (Tyto alba, Scopoli 1769)Predación del zorro (Vulpes vulpes) sobre un pollo de buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus).Vulpes vulpes L. criando en una colonia de marmota (Marmota marmota L.) en el pirineo de LéridaObservaciones sobre la incidencia de Rattus (Fischer, 1803) en los cultivos ibéricos de caña de azúcaSituación actual de la jutiita de la tierra Capromys sanfelipensis (Rodentia, Mammalia)Notas sobre la intraducción y expansión de la ardilla común en Sierra Nevada, sureste de EspañaPeer reviewe

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    La reproducción de Hyla meridionalis en el suroeste de EspañaAlimentación y relaciones tróficas entre larvas de Triturus marmoratus, T. alpestris y T. helveticus (Amphibia: CaudataOrganization of behaviour in isolated lizards (Gallotia galloti galloti) as revealed by multivariate analyseComposición y estructura de las comunidades de aves a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal en tres medios arbustivos del macizo de Ayllón(Sistema Central)La comunidad de aves de un acebuchar del sur de España durante el periodo invernal y de cria.Alimentación del buho chico (Asio otus) en la isla de Tenerife y análisis comparativo con la dieta de Tyto albaAlimentación del zorzal charlo (Turdus viscivoros) en la sierra de Cazorla, SE de España.La migración en España del verderón común (Carduelis chloris, L.) según los resultados de anillamientoIdentificación de los principales quirópteros ibéricos a partir de sus dientes aislados. Valor sistemático de los caracteres morfológicos y métricos dentariosRitmo de actividad en Gazella dorcasSobre la sistemática y biología de Eliomys quercinus en la Cordillera Cantábrica.Primeras citas de Barbus microcephalus Almaça, 1967 (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae) en EspañaSobre la presencia de Lampetra planeri BLOCH, 1784 en España.Sobre el status taxonómico del género Valencia Myers, 1928 en el suroeste de IberiaNuevas localidades de Chondrostroma polypis Steindachner, 1865 (Ostariophysi, Cyprinidae) en España.Sobre la distribución Gobio gobio (L., 1758)(OSTAOPHYSI, CIPRINIDAE) en EspañaNotas sobre la alimentación de larvas de anfibios: 2. Salamandra salamandra de CazorlaNuevos datos sobre la permanencia de caracteres larvarios en individuos adultos de una población de tritón pirenaico (Euproctus asper) en el valle de AránLa variación del diseño natural como método de reconocimiento individual en Triturus boscaiPresencia de Triturus boscai en la provincia de Córdoba.Datos sobre la alimentación de Athene cunicularia en la Reserva de fauna altoandina de Ulla-Ulla, Bolivia.Falco peregrinus cassini en BoliviaAlgunos datos sobre quirópteros de Galicia.Notas sobre la alimentación de la nutria (Lutra lutra) en el embalse de Matavacas, HuelvaPeer reviewe