81 research outputs found


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    En la actualidad, la biología molecular moderna experimenta un aumento hacia enfoques "-ómicas», y, en particular, la genómica y la (meta) genómica como herramientas emergentes para el estudio de genes que codifican las enzimas a nivel de microorganismos individuales y comunidades imposibles de cultivar y, microorganismos sin explorar hasta ahora. Durante los últimos años, hemos visto enormes avances en nuestra capacidad para aislar microbios y analizar los genomas individuales, y la información proporcionada por estas secuencias es bastante sorprendente en lo que respecta a descifrar nuevas enzimas con nuevas actividades. Los métodos moleculares, en particular, (meta) genómica, se aplican ampliamente para caracterizar nuevos biocatalizadores. La (meta) genómica es la aplicación de modernas técnicas de la genómica al estudio de las comunidades de organismos microbianos directamente en sus ambientes naturales, evitando la necesidad de aislamiento y cultivo en el laboratorio de las especies individuales. Desde entonces, la (meta) genómica ha revolucionado la biotecnología desviando el interés lejos de cepas microbianas individuales hacia el 99% de las especies microbianas que actualmente se estima no se puede cultivar. Analizaremos las diferentes estrategias para aislar nuevas enzimas y como la aplicación directa de la (meta) genómica sobre las comunidades microbianas y sus enzimas revierte en una amplia gama de aplicaciones biomédicas, industriales y ambientales

    Modulating the Synthesis of Dextran with the Acceptor Reaction Using Native and Encapsulated Dextransucrases

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    Dextransucrases are glucansucrases with broad applications in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Using sucrose as the glucosyl donor, they synthesize both high molecular weight (HMW) dextrans and potential prebiotic oligosaccharides. The process selectivity can be modulated by varying the reaction conditions. When no other molecule is present in the reaction, only dextrans are synthesized. In the presence of methyl α-D-glucopyranoside, the synthesis of methyl polyglucosides takes place, diminishing the transfer of glucose molecules to form dextran. In this work, the formation of HMW soluble dextran and methyl polyglucosides was studied with dextransucrases from Leuconostoc mesenteroides, strains B-512F and B-1299. The amount of dextran formed with dextransucrase B-512F was reduced up to 4 % with respect to the control in absence of acceptor, using a mass ratio of sucrose:methyl α-D-glucopyranoside of 1:4. The encapsulation in alginate retains the dextran inside the beads, causing a distortion of the biocatalyst and finally releasing the polysaccharides into the reaction medium

    Radon (222Rn) outgassing in San Juan volcanic tubes during the Cumbre Vieja eruption 2021, and preliminary values in the newly volcanic tubes.

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    During the eruption at Cumbre Vieja ridge (La Palma, Canary Islands, 2021) a radon (222Rn) detector (CORENTIUM Pro alpha particles counter) was emplaced inside the Las Palomas lava tube (San Juan eruption, 1949). In addition, a CO2 meter logger was emplaced to determine relationships between the 2021 eruption and radon plus CO2 inner fluxes. There is a geostructural relationship between the 1949 and 2021 eruptions, probably connected by a previous fault, shown the volcanic vents¿ alignment trending NW-SE. In October 2021, the radon and CO2 loggers were moved to the upper part of the lava tube, in the San Juan volcanic vent (Llano del Banco hollow dyke). Once the eruption ended (in early 2022) both loggers were placed in one newly formed lava tube, and data will be collected in February 2023. Preliminary results show daily average radon values ranging between 2 - 9 Bq/m3, although sporadic peaks of about 270 and 650 Bq/m3 were recorded related to volcano-tectonic earthquakes and volcanic intensity. In general, basaltic eruptions of alkaline affinity show low radon values due to the low concentration in the magma body of uranium and related chemical elements (Th, Ra, etc.). Geochemical analysis of emitted lavas shows a U concentration of about 1 to 5 ppm (g/g) and Th 9.5 ppm. Summer values of Rn increased up to 3 KBq/m3, related to the climate conditions instead of volcanic activity

    Procedimiento de inserción del catéter central de inserción periférica (PICC) en adultos FEMORA. Procedimientos de enfermería: canalización y cuidados de vías vasculares

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    O programa FEMORA recompila procedementos estandarizados, con evidencia científica, para os profesionais do Sergas. A protocolización dos coidados confórmase como instrumento indispensable de soporte para a práctica clínica. Entre as súas numerosas vantaxes cabe destacar a redución na diversidade inapropiada da práctica clínica, o que propicia unha atención máis xusta e equitativa aos pacientes. Este procedemento unifica, así mesmo, criterios de actuación que serven de punto de partida para unha avaliación de calidade do proceso asistencial.El programa FEMORA recopila procedimientos estandarizados, con evidencia científica, para los profesionales del Sergas. La protocolización de los cuidados se conforma como instrumento indispensable de soporte para la práctica clínica. Entre sus numerosas ventajas cabe destacar la reducción en la diversidad inapropiada de la práctica clínica, lo que les propicia una atención más justa y equitativa a los pacientes. Este procedimiento unifica, asimismo, criterios de actuación que sirven de punto de partida para una evaluación de calidad del proceso asistencial

    Taxonomic and functional metagenomic profiling of the microbial community in the anoxic sediment of a sub-saline Shallow Lake (Laguna de Carrizo, Central Spain)

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    The phylogenetic and functional structure of the microbial community residing in a Ca2+-rich anoxic sediment of a sub-saline shallow lake (Laguna de Carrizo, initially operated as a gypsum (CaSO4 × 2 H2O) mine) was estimated by analyzing the diversity of 16S rRNA amplicons and a 3.1 Mb of consensus metagenome sequence. The lake has about half the salinity of seawater and possesses an unusual relative concentration of ions, with Ca2+ and SO 4 2- being dominant. The 16S rRNA sequences revealed a diverse community with about 22% of the bacterial rRNAs being less than 94.5% similar to any rRNA currently deposited in GenBank. In addition to this, about 79% of the archaeal rRNA genes were mostly related to uncultured Euryarchaeota of the CCA47 group, which are often associated with marine and oxygen-depleted sites. Sequence analysis of assembled genes revealed that 23% of the open reading frames of the metagenome library had no hits in the database. Among annotated genes, functions related to (thio) sulfate and (thio) sulfonate-reduction and iron-oxidation, sulfur-oxidation, denitrification, synthrophism, and phototrophic sulfur metabolism were found as predominant. Phylogenetic and biochemical analyses indicate that the inherent physical–chemical characteristics of this habitat coupled with adaptation to anthropogenic activities have resulted in a highly efficient community for the assimilation of polysulfides, sulfoxides, and organosulfonates together with nitro-, nitrile-, and cyanide-substituted compounds. We discuss that the relevant microbial composition and metabolic capacities at Laguna de Carrizo, likely developed as an adaptation to thrive in the presence of moderate salinity conditions and potential toxic bio-molecules, in contrast with the properties of previously known anoxic sediments of shallow lakes.This research was supported by the Spanish CSD2007-00005 project and FEDER funds. M-E.G. thanks the CSIC for a JAE fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    SARS-CoV-2 viral load in nasopharyngeal swabs is not an independent predictor of unfavorable outcome

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    The aim was to assess the ability of nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load at frst patient’s hospital evaluation to predict unfavorable outcomes. We conducted a prospective cohort study including 321 adult patients with confrmed COVID-19 through RT-PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs. Quantitative Synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA cycle threshold values were used to calculate the viral load in log10 copies/mL. Disease severity at the end of follow up was categorized into mild, moderate, and severe. Primary endpoint was a composite of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and/or death (n= 85, 26.4%). Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed. Nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load over the second quartile (≥7.35 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.003) and second tertile (≥ 8.27 log10 copies/mL, p = 0.01) were associated to unfavorable outcome in the unadjusted logistic regression analysis. However, in the fnal multivariable analysis, viral load was not independently associated with an unfavorable outcome. Five predictors were independently associated with increased odds of ICU admission and/or death: age≥ 70 years, SpO2, neutrophils > 7.5 × ­103 /µL, lactate dehydrogenase≥ 300 U/L, and C-reactive protein≥ 100 mg/L. In summary, nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load on admission is generally high in patients with COVID-19, regardless of illness severity, but it cannot be used as an independent predictor of unfavorable clinical outcome

    Radon (222Rn) outgassing in San Juan volcanic tubes during the Cumbre Vieja eruption 2021, and preliminary values in the new volcanic tubes

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    Comunicación oral presentada en el 1st European Meeting on Geomicrobiology of volcanic caves. días 2-3 de marzo de 2023 celebrado en la Casa de la Ciencia-CSIC de SevillaDuring the eruption at Cumbre Vieja ridge (La Palma, Canary Islands, 2021) a radon (222Rn) detector (CORENTIUM Pro alpha particles counter) was emplaced inside the “Las Palomas” lava tube (San Juan eruption, 1949). In addition, a CO2 meter logger was emplaced to determine relationships between the 2021 eruption and radon plus CO2 inner fluxes. There is a geostructural relationship between the 1949 and 2021 eruptions, probably connected by a previous fault, shown the volcanic vents’ alignment trending NW-SE. In October 2021, the radon and CO2 loggers were moved to the upper part of the lava tube, in the San Juan volcanic vent (Llano del Banco hollow dyke). Once the eruption ended (in early 2022) both loggers were placed in one newly formed lava tube, and data will be collected in February 2023. Preliminary results show daily average radon values ranging between 2 - 9 Bq/m3, although sporadic peaks of about 270 and 650 Bq/m3 were recorded related to volcano-tectonic earthquakes and volcanic intensity. In general, basaltic eruptions of alkaline affinity show low radon values due to the low concentration in the magma body of uranium and related chemical elements (Th, Ra, etc.). Geochemical analysis of emitted lavas shows a U concentration of about 1 to 5 ppm (μg/g) and Th 9.5 ppm. Summer values of Rn increased up to 3 KBq/m3, related to the climate conditions instead of volcanic activity.This study was funded by the project CSIC 20223PAL002 “Investigación Geológica de la Erupción de 2021 en Cumbre Vieja” and partially by the project FAMRAD (PID2020-113407RB-I00): Geochemical modeling of seismic prediction from endogenous gas emission (222Rn, CO2, CH4), and earthquakes by using radioactive caves and boreholes in the Alhama de Murcia fault.N

    Effect of viral storm in patients admitted to intensive care units with severe COVID-19 in Spain: a multicentre, prospective, cohort study

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    Background: The contribution of the virus to the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 is still unclear. We aimed to evaluate associations between viral RNA load in plasma and host response, complications, and deaths in critically ill patients with COVID-19. Methods: We did a prospective cohort study across 23 hospitals in Spain. We included patients aged 18 years or older with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who were admitted to an intensive care unit between March 16, 2020, and Feb 27, 2021. RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid region 1 (N1) was quantified in plasma samples collected from patients in the first 48 h following admission, using digital PCR. Patients were grouped on the basis of N1 quantity: VIR-N1-Zero (2747 N1 copies per mL). The primary outcome was all-cause death within 90 days after admission. We evaluated odds ratios (ORs) for the primary outcome between groups using a logistic regression analysis. Findings: 1068 patients met the inclusion criteria, of whom 117 had insufficient plasma samples and 115 had key information missing. 836 patients were included in the analysis, of whom 403 (48%) were in the VIR-N1-Low group, 283 (34%) were in the VIR-N1-Storm group, and 150 (18%) were in the VIR-N1-Zero group. Overall, patients in the VIR-N1-Storm group had the most severe disease: 266 (94%) of 283 patients received invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), 116 (41%) developed acute kidney injury, 180 (65%) had secondary infections, and 148 (52%) died within 90 days. Patients in the VIR-N1-Zero group had the least severe disease: 81 (54%) of 150 received IMV, 34 (23%) developed acute kidney injury, 47 (32%) had secondary infections, and 26 (17%) died within 90 days (OR for death 0·30, 95% CI 0·16-0·55; p<0·0001, compared with the VIR-N1-Storm group). 106 (26%) of 403 patients in the VIR-N1-Low group died within 90 days (OR for death 0·39, 95% CI 0·26-0·57; p<0·0001, compared with the VIR-N1-Storm group). Interpretation: The presence of a so-called viral storm is associated with increased all-cause death in patients admitted to the intensive care unit with severe COVID-19. Preventing this viral storm could help to reduce poor outcomes. Viral storm could be an enrichment marker for treatment with antivirals or purification devices to remove viral components from the blood.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FONDO-COVID19, COV20/00110, CIBERES, 06/06/0028; AT), Proyectos de Investigación en Salud (PI19/00590; JFB-M), Miguel Servet (CP20/00041; DdG-C), Sara Borrell (CD018/0123; APT), and Predoctorales de Formación en Investigación en Salud (FI20/00278; AdF). We also received funds from Programa de Donaciones Estar Preparados, UNESPA (Madrid, Spain), and from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR OV2–170357; DJK and JFB-M), Research Nova Scotia, Li-Ka Shing Foundation (DJK), and finally by a Research Grant 2020 from ESCMID (APT). COV20/00110, PI19/00590, CP20/00041, CD018/0123, FI20/00278 were co-funded by European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund (A way to make Europe, and Investing in your future). We thank the IRB-Lleida Biobank 119 (B.0000682) and Plataforma Biobancos PT17/0015/0027 in Lleida, the Hospital Clinic Barcelona (HCB)-IDIBAPS biobank in Barcelona, and the National DNA Bank and the Hospital Universitario de Salamanca biobank (both in Salamanca) for their logistical support with sample processing and storage. We are indebted to the Fundació Glòria Soler for its contribution and support to the COVIDBANK of HCBIDIBAPS Biobank. This work was not supported by any pharmaceutical company or other agency.S

    Randomized Clinical Trial of the Need for Antibiotic Treatment for Low-Risk Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection Caused by Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci

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    © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).According to clinical guidelines, the management of catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) due to coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) includes catheter removal and antibiotic treatment for 5 to 7 days. However, in low-risk episodes, it remains uncertain whether antibiotic therapy is necessary. This randomized clinical trial aims to determine whether the non-administration of antibiotic therapy is as safe and effective as the recommended strategy in low-risk episodes of CRBSI caused by CoNS. With this purpose, a randomized, open-label, multicenter, non-inferiority clinical trial was conducted in 14 Spanish hospitals from 1 July 2019 to 31 January 2022. Patients with low-risk CRBSI caused by CoNS were randomized 1:1 after catheter withdrawal to receive/not receive parenteral antibiotics with activity against the isolated strain. The primary endpoint was the presence of any complication related to bacteremia or to antibiotic therapy within 90 days of follow-up. The secondary endpoints were persistent bacteremia, septic embolism, time until microbiological cure, and time until the disappearance of a fever. EudraCT: 2017-003612-39 INF-BACT-2017. A total of 741 patients were assessed for eligibility. Of these, 27 were included in the study; 15 (55.6%) were randomized to the intervention arm (non-antibiotic administration) and 12 (44.4%) to the control arm (antibiotic therapy as per standard practice). The primary endpoint occurred in one of the 15 patients in the intervention group (septic thrombophlebitis) and in no patients in the control group. The median time until microbiological cure was 3 days (IQR 1–3) in the intervention arm and 1.25 days (IQR 0.5–2.62) in the control arm, while the median time until fever resolution was zero days in both arms. The study was stopped due to the insufficient number of recruited patients. These results seem to indicate that low-risk CRBSI caused by CoNS can be managed without antibiotic therapy after catheter removal; efficacy and safety are not affected.This project was funded by Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute (I3PT) Grants CIR2017/053 and CIR2018/039.CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya.Peer reviewe

    Gestion del conocimiento y orientacion al marketing interno en el desarrollo de ventajas competitivas en el sector hotelero

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    Internal marketing orientation (IMO) can be used as a tool for managing employees’ knowledge that allows companies to develop a competitive advantage to the extent that generates information, communicates it internally and facilitates to articulate a response to their needs. IMO through proper management of human capital facilitates more effective competition and a more agile response to market demands. This study analyzes the three dimensions that make up IMO and involve knowledge management with regard to gathering intelligence concerning employees’ needs, the transmission of these needs and the subsequent response. Then, an empirical research has been carried out to analyze the IMO in Spanish hotels and it had led to the classification of three clearly defined groups. Moreover, the results indicate IMO as a source of competitive advantage as higher levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment are found in the groups with higher IMO