60 research outputs found


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    The science increasing, special in particular civil engineering demand of concrete technology of the best.Increasing weight concrete replace of coarce aggregate with steel short. The steel shoert can broughtpresent from repaire shop in city Palu. The dimension of steel short measured of long 30 mm and wide 20mm. The steel short efforted of free corotion, mody and poorly.Preliminary research was to gain Portland cement properties of bulk specific gravity and modulus of finetest. Specimen of fine aggregate properties were bulk specific gravity, water content, water absorption andmodulus of fine. The specimen concrete of cube made with dimension 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm.The result of experiment showed of properties of Portland cement between bulk specific gravity and modulusof fine were 3,14 and 5,40%. The result of experiment of properties fine aggregate showed bulk density,water content, bulk specific gravity and fine aggregate absorption were 1,73 t/m3; 0,72%; 2,61 and 0,28%.The result experiment compression strength of high density conrete showed of bulk density and compressionstrength of age 28 days average were 3,96 t/m3and 26,23 MP

    Analisis Arah Laminasi Vertikal dan Horisontal Terhadap Perilaku Lentur Balok Bambu Laminasi

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    Balok bambu laminasi menjadi alterantif dimana pasokan kayu utuh semakin langka ,teknologi perekatan menjadi pilihan untuk memperluas aplikasi konstruksi kayu. Kekuatan rekatan merupakan merupakan suatu tolak ukur keberhasilan perekatan melalui uji blok geser. Kekuatan rekatan dan kekuatan lentur balok merupakan dua aspek yang berbeda namun tak dapat dipisahkan dalam proses laminasi. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui besarnya rasio kekuatan balok laminasi arah horizontal dan vertical terhadap perilaku lentur balok bambu Batu (Giganthocloa Apus). Gaya kempa dalam pembuatan balok laminasi dibuat dalam empat tekanan specifik yaitu , ,  dan  . Tiap tekanan spesifik dibuatkan 3 ulangan dan jumlah keseluruhan balok laminasi adalah 24 buah.  Metode pengempaan dilakukan segmen per segmen dalam arah longitudinal dan transversal serentak setinggi balok. Ukuran dimensi balok lebar 50 mm, tinggi 150 mm, bentang 1800 mm dan panjang 2100 mm. Perekat yang digunakan adalah urea formaldehyde (UA-104). Hasil pengujian  kerapatan bambu adalah 0,867 gram/cm3, maka bambu dapat digolongkan ke dalam kelas kuat II (PPKKI-1961) dan kelas kuat acuan E13 (RSNI3-2002). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian balok laminasi terhadap kekuatan lentur optimum  baik dalam arah horizontal maupun vertical diperoleh rasio 1 : 1,3.   Kata kunci: Rasio, Kekuatan, Laminasi Vertikal, Laminasi Horisonta

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ansietas Lansia

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    Keberadaan panti werdha di indonesia masih menyisakan banyak permasalahan terutama masalah psikososial. Masalah psikososial yang paling banyak terjadi seperti kesepian, perasaan sedih, ansietas. Sebagai bahan evaluasi untuk menurunkan ansietas lansia yang tinngal di panti perlu dilakukan analisis factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ansietas lansia yang tinggal di PSTW, karena jika ansietas pada lansia tidak ditangani dengan benar bisa jatuh ke kondisi depresi dan resiko tinggi bunuh diri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis karakteristik variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap ansietas pada lansia yang tinggal di PSTW Provinsi Bali. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian Cross Sectional. Hasil: Hasil uji regresi linier menunjukan kontribusi karakteristik pendidikan, lama tinggal memiliki pengaruh sebesar 37.5% terhadap ansietas. Kesimpulan: Karakteristik pendidikan dengan nilai p 0.207 dan lama tingal dengan nilai p 0.171 paling berpengaruh terhadap ansietas lansia yang tinggal di PSTW Provinsi Bali

    Biomass of Various Tropical Legume Cover Crops Increase Soil Quality of Dryland Soils in Badung Bali, Indonesia

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    Two field experiments were conducted to study the effects of tropical legume cover crops on soil quality in dryland farming areas at Angantaka village, Badung regency, Bali Province of Indonesia from June to November 2013.  In the first experiment, three tropical legume cover crops (LCC) (Centrosema pubescens L.(Cp), Mucuna pruriens L.(Mp) and Pueraria javanica L. (Pj)) and one control (without LCC) were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replicates.  Variables measured were the quality of LCC biomass, C-absorbed and fixed-N by LCC.  The LCCs were harvested after three months, which were then incorporated into the soil according to the treatments set for the second experiment.  Design for the second experiment was a Split-plot with four replicates, where residues (biomass) of three LCC (results of the first experiment) were assigned as the main plot and four times of biomas incorporation (0,10, 20 and 30 days) as the subplot.  Results showed that Pj was the best LCC crop among others (Cp and Mp) due to its highest quality. Pj also had the highest absorbed-carbon (58.50 t ha-1), fixed-N (490.21 kg ha-1), biomass FW and DW (304.83 and 116.99 t ha-1) among LCC species. The  treatment of Pj with 30 days biomass incorporation significantly improved the soil quality as indicated by the highest soil moisture content (40.25%) and porosity (79.90%), organic-C (1.95%), total N (0.09%), available-P (15.71 mg kg-1), exchangeable-K (2.07 mg kg-1) and soil respiration (63.94 meC-CO2 kg-1day-1 ). Keywords: Biomass, Tropical legume cover crop, Soil quality

    Marketing Systems of Calf Bali

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    Maintenance calf breeders Bali less profitable for farmers may even affect revenues and increase production costs so that the habit of selling livestock farmers owned calf after the age of 6-8 months with relatively low prices because there is the determinant of the price of the middleman (broker). This can happen because the knowledge of the marketing of livestock products, especially on the price of calf Bali is not known with certainty and easily by livestock farmers. Knowing the purpose of this study is the cause farmers to sell, as well as the motivation of farmers to produce and market a calf Bali. Analyze marketing channels, as well as the impact on the income of farmers. Finding the calf Bali marketing system that is able to increase the income of farmers. Problems in this study are why farmers tend to sell calves? How marketing channels, income, motivation, as well as the government's role in helping farmers to increase their income from the sale calf? This research is explorative through surveys designed as a research explanations (explanatory research design) As well as this study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative with the main approaches used in solving the problem in this research is the quantitative approach, the complex is formulated as a quantitative model that is formulated in mathematics. This research was conducted on the calf Bali marketing system and market and Orion spread across two districts in the island namely: Badung and Buleleng. Locations were selected intentionally (purposive sampling) based on the population of Bali that most cows. Instrument or a measuring tool that is used as a research interview guide to help obtain answers from respondents is structured questionnaires and covered equipped open question. Data used in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data includes the characteristics of respondents, channel and marketing functions performed by any individual or institution related marketing, and analyzed descriptively. Quantitative data includes the margin and marketing costs as well as the farmer's share were analyzed to measure the efficiency of marketing. The collected data is then analyzed by means of simplified tabulation for easy counting. The results showed that farmers sell calf because there is an urgent need that must be met as school children (70%), 20 % because there are no cages and 10 % for not more than one calf want to look after. Marketing channels and Orion involving breeders and animal markets . There are four channels are formed from marketing agencies , namely : marketing channel I ( farmers - livestock market 10 % ) , marketing channels II ( Breeders - Orion - Animal Market 75 % ) , Channel III ( Breeders - groups of 5 % ) . And channels to IV (breeder to another breeder to breeder maintained in accordance purposes 10 %

    Adaptation, Biomass and Ethanol Yields of Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Varieties at Dryland Farming Areas of Jimbaran Bali, Indonesia

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    Decreasing the availability of fossil energy sources in Indonesia, demand that an alternative and renewable source of energy is to be found. Sweet sorghum is a possible candidate for a cheap and renewable source of energy. An experiment was conducted to study the adaptation of sweet sorghum varieties and to find out the optimum rate of organic manure for high biomass and ethanol yields in dryland areas at Jimbaran, Badung, Bali. The experiment was a two factor experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The first factor was four sorghum varieties, three varieties  originated from Japan viz. Kotobun sorgo (FS501), Big sugar sorgo (FS902), Super sugar (KCS105) and Local Belu originated from East Lesser Sunda islands, Indonesia, and the second factor was four rates of organic manure of 0, 10, 20, 30 t ha-1. The four varieties adapted well on dryland areas at Jimbaran, Badung, Bali,  butFS902, KCS105 and Lokal Belu had better growth compared to FS501. The variety of KCS105 resulted in significantly (P<0.05) highest total biomass fresh and dry weight of 28.2 and 9.7 t ha-1 , respectively, stem sugar yield of 2.6 t ha-1and stem ethanol yield of 6493.3 l ha-1, which was 63.3% higher than that of Local Belu eventhough their ethanol content were similar.  No significant effect was found in the rates of organic manures and the interaction between the two factors on biomass, sugar and ethanol yields. The optimum rate of manure for highest biomass, sugar and ethanol yields was not  found in this experiment. It was concluded that the four sorghum varieties were well adapted and KC105 produced highest biomass and ethanol in dryland areas at Jimbaran, Badung, Bali. Keywords: Adaptation, Biomass, Ethanol, Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench).


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    In order to face the business world that is full of competition, a company leader needs to do any efforts to look for a new paradigm and to define his business strategy, so the business can still survive, flourish and develop, while it is also expected to keep creating a conducive working environment. In general, once a person has been accepted, placed and employed by a company, then the next duty of a manager is to evaluate his or her performance. To set this policy later means whether that employee will be promoted, demoted and or got a remuneration. A promotion contributes to an important role for each of employee and even it becomes something that they always wait for. With this job promotion, it means there is a belief and acknowledgement related to the abilities and proficiency of the employees to occupy a higher level of position. This research is aimed to 1) test and analyze the impacts of job promotion on the performance of employees at Golden Tulip Bay View Hotel & Convention Bali; 2) test and analyze the impacts of non-physics working environment at Golden Tulip Bay View Hotel & Convention Bali; 3) test and analyze the influences of job promotion and non-physical job environment on the employees working at Golden Tulip Bay View Hotel & Convention Bali. This research used a survey designed to include respondents in overall 88 hotel employees. The samples were taken by using probability sampling technique that was called proportionate stratified random sampling. The test of hypothesis used was a multiple linear regression analysis with a data analysis entirely had been processed through SPSS version 17.0 program. The first hypothesis result shown that the job promotion had positively and significantly influenced on the performance of employees with t value counted was 4.249 and with significant level of 0.000. The second hypothesis described that the non-physical job environment had positively and significantly influenced to the performance of employees with t value counted was 5.550 and significant level of 0.000 that was smaller than 0.05. By looking at the standardized coefficient beta, the job promotion variable has taken into 0.395 and for the non-physical job environment variable was 0.423, so then it can be concluded that the non-physical job environment had a dominant influence on the performance of employees. This has been supported by the third hypothesis examination shown that both of the job promotions and non-physical job environment simultaneously had been influencing a positive and significant value on the performance of employees, as it seemed from the F value counted; it broke into 49.648 and with significant level of 0.000. Key words : job promotion, non-physical job environment, performance of the employees


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    The aim of this study ; to examine the effect of awareness of paying taxes on the willingness to pay taxes; test the influence of knowledge and understanding on the willingness to pay taxes and test the influence of taxpayer perceptions on the willingness to pay taxes. This research using survey method with closed questionnaire instrument with respondents as much as 62 employees PDAM Tirta Mangutama Badung regency. Analysis of research data using SEM analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results showed the influence of awareness of paying taxes on the willingness to pay a significant positive tax. Means the higher awareness to pay taxes the willingness to pay higher taxes also. The influence of knowledge & understanding of taxpayers on the willingness to pay taxes have a positive effect is not significant on the willingness to pay taxes. The influence of the taxpayer's perception on the willingness to pay taxes on the willingness to pay positive and significant taxes. Means the higher the taxpayer's perception of tax rules the willingness to pay higher taxes as well. Keywords: willingness to pay taxes, awareness of paying taxes, knowledge and understanding of tax regulations, and a good perception of the effectiveness of the tax system


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    Masyarakat Desa Dauh Pala Kabupaten Tabanan merupakan salah satu masyakarat yang membudiyakan beberapa jenis anggrek. Namun proses pemasaran anggreknya masih dilakukan secara manual. Proses pemasaran secara manual tentu memiliki kelemahannya, dimana pada era bisnis digital ini konsumen tentunya akan lebih tertarik apabila dapat melihat katalog dalam sebuah website penjualan. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan, sebuah sistem informasi pemesanan sangat berperan dalam memaksimalkan operasional sebuah pemesanan barang. Sehingga untuk mendukung layanan operasional pada hasil budidaya masyarakat Desa Dauh Pala perlu dikembangkan sistem informasi yang akan mempermudah kegiatan pemesanan anggrek. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, sistem berhasil dirancang menggunakan model perancangan Data Flow Diagram dan Entity Relationship Diagram. Pengembangan sistem informasi pemesanan anggrek berbasis web berhasil dilakukan dengan menggunakan Framework Laravel. Hasil implementasi menghasilkan sistem yang dapat diakses oleh 2 jenis pengguna, dengan fungsionalitas utama adalah pengelolaan pesanan anggrek. Pengujian fungsionalitas dari setiap akses pengguna sistem telah dijalankan dengan baik menggunakan metode blackbox testing dengan hasil yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsionalitas yang sudah ditetapkan pada akses administrator dan pemesan. Adapun saran yang dapat ditujukan untuk mengembangkan penelitian kedepannya adalah dapat dilakukan pengembangan lanjutan terkait fungsionalitas integrasi pembayaran dan jasa pengiriman