1,687 research outputs found

    Teaching machines: a means of re-evaluating and implementing training procedures.

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University N.B.: Page I misnumbere

    Understanding higher education in further education colleges

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    This summary presents the main findings from research undertaken for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to understand the current nature of higher education (HE) in further education colleges (FECs) in England. The study was carried out between March 2011 and March 2012 by a team from the University of Sheffield and the Institute of Education, University of London. The research involved a range of qualitative and quantitative approaches, including: a review of the relevant literature; an analysis of administrative data on provision and participation; fieldwork in case-study FECs; interviews with managers in colleges and their partner higher education institutions (HEIs); a questionnaire survey of students coupled with in-class discussion groups; and interviews with employers. An overview of the design and conduct of the study is given in Chapter 1, including its aims, sources, methods and timetable. Methods of data collection and analysis are also described in relevant chapters and appendices

    Investigations for Ergonomic Presentation of AIS Symbols for ECDIS

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    Empirical investigations were carried out in a research project for the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building, and Housing to evaluate the presentation of AIS target information on ECDIS. The investigations were performed at three international simulation centres. The features, colour and fillingjsize of AIS symbols, as well as the influence of the ECDIS display category on the detection of AIS targets were the main issues of the investigations. Results show that blue (5-52 colour token RE5BL) is the most suitable colour of the tested colours for the presentation of AIS targets under all ambient light conditions on the tested IHO S-52 colour tables

    Investigations of meltwater refreezing and density variations in the snowpack and firn within the percolation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    The mass balance of polythermal ice masses is critically dependent on the proportion of surface-generated meltwater that subsequently refreezes in the snowpack and firn. In order to quantify this effect and to characterize its spatial variability, we measured near-surface (26%, resulting in a 32% increase in net accumulation. This 'seasonal densification' increased at lower elevations, rising to 47% 10 km closer to the ice-sheet margin at 1860 m a. s. l. Density/depth profiles from nine sites within 1 km2 at ∼1945 m a.s.l. reveal complex stratigraphies that change over short spatial scales and seasonally. We conclude that estimates of mass-balance change cannot be calculated solely from observed changes in surface elevation, but that near-surface densification must also be considered. However, predicting spatial and temporal variations in densification may not be straightforward. Further, the development of complex firn-density profiles both masks discernible annual layers in the near-surface firn and ice stratigraphy and is likely to introduce error into radar-derived estimates of surface elevation

    Clinical presentation, diagnostic findings and outcome of dogs with presumptive spinal-only meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown origin

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    Objectives: To summarise clinical presentation, diagnostic findings and long-term outcome for dogs clinically diagnosed with meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown origin affecting the spinal cord alone. Methods: Medical records were reviewed for dogs diagnosed with presumptive spinal-only meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown origin between 2006 and 2015. Results: 21 dogs were included; the majority presented with an acute (43%) or chronic (52%) onset of neurological signs. Ambulatory paresis was the most common neurological presentation (67%). Neurological examination most commonly revealed a T3-L3 myelopathy, and spinal hyperaesthesia was a common finding (71%). A spinal cord lesion was visible in 90% of cases on magnetic resonance imaging. Eighteen lesions (86%) showed parenchymal contrast enhancement and 17 lesions (81%) showed contrast enhancement of overlying meninges. All dogs were treated with immunosuppressive doses of glucocorticosteroids, sometimes combined with cytosine arabinoside. At time of data capture, 10/21 dogs (48%) had died or been euthanased because of the condition. Overall median survival time was 669 days. Clinical Significance: Meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown origin should be considered in the differential diagnosis of dogs presenting with a progressive myelopathy. Magnetic resonance imaging features can possibly help to distinguish presumptive meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown origin from other more common spinal diseases. Overall, long-term survival is guarded, approximately 50% of dogs will die or be euthanased despite appropriate therapy

    Re-assentamento, saúde e insegurança em Itaparica: um modelo de vulnerabilidade em projetos de desenvolvimento

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    Da perspectiva de um Estado ambíguo, gerador de insegurança, elaborou-se, a partir de exemplos concretos do caso do re-assentamento rural de Itaparica, um quadro que pudesse facilitar a compreensão de processos de adoecimento, sofrimento e administração de saúde, como fases de grandes projetos de desenvolvimento. Nesses processos, o Estado é o mais presente de todos os atores, e a partir das intensificações e retrações da sua presença, uma série de fatores de geração de insegurança se torna muito mais transparente. No caso em pauta, no sub-médio Rio São Francisco, entre Bahia e Pernambuco, o ofício agrícola dos reassentados foi o eixo organizador. Caracterizaram-se quadros de geração de insegurança estrutural, relacionada à omissão do Estado perante os pobres; insegurança administrada, relacionada à intervenção e super-inclusão no projeto de desenvolvimento; e insegurança coletiva local, relacionada à formação cotidiana local das relações de poder. Foi possível acompanhar as quatro fases: preparação e divulgação, implantação, desenvolvimento, e emancipação com dados etnográficos sobre as relações entre os agricultores reassentados, o Pólo Sindical, a executora governamental (CHESF) e outros agentes, dos anos 1970 até hoje. As modificações na vulnerabilidade da população se associam às transformações nas articulações entre os diferentes quadros de inseguranças gerados pelo processo. Argumentou-se, com base nas vulnerabilidades mencionadas e no realinhamento das relações de poder, que a terceira fase, de desenvolvimento, de fato caracterizava-se como de retração, e que a presença do Estado marcava profundas e indeléveis transformações, que impossibilitavam pensar em as fases subseqüentes de emancipação.From the point of view of an ambiguous State which generates insecurity, a framework for the understanding of the relation between processes of illness, suffering and health administration and phases of large development projects is presented. In these processes the presence of the State overshadows that of the other actors. The intensification and retraction of this presence brings to light a series of factors related to the generation of insecurity. For the case of the sub-médio São Francisco River Basin between Bahia and Pernambuco, the organization of agriculture of the resettled farmers guides this discussion. Three categories of insecurity generation are characterized: structural insecurity, related to State omission in dealing with poor; administrated insecurity, related to its intervention and super-inclusion, and local collective insecurity, related to daily local formation of power relations. The four resettlement project phases of preparation and communication, implantation, development and emancipation are examined in light of ethnographic data on resettled farmers, the Syndical Pole, the governmental administrator of the project (CHESF) and other agents, for the period from the seventies up to present day. The study reveals how changes in the vulnerability of the population are associated with changes in the specific set of interrelations of insecurity generation frameworks throughout the resettlement process. On the basis of these vulnerabilities and the shifting power relations, it is argued that the third phase, called "development," in fact should be designated as of "retraction", and that the profound and indelible changes make it impossible to think of any following phase of "emancipation."

    Luiz Gonzaga de Mello (1942-1989)

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