266 research outputs found

    A Test Bench for Distortion-Energy Optimization of a DSP-Based H.264/SVC Decoder

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    International audienceThis paper describes an OMAP based real-time test bench to find the Pareto frontier of an H.264/SVC decoder within a distortion-energy optimization space. A metric to estimate video distortion is introduced. In addition, energy consumption estimates are obtained from real-time measurements of the computational load. Finally, test bench operation is successfully demonstrated with different H.264/SVC-compliant sets of sequences

    A DSP based H.264/SVC decoder for a multimedia terminal

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    International audienceIn this paper, the implementation of a DSP-based video decoder compliant with the H.264/SVC standard (14496-10 Annex G) is presented. A PC-based decoder implementation has been ported to a commercial DSP. Performance optimizations have been carried out improving the initial version performance about 40% and reaching real time for CIF sequences. Moreover, the performance has been characterized using H.264/SVC sequences with different kinds of scalabilities and different bitrates. This decoder will be the core of a multimedia terminal that will trade off energy against quality of experience

    A DSP based SVC IP STB using open SVC decoder

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    International audienceIn this paper, a implementation of a DSP-based IP set-top box (IP-STB) to decode CIF sequences compliant with the new Scalable Video Coding standard (14496-10 Amd 3) using Open SVC Decoder (OSD) is presented. The OSD software, designed for the PC environment, has been integrated into a previously developed IP-STB prototype. About 15 CIF frames per second can be decoded with the IP-STB

    Análisis de estabilidad a partir de la estimación de un modelo de desequilibrio keynesiano para la economía colombiana

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    Se emplea un modelo macro-estructural de desequilibrio keynesiano siguiendo los esquemas propuestos en la tradición KMG (Keynes-Metzler-Goodwin). El modelo consta de dos curvas de Phillips separadas, una para precios y otra para salarios, ambas aumentadas por expecta- tivas de tipo híbrido; una IS dinámica; una Regla de Taylor y una Ley de Okun. Se demuestra analíticamente que aunque las relaciones macroeconómicas conserven los signos esperados, pueden existir cambios en las propiedades cualitativas del sistema a través de bifurcaciones de Hopf. Los parámetros del modelo son obtenidos mediante una estimación por GMM con datos de Colombia para el período 1981-2009. Se usa una simulación numérica para explorar el comportamiento del sistema en el largo plazo, acudiendo al cálculo del espectro de exponentes de Lyapunov. El análisis de bifurcación de los parámetros de interés indica que para valores grandes del coeficiente que mide la sensibilidad de las expectativas de inflación a la inflación observada, una bifurcación no simple de Hopf genera un atractor extraño hipercaótico. Y si la sensibilidad de los precios a las presiones de demanda sobrepasa cierto valor crítico, otra bi- furcación de Hopf origina un atractor extraño, aunque en este caso el estado asintótico podría aproximarse a un ciclo límite. Los atractores extraños encontrados, que impiden el pronósti- co del sistema en el largo plazo, podrían ofrecer una representación totalmente endógena y deterministica los ciclos de negocios colombianos. / A macro-structural Keynesian disequilibrium model is used following the scheme pro- posed in the KMG (Keynes-Metzler-Goodwin) tradition. The model contains two separate expectations-augmented Phillips curves, one for prices and another for wages, with a hybrid speci�cation; a dynamic IS curve; a Taylor rule and an Okun law. It is shown analytically that, even though the macroeconomic relations preserve the expected signs, changes on the qualitative properties of the system can take place through Hopf bifurcations The parame- ters of the model are obtained by GMM estimation using data for Colombia for the period 1981 to 2009. Numerical simulation is used to explore the system behavior in the long run by calculating the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents. The bifurcation analysis of the parameters indicates that a non-simple Hopf bifurcation generates an hyperchaotic strange attractor for large values of the parameter that measures the sensitivity of in�ation expectations to the observed in�ation. Another Hopf bifurcation with strange attractor appears when the sensi- tivity of prices to demand pressures exceeds a critical value, but in this case the long run state may approach a simple limit cycle. The strange attractors, that do not allow forecasting in the long run, could explain absolutely endogenous and deterministic busyness cycles for the Colombian economy.Maestrí

    #Ahjaveriana : diseño de un plan de marketing para medios sociales de los servicios que ofrece el Archivo Histórico Javeriano Juan Manuel Pacheco, S.J.

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    Esta investigación es producto de la necesidad de promocionar los servicios que ofrece el Archivo Histórico Javeriano (AHJ) Juan Manuel Pacheco, S.J., de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, de los medios sociales que se gestionan en esta unidad de información (UDI). Mediante un plan de marketing, se pretende realizar una estrategia para los medios sociales Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, con la finalidad de posicionar al AHJ como el centro de memoria de la universidad según la propuesta planteada por Planeación Institucional de la Universidad, enfocada a cumplir las megas hasta el año 2021. A partir de la identificación de necesidades específicas de esta UDI, la presente investigación plantea una propuesta la cual pretende ser ejecutada posteriormente. Es por esto que, a lo largo de esta investigación se exploran diferentes acercamientos e investigaciones exploratorias que han realizado algunos autores frente al tema, para determinar los elementos que se deben tener en cuenta al momento de realizar un plan de marketing para medios sociales. Teniendo en cuenta el objetivo principal de esta investigación, el cual se centra en desarrollar un plan de marketing para medios sociales, se exponen algunos parámetros que se deben tener presentes al momento de generar este tipo de iniciativas en una UDI. Lo anterior, articulado con un enfoque mixto, permitió evidenciar diferentes elementos a nivel cuantitativo y cualitativo que hacen del plan de marketing para medios sociales, una poderosa herramienta para el posicionamiento de cualquier tipo de UDI.This research is product of the need to promote the services offered by the Archivo Histórico Javeriano (AHJ) Juan Manuel Pacheco, S.J., from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana , of the social media that are managed in this Information Unit (IU). Through a marketing plan, it is intended to implement a strategy for social media Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, with the aim of positioning the AHJ as the center of memory of the university according to the proposal put forward by Institutional Planning of the University, focused on meeting the goals until the year 2021. Based on the identification of specific needs of this IU, this research proposes a plan which aims to be implemented later. This is why, throughout this research different approaches are being looked into going from exploratory research that some authors have done in order to determine the elements that should be taken into account when making a marketing plan for social media. Taking into account the main objective of this research, which focuses on developing a marketing plan for social media, some parameters are exposed that must be taken into account when generating this type of initiatives in a IU. This, articulated with a mixed approach, made it possible to highlight different quantitative and qualitative elements that make the marketing plan for social media a powerful tool for the positioning of any type of IU.Profesional en Ciencia de la Información - Bibliotecólogo (a)Pregrad

    A DSP Based H.264 Decoder for a Multi-Format IP Set-Top Box

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    In this paper, the implementation of a digital signal processor (DSP) based H.264 decoder for a multi-format set-top box is described. Baseline and main profiles are supported. Using several software optimization techniques, the decoder has been fitted into a low-cost DSP. The decoder alone has been tested in simulation, achieving real-time performance with a 600 MHz system clock. Moreover, it has been integrated in a multi-format IP set-top box allowing the implementation of actual environment tests with excellent results. Finally, the decoder has been ported to a latest generation DSP

    Continuous monitoring of chlorophyll a fluorescence and microclimatic conditions reveals warming-induced physiological damage in biocrust-forming lichens

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    Purpose Biocrust communities, which are important regulators of multiple ecosystem functions in drylands, are highly sensitive to climate change. There is growing evidence of the negative impacts of warming on the performance of biocrust constituents like lichens in the field. Here, we aim to understand the physiological basis behind this pattern. Methods Using a unique manipulative climate change experiment, we monitored every 30 minutes and for 9 months the chlorophyll a fluorescence and microclimatic conditions (lichen surface temperature, relative moisture and photosynthetically active radiation) of Psora decipiens, a key biocrust constituent in drylands worldwide. This long-term monitoring resulted in 11,847 records at the thallus-level, which allowed us to evaluate the impacts of ~2.3 °C simulated warming treatment on the physiology of Psora at an unprecedented level of detail. Results Simulated warming and the associated decrease in relative moisture promoted by this treatment negatively impacted the physiology of Psora, especially during the diurnal period of the spring, when conditions are warmer and drier. These impacts were driven by a mechanism based on the reduction of the length of the periods allowing net photosynthesis, and by declines in Yield and Fv/Fm under simulated warming. Conclusion Our study reveals the physiological basis explaining observed negative impacts of ongoing global warming on biocrust-forming lichens in the field. The functional response observed could limit the growth and cover of biocrust-forming lichens in drylands in the long-term, negatively impacting in key soil attributes such as biogeochemical cycles, water balance, biological activity and ability of controlling erosion.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was funded by the European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreements 242658 [BIOCOM] and 647038 [BIODESERT] awarded to FTM). FTM and DSP also acknowledge support from Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041) and Comunidad de Madrid (REMEDINAL TE-CM, S2018/EMT-4338) respectively. JR, DSP and LGS acknowledge to research projects funded by the Spanish Government, CTM2015–64728-C2–1-R and PID2019-105469RB-C21 for providing financial support at different stages of the data analyses and manuscript development. EV was supported by the 2017 program for attracting and retaining talent of Comunidad de Madrid (no. 2017-T2/ AMB-5406)

    Immunohistochemical analysis of dogs infected naturally by canine parvovirus

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    Noventa e seis cães com lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de parvovirose canina foram necropsiados no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no período de março de 2005 a novembro de 2006. Tecidos destes caninos foram analisados através de histologia e imuno-histoquímica. Aumento das placas de Peyer do intestino delgado e hiperemia da mucosa e serosa intestinal foram os achados macroscópicos mais observados. Microscopicamente, foi visualizada enterite necrótica em 77% dos cães. Em 17,7% as alterações histológicas do intestino delgado ficaram prejudicadas pela autólise, dificultando a interpretação. O teste de imuno-histoquímica em cortes de intestino delgado, linfonodo mesentérico, timo, baço, tonsila, língua e medula óssea de todos os 96 casos, foi positivo em 91,6% (88/96) dos casos. O intestino delgado demonstrou o melhor resultado, obtendo-se marcações em 77% (74/96) dos casos. A análise final do exame paramétrico de Fisher demonstrou uma fraca associação entre autólise intestinal e resultado positivo da imuno-histoquímica onde as chances de um intestino delgado autolisado histologicamente apresentar resultado positivo na imuno-histoquímica é 0,33 vezes menor (OR=0,33; 95%IC: 0,10-1,17) quando comparada a um intestino delgado não autolisado. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTNinety-six dogs with gross lesions suggestive of canine parvovirus infection were selected and necropsied in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, between March 2005 and November 2006. The main gross lesions were enlargement of the Peyer’s patches in the small intestine and hyperemia in the intestinal mucosa and serosa. Microscopically, the small intestine showed necrotizing enteritis in 77% (74/96) of the dogs examined. However, in 17.7% of the histological evaluation in the small intestine were damaged due to autolytic changes making it difficult to obtain an appropriate interpretation. The immunohistochemistry test was performed in tissues of small intestine, mesenteric lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils, tongue, and bone marrow in all the 96 selected cases. Parvovirus antigen was detected in 91.6% (88/ 96) of the dogs necropsied. The best result of the IHC test was seen in samples of small intestine which was positive in 77% (74/96) of the cases. The statistical analysis (Fisher test) showed a weak association between intestinal autolysis and positive result of the IHC test. The chance of the autolysed intestine showing a positive result in the immunohistochemistry test was 0.33 less (OR=0.33, 95% CI:0.10-1.17) when compared with small intestine not autolysed

    Pathologic and immunohistochemistry findings in dogs naturally infected by canine distemper virus

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    A cinomose canina é uma doença viral e afeta principalmente os sistemas respiratório, gastrintestinal e nervoso. Neste trabalho foram analisados os achados patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de 54 cães com cinomose de um total de 760 cães necropsiados no período de julho de 2006 a outubro de 2007. As lesões macroscópicas observadas foram caracterizadas por corrimento ocular e nasal mucopurulentas, hiperqueratose dos coxins digitais, pulmões avermelhados e não colapsados, atrofia do timo, conteúdo intestinal diarréico e placas de Peyer proeminentes. Os achados histológicos caracterizavamse principalmente por pneumonia intersticial, rarefação linfóide, desmielinização da substância branca, manguitos perivasculares e corpúsculos de inclusão intranucleares e intracitoplasmáticos, que se localizam principalmente na mucosa do estômago, epitélios da bexiga, brônquios e bronquíolos, pelve renal, coxins digitais, pálpebra, orelha e tonsila no sistema nervoso central e em células mononucleares dos linfonodos, baço e tonsilas. Os tecidos foram marcados pela técnica imuno-histoquímica utilizando o anticorpo monoclonal anti-cinomose canina. O coxim digital foi o tecido com maior número de casos marcados positivamente (67,4% dos casos), seguido pelo estômago com 62,7%. A imuno-histoquímica mostrou ser uma ferramenta importante para o estudo da distribuição do antígeno em cães infectados pela cinomose bem como indicou o melhor tecido para a confirmação do diagnóstico de casos suspeitos. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTCanine distemper is a viral disease that affects mainly respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous system. The present study analyzes pathologic and immunohistochemical findings in 54 dogs with canine distemper of a total of 760 canine necropsies performed from July 2006 to October 2007. The gross lesions were characterized by mucopurulent oculonasal discharge, hyperkeratosis of footpads, red and not collapsed lungs, thymic atrophy, watery intestinal content, hyperemia and enlarged Peyer’s patches. The histological findings were characterized by interstitial pneumonia, lymphoid depletion, white matter demyelization, perivascular cuffs and intracytoplasmatic and intranuclear inclusion bodies located in epithelial cells of gastric mucosa, urinary bladder, bronchial, renal pelvis, footpads, eyelid, skin of the ear, tonsil, central nervous system and mononuclear cells in lymph nodes, spleen, and tonsils. Viral antigen was detected by an immunohistochemical procedure using a mouse monoclonal anti-canine distemper antibody. The footpads were the more constantly (67.4% of the cases) immunolabeled tissue, followed by stomach with 62.7%. Immunohistochemistry was demonstrated to be a useful tool for the study of viral antigen distribution in distemper affected dogs as well as it indicated which is the best tissue to be examined in order to confirm a suspected case of canine

    Congenital anomalies in aborted bovine fetuses in Southern Brazil

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    Abortos e mortes neonatais são causas importantes de perdas reprodutivas na bovinocultura. Abortos causados por anomalias congênitas são esporádicos, mas podem ocorrer de forma epidêmica. Um levantamento retrospectivo realizado no setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul incluiu 307 casos de aborto bovino submetidos de setembro de 2001 a março de 2007. Em dez casos (3,5%), foram observadas anomalias congênitas, das quais, artrogripose, Amorphus globosus e fenda palatina (palatosquise) foram as mais freqüentes. Causas infecciosas foram investigadas, mas somente infecção por BVDV foi detectada por imunoistoquímica em um aborto com porencefalia. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAbortion, stillbirth and neonatal death are important causes of production losses to the livestock industry. Abortions caused by congenital anomalies may occur sporadically, or appear in epidemics. This retrospective study was conducted at Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and included 307 cases of bovine abortion submitted for diagnosis from September 2001 to March 2007. Most of them were from southern Brazil. Ten cases (3.25%) of congenital anomalies were seen. The most frequent congenital anomalies were artrogryposis, Amorphous globosus, and cleft palate (palatoschisis). Infectious causes were investigated, but only BVDV infection was detected by immunohistochemistry in one case, which was affected with porencephalia