1,898 research outputs found

    Estudio del comportamiento de la presión en una red de distribución de gas natural

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    El comportamiento de la presión en un gasoducto depende básicamente de los esquemas de demanda y entrega dados en el tiempo, cuando la demanda excede la entrega, el gasoducto se despresuriza y cuando es la entrega la que excede la demanda, el gasoducto se presuriza, por lo anterior en el diseño de redes de gaseoductos debe tener un control estado transitorio de las variables, tales como la presión, el caudal, las caída de presión, dado que la variabilidad incontrolada de la presión puede generar problemas de golpe de ariete e incumplir con la demanda. El estudio del comportamiento del flujo de un gas en un sistema de distribución, permite determinar y dimensionar las unidades de generación, distribución, control y los aditamentos mediante los modelos y simulaciones antes de realizar la instalación requerida, haciendo que se reduzcan los costos reales.MaestríaMagister en Ingeniería Mecánic

    Values in the university education of the xxi century. Reflections on plurality, freedom, otherness and tolerance

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    It is never irrelevant to remember that in its historical tradition the university has faced, since its inception in Middle Ages Europe, a struggle in permanent tension against various factors of power, for the recognition and affirmation of its identity. Those values that belong to students and teachers of all times and that are synthesized within the concept of autonomy and the love of knowledge. Values that are the frame of reference that allows us to be tolerant in the face of discrepancies or dissimilar points of view and above all to develop a sense of responsibility and duty; which entails the construction of a freedom that is enriched from alterity as a dialectic that involves the development of continuous learning and that makes use of the necessary presence of a plurality of individuals who mutually recognize and respect each other from each of their differences . We propose to turn mainly to the reflections of H. Arendt to explain the foundations of the concepts of plurality, freedom, otherness and tolerance, applied in the context of university coexistence that calls teachers and disciples to share the dream and experience of building in the space of the academies “the world of human affairs”

    Energy, exergy and economic evaluation comparison of small-scale single and dual pressure organic Rankine cycles integrated with low-grade heat sources

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    Low-grade heat sources such as solar thermal, geothermal, exhaust gases and industrial waste heat are suitable alternatives for power generation which can be exploited by means of small-scale Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). This paper combines thermodynamic optimization and economic analysis to assess the performance of single and dual pressure ORC operating with different organic fluids and targeting small-scale applications. Maximum power output is lower than 45 KW while the temperature of the heat source varies in the range 100-200 °C. The studied working fluids, namely R1234yf, R1234ze(E) and R1234ze(Z), are selected based on environmental, safety and thermal performance criteria. Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) and Specific Investment Cost (SIC) for two operation conditions are presented: maximum power output and maximum thermal efficiency. Results showed that R1234ze(Z) achieves the highest net power output (up to 44 kW) when net power output is optimized. Regenerative ORC achieves the highest performance when thermal efficiency is optimized (up to 18%). Simple ORC is the most cost-effective among the studied cycle configurations, requiring a selling price of energy of 0.3 USD/kWh to obtain a payback period of 8 years. According to SIC results, the working fluid R1234ze(Z) exhibits great potential for simple ORC when compared to conventional R245fa

    Ludovico Silva: Ideology and Education

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze in the work of Ludovico Silva his contributions on the theme of ideology and its link to education, from a hermeneutical perspective that seeks to interpret circumstantially the reflections of this Venezuelan socialist intellectual of the late twentieth century. A criticism of all ideology is revealed in his texts for becoming a justification of social relations that dehumanize, for which he promotes the cultivation of critical consciousness through education away from dogmas.La presente investigación tiene como propósito analizar en la obra de Ludovico Silva sus aportes en torno al tema de la ideología y su vinculación a la educación, desde una perspectiva hermenéutica que procura interpretar circunstancialmente las reflexiones de este intelectual socialista venezolano de finales de siglo XX. Se devela en sus textos una crítica a toda ideología por devenir en justificación de relaciones sociales que deshumanizan, por lo que promueve el cultivo de la conciencia crítica a través de la educación alejada de dogmas

    Design, construction and evaluation of a Fresnel Linear Concentrator for Oil Heating

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    The goal of this work is to describes the design and development of a fresnel linear concentrator that be able to concentrate sun radiations towards a receiver tube with a concentration ratio of 11, 54. The methodology applied allowed to analysis the spacing, the inclinations and the adequate widths of the mirrors that would be more convenient to obtain the highest solar concentration factor and the minimum optical and thermal losses. The design of the solar concentration collector consisted of a 3.5 m x 3.0 m x 2.65 m system with 15 mirrors, each one measuring 0.12 m wide, and a receiving center height of 2.0 m. The experimental results confirmed that the maximum process temperature of 140 ° C was achieved. In addition, a thermal oil storing was 995 kJ-h available in a 6-hour (since 9:00h until 15:00h). The performance tests of the system were performed in the city of Barranquilla, with local environmental conditions. The experimental tests of the prototype finally allowed to validate the design proposed in this present work

    Design, construction and evaluation of a Fresnel Linear Concentrator for Oil Heating

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    The goal of this work is to describes the design and development of a fresnel linear concentrator that be able to concentrate sun radiations towards a receiver tube with a concentration ratio of 11, 54. The methodology applied allowed to analysis the spacing, the inclinations and the adequate widths of the mirrors that would be more convenient to obtain the highest solar concentration factor and the minimum optical and thermal losses. The design of the solar concentration collector consisted of a 3.5 m x 3.0 m x 2.65 m system with 15 mirrors, each one measuring 0.12 m wide, and a receiving center height of 2.0 m. The experimental results confirmed that the maximum process temperature of 140 ° C was achieved. In addition, a thermal oil storing was 995 kJ-h available in a 6-hour (since 9:00h until 15:00h). The performance tests of the system were performed in the city of Barranquilla, with local environmental conditions. The experimental tests of the prototype finally allowed to validate the design proposed in this present work

    Knowledge transfer and the challenges of engineering training in the face of globalization.

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    La transferencia de conocimiento es una máxima en la sociedad contemporánea. Ante este fenómeno, impulsado por la globalización neoliberal, se le impone a las instituciones de educación universitaria cambios radicales que apuntan a adecuar los planes de estudio a los requerimientos de la aldea global. La formación de ingenieros no puede situarse al margen de estas perspectivas curriculares, pero ha de imponer una visión humanista al quehacer científico y tecnológico. El presente trabajo se inscribe en la ruta de fortalecer la ética y la crítica en la formación de ingenieros.Knowledge transfer is a maximum in contemporary society. Faced with this phenomenon, driven by neoliberal globalization, university education institutions are required to make radical changes that aim to adapt the study plans, according to the requirements of the ‘global village’. The training of engineers cannot be placed outside of these curricular perspectives, but it must impose a humanistic vision on scientific and technological work. This work is part of the route to strengthen ethics and criticism in the training of engineers

    Design and construction of tank-chassis and lifting structure for centrifugal pump HL260 M powered by a Diesel Engine

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    This article deals with the design, simulation and construction of a fuel storage tank-chassis and a lifting system coupled as a single unit to a Cummins QSK19 engine driven HL260m pump that can guarantee an operating autonomy of up to 12 continuous hours and can be transported to different locations by means of lifting systems. For the mechanical design the recommendations of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and the application of the failure criteria for Von Mises ductile materials or Maximum Energy Distortion were used. For the dimensioning of the storage tank, the average consumption stipulated by the manufacturer was used and the simulations were performed with SolidWorks®. A functional and safe system that can be used in on-site applications was achieved

    Análisis por elementos finitos de la deformación aplicada a la aleación de aluminio 6061-T6 mediante presión en canal angular de sección constante

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    El proceso de deformación plástica severa “presión en canal angular de sección constante (ECAP/ECAE por sus siglas en inglés)”, se simuló bajo la teoría de elementos finitos utilizando el software ANSYS, aproximando respuestas elastoplásticas que se puedan presentar en una probeta de aleación de aluminio 6061-T6. Se estudiaron las variaciones de los parámetros mecánicos de la matriz ECAP, tales como su geometría (ángulo externo (Ψ) y ángulo interno (Φ)) y las condiciones de fricción del proceso. Se analizó la influencia de cada uno de estos parámetros en el comportamiento del material. Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados con las predicciones teóricas que se han dispuesto a lo largo del estudio del ECAE/ECAP por parte de diferentes investigadores