141 research outputs found

    2008 Literary Contest

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    A Mom and Her Son: Thoughts on Feminist Mothering

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    Labour Signs: The Semiotics of Birthing

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    “Sliding Into the Beyond”: on "Testimonio" in the Cuban diaspora

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    Over the past few decades, testimonial writing has established itself as a central form of expression and resistance. Rooted in nonfiction narrative modes, as well as in storytelling and oral history traditions, it developed into a literary genre in Latin America and the Caribbean in the wake of national liberation movements such as the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Testimonial writing achieved its greatest recognition and attracted serious critical attention in U.S. academic circles in the 1970s and 1980s. To date, however, critics have yet to agree upon a clear and uncontested definition of the genre. In addition to providing an overview of this debate, the purpose of this essay is to contribute to this ongoing dialogue through a discussion of the collection of testimonial expressions "ReMembering Cuba: Legacy of a Diaspora".En las pasadas décadas, la escritura testimonial se ha establecido como una forma eficaz de expresión y resistencia. Partiendo de ciertas modalidades narrativas arraigadas en la realidad así como de la cuentística popular y la historia oral, el testimonio se ha convertido en un género literario significativo en Latinoamérica y el Caribe a raíz de movimientos liberadores como la Revolución Cubana de 1959. La literatura testimonial se difundió sobre todo en los 1970 y los 1980, atrayendo la atención de la crítica estadounidense. Sin embargo, hasta el presente no se ha elaborado una definición precisa de la modalida. Además de sintetizar la polémica en torno al modo en que debe enfocarse el testimonio, propongo en este ensayo aportar algo al diálogo crítico en torno al tema reflexionando sobre la génesis y el contenido de "ReMembering Cuba: Legacy of a Diaspora", una colección que reúno numerosas expresiones testimoniales tocantes a la diáspora cubana

    Towards developing a consensus assessment framework for global emergency medicine fellowships

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    Abstract Background The number of Global Emergency Medicine (GEM) Fellowship training programs are increasing worldwide. Despite the increasing number of GEM fellowships, there is not an agreed upon approach for assessment of GEM trainees. Main body In order to study the lack of standardized assessment in GEM fellowship training, a working group was established between the International EM Fellowship Consortium (IEMFC) and the International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM). A needs assessment survey of IEMFC members and a review were undertaken to identify assessment tools currently in use by GEM fellowship programs; what relevant frameworks exist; and common elements used by programs with a wide diversity of emphases. A consensus framework was developed through iterative working group discussions. Thirty-two of 40 GEM fellowships responded (80% response). There is variability in the use and format of formal assessment between programs. Thirty programs reported training GEM fellows in the last 3 years (94%). Eighteen (56%) reported only informal assessments of trainees. Twenty-seven (84%) reported regular meetings for assessment of trainees. Eleven (34%) reported use of a structured assessment of any sort for GEM fellows and, of these, only 2 (18%) used validated instruments modified from general EM residency assessment tools. Only 3 (27%) programs reported incorporation of formal written feedback from partners in other countries. Using these results along with a review of the available assessment tools in GEM the working group developed a set of principles to guide GEM fellowship assessments along with a sample assessment for use by GEM fellowship programs seeking to create their own customized assessments. Conclusion There are currently no widely used assessment frameworks for GEM fellowship training. The working group made recommendations for developing standardized assessments aligned with competencies defined by the programs, that characterize goals and objectives of training, and document progress of trainees towards achieving those goals. Frameworks used should include perspectives of multiple stakeholders including partners in other countries where trainees conduct field work. Future work may evaluate the usability, validity and reliability of assessment frameworks in GEM fellowship training

    Continuous-wave magneto-optical determination of the carrier lifetime in coherent Ge1−xSnx/Ge heterostructures

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    We present a magneto-optical study of the carrier dynamics in compressively strained Ge1−xSnx films with Sn content up to 10% epitaxially grown on Ge on Si(001) virtual substrates. We leverage the Hanle effect under steady-state excitation to study the spin-dependent optical transitions in the presence of an external magnetic field. This allows us to obtain direct access to the dynamics of the optically induced carrier population. Our approach reveals that at cryogenic temperatures the effective lifetime of the photogenerated carriers in coherent Ge1−xSnx is on the subnanosecond timescale. Supported by a model estimate of the radiative lifetime, our measurements indicate that carrier recombination is dominated by nonradiative processes. Our results thus provide central information to improve the fundamental understanding of carrier kinetics in this advanced direct-band-gap group-IV-material system. Such knowledge can be a stepping stone in the quest for the implementation of Ge1−xSnx-based functional devices

    Prevenir los conflictos transformar la justicia garantizar la paz

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    La Entidad de las Naciones Unidas para la Igualdad de Género y el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres (ONU Mujeres), en coordinación con los Gobiernos de El Salvador y Suecia, lanzaron a nivel regional el estudio mundial “Prevenir los conflictos, transformar la justicia, garantizar la paz”, informe sobre la aplicación de la Resolución 1325, que pone en relevancia la participación de las mujeres en la prevención, gestión y solución de conflictos. Según el informe, las mujeres y las niñas se convierten en la población más afectada, ya que se ven expuestas a experimentar violencia sexual y de género. En el año 2000 el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas elaboró la resolución 1325 donde destaca la participación de las mujeres, como garantes de la igualdad, en la prevención y solución de conflictos, la consolidación y el mantenimiento de la paz y la seguridad de los países. El estudio mundial fortalece y reconoce el poder de la intervención de las mujeres en la construcción de la paz, asimismo, demuestra que la inclusión de las mujeres mejora la eficacia en la asistencia humanitaria, fortalece los esfuerzos en la consolidación de la paz y la recuperación económica de los países. Con este lanzamiento, ONU Mujeres promueve la implementación de esta resolución en los países del istmo, con énfasis en los del Triángulo Norte. Por su parte, los gobiernos de El Salvador y Suecia muestran su compromiso, este último como socio estratégico, a fin de fortalecer los esfuerzos para garantizar la paz y la seguridad, sobre todo para las mujeres y niñas, quienes son las principales víctimas en estos contextos

    Dating the megalithic culture of Laos: Radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence and U/Pb zircon results

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    The megalithic jar sites of Laos (often referred to as the Plain of Jars) remain one of Southeast Asia’s most mysterious and least understood archaeological cultures. The sites, recently inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage, host hollowed stone jars, up to three metres in height, which appear scattered across the landscape, alone or clustered in groups of up to more than 400. Until now, it has not been possible to estimate when the jars were first placed on the landscape or from where the stone was sourced. Geochronological analysis using the age of detrital zircons demonstrates a likely quarry source for one of the largest megalithic jar sites. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating suggests the jars were positioned at the sites potentially as early as the late second millennium BC. Radiocarbon dating of skeletal remains and charcoal samples places mortuary activity around the jars from the 9-13th century AD, suggesting the sites have maintained ritual significance from the period of their initial placement until historic times