1,432 research outputs found

    Academic spaces that address the training of professionals involved in the habitat from the commitment to popular interests and needs

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    Desarrollamos los fundamentos teórico-prácticos de la necesidad de construir una nueva estructura de formación disciplinar a partir de la comprensión de los procesos sociales que modelan el entorno habitacional, cuestionando los parámetros actuales de la formación y sus criterios de valoración y validación proyectual. Proponemos un espacio de formación en situaciones reales interdisciplinares y multisectoriales con participación co-autoral con la población. Desarrollamos el enfoque social del diseño y el proyecto que sostenemos, y mostramos ejemplos de trabajo destacados.We develop the theoretical and practical foundations of the need to construct a new structure of disciplinary formation based on the understanding of the social processes that model the housing environment, questioning the current training parameters and their evaluation criteria and project validation. We propose a training space in real interdisciplinary and multisectoral situations with co-authorial participation with the population. We develop the social approach to design and the project that we support, and show examples of outstanding work

    Educación y prevención desde la escuela : ADEI Escuela N° 8. Isla Santiago

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    La escuela es el ámbito ideal parapara acciones de prevención y educación en salud, por el contacto cotidiano con los alumnos y el fácil seguimiento y control de las acciones educativas y preventivas. El niño educado en salud es un nexo en la integración familiar al objetivo de cambiar actitudes frente a la salud y la prevención. En edades tempranas la enfermedad oral de prevalencia es la caries dental. Objetivo. Determinar la incidencia de caries en los escolares y establecer medidas educativas y preventivas para su control.Facultad de Odontologí


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    Se evaluaron las características anatómicas e histopatológicas del intestino de ratas con enteritis aguda inducida con una dosis de indometacina y tratadas con metronidazol. Se usaron 50 ratas albinas machos de la raza Holtzman, de 4 meses de edad promedio y de 250-275 g de peso vivo. Los animales se distribuyeron por igual en 5 grupos. El Lote 1 fue el lote control, el Lote 2 recibió únicamente la indometacina (15 mg/kg p.v. por vía sucutánea), y los lotes 3, 4 y 5 recibieron la indometacina, además de una, dos y tres dosis de metronizadol (50 mg/kg p.v. por vía oral), respectivamente. La primera dosis de metronizadol se administró 50 minutos previos a la indometacina, y las demás dosis con intervalos de 5 horas. La observación de las lesiones se realizó a las 48 horas. Todas las lesiones fueron halladas en el lado mesentérico del yeyuno medio y distal. Las lesiones macroscópicas se caracterizaron por engrosamiento y dilatación de la pared intestinal, pérdida de la mucosa e hiperemia, sin presencia de úlceras lineales mayores de 10 cm. No se encontraron diferencias en las lesiones macroscópicas entre los grupos tratados con metronizadol (p>0.05) , pero hubo diferencia entre estos con el grupo de indometacina sola (p=0.021). Las lesiones microscópicas se caracterizaron por erosión de mucosa , presencia de fibrina y degeneración del plexo mioénterico. No se encontró diferencia estadística entre los grupos tratados con metronizadol( p>0.05).The anatomo histopathological characteristics of the intestine in rats with acute enteritis induced by injection of one dose of indomethacine and treated with metronizadole were evaluated. Male albino Holtzman rats (n=50) were used. They were 4 months old on average and 250-275 g of body weight. Animals were equally distributed in five groups: Control (Group 1), subcutaneously injected with indomethacine (15 mg/kg) (Group 2), and injected with indomethacine plus 1, 2 or 3 doses of metronizadole (50 mg/kg) (groups 3, 4 and 5, respectively). The first dose of metronizadole was orally administered 50 minutes before the indomethacine and subsequent doses were every 5 hours. The observation of lesions was done 48 hours later. Lesions were located in the mesenteric side of the medium and distal jejune. Macroscopic lesions were characterized by thickness and dilatation of the intestinal wall, loss of the mucosa, hyperemia, and the absence of lineal ulcers longer than 10 cm. No statistical differences were found between groups treated with metronizadole (p>0.05); however, differences between these groups with the indomethacine group (p=0.021) were found. Microscopic lesions were characterized by erosion of the mucosa, presence of fibrin and mienteric plexus degeneration. No differences between the metronizadole treated groups (p>0.05) were found

    Las estructuras resistentes en la configuración de espacios habitables

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    Buscando aportar a superar la escisión entre conocimientos científico-técnicos y conocimientos proyectuales, muy generalizada en la formación de los arquitectos, desarrollamos sintéticamente los fundamentos conceptuales del enfoque integrador de arquitectura/estructura con el que llevamos adelante la formación en la materia Estructuras Resistentes 1, 2 y 3, a partir de entender el diseño estructural como problema de proyecto arquitectónico.Área Docencia - Eje 1 Innovación en sistemas constructivos/estructuralesFacultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Las estructuras resistentes en la configuración de espacios habitables

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    Buscando aportar a superar la escisión entre conocimientos científico-técnicos y conocimientos proyectuales, muy generalizada en la formación de los arquitectos, desarrollamos sintéticamente los fundamentos conceptuales del enfoque integrador de arquitectura/estructura con el que llevamos adelante la formación en la materia Estructuras Resistentes 1, 2 y 3, a partir de entender el diseño estructural como problema de proyecto arquitectónico.Área Docencia - Eje 1 Innovación en sistemas constructivos/estructuralesFacultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Las estructuras resistentes en la configuración de espacios habitables

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    Buscando aportar a superar la escisión entre conocimientos científico-técnicos y conocimientos proyectuales, muy generalizada en la formación de los arquitectos, desarrollamos sintéticamente los fundamentos conceptuales del enfoque integrador de arquitectura/estructura con el que llevamos adelante la formación en la materia Estructuras Resistentes 1, 2 y 3, a partir de entender el diseño estructural como problema de proyecto arquitectónico.Área Docencia - Eje 1 Innovación en sistemas constructivos/estructuralesFacultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism


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    The aim of this study was to compare the relaxation reaction after viscoelastic stress induced by passive static stretching during 30s between subjects with different flexibility performance. Eighteen male physical education students were randomly assigned to two groups according to flexibility level of knee extension. During the test the individuals should achieve 90% of maximal ROM and maintain the position for 30s while the stress relaxation was measured as relative decrease of torque. The results of this study show significant differences of range of motion (ROM) between the two groups, but no significant difference in stress relaxation. It can be concluded that viscoelastic stress relaxation is similar between subjects with significantly different flexibility performance after 30s passive static stretching

    Association between Life Skills and Academic Performance in Adolescents in the Autonomous Community of Aragon (Spain)

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    Background: Learning and socio-emotional development is promoted through the creation and nurturing of an optimal school climate. This study aims to analyze the relationship between life skills and academic performance in a large sample of adolescents from the autonomous community of Aragón (Spain). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on the life skills and academic performance of a sample of 7th and 8th grade middle school students during the academic year 2018–2019. A sample of 43 middle schools were randomly selected; the final sample comprised 1745 students. The following data were collected through an anonymized, previously validated questionnaire: sociodemographic variables, social skills, self-efficacy, affective balance, and academic performance. Results: We found a statistically significant association between life skills and academic performance (p < 0.001) in our sample. We also observed significant gender differences in life skills, with boys obtaining higher scores in cognitive skills and affective balance, and with girls achieving higher scores in social skills. Conclusion: We argue that life skills should be integrated into educational policies in order to improve the academic performance and health outcomes of students

    The search for the mdr1-1Δ mutation of the MDR1 gene in four canine breeds in Uruguay (preliminary study)

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    Objective. The objective of this study is to analyze the frequency of mdr1-1Δ mutation in German Shepherd, Doberman, Border Collie and Greyhound dog breeds in Uruguay. Materials and methods. A total of 95 animals from the four breeds mentioned above were studied. DNA was isolated from blood using potassium acetate with a subsequent degradation from RNA with RNAsaH. The concentration and quality of the DNA obtained was evaluated with a Nanodrop, ND-1000 spectrophotometer. To determine the presence or absence of the mdr1-1Δ mutation, DNA samples were sent to Gene Seek, Neogen Corporation of Chicago, United States, for genotyping. Results. In all 95 animals studied, the mdr1-1Δ mutation was not present. Conclusions. Based on the preliminary results obtained, other elements that may cause adverse drug reactions must be considered: unidentified mutations in other regions of the MDR1 gene; mutations in other genes involved in the transport of drugs from the same subfamily or another; mutations in enzymes involved in drug metabolism (e.g. Cytochrome P450). Moreover, especially with Border Collies and Greyhounds, it is advisable to increase the number of animals in the study. Key words: Dogs, ivermectine, P-glycoprotein (Source: CAB)

    Host-defense peptides AC12, DK16 and RC11 with immunomodulatory activity isolated from Hypsiboas raniceps skin secretion

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    Inflammation is a natural defense mechanism of the immune system; however, when unregulated, it can lead to chronic illness. Glucocorticoids are the most commonly used agents to effectively treat inflammatory conditions, including autoimmune diseases, however these substances can trigger a number of side effects. Thus, viable alternatives to the use of these drugs would be advantageous. In this study, we have analyzed the anti-inflammatory profile of three synthetic peptides first identified in skin secretion of the tree frog Hypsiboas raniceps. Structural characterization was performed using NMR spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry, and the peptides were tested in vitro in RAW 264.7 cells and in vivo in Balb/c mice for their functional properties. The samples did not show a significant antimicrobial profile. NMR spectroscopy indicated that AC12 (ACFLTRLGTYVC) has a disulfide bond between C2 and C11 and a β-sheet-turn-β-sheet conformation in aqueous solution. This peptide showed no cytotoxic effect in mammalian cells and it was the most effective in reducing anti-inflammatory markers, such as NO, TNF-α and IL-12. Peptide DK16 (DKERPICSNTFRGRKC) demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties in vitro, while RC11 (RCFRRRGKLTC) significantly altered the cell viability in RAW 264.7 but was shown to be safe in Balb/c erythrocytes. Our results indicate that, of the three peptides studied, AC12 is the most efficient in reducing anti-inflammatory markers, and it could be a potential agent for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.publishe