2,409 research outputs found

    An analysis of the seismic activity of Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico, associated with the eruptive period of December 2002 to February 2003: looking for precursors

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    Since it reactivated in 1994, Popocatépetl Volcano has undergone cycles of formation and destruction of several lava domes. This surface activity is generally associated with increasing seismic activity before the explosions that destroy the domes. We carried out a comprehensive analysis of seismic records from November 2002 to February 2003 in order to identify precursors of a series of explosive events. We obtained daily numbers of volcano-tectonic earthquakes and long-period events, as well as daily tremor duration. Spectral features of the long-period events and tremors were calculated, and high-frequency precursory signals of the long-period events were studied. No clear variations of these characteristics of the seismicity could be detected before the eruptions. Real-time Seismic Amplitude Measurements (RSAM) calculations show that, besides small fl uctuations related to the explosions, the rate of seismic energy released was quite stable during the studied period. Minor short-lived variations of RSAM levels were observed before only fi ve of eighteen eruptions, with no accelerating release of energy. It is thus quite diffi cult to identify reliable seismic precursors during the eruptive sequence. This situation is probably related to the open state of the system and has important implications for future risk assessment regarding this volcano

    Tumour heterogeneity and immune-modulation.

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    Recent advances in sequencing technologies have revealed extensive intratumour heterogeneity (ITH) both within individual tumours and between primary and metastatic tumours for different cancer types. Such genetic diversity may have clinical implications for both cancer diagnosis and treatment with increasing evidence linking ITH and therapeutic resistance. Nonetheless, whilst limiting the activity of targeted agents, tumour genetic heterogeneity may provide a new therapeutic opportunity through generation of neo-antigens that could be recognised and targeted by the patient's own immune system in response to immune-modulatory therapies. Longitudinal genomic studies assessing tumour clonal architecture and its correlation with the underlying immune response to cancer in each particular patient are needed to follow tumour evolutionary dynamics over time and through therapy, in order to further understand the mechanisms behind drug resistance and to inform the development of new combinatorial therapeutic strategies

    Primary care healthcare policy impelmentation in the eastern Mediterranean region; experience of six countries: part ii

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    Background: Primary healthcare (PHC) is the cornerstone of health systems for the rightful access and cost-effective. It is a key factor in the global strategy for universal health coverage (UHC). Implementing PHC requires an understanding of health system under prevailing circumstances essential to implement PHC, but data are unavailable. Objectives: This paper describes and analyses the health systems of Algeria, Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq and PHC status. Methods: Data were collected during a Workshop at 2018 WONCA East Mediterranean Regional Conference in Kuwait. Academic family physicians (FP) and general practitioners (GP) presented their country reports using the WONCA framework of 11 PowerPoint slides. WHO EMRO reflected on how countries’ experiences can contribute to their Frameworks on Integrated People-Centered Health Services and UHC.. Results: The six countries had achieved a great improvement in populations’ health, but currently face challenges of health financing, small number of certified family physicians, difficulties to access service and bureaucratic process. Main concerns were the absence of a family practice model, brain drain and immigration of FPs. Countries differed in building a coherent policy. Conclusion: Priorities should be focused on: developing PHC model in Eastern Mediterranean Region with advocacy for community-based PHC to policymakers: capacity building for strengthening PHC-oriented health systems with FP specialty training and restrict practicing to fully trained FPs; engage communities to improve understanding of PHC; adopt quality and accreditation policies for better services; validation of the referral and follow-up process; and, develop public-private partnership mechanisms to enhance PHC for UHC

    Haematological and pathological findings of pigs experimentally inoculated with a Chilean isolate of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus

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    The aims of this study were to characterize the haematological and bone marrow changes, gross and microscopic lesions of pigs experimentally inoculated with the Chilean isolate of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Twelve 3-week-old pigs were divided in 4 groups of 3, one of which corresponded to the negative control group sacrificed at 0 days post-inoculation (dpi), and the 3 remaining groups corresponded to the inoculated pigs sacrificed at 7, 14 and 21 dpi. For each sampling period blood was collected for complete haemograme and at the necropsy time gross lesions were registered and samples for both bone marrow smears and histopathology were taken. The results of this study revealed haematological alterations characterized by a significant reduction (P<0.05) in the haematocrit and a significant increase (P<0.05) in the total leukocyte count associated with an increase in the monocytes and baciliforms. The bone marrow did not show significant variations in the ratio of myeloid to erythroid cells (P>0.05). At the same time, the gross lesions were mild and mainly characterized by the presence of conjunctivitis, periocular edema and a slight increase in the size of the lymph nodes. Microscopic lesions were characterized by the presence of interstitial pneumonia, depletion and necrosis in lymphoid organs, rhinitis, hepatitis, myocarditis and non-purulent encephalitis. These findings suggest that the Chilean isolate of the vPRRS to a strain with a low virulenc

    Seedling vigor variation among 80 recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSL) of barley (Hordeum vulgare)

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    del Pozo, A (del Pozo, Alejandro). Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Agr, Talca, Chile.Seedling vigor of 80 recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSL) of barley (Hordeum vulgare). Cien. Inv. Agr. 38 (1): 137-147. The seedling vigor of 80 barley recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSLs) was measured for selecting high seedling vigor genotypes. The RCSLs were derived from a cross between H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum and H. vulgare subsp. vulgare 'Harrington'. The work was carried out under greenhouse conditions during the summer of 2008. The experimental design was an alpha lattice with 3 replicates. In each replicate, 40 plants were established, distributed in eight polyethylene pots containing sand as substrate, which were fertilized an irrigated. The emergence of seedlings, number of leaves and shoots, dry matter of leaves, shoots and roots and leaf area of fully expanded leaves were measured. In addition, growth indices were calculated: emergence rate, leaf appearance rate, relative leaf expansion rate, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and the allometric coefficient (K) between root and shoot thy matter. All calculated indices varied significantly among genotypes (P <= 0.05) and some RCSLs showed better early vigor associated traits than 'Harrington'. The dry matter accumulation 30 DAS (when the experiment ended) was significant and positively correlated with the RGR (r=0.61; P <= 0.05) and NAR (r=0.41; P <= 0.05). The K coefficient was negatively correlated with NAR (r=-0.40, P <= 0.05). The genotypes with the greatest seminal vigor were the RCSLs 45, 92, 112 and 'Harrington', whereas the RCSLs 5, 19,47 and 121 presented the lowest seminal vigor

    Las rocas huésped del magmatismo devónico en el macizo norpatagónico y Chaitenia

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    Trabajos anteriores han demostrado que el magmatismo devónico en los Andes meridionales se produjo en dos cinturones contemporáneos: uno emplazado en la corteza continental del Macizo Norpatagónico y el otro , hacia el oeste, en un arco de islas oceánico, Chaitenia, que más tarde se acrecionó a Gondwana. Las rocas hospedantes de las rocas plutónicas consisten en complejos metasedimentarios que aparecen esporádicamente en los Andes a ambos lados de la frontera entre Argentina y Chile, y adicionalmente de metabasaltos de almohadilla en Chaitenia. Las determinaciones de la edad de U-Pb de circones detríticos en 13 muestras de estas rocas metasedimentarias indican edades deposicionales máximas posibles de ca. 370 a 900 Ma, y se argumenta que la sedimentación es principalmente del Devónico similar a las pizarras fosilíferas de Buill. Procedencia del Ordovícico, del Cámbrico-tardío a Neoproterozoico y “Grenville” se ve en todas las rocas, a excepción de los afloramientos más occidentales donde predominan los zircones detríticos del Devónico. Además de una diferencia en los granos de zircón precámbricos, 76% versus 25% respectivamente, no hay variación sistemática en la procedencia del antepaís patagónico a Chaitenia, por lo que el arco de islas debe haber sido proximal al continente: su corteza más profunda no está expuesta pero se conocen varios afloramientos de rocas ultramáficas. Los bordes metamórficos desarrollados durante el Devónico en circones de las rocas del Macizo Norpatagónico no tienen su equivalente en los circones de las rocas metamórficas de bajo grado del sector chileno. Estas rocas metasedimentarias paleozoicas también fueron intruidas por granitoides del Pennsylvaniano y Jurásico.Previous work has shown that Devonian magmatism in the southern Andes occurred in two contemporaneous belts: one emplaced in the continental crust of the North Patagonian Massif and the other in an oceanic island arc terrane to the west, Chaitenia, which was later accreted to Patagonia. The country rocks of the plutonic rocks consist of metasedimentary complexes which crop out sporadically in the Andes on both sides of the Argentina-Chile border, and additionally of pillow metabasalts for Chaitenia. Detrital zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age determinations in 13 samples of these rocks indicate maximum possible depositional ages from ca. 370 to 900 Ma, and the case is argued for mostly Devonian sedimentation as for the fossiliferous Buill slates. Ordovician, Cambrian-late Neoproterozoic and “Grenville-age” provenance is seen throughout, except for the most westerly outcrops where Devonian detrital zircons predominate. Besides a difference in the Precambrian zircon grains, 76% versus 25% respectively, there is no systematic variation in provenance from the Patagonian foreland to Chaitenia, so that the island arc terrane must have been proximal to the continent: its deeper crust is not exposed but several outcrops of ultramafic rocks are known. Zircons with devonian metamorphic rims in rocks from the North Patagonian Massif have no counterpart in the low metamorphic grade Chilean rocks. These Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks were also intruded by Pennsylvanian and Jurassic granitoids.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica

    Use of UAV for the generation of digital cartography

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    El ser humano en su afán de reconocer el lugar donde habita, históricamente ha intentado fotografiar desde más allá de donde sus ojos le permiten observar la superficie terrestre. La fotogrametría para esta tarea ha sido fundamental en la historia del hombre, siendo el pionero Gaspard-Félix Tournachon en el año 1859 desde un globo cautivo obtener la primera fotografía área de la superficie terrestre, Hoy en día hemos sido capaces de poder observar y plasmar en imágenes la tierra desde el espacio de grandes extensiones de del globo. Es así que por décadas ha teniendo mejoras ya sea en la óptica, la aeronáutica y también en los procesos de esta técnica de teledetección por diversos motivos como fueron las guerras mundiales a principios del siglo XX y también en la carrera espacial en épocas de polarización del mundo a mediados del mismo siglo. En los últimos años no ha estado exenta de esta evolución significativa. Hoy en día vivimos en un importante momento tecnológico de la historia de la humanidad donde día a día la tecnología cambia y crece exponencialmente y esto no deja atrás nuestro campo de desempeño en las ciencias de la tierra ni tampoco a la fotogrametría, sino más bien avanzan juntas. Hoy por hoy hemos logrado volar naves desde la tierra, sin ir a bordo de ellas. Estas aeronaves son denominadas como UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) o vehículo Aéreo No Tripulado (VANT), comúnmente «dron». Un VANT es un vehículo sin tripulación, capaz de mantener de manera autónoma un nivel de vuelo controlado, sostenido y propulsado por un motor de explosión, eléctrico o de reacción. A los cuales podemos montar una cámara o sensor, con esta a bordo, somos capaces de poder captar información de la superficie terrestre y con ello, la generación de ortoimagenes logrando así cartografía a escalas grandes de áreas pequeñas, en poco tiempo y abaratando costos de forma sustancial