41 research outputs found


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    Circular statistics merupakan analisis statistik yang dikembangkan untuk data yang berupa arah dan posisi dalam dua dimensi. Sama seperti sebaran normal pada statistik linier klasik, sebaran von mises merupakan sebaran yang penting dalam circular statistics. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sebaran von mises. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka dengan menggunakan data simulasi. Simulasi data dan analisis dilakukan dengan bantuan Program R. Data circular disajikan dalam koordinat kartesius dan perhitungan analisisnya dinyatakan dalam bentuk koordinat polar. Penggunaan metode circular statistics pada data berupa sudut akan lebih representatif. Pengujian asumsi kehomogenan data dapat dilakukan dengan uji Rayleigh

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Instalasi Biogas Sistem Kontinu Pada Kelompok Tani Harapan Maju Desa Sukasari, Air Periukan, Kabupaten Seluma, Bengkulu

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    Kelangkaan dan kenaikan harga LPG menyebabkan masyarakat Desa Sukasari kembali beralih ke kayu bakar untuk keperluan memasak sehari-hari. Padahal Desa Sukasari mempunyai potensi yang besar berupa limbah kotoran sapi yang dapat digunakan sebagai penghasil gás. Melihat potensi ini maka penting dilakukan pelatihan pembuatan dan pengoperasian instalasi biogás sistem kontinu pada masyarakat Desa Sukasari dengan memanfaatkan kotoran sapi. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada Kelompok Tani Harapan Maju sebagai contoh bagi masyarakat Desa Sukasari yang lainnya. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan pembuatan langsung instalasi biogas. Kegiatan pelatihan berhasil dilaksanakan yang ditandai dengan kemampuan mitra membuat instalasi biogas dan gas yang dihasilkan telah dimanfaatkan untuk memasak. Berdasarkan informasi mitra, gas yang terbentuk dengan kapasitas digester 500 L dengan pengisian feed ±15 L/hari dapat digunakan untuk memasak selama ±0.5 jam


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    Regresi merupakan teknik statistika untuk menentukan persamaan garis atau kurva dengan meminimumkan penyimpangan antara data pengamatan dan nilai-nilai dugaannya. Namun regresi dengan Ordinary Least Square (OLS) dianggap kurang tepat untuk menganalisis sejumlah data yang tidak simetris, karena nilai mean sebagai penduga bagi nilai tengah data menjadi sangat peka dengan adanya data outlier. Kemudian berkembanglah Median Regression dengan pendekatan LAD (Least Absolute Deviation) yang dikembangkan dengan mengganti pendekatan mean pada OLS menjadi median. Masalah selanjutnya adalah apabila terdapat kemungkinan bahwa kemiringan data bukan terletak pada mediannya melainkan pada potongan kuantil tertentu. Pendekatan dengan median dirasa kurang karena hanya melihat dua kelompok data yang dibagi pada nilai tengahnya saja. Sehingga berkembanglah metode Regresi Kuantil (Quantile Regression). Metode ini merupakan salah satu metode regresi dengan pendekatan memisahkan atau membagi data menjadi kuantil-kuantil tertentu dimana dicurigai terdapat perbedaan nilai dugaan. Untuk studi kasus pada makalah ini digunakan data suhu harian (hari ini dan kemarin) yang dalam diagram pencar terlihat tidak simetris dan dicurigai terjadi heteroskedastisitas

    The Application of Spatial Analysis and Time Series in Modeling the Frequency of Earthquake Events in Bengkulu Province

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    This study provides an overview in combining spatial analysis and time series analysis to model the frequency of earthquake. The aim of this research is to apply the spatial statistical analysis and time series analysis in estimating semivariogram parameters for the next four steps. The data in this study is secondary data that has been validated based on sources that publish parameters of earthquake events. Looking at the characteristics of the earthquake frequency frequency data, there are spatial and time elements. The method used in this research is interpolation kriging and Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) model. The semivariogram models used in kriging interpolation are: Spherical, Exponential, Gaussian, and Linear. The parameters of the semivariogram model are modeled using ARMA time series analysis adjusted to the model diagnostic results. To measure of fit model is used Mean Square Error (MSE). The result of research is a suitable semivariogram model to be applied in the modeling of earthquake events is the Spherical model. While each parameter is estimated using ARMA model (2,2) with different coefficient estimation value

    K-Means cluster analysis in earthquake epicenter clustering

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    Bengkulu Province, Indonesia, which lies in two active faults, Semangko fault and Mentawai fault, is an area that has high seismic activity. As earthquake-prone area, the characteristic of each earthquake in Bengkulu Province needs to be studied. This paper presents the earthquake epicenter clustering in Bengkulu Province. Tectonic earthquake data at Bengkulu Province and surrounding areas from January 1970 to December 2015 are used. The data is taken from single-station Agency Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Kepahiang Bengkulu. K-Means clustering using Euclidean distance method is used in this analysis. The variables are latitude, longitude and magnitude. The optimum number of cluster is determined using Krzanowski and Lai (KL) index which is 7. The analysis for each clustering experiment with variation number of cluster is presented


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    The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 or the era of disruption requires new literacy which includes data literacy, technological literacy and human literacy. HOTS-based statistical literacy training at SMA Negeri 8 Bengkulu City aims to foster and guide Class XII students in understanding and analyzing HOTS-based statistical literacy. The method used to achieve these objectives is coaching and training. The results obtained based on this activity are the coaching and training conducted that gives positive results and significantly influences students' knowledge and abilities regarding Statistics Literacy. In addition, students get an overview of statistical data understanding that is very important and continues to grow in the revolutionary 4.0 era

    The Application of Spatial Analysis and TIME Series in Modeling the Frequency of Earthquake Events in Bengkulu Province

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    This study provides an overview in combining spatial analysis and time series analysis to model the frequency of earthquake. The aim of this research is to apply the spatial statistical analysis and time series analysis in estimating semivariogram parameters for the next four steps. The data in this study is secondary data that has been validated based on sources that publish parameters of earthquake events. Looking at the characteristics of the earthquake frequency frequency data, there are spatial and time elements. The method used in this research is interpolation kriging and Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) model. The semivariogram models used in kriging interpolation are: Spherical, Exponential, Gaussian, and Linear. The parameters of the semivariogram model are modeled using ARMA time series analysis adjusted to the model diagnostic results. To measure of fit model is used Mean Square Error (MSE). The result of research is a suitable semivariogram model to be applied in the modeling of earthquake events is the Spherical model. While each parameter is estimated using ARMA model (2,2) with different coefficient estimation value


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    Community service activity aims to introduce and teach counting method of finger (jarimatika) as an alternative method of counting to complete the multiplication operation on the fourth grade students at SD Negeri 79 Kota Bengkulu. Counting method can be used to improve student learning outcomes in completing multiplication operations. This method can provide visualization of counting process, cheer up the child, not burdening the memory of the brain, and the tool is always taken. In addition, this method will make learning activities more fun so that the students become eager in learning. Based on the results of the dedication activities undertaken, it can be concluded that this activity is able to provide knowledge and skills to students of Class IV SDN 79 Kota Bengkulu about jarimatika method. Almost all students are very enthusiastic and interested in following this guidance activity although this jarimatika method is relatively new to them. In addition, this activity can improve students learning motivation and improve students’ numeracy skills especially in multiplication operations. Keywords: Counting, Jarimatika, Mathematic


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    Community service activity aims to introduce and teach counting method of finger (jarimatika) as an alternative method of counting to complete the multiplication operation on the fourth grade students at SD Negeri 79 Kota Bengkulu. Counting method can be used to improve student learning outcomes in completing multiplication operations. This method can provide visualization of counting process, cheer up the child, not burdening the memory of the brain, and the tool is always taken. In addition, this method will make learning activities more fun so that the students become eager in learning. Based on the results of the dedication activities undertaken, it can be concluded that this activity is able to provide knowledge and skills to students of Class IV SDN 79 Kota Bengkulu about jarimatika method. Almost all students are very enthusiastic and interested in following this guidance activity although this jarimatika method is relatively new to them. In addition, this activity can improve students learning motivation and improve students’ numeracy skills especially in multiplication operations. Keywords: Counting, Jarimatika, Mathematic


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    ABSTRACTBengkulu is an active participant in the National Science Olympic competition in junior level. But the achievement of Bengkulu’s students is not prominent, especially in the fieldof Mathematics. Until now Bengkulu has never been quite encouraging achievement in theOSN. Department of Mathematics University of Bengkulu has a human resource that ispromising, the competent faculty who can nurture, guide, and prepare students of SMPNegeri 2 Bengkulu to compete in the OSN. Therefore, students of SMP 2 Bengkulu will becoached to understand, analyze and answer the questions, so that they know the mathOlympic the strategy and the ways that fast in answering the Olympics questions correctly,so they will be a champion at the provincial and national competition. After coaching isdone, it can be concluded that this activity has not been a significant influence. However,development activities that have been implemented are able to provide the knowledge andinsight to junior high school students about the material and questions in math Olympic.Keywords: SMP Negeri 2, Math Olympic, paired T-tes