195 research outputs found

    X-Ray and Ray Astronomy At The Turning Point

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    Since 1962, approximately 40 point X-ray sources have been isolated, only about six of which have been identified with known radio or optical objects or have been studied over the 1 - 300 keV energy range. Data on the X-ray fluxes, positions, sizes and spectra of these sources have provided new information of considerable astrophysical significance and indicate that the exploratory stage of X-ray astronomy is now over. At higher energies, confirmation of a diffuse flux to 6 MeV and the successful detection of 100 MeV -y-rays from the galaxy indicate the necessity of further exploratory experiments. Satellite borne instruments on a larger scale than previously implemented will be needed to take advantage of the unique opportunity now available for advancing high-energy astrophysics

    The Spectrum of Crab Nebula X-Rays to 120 Kev

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    Counting rate and pulse height distribution spectral data of Crab Nebula telemetered from balloon detector

    A Chandra study of the large-scale shock and cool filaments in Hydra A: Evidence for substantial gas dredge-up by the central outburst

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    We present the results of a Chandra study of the Hydra A galaxy cluster, where a powerful AGN outburst created a large-scale cocoon shock. We investigated possible azimuthal variations in shock strength and shape, finding indications for a weak shock with a Mach number in the range ~1.2-1.3. We measured the temperature change across the shock front. However, the detection of a temperature rise in the regions immediately inside of the front is complicated by the underlying temperature profile of the cluster atmosphere. We measured the global temperature profile of the cluster up to 700 kpc, which represents the farthest measurement obtained with Chandra for this cluster. A "plateau" in the temperature profile in the range ~70-150 kpc indicates the presence of cool gas, which is likely the result of uplift of material by the AGN outburst. After masking the cool filaments visible in the hardness ratio map, the plateau disappears and the temperature profile recovers a typical shape with a peak around 190 kpc, just inside the shock front. However, it is unlikely that such a temperature feature is produced by the shock as it is consistent with the general shape of the temperature profiles observed for relaxed galaxy clusters. We studied the spectral properties of the cool filaments finding evidence that ~10^11 M_sun of low-entropy material has been dredged up by the rising lobes from the central 30 kpc to the observed current position of 75-150 kpc. The energy required to lift the cool gas is >~2.2 x 10^60 erg, which is comparable to the work required to inflate the cavities and is ~25% of the total energy of the large-scale shock. Our results show that the AGN feedback in Hydra A is acting not only by directly heating the gas, but also by removing a substantial amount of potential fuel for the SMBH.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (version with full resolution figures available at http://www.bo.astro.it/~myriam/files/papers/gitti-hydra.pdf

    Cavities and shocks in the galaxy group HCG 62 as revealed by Chandra, XMM and GMRT data

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    We report on the results of an analysis of Chandra, XMM-Newton and new GMRT data of the X-ray bright compact group of galaxies HCG 62, which is one of the few groups known to possess clear, small X-ray cavities in the inner regions. This is part of an ongoing X-ray/low-frequency radio study of 18 groups, initially chosen for the availability of good-quality X-ray data and evidence for AGN/hot gas interaction. At higher frequency (1.4 GHz), the HCG 62 cavity system shows minimal if any radio emission, but the new GMRT observations at 235 MHz and 610 MHz clearly detect extended low-frequency emission from radio lobes corresponding to the cavities. By means of the synergy of X-ray and low-frequency radio observations, we compare and discuss the morphology, luminosity and pressure of the gas and of the radio source. We find that the radio source is radiatively inefficient, with a ratio of radio luminosity to mechanical cavity power of 104\sim 10^{-4}, and that the radio pressure of the lobes is about one order of magnitude lower than the X-ray pressure of the surrounding thermal gas. Thanks to the high spatial resolution of the Chandra surface brightness and temperature profiles, we also identify a shock front located at 36 kpc to the south-west of the group center, close to the southern radio lobe, with a Mach number 1.5\sim 1.5 and a total power which is about one order of magnitude higher than the cavity power. Such a shock may have heated the gas in the southern region, as indicated by the temperature map. The shock may also explain the arc-like region of enriched gas seen in the iron abundance map, as this may be produced by a non-Maxwellian electron distribution near its front.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Revised version including minor comments and expanded discussion (version with full resolution figures available at http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~mgitti/hcg62-gitti.pdf

    Growing a Sustainable Biofuels Industry: Economics, Environmental Considerations, and the Role of the Conservation Reserve Program

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    Biofuels are expected to be a major contributor to renewable energy in the coming decades under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). These fuels have many attractive properties including the promotion of energy independence, rural development, and the reduction of national carbon emissions. However, several unresolved environmental and economic concerns remain. Environmentally, much of the biomass is expected to come from agricultural expansion and/or intensification, which may greatly affect the net environmental impact, and economically, the lack of a developed infrastructure and bottlenecks along the supply chain may affect the industry\u27s economic vitality. The approximately 30 million acres (12 million hectares) under the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) represent one land base for possible expansion. Here, we examine the potential role of the CRP in biofuels industry development, by (1) assessing the range of environmental effects on six end points of concern, and (2) simulating differences in potential industry growth nationally using a systems dynamics model. The model examines seven land-use scenarios (various percentages of CRP cultivation for biofuel) and five economic scenarios (subsidy schemes) to explore the benefits of using the CRP. The environmental assessment revealed wide variation in potential impacts. Lignocellulosic feedstocks had the greatest potential to improve the environmental condition relative to row crops, but the most plausible impacts were considered to be neutral or slightly negative. Model simulations revealed that industry growth was much more sensitive to economic scenarios than land-use scenarios—similar volumes of biofuels could be produced with no CRP as with 100% utilization. The range of responses to economic policy was substantial, including long-term market stagnation at current levels of first-generation biofuels under minimal policy intervention, or RFS-scale quantities of biofuels if policy or market conditions were more favorable. In total, the combination of the environmental assessment and the supply chain model suggests that large-scale conversion of the CRP to row crops would likely incur a significant environmental cost, without a concomitant benefit in terms of biofuel production

    A combined low-radio frequency/X-ray study of galaxy groups I. Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations at 235 MHz and 610 MHz

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    We present new Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations at 235 MHz and 610 MHz of 18 X-ray bright galaxy groups. These observations are part of an extended project, presented here and in future papers, which combines low-frequency radio and X-ray data to investigate the interaction between central active galactic nuclei (AGN) and the intra-group medium (IGM). The radio images show a very diverse population of group-central radio sources, varying widely in size, power, morphology and spectral index. Comparison of the radio images with Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray images shows that groups with significant substructure in the X-ray band and marginal radio emission at >= 1 GHz host low-frequency radio structures that correlate with substructures in IGM. Radio-filled X-ray cavities, the most evident form of AGN/IGM interaction in our sample, are found in half of the systems, and are typically associated with small, low- or mid-power double radio sources. Two systems, NGC5044 and NGC4636, possess multiple cavities, which are isotropically distributed around the group center, possibly due to group weather. In other systems the radio/X-ray correlations are less evident. However, the AGN/IGM interaction can manifest itself through the effects of the high-pressure medium on the morphology, spectral properties and evolution of the radio-emitting plasma. In particular, the IGM can confine fading radio lobes in old/dying radio galaxies and prevent them from dissipating quickly. Evidence for radio emission produced by former outbursts that coexist with current activity is found in six groups of the sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 26 pages, 18 figures. A version with high-quality figures is http://www.astro.umd.edu/~simona/giacintucci_hr.pd

    Artificial Intelligence-Based Radiotherapy Contouring and Planning to Improve Global Access to Cancer Care.

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    PURPOSE: Increased automation has been identified as one approach to improving global cancer care. The Radiation Planning Assistant (RPA) is a web-based tool offering automated radiotherapy (RT) contouring and planning to low-resource clinics. In this study, the RPA workflow and clinical acceptability were assessed by physicians around the world. METHODS: The RPA output for 75 cases was reviewed by at least three physicians; 31 radiation oncologists at 16 institutions in six countries on five continents reviewed RPA contours and plans for clinical acceptability using a 5-point Likert scale. RESULTS: For cervical cancer, RPA plans using bony landmarks were scored as usable as-is in 81% (with minor edits 93%); using soft tissue contours, plans were scored as usable as-is in 79% (with minor edits 96%). For postmastectomy breast cancer, RPA plans were scored as usable as-is in 44% (with minor edits 91%). For whole-brain treatment, RPA plans were scored as usable as-is in 67% (with minor edits 99%). For head/neck cancer, the normal tissue autocontours were acceptable as-is in 89% (with minor edits 97%). The clinical target volumes (CTVs) were acceptable as-is in 40% (with minor edits 93%). The volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plans were acceptable as-is in 87% (with minor edits 96%). For cervical cancer, the normal tissue autocontours were acceptable as-is in 92% (with minor edits 99%). The CTVs for cervical cancer were scored as acceptable as-is in 83% (with minor edits 92%). The VMAT plans for cervical cancer were acceptable as-is in 99% (with minor edits 100%). CONCLUSION: The RPA, a web-based tool designed to improve access to high-quality RT in low-resource settings, has high rates of clinical acceptability by practicing clinicians around the world. It has significant potential for successful implementation in low-resource clinics

    What Was the Set of Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-Like Conjugating Enzymes in the Eukaryote Common Ancestor?

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    Ubiquitin (Ub)-conjugating enzymes (E2) are key enzymes in ubiquitination or Ub-like modifications of proteins. We searched for all proteins belonging to the E2 enzyme super-family in seven species (Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Arabidopsis thaliana) to identify families and to reconstruct each family’s phylogeny. Our phylogenetic analysis of 207 genes led us to define 17 E2 families, with 37 E2 genes, in the human genome. The subdivision of E2 into four classes did not correspond to the phylogenetic tree. The sequence signature HPN (histidine–proline–asparagine), followed by a tryptophan residue at 16 (up to 29) amino acids, was highly conserved. When present, the active cysteine was found 7 to 8 amino acids from the C-terminal end of HPN. The secondary structures were characterized by a canonical alpha/beta fold. Only family 10 deviated from the common organization because the proteins were devoid of enzymatic activity. Family 7 had an insertion between beta strands 1 and 2; families 3, 5 and 14 had an insertion between the active cysteine and the conserved tryptophan. The three-dimensional data of these proteins highlight a strong structural conservation of the core domain. Our analysis shows that the primitive eukaryote ancestor possessed a diversified set of E2 enzymes, thus emphasizing the importance of the Ub pathway. This comprehensive overview of E2 enzymes emphasizes the diversity and evolution of this superfamily and helps clarify the nomenclature and true orthologies. A better understanding of the functions of these enzymes is necessary to decipher several human diseases

    Rationale, design and conduct of a comprehensive evaluation of a school-based peer-led anti-smoking intervention in the UK: the ASSIST cluster randomised trial [ISRCTN55572965]

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    BACKGROUND: To date, no school-based intervention has been proven to be effective in preventing adolescent smoking, despite continuing concern about smoking levels amongst young people in the United Kingdom. Although formal teacher-led smoking prevention interventions are considered unlikely to be effective, peer-led approaches to reducing smoking have been proposed as potentially valuable. METHODS/DESIGN: ASSIST (A Stop Smoking in Schools Trial) is a comprehensive, large-scale evaluation to rigorously test whether peer supporters in Year 8 (age 11–12) can be recruited and trained to effect a reduction in smoking uptake among their fellow students. The evaluation is employing a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) design with secondary school as the unit of randomisation, and is being undertaken in 59 schools in South East Wales and the West of England. Embedded within the trial are an economic evaluation of the intervention costs, a process evaluation to provide detailed information on how the intervention was delivered and received, and an analysis of social networks to consider whether such a peer group intervention could work amongst schoolchildren in this age group. Schools were randomised to either continue with normal smoking education (n = 29 schools, 5562 students), or to do so and additionally receive the ASSIST intervention (n = 30 schools, 5481 students). No schools withdrew once the trial had started, and the intervention was successfully implemented in all 30 schools, with excellent participation rates from the peer supporters. The primary outcome is regular (weekly) smoking, validated by salivary cotinine, and this outcome has been obtained for 94.4%, 91.0% and 95.6% of eligible students at baseline, immediate post-intervention, and one-year follow-up respectively. DISCUSSION: Comprehensive evaluations of complex public health interventions of this scale and nature are rare in the United Kingdom. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of conducting cluster RCTs of complex public health interventions in schools, and how the rigour of such designs can be maximised both by thorough implementation of the protocol and by broadening the scope of questions addressed in the trial by including additional evaluative components