683 research outputs found


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    Aims of the study were to evaluate the effect of the walking speed on the elbow’s range of motion and the EMG activity levels on eight upper limb muscles when performing level Nordic Walking in outdoor sessions. The study involved both skilled Nordic Walking instructors and unskilled beginners to highlight the effect of a correct technical execution on the elbow’s flexion angle and the EMG signals. All the subjects performed also level walking tests without poles at the same speeds of the NW tests: the EMG activation levels during walking were taken as control values of each subject to estimate the additional activation due to the poles

    Limpieza y restauración con láser

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    Los primeros trabajos referidos a la limpieza y restauración con láser de objetos de valor patrimonial datan de mediados de la década del 70. Sin embargo es recién en los últimos años que se observa una evolución sistemática tanto en las investigaciones relacionadas con el tema, como en el desarrollo de equipos láser versátiles y compactos para este tipo de aplicaciones. Simultáneamente en este período se asiste a una consolidación de los conocimientos vinculados a los procesos de interacción lásermateria involucrados en estos tratamientos. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)</i

    Mining microarray data to predict the histological grade of a breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to develop an original method to extract sets of relevant molecular biomarkers (gene sequences) that can be used for class prediction and can be included as prognostic and predictive tools. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The method is based on sequential patterns used as features for class prediction. We applied it to classify breast cancer tumors according to their histological grade. RESULTS: We obtained very good recall and precision for grades 1 and 3 tumors, but, like other authors, our results were less satisfactory for grade 2 tumors. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated the interest of sequential patterns for class prediction of microarrays and we now have the material to use them for prognostic and predictive applications

    Querellas en casos de Corrupción: ¿Participación ciudadana en la Administración de Justicia?

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    El propósito de este trabajo es problematizar las reglas e interpretaciones disponibles en el sistema de administración de justicia federal penal, referentes a la constitución de querellas, a propósito de los reclamos y pretensiones de participación ciudadana que se suscitan en el marco de casos o hechos de corrupción. Con ese norte, voy a exponer consideraciones preliminares que son pertinentes al planteo del marco referencial de esta investigación. Ellas se refieren a la corrupción como fenómeno delictivo y las afectaciones que subyacen a él (a), a la posición de la víctima en ese escenario y a las reglas de participación que en principio se le acuerdan. Las discusiones atinentes a estas presentaciones introductorias van a ser profundizadas más adelante, en lo pertinente. Luego, voy a desarrollar el planteo de tesis propiamente dicho y el abordaje de este trabajo, con esa orientación

    Cu-catalyzed Si-NWS grown on “carbon paper” as anodes for Li-ion cells

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    The very high theoretical capacity of the silicon (4200mAh/g more than 10 times larger than graphite), environmental-friendly, abundant and low-cost, makes it a potential candidate to replace graphite in high energy density Li-ion batteries. As a drawback, silicon suffers from huge volume changes (300%) on alloying and dealloying with Li, leading a structural deformation that induces disruption. The use of nanostructured silicon materials has been shown to be an effective way to avoid this mechanical degradation of the active material. In this paper the synthesis of silicon nanowires, grown on a highly porous 3D-like carbon paper substrate by CVD using Cu as the catalyst, is presented. The use of carbon paper allows to achieve remarkable loadings of active material (2-5 mg/cm2) and, consequently, high capacity densities. The silicon electrode was investigated both morphologically and electrochemically. To improve the electrochemical performance various strategies have been carried out. It was observed that a very slow first cycle (C/40), which helps the formation of a stable solid electrolyte interphase on the silicon surface, improves the performance of the cells; nevertheless, their cycle life has been found not fully satisfactory. Morphological analysis of the Si-NWs electrodes before and after cycling showed the presence of a dense silicon layer below the nanowires which could reduce the electrical contact between the active material and the substrate

    Petroleómica de crudos argentinos y problemáticas asociadas con asfaltenos y metales pesados

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    El presente trabajo constituye el informe final de la asignatura Tesina de Grado perteneciente al décimo semestre de la carrera Licenciatura en Química, de la facultad de Ciencias Exactas (UNLP), y persigue como objetivo central la iniciación en la metodología de trabajo relacionada con la investigación científica. Como objetivo general se propone aislar fracciones de resinas y asfaltenos presentes en muestras de petróleos provenientes de diversos yacimientos o cuencas petrolíferas del país para luego realizar una caracterización fisicoquímica y espectroscópica de estas mezclas complejas. Se pretende analizar la composición química y determinar su estructura mediante el uso de diversas técnicas experimentales con el fin de identificar la presencia de grupos funcionales característicos, especialmente conteniendo vanadio.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Universidade empreendedora: um estudo de caso na Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri

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    Conhecimento gera inova??o, que promove desenvolvimento. Com isso, a universidade enquanto ambiente de inova??o em potencial, por ser um espa?o de constru??o e dissemina??o de conhecimento, ocupa um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento de regi?es e pa?ses. Nesse contexto, surge a concep??o de universidade empreendedora, cujo conceito agrega uma miss?o de desenvolvimento econ?mico e social. Sob este enfoque, o presente trabalho prop?e investigar se a Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, em Diamantina, possui caracter?sticas de universidade empreendedora. O estudo foi orientado pelos cinco elementos de transforma??o para uma universidade empreendedora observados por Clark (1998) e foi proposta ainda, uma an?lise da regi?o onde a Universidade est? inserida. O procedimento metodol?gico proposto ? de natureza qualitativa e fez-se o uso do estudo de caso no campus Juscelino Kubitschek da UFVJM. Identificou-se que a UFVJM apesar de apresentar algumas caracter?sticas que se enquadram nos elementos propostos para a an?lise, n?o pode ser ainda considerada uma universidade empreendedora em sua totalidade. Foi poss?vel perceber tamb?m que a Regi?o onde o campus JK est? inserido, possui peculiaridades que mostram que para a UFVJM ser empreendedora precisa construir uma rela??o voltada ?s especificidades da sociedade e setor produtivo locais, considerando suas caracter?sticas e diferentes possibilidades de parceria. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pretende-se contribuir para uma melhor compreens?o da intera??o universidade-sociedade visando o desenvolvimento regional.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016.Knowledge brings about innovation, which promotes development. The university is an innovative environment for exploring one?s potential, because it provides a space where knowledge can be built and disseminated. Therefore, the university occupies a fundamental role in the growth of regions and countries. In this context, the concept of the enterprising university emerges, of which the mission is economic and social development. From this point of view, this study proposes to investigate whether the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (UFVJM) in Diamantina, Minas Gerais, possesses the characteristics of an enterprising university. The study was based on the five elements of transformation of an enterprising university observed by Clark (1998). This study also proposes an analysis of the region where the university is located. The proposed methodological procedure has a qualitative approach, based on a case study done on Juscelino Kubitschek Campus (Campus JK of UFVJM). Although UFVJM has some features that fit into the proposed elements for the analysis, it still cannot be considered, in its totality, an enterprising university. It was observed that the area where Campus JK is located has some peculiarities. These peculiarities highlight that UFVJM needs to build a relationship focused on the specificities of the local community and production sectors, keeping in mind their characteristics and different possibilities of partnership. It is clear from the results that the study intends to contribute to a better understanding of university-community interaction, aimed at regional development

    Cleaning and characterization of objects of cultural value by laser ablation

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    Surface ablation with nanosecond laser pulses was applied to preservation, cleaning and compositional identification of objects of cultural value. On one hand, treatments of fabrics, coins, bones, and other archeological objects are shown, as well as applications to the preservation of covers, front of books and old manuscripts made in rag paper. Damage fluence thresholds for 17 different XIXth century types of papers, made by processing textiles, were determined. On the other hand, we use the spectroscopic analysis of the plasma generated as a result of laser ablation (LIBS- laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy-) for the determination of the elementary composition of unique pieces in anthropology and archaeology. In particular, we show applications to the identification of trace elements in Hominide teeth, of interest concerning the analysis of eating habits. We also apply LIBS to the determination of the composition of acheological objects belonging to different pre Columbian cultures.Publicado en "Optical Methods for Arts and Archaeology". Proceedings of SPIE volume 5857, editado por Renzo Salimbeni y Luca Pezzati.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Modification of spatial recognition memory and object discrimination after chronic administration of haloperidol, amitriptyline, sodium valproate or olanzapine in normal and anhedonic rats.

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    In the present study we have investigated the effects of a chronic administration of olanzapine (Ola) on visual and spatial memory in normal and anhedonic rats. The effects of Ola have been compared to those of the typical antipsychotic Hal, the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline (Ami), and the mood stabilizer VPA. Anhedonia (assessed by reduction of sucrose preference) was induced by administration of a chronic mild stress (CMS) protocol, in which rats were exposed sequentially, over a period of 4 wk, to a variety of unpredictable mild stressors. The spatial memory was evaluated by testing the ability of the rats to discriminate a familiar vs. a novel environment, while the visual memory was assessed by testing the ability of the rats to discriminate familiar vs. novel objects. In CMS-free rats, VPA (5 or 30 mg/kg.d), Ola (0.02 or 0.1 mg/kg.d), Ami (2 mg/kg.d) and Hal (0.2 mg/kg.d) caused no detectable modifications of visual memory, whereas VPA (5 mg/kg.d), Ami (2 mg/kg.d) and Ola (0.02 mg/kg.d) did not modify spatial memory performance. In our experimental conditions, the administration of the CMS protocol caused an impairment of both visual and spatial memory. The chronic treatment of anhedonic rats with Ola (0.02 mg/kg.d) or Ami (2 mg/kg.d) prevented, at least in part, the stress-induced impairment of visuospatial performance. In conclusion, the results of the present preclinical study seem to indicate that the chronic administration of low doses of Ola or Ami has the potential to lead to substantial cognitive benefits in depressed patients

    Desarrollos en organización de empresas: “Las empresas Familiarmente Responsables: situación actual en España"

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    La importancia en la valoración que dan las empresas a los individuos que forman parte su organización ha aumentado en las últimas décadas en España. En este sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo es observar la evolución y la situación actual que tienen las empresas españolas para conseguir una cultura familiarmente responsable. De esta forma, en una primera parte se revisaran los conceptos de empresa y el concepto de responsabilidad social. Después, se expondrá el conflicto que existe entre el desarrollo de la actividad familiar y la laboral, además de presentar el concepto de conciliación del trabajo-familia y se profundizara en la iniciativa de la empresa familiarmente responsable, exponiendo también los beneficios y las limitaciones de llevar a cabo la conciliación del trabajo con la vida familiar de sus trabajadores. Para estudiar la situación actual en materia de conciliación trabajo-familia en España, se analizará la situación de los empleados, el comportamiento de las empresas en materia de conciliación a través del Barómetro de la Conciliación, se explicaran los resultados del “Índice: Empresas familiarmente responsable”, y por último se observará la situación de las empresas respecto del certificado de “Empresa Familiarmente Responsable”The importance in the assessment that companies give to the individuals that are part of their organization has increased in recent decades in Spain. The aim of this project is to observe the evolution and the actual situation that the Spanish companies has in terms of obtain a familiarly responsible culture. Thus, on the first part it will be reviewed the companies concept and the social responsibility concept. After that, we will expose the trouble between families and labor activities. Also will be presented the conciliation job-families concept deepens in trough the initiative of family responsible companies. It will be expose the benefits and the limits of carrying out the conciliation between family life and labor life will be exposed. To study the actual situation in terms of conciliation job-family in Spain it will be analyzed the employees’ situation. The behavior of companies in terms of conciliation will be studied through the Barometer of Conciliation. It will be explained the results of “The Index: FamilyResponsible Companies”, together with the current situation of the companies regarding the "Family-Responsible Company" certificate.Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de MercadosGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa