20 research outputs found


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    Plants can grow and reach maximum production on optimum soil condition. Plants growth and agricultural machines application in farm fields were influenced by physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of soil. Granule organic fertilizer (GOF) application with a certain dosage could influence physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of soil. The objective of the research was to analyse interaction relationship between physical and mechanical soil properties alterations on GOF dosages variation. Soil consistency test, compaction test (Proctor’s test), and direct shear test were applied to soil samples on GOF dosages variation. Research results showed that the increasing of GOF dosages from 0 ton/ha up to 90 tons/ha would increase soil posity of (49.43-55.85)%, soil moisture content of (24.14-49.97)%, plastic limit of (35.96-41.82)%, and liquid limit of (56.01-61.75)%, but it would decrease maximum soil dry bulk density of (1.34-1.17) g/cc. Soil shear strength decreased from (0.91-1.41) kgf/cm2 down to (0.42-0.58) kgf/cm2 by the decreasing of soil dry bulk density of (1.14-1.09) g/cc and soil cohesion of (0.68-0.34) kgf/cm2 which resulted by the increasing of the GOF dosages.Keywords: soil shear strength, granule organic fertilizer, soil density, and soil cohesio

    Penentuan Parameter Desain Alat Penangkap Undur-Undur Laut di Cilacap dan Kebumen

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    Sea ant-lion (“yutukâ€) in research locations (Cilacap and Kebumen beaches) were catchedby local fishermen utilized a traditional catching tool (“sorokâ€), or by their hands. Utilizing of “sorok†for “yutuk†catching was done 1 kilometer along the beach with duration of 1 hour. They obtained yield of 1 kg up to 1.5 kg. The utilizing of “sorok†was about 5 cm depth to lift up the “yutukâ€, and then it was catched by their hand and entered it into abasket net. The catching results were three species: Emerita emeritus, Hippa adactyla, and Albunea symmysta. Survey’s results showed that “yutuk†dimensions were length of (1.70- 5.00) cm and width of (1.40-3.70) cm. Digging ability to the beach sands of the “yutuk†was (1.50-5.50) cm. Power requirement for beach sands digging was determined by measured pooling force and cutting area of the beach sands. Research results showed that the amount of pooling draft was (0.05-0.28) kgf/cm2 . It can be concluded that parameters for designing of mechanical “yutuk†catcher were: (1) screen dimension for “yutuk†and sands separating is less than 1.40 cm, (2) digger depth was more than 5.50 cm, and (3) pooling draft was more than 0.28 kgf/cm2.Key words: sea ant-lion (“yutukâ€), “yutuk†dimension, digging depth, and pooling draf

    Rekayasa Mobile Sprayer Machine untuk Pemeliharaan Tanaman Tebu Lahan Kering

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    In order to raise sugarcane productivity and milling yield, it must be applied a mobile sprayer machine in asugarcane dry land to apply nutrition droplets on plants rows that it can follows vegetative and generative plantsgrowths until nearly harvesting time. The objective of the research was to design a mobile sprayer machine. Resultof the design was a prototype A (mobile sprayer machine based on a motorcycle). Test result of the prototype Ashowed that spraying flow rate increased from 3.79 6.71 l/minute by increasing liquid pressure from 2 7 kgf/cm2,so that operating time of the machine with 50 l capacity were 7.46 13.20 minutes. Test result in the PG Subangsugarcane area showed that the prototype A was difficult to control, but it still could accelerate on between plantsrows with average forward speed of 0.32 0.76 m/second. It were operated on liquid load of 100 and 50 kg. Theprototype A was changed by a prototype B (mobile sprayer machine based on tri-cycle motorbike). Test result inthe PG Subang sugarcane area showed that the prototype B could accelerate smoothly with forward speed of 2.15m/second on a flat area, but it just had capability to accelerate with average forward speed of 0.24 m/second when itwas applied on three-months ratoon plants rows area

    Rekayasa Mobile Sprayer Machine untuk Pemeliharaan Tanaman Tebu Lahan Kering

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    In order to raise sugarcane productivity and milling yield, it must be applied a mobile sprayer machine in asugarcane dry land to apply nutrition droplets on plants rows that it can follows vegetative and generative plantsgrowths until nearly harvesting time. The objective of the research was to design a mobile sprayer machine. Resultof the design was a prototype A (mobile sprayer machine based on a motorcycle). Test result of the prototype Ashowed that spraying flow rate increased from 3.79 6.71 l/minute by increasing liquid pressure from 2 7 kgf/cm2,so that operating time of the machine with 50 l capacity were 7.46 13.20 minutes. Test result in the PG Subangsugarcane area showed that the prototype A was difficult to control, but it still could accelerate on between plantsrows with average forward speed of 0.32 0.76 m/second. It were operated on liquid load of 100 and 50 kg. Theprototype A was changed by a prototype B (mobile sprayer machine based on tri-cycle motorbike). Test result inthe PG Subang sugarcane area showed that the prototype B could accelerate smoothly with forward speed of 2.15m/second on a flat area, but it just had capability to accelerate with average forward speed of 0.24 m/second when itwas applied on three-months ratoon plants rows area


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    Increasing the competitiveness of soybean is an important thing and priority that must be done in order to fulfil the national food security. The objectives of the research  were (1)to map of local soybean problems associated with the concept of green productivity, (2) performance / green productivity index of soybean cultivation, and (3) design model of increasing soybean green productivity. The research was conducted in Banten Province on soybean production center. Data and information were collected through interviews and in-depth discussions on soybean business actors. The methods used were Green Value Mapping system, Green Produtivity Indeks, and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). The results showed that the green productivity status of soybean agribusiness was in low category that need to be improved through innovation especially on seed supply, post harvest handling, and utilization of waste.Keywords : soybean, competitiveness, green productivity,  green value stream mapping, fuzzy inference syste


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    Increasing the competitiveness of soybean is an important thing and priority that must be done in order to fulfil the national food security. The objectives of the research  were (1)to map of local soybean problems associated with the concept of green productivity, (2) performance / green productivity index of soybean cultivation, and (3) design model of increasing soybean green productivity. The research was conducted in Banten Province on soybean production center. Data and information were collected through interviews and in-depth discussions on soybean business actors. The methods used were Green Value Mapping system, Green Produtivity Indeks, and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). The results showed that the green productivity status of soybean agribusiness was in low category that need to be improved through innovation especially on seed supply, post harvest handling, and utilization of waste.Keywords : soybean, competitiveness, green productivity,  green value stream mapping, fuzzy inference syste

    Pengabut Semprot Bergerak untuk Pemberantasan Hama Kelapa Sawit

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    Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) is a tropical plant that can be attacked by various pests, start from nurseries to plantations, so it is necessary to eradicate pests. Generally, the pests is eradicated by applying pesticides using fogging machines brought down by farmers so that they are ineffective in reaching high plants, and hot smoke from fogging machines can damage oil palm leaves. This study aims to design a tool that can optimize the application of pesticide fog to oil palm plants at a certain height. The tool's design in the form of a mobile spray fogger also aims to facilitate the operator in applying pesticide fog at various heights of oil palm and, simultaneously, can reduce the impact of damage to oil palm leaves. The research method was carried out by testing the performance of pesticide fog spraying in the laboratory and the performance test of applying pesticide fog using mobile spray foggers on the land. Furthermore, pesticide smoke from fogging machines was optimized by combining electric sprayers and air blowers so that pesticide fog is formed, reducing the temperature of pesticide smoke, and increasing the range of fogging. The performance of the combination of outputs from fogging machines, electric sprayers, and air blowers on mobile spray fogger produces a droplet diameter of 94.41 μm, droplet density of 365.44 droplet/cm2, effective fogging range of 8.63 m, effective fogging width of 0.91 m, and an average temperature decrease of 4°C.   Keywords: air blower, electric sprayer, fogging machine, palm oil, pest

    Study of Optimization of LInear Velocity of Rotary Blade and Tractor Forward Speed Ratio on Soil Pudding of Wet Field Rice

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    The study on optimization of linear velocity of rotary blade and tractor forward speed ratio oil soil puddling of wetjeld rice was carried out in order to find the relationship between linear velocity of rotary blade and tractor forward speed ratio (u-v ratio) and the number of tractor's pass versus soil puddling index and tractor wheel slip during the soil puddling, and todetermine the optimum u-v ratio for rice wetjeldpreparation with certain soil classijication and condition and also with certain two wheel tractor and rotary tiller.The result, using two types of two wheel tractors and rotary tillers, showed that soil puddling was extremely afSected by puddling pass Pequency. The puddling index increased with the increasing of puddling pass prequency until the soil became puddled soil, were 0. 18 up to 0.64 forjeld test I and 0.17up to 0.67 for field test 11 in average