87 research outputs found
Aplicação do Balanced Scorecard numa PME do setor comercial: estudo de caso
O presente trabalho propõe analisar o Balanced Scorecard e a sua adaptabilidade às pequenas e médias empresas em Portugal (PME).
Após a contextualização académica do modelo proposto por Kaplan e Norton e suportada com outros autores, posteriormente foi estudada a aplicabilidade da sua implementação numa PME Portuguesa através de um estudo de caso numa entidade do setor comercial.The present work proposes to analyze the Balanced Scorecard and its adaptability to small and medium entreprises in Portugal (SME's).
After the academic contextualization of the model proposed by Kaplan and Norton and supported by other authors, the applicability of its implementation in a Portuguese SME was later studied through a case study in a commercial sector entity.Mestrado em Contabilidade e Controlo de Gestã
Minimally invasive surgical treatment of pilonidal disease: mid-term retrospective analysis of a single center
Background: Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Disease (PD) is commonly treated with excision and primary closure techniques (EPC). Minimally invasive techniques (MIT), such as EPSiT and Pit-picking, had been recently advocated promising better outcomes. We analyzed mid-term results from our center after introduction of MIT to treat PD. Methods: Patients submitted to MIT (n = 44) with a median follow-up of 37 months were analyzed and compared with patients submitted to EPC (n = 70) with a median follow-up of 5 years. Both groups included patients operated in our department between 2011 and 2016 and have similar demographic and clinical characteristics. We compared operative time and post-operative parameters such as time with pain, dressing time and time to relapse. Results: The post-operative time with pain was significantly lower, whereas the dressing time was significantly longer, in MIT when compared to the EPC group. The relapse rate was similar in both groups but the follow-up is shorter in the MIT group. In addition, the analysis of patients free of disease using Kaplan-Meier curves revealed that relapse tends to occur more precociously in MIT than in EPC patients (p = 0.014). Interestingly, in the subgroup of patients with previous surgery, MIT's relapse rate was significantly lower than in the EPC group (30 vs. 100%, p < 0.001). Conclusions: MIT has the advantage of having a shorter time with pain in the postoperative period, while EPC benefits from a shorter dressing time. In general, the relapse of the disease tends to manifest more precociously in MIT patients. Moreover, in the subgroup of patients with previous surgery, MIT seems to have significantly better results when compared to EPC
Time-trends in human immunodeficiency virus infection in Portugal: 1984-2013
Avaliaram-se tendências temporais da infeção pelo vÃrus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) em Portugal.
Calcularam-se incidência (1984-2013), prevalência e mortalidade por VIH (1988-2013). Com modelos de regressão linear segmentada obteve-se percentagem de variação anual (%VA) e intervalo de confiança a 95% (IC95%) para esses parâmetros, identificando-se anos (pontos de inflexão) em que ocorreram mudanças significativas na tendência.
A incidência aumentou até 1999 (homens) e 2000 (mulheres) e depois diminuiu de 47 para 20/100000 homens e de 15 para 8/100000 mulheres até 2013, com decréscimo significativo desde 2003 em homens (%VA=-3,1;IC95%:-4,3;-1,9) e 2000 em mulheres (%VA=-2,8;IC95%:-4,1;-1,6 até 2010 e %VA=-11,3;IC95%:-18,5;-3,6 após 2010). O pico para a mortalidade ocorreu em 1996, decrescendo de 19 para 7/100000 homens e de 4 para 2/100000 mulheres durante 1996-2013, com declÃnio significativo desde 2003 em homens (%VA=-7,1;IC95%:-8,6;-5,6) e 1996 em mulheres (%VA=-2,9%;IC95%:-4,1;-1,7). A prevalência aumentou significativamente até 2013 para 0,4% (homens) e 0,2% (mulheres), mas com redução gradual da %VA entre pontos de inflexão. O maior declÃnio da incidência observou-se em utilizadores de drogas injetáveis (UDI) decrescendo de 17 para 1/100000 habitantes durante 1997-2013. Em heterossexuais decresceu de 12 para 8/100000 durante 2002-2013 mas em homossexuais aumentou até 2011 estabilizando em 4/100000.
Portugal apresenta progresso favorável relativamente ao controlo da infeção com redução drástica da infeção entre UDI
Experimental Models as Refined Translational Tools for Breast Cancer Research
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, which makes it a very impactful malignancy in the society. Breast cancers can be classified through different systems based on the main tumor features and gene, protein, and cell receptors expression, which will determine the most advisable therapeutic course and expected outcomes. Multiple therapeutic options have already been proposed and implemented for breast cancer treatment. Nonetheless, their use and efficacy still greatly depend on the tumor classification, and treatments are commonly associated with invasiveness, pain, discomfort, severe side effects, and poor specificity. This has demanded an investment in the research of the mechanisms behind the disease progression, evolution, and associated risk factors, and on novel diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. However, advances in the understanding and assessment of breast cancer are dependent on the ability to mimic the properties and microenvironment of tumors in vivo, which can be achieved through experimentation on animal models. This review covers an overview of the main animal models used in breast cancer research, namely in vitro models, in vivo models, in silico models, and other models. For each model, the main characteristics, advantages, and challenges associated to their use are highlighted.This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal under the Project
Reference UID/DTP/04138/2019 and UIDB/00313/2020. T.F.-G. was supported by FCT, Portugal under the Reference SFRH/BD/147306/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Proof-of-Concept Study of Multifunctional Hybrid Nanoparticle System Combined with NIR Laser Irradiation for the Treatment of Melanoma
Supplementary Materials - available online at https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/biom11040511/s1The global impact of cancer emphasizes the importance of developing innovative, effective and minimally invasive therapies. In the context of superficial cancers, the development of a multifunctional nanoparticle-based system and its in vitro and in vivo safety and efficacy characterization are, herein, proposed as a proof-of-concept. This multifunctional system consists of gold nanoparticles coated with hyaluronic and oleic acids, and functionalized with epidermal growth factor for greater specificity towards cutaneous melanoma cells. This nanoparticle system is activated by a near-infrared laser. The characterization of this nanoparticle system included several phases, with in vitro assays being firstly performed to assess the safety of gold nanoparticles without laser irradiation. Then, hairless immunocompromised mice were selected for a xenograft model upon inoculation of A375 human melanoma cells. Treatment with near-infrared laser irradiation for five minutes combined with in situ administration of the nanoparticles showed a tumor volume reduction of approximately 80% and, in some cases, led to the formation of several necrotic foci, observed histologically. No significant skin erythema at the irradiation zone was verified, nor other harmful effects on the excised organs. In conclusion, these assays suggest that this system is safe and shows promising results for the treatment of superficial melanoma.The authors would like to thank to Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) for the essential financial support under the project’s references PTDC/BBB-BMC/0611/2012, UIDB/00645/2020, UIDB/04138/2020 and UIDP/04138/2020 as well as for the PhD fellowships SFRH/BD/148044/2019 and SFRH/BD/147306/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A dor crónica é um problema de saúde com elevado impacto pessoal,
económico e social, influenciado por fatores biológicos, psicológicos e sociais. O
coping é um dos fatores psicológicos frequentemente apontados pela literatura como
relevante para o ajustamento em pessoas com dor crónica. Experiência de dor, o seu
significado e o coping com a dor são porém, cultural e situacionalmente determinados.
Por isso, espera-se que a mesma pessoa lide com a dor de forma diferente em diferentes
circunstâncias, e pessoas de diferentes culturas lidem com a dor de forma distinta. Este
estudo exploratório tem como objetivo conhecer semelhanças e diferenças na forma de
lidar com a dor crónica entre pessoas portuguesas e norte americanas com dor crónica.
A amostra foi constituÃda por 21 (12 portugueses e 9 norte americanos) adultos com dor
há mais de 12 meses, participantes em 4 grupos focais (2 por nacionalidade). As
transcrições dos grupos focais foram sujeitas a análise temática. Existem muitas
comunalidades (e.g. estratégias biomédicas e movimento fÃsico), mas também algumas
diferenças (e.g. recurso a substâncias psicoativas, yoga e meditação apenas pelos
participantes norte americanos) na forma de lidar com a dor em pessoas com dor crónica
de ambas as nacionalidades. Os resultados sugerem que a cultura pode influenciar a
forma como as pessoas lidam com a dor. Os resultados serão discutidos quanto às suas
implicações clÃnicas e para a investigação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Estudo sobre as diferenças interativas e comunicativas dos educadores e dos pais com crianças em idade pré-escolar
A investigação sobre a qualidade das interações, a comunicação e a atividade entre crianças e adultos tem sido desenvolvida essencialmente com figuras femininas, continuando por esclarecer o papel dos homens como pares afetivos e promotores do desenvolvimento e bem-estar da criança. Procurámos estudar o comportamento de educadores e de pais, do género masculino, com crianças entre os 3 e os 5 anos, sem problemas de desenvolvimento. Neste estudo, 10 educadores (com uma menina e com um menino) e 17 pais (com o seu filho ou filha) foram observados independentemente, na mesma situação semi-experimental. Foi-lhes pedido que realizassem, em 20 minutos, um produto, à sua escolha, com materiais e ferramentas disponibilizadas. Pretendia-se descrever e comparar os dois grupos quanto: i) aos produtos realizados; e uso de materiais e ferramentas; ii) à empatia, atenção, reciprocidade, cooperação, elaboração/fantasia e desafio proposto; e iii) à qualidade da comunicação verbal. O estudo indica que existem estilos de atividade e cooperação distintos nos dois grupos estudados. Comparativamente aos pais, os educadores estimularam mais a exploração de novos problemas e conceitos. Nas dÃades pai-filho(a) foram elaborados produtos com mais componentes e utilizadas mais ferramentas. Adicionalmente, os pais fizeram mais perguntas de processo e elogios do que os educadores que, por seu lado, realizaram mais perguntas de conteudo sugestões e crÃticas. À luz da investigação anterior, refletimos sobre os papéis das figuras masculinas em educação de infância e na famÃlia; e o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento da criança.Abstract The previous research about the quality of interactions, communication and activity among children and adults has essentially been developed with female figures, continuing to clarify the role of men as affective figures and in promoting child development and welfare. The aim of this study is to compare male educators and fathers’ behavior with children between 3 and 5 years without developing problems. In this study, 10 male educators (with a girl and a boy) and 17 fathers (with the infant) have been observed independently in the same semi-experimental play situation. For this purpose, they were asked to manufacture a product of their choice with the materials and tools available, in 20 minutes. This study aims are to: i) describe and compare products made by fathers and male educators, as well as the choice of materials; ii) compare the interactive behavior of male and female educators regarding empathy, ability to challenge the child, dialogical interaction, communication contends and cooperativity with child; and iii) the quality of communication. Our findings indicate differences in the way male educators and fathers communicate and interact with children. Comparing with parents, children work with more autonomy, elaborated products with less elements (mostly subjects), and used less tools with educators. Furthermore, fathers made more process questions and positive comments while educators made more content questions, suggestions and negative remarks. Taking past studies, we reflect about the roles of male figures in childhood education and fathers’ contribution to the child development.Résumé La recherche sur la qualité des interactions, de la communication et de l'activité entre les enfants et les adultes a été développée surtout avec des figures féminines, n´étant pas encore clarifié le rôle des hommes comme pairs affectifs et promoteurs du développement et du bien-être des enfants. Ces constats nous ont incités à observer de plus près le comportement des éducateurs et des pères d'enfants âgés de 3 à 5 ans, sans problèmes de développement. Dans cette étude, nous avons observé indépendamment, dans la même situation semi-expérimentale, 10 éducateurs (avec une fille et un garçon) et 17 pères (avec leur fils ou leur fille). Ils ont été invités à fabriquer, en 20 minutes, un produit, à leur choix, avec les matériaux et les outils disponibles. Il était prévu de comparer les deux groupes en ce qui concerne: i) les artefacts produits; l’utilisation de matériaux et d'outils; ii) l’empathie, l’attention, la réciprocité, la coopération, l’élaboration / fantaisie et le défi vécu; et iii) la qualité de la communication verbale. Cette recherche met en évidence qu'il existe différents styles d'activité et de coopération dans les deux groupes étudiés: les éducateurs ont stimulé davantage l'exploration de nouveaux problèmes et concepts; les dyades des pères ont élaboré des produits avec plus de composants, en utilisant plus d'outils; les pères ont posé plus de questions procédurales et ont davantage félicité que les éducateurs qui, à leur tour, ont posé plus de questions sur le contenu, ont fait plus de suggestions et de critiques. En consonance avec des études préalables, nous réfléchissons sur le rôle des figures masculines dans l'éducation des enfants et dans la famille; et leur contribution au développement de l'enfant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Práticas de intervenção precoce baseadas nas rotinas: Um projecto de formação e investigação
Este artigo apresenta o trabalho desenvolvido pelo Grupo Técnico de Investigação (GTI), que resultou de uma parceria da Associação Nacional de Intervenção Precoce (ANIP) com diferentes instituições do ensino superior nacionais e que contou com a orientação cientÃfica do Professor Robin McWilliam. Esta parceria teve como objectivo organizar e implementar uma formação para profissionais de Intervenção Precoce (IP) designada a promover práticas centradas na famÃlia e baseadas nas rotinas. O enquadramento conceptual subjacente a este modelo de formação baseia-se em teorias desenvolvimentais--contextualistas que fundamentam práticas de IP inseridas em oportunidades de aprendizagem em contextos naturais. De acordo com esta perspectiva McWilliam (2005) refere os conceitos de envolvimento, independência e relações sociais, bem como quatro dimensões do processo de ensino/aprendizagem em contextos de educação, nomeadamente ambiente, actividades, abordagem inicial e interacções, e especifica como estes podem ser utilizados para planificar intervenções promotoras da qualidade das interacções da criança. São descritas as componentes do modelo de formação, bem como linhas de investigação decorrentes deste project
A Step Forward in Breast Cancer Research: From a Natural-Like Experimental Model to a Preliminary Photothermal Approach
Supplementary Materials - The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/24/9681/s1, Figure S1: GNPs’ size distribution by intensity (%) obtained by DLS.Breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed malignancies and common causes of cancer death in women. Recent studies suggest that environmental exposures to certain chemicals, such as 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA), a chemical present in tobacco, may increase the risk of developing breast cancer later in life. The first-line treatments for breast cancer (surgery, chemotherapy or a combination of both) are generally invasive and frequently associated with severe side effects and high comorbidity. Consequently, novel approaches are strongly required to find more natural-like experimental models that better reflect the tumors’ etiology, physiopathology and response to treatments, as well as to find more targeted, efficient and minimally invasive treatments. This study proposes the development and an in deep biological characterization of an experimental model using DMBA-tumor-induction in Sprague-Dawley female rats. Moreover, a photothermal therapy approach using a near-infrared laser coupled with gold nanoparticles was preliminarily assessed. The gold nanoparticles were functionalized with Epidermal Growth Factor, and their physicochemical properties and in vitro effects were characterized. DMBA proved to be a very good and selective inductor of breast cancer, with 100% incidence and inducing an average of 4.7 tumors per animal. Epigenetic analysis showed that tumors classified with worst prognosis were hypomethylated. The tumor-induced rats were then subjected to a preliminary treatment using functionalized gold nanoparticles and its activation by laser (650–900 nm). The treatment outcomes presented very promising alterations in terms of tumor histology, confirming the presence of necrosis in most of the cases. Although this study revealed encouraging results as a breast cancer therapy, it is important to define tumor eligibility and specific efficiency criteria to further assess its application in breast cancer treatment on other species.The APC was funded by Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra and Coimbra Chemistry Centre, Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra. This work was also supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal under the project’s references UIDB/00645/2020 and UID/DTP/04138/2019. TFG was supported by FCT, Portugal under the reference SFRH/BD/147306/2019. Thanks to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020), through national funds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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