202 research outputs found

    Results of 10 years sampling of Chironomidae from German lowland running waters differing in degradation

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    Based on data from monitoring in north-east Germany (Land Brandenburg) over a decade, chironomid taxa and their abundances were analysed for their preferences for certain running water types and degradation levels. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) revealed that the distribution of the taxa was determined by both, degradation level and water body type. A series of taxa was positively or negatively correlated to degradation, however, frequently only in certain water body types. In other types, they played no major role or were evenly distributed along the degradation gradient. Higher correlations were found for taxa favouring ‘good’ and 'poor' or 'bad' conditions than for preferers of ‘moderate’ status. The results allow to validate indices and weigths of indicators derived from high frequencies of the taxa in certain one or more quality class(es). The preferred ocurrencies elaborated have to be discussed or tested for plausiblity before using or evaluating powerful indicator taxa for classifications or revisions in assessment practice. A reduction of the taxonomical precision to genus level lowered the statistical significance and requires careful examination of the species preferences of the genus

    A comparison of numerical surface topography calculations in geodynamic modelling: an evaluation of the ‘sticky air' method

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    Calculating surface topography in geodynamic models is a common numerical problem. Besides other approaches, the so-called ‘sticky air' approach has gained interest as a free-surface proxy at the top boundary. The often used free slip condition is thereby vertically extended by introducing a low density, low viscosity fluid layer. This allows the air/crust interface to behave in a similar manner to a true free surface. We present here a theoretical analysis that provides the physical conditions under which the sticky air approach is a valid approximation of a true free surface. Two cases are evaluated that characterize the evolution of topography on different timescales: (1) isostatic relaxation of a cosine perturbation and (2) topography changes above a rising plume. We quantitatively compare topographies calculated by six different numerical codes (using finite difference and finite element techniques) using three different topography calculation methods: (i) direct calculation of topography from normal stress, (ii) body-fitting methods allowing for meshing the topography and (iii) Lagrangian tracking of the topography on an Eulerian grid. It is found that the sticky air approach works well as long as the term (ηst/ηch)/(hst/L)3 is sufficiently small, where ηst and hst are the viscosity and thickness of the sticky air layer, and ηch and L are the characteristic viscosity and length scale of the model, respectively. Spurious lateral fluctuations of topography, as observed in some marker-based sticky air approaches, may effectively be damped by an anisotropic distribution of markers with a higher number of markers per element in the vertical than in the horizontal directio

    Low temperature magneto-morphological characterisation of coronene and the resolution of previously observed unexplained phenomena

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    The polyaromatic hydrocarbon coronene has been the molecule of choice for understanding the physical properties of graphene for over a decade. The modelling of the latter by the former was considered to be valid, as since it was first synthesised in 1932, the physical behaviour of coronene has been determined extremely accurately. We recently discovered however, an unforeseen polymorph of coronene, which exists as an enantiotrope with the previously observed crystal structure. Using low-temperature magnetisation and crystallographic measurements, we show here for the first time that the electronic and magnetic properties of coronene depend directly on the temperature at which it is observed, with hysteretic behaviour exhibited between 300 K and 100 K. Furthermore we determine that this behaviour is a direct result of the appearance and disappearance of the newly-discovered polymorph during thermal cycling. Our results not only highlight the need for theoretical models of graphene to take into account this anomalous behaviour at low temperatures, but also explain puzzling experimental observations of coronene dating back over 40 years

    Report on the sixth blind test of organic crystal-structure prediction methods

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    The sixth blind test of organic crystal-structure prediction (CSP) methods has been held, with five target systems: a small nearly rigid molecule, a polymorphic former drug candidate, a chloride salt hydrate, a co-crystal, and a bulky flexible molecule. This blind test has seen substantial growth in the number of submissions, with the broad range of prediction methods giving a unique insight into the state of the art in the field. Significant progress has been seen in treating flexible molecules, usage of hierarchical approaches to ranking structures, the application of density-functional approximations, and the establishment of new workflows and "best practices" for performing CSP calculations. All of the targets, apart from a single potentially disordered Z` = 2 polymorph of the drug candidate, were predicted by at least one submission. Despite many remaining challenges, it is clear that CSP methods are becoming more applicable to a wider range of real systems, including salts, hydrates and larger flexible molecules. The results also highlight the potential for CSP calculations to complement and augment experimental studies of organic solid forms

    Towards crystal structure prediction of complex organic compounds - a report on the fifth blind test

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    Following on from the success of the previous crystal structure prediction blind tests (CSP1999, CSP2001, CSP2004 and CSP2007), a fifth such collaborative project (CSP2010) was organized at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. A range of methodologies was used by the participating groups in order to evaluate the ability of the current computational methods to predict the crystal structures of the six organic molecules chosen as targets for this blind test. The first four targets, two rigid molecules, one semi-flexible molecule and a 1: 1 salt, matched the criteria for the targets from CSP2007, while the last two targets belonged to two new challenging categories - a larger, much more flexible molecule and a hydrate with more than one polymorph. Each group submitted three predictions for each target it attempted. There was at least one successful prediction for each target, and two groups were able to successfully predict the structure of the large flexible molecule as their first place submission. The results show that while not as many groups successfully predicted the structures of the three smallest molecules as in CSP2007, there is now evidence that methodologies such as dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT-D) are able to reliably do so. The results also highlight the many challenges posed by more complex systems and show that there are still issues to be overcome

    Fullerenes and Related Molecules as Studied by Solid State NMR

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