755 research outputs found

    Community Approaches to Handicap in Development (CAHD): The Next Generation of CBR Programmes

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    This paper has presented the basis of one approach to addressing disability in developing countries. Community Approaches to Handicap in Development (CAHD) builds on the pioneering work done by others in the CBR field and presents a bridge between CBR and development. The brief rationale and examples included here represent only the skeleton of CAHD. More comprehensive descriptions and practical tools for implementation are available in the CAHD toolkit produced in 2001, developed by CBM International, Centre for Disability and Development and Handicap International

    Changing CBR Concepts in Indonesia: Learning from Programme Evaluation

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    [Excerpt] CBR programmes are founded on basic ideas or concepts that vary significantly between countries and organizations. These ideas and concepts change through time as new information is obtained. Often trial-and-error experiences prove that the initial ideas were wrong. One of the best ways of examining the effectiveness of CBR programmes, and the concepts on which they are based, is through evaluation. This chapter draws on our experiences in Solo, Indonesia at the Community Based Rehabilitation Development and Training Centre (CBRDTC) to describe a process where changes in programmes and concepts have resulted from evaluation. This will hopefully help others to learn ways to change their own ideas, concepts and CBR programmes

    Understanding Community Approaches to Handicap in Development (CAHD)

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    [Excerpt] Impairment and disability are as old as history; they always have been and always will be with us. However, the way that societies deal with them can and does change. In developed countries, the reality of impairment and disability is now being recognized. Consequently, efforts are now being made to include people affected by impairment and disability and to provide the services necessary to meet their needs. The recognition and inclusion of these people, and the development of services to meet their needs, means that handicap is declining in developed countries. In many developing countries, the reality of impairment and disability is only just starting to be recognized, and people affected by impairment and disability are barely accepted. These people are excluded and the services necessary to meet their needs have yet to be developed. In these countries handicap is still a significant factor that must be dealt with

    What parents and teachers want to know about schools and how schools can advertise this information using technology

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    Finding good teachers is becoming very competitive in our nation as a large number of teachers will be retiring and fewer people are entering the profession. Parents are now shopping for the school that they want their children to attend and then finding the home in that district. The possibility of school vouchers is encouraging this. Schools need to be able to advertise information to potential employees and parents of their school district. The Waukee School district in Waukee, Iowa works to create an informational CD made available to parents and employees is used as an example of what information parents and teachers are interested in. Surveys of current staff members and parents help this district decide what information should be included. Several urban schools that have used community support and business advertising tactics are used to support those choices. Examples of surveys of parents and teachers from varying schools are also used to support information included on the CD. These surveys are looking at teacher attitudes toward their jobs and parent attitudes toward student learning. Among the suggestions from these sources are school demographics, district vision statement, standards and benchmarks, technology vision statement, student learning· goals, guiding principals, test scores and extracurricular activities

    'Working the Crowd': Enacting Cultural Citizenship Through Charged Humor

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    Like many cultural practices, comic performance is one of a host of weapons in the arsenal of tactics, strategies, and offensive maneuverings available to individuals and communities seeking to redress inequitable distributions of wealth, power, rights, and cultural visibility. This dissertation examines contemporary jesters opting to use humor to develop community, instruct and mobilize audience members, and lobby for political and cultural inclusion. It is a kind of humor that illumines one's position in a specific socio-political, historical matrix; it is humor that creates community and conversely demonstrates the ways in which one does not belong. An examination of the economy--the production, exchange, and consumption--of this humor reveals how and why comics produce charged humor or humor that illumines one's status as second-class citizen and how this kind of humor is consumed in the US. I employ a mixed-methods qualitative approach using ethnography, archival research, and critical discourse analysis to investigate comic performances: stand-up comedy, sketch comedy, and one-woman shows. Throughout, I draw from dozens of contemporary comics performing in the US, but take as case studies: Robin Tyler, a Jewish lesbian comic and activist who is currently spearheading the marriage equality movement in California; Micia Mosely, a Brooklyn-based, Black, queer woman whose one-woman show, Where My Girls At?: A Comedic Look at Black Lesbians, is touring the country; and a group of young people (eighteen and under) participating in Comedy Academy programs (a non-profit arts education organization in Maryland), allowing them to author and perform sketch comedy. My sources for this project include popular culture ephemera such as print and electronic media, public commentary, documentaries about stand-up comedy, interviews with comics and industry entrepreneurs, performance and program evaluations, comic material (jokes), and performance texts. Drawing from nation and citizenship theories, cultural studies, performance studies, and a number of identity-based disciplines, I argue that humor intervenes on behalf of minoritarian subjects and it is part of our task to read these performances for the tactics and approaches they supply for being fully incorporated in the national polity

    A Performant Web-Based Visualization, Assessment, and Collaboration Tool for Multidimensional Biosignals

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    Biosignal-based research is often multidisciplinary and benefits greatly from multi-site collaboration. This requires appropriate tooling that supports collaboration, is easy to use, and is accessible. However, current software tools do not provide the necessary functionality, usability, and ubiquitous availability. The latter is particularly crucial in environments, such as hospitals, which often restrict users' permissions to install software. This paper introduces a new web-based application for interactive biosignal visualization and assessment. A focus has been placed on performance to allow for handling files of any size. The proposed solution can load local and remote files. It parses data locally on the client, and harmonizes channel labels. The data can then be scored, annotated, pseudonymized and uploaded to a clinical data management system for further analysis. The data and all actions can be interactively shared with a second party. This lowers the barrier to quickly visually examine data, collaborate and make informed decisions

    Period doubling and spatiotemporal chaos in periodically forced CO oxidation on Pt(110)

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    Periodic forcing of chemical turbulence in the catalytic CO oxidation on Pt(110) can induce a period doubling cascade to chaos. Using a forcing frequency near the second harmonic of the system's natural frequency, and carefully increasing the forcing amplitude, the system successively exhibits spiral wave turbulence, resonant pattern formation, and chaotic oscillations. In the latter case, global coupling induces strong spatial correlation. Experimental results are presented as well as numerical simulations using a realistic model. Good agreement is found between experiment and theory. The results give further insight into the complex nature of reaction-diffusion systems and are of high importance regarding control strategies on such systems. The presented setup enhances the range of achievable dynamical states and allows for new experimental investigations on the dynamics of extended oscillatory systems

    Ordenes politikk

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    Anmeldelse af Jonas Ross Kjærgård: Reimagining Society in Eighteenth-Century French Literature. Happiness and Human Rights. New York: Routledge, 2018, 221 sider