66 research outputs found

    Photonuclear method of production Cu-67

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    The efficiently separation of ⁶⁷Cu is achieved by using diantipyrylpropylmethane (DАPPМ). Experimental separation of ⁶⁷Cu from sulphuric solution (1 mol./L) of zinc (2 mol./L) with addition potassium iodide (0.1 mol./L) is realized with help DAPPM (0.02 mol./L), which dissolve in chloroform. The 84.4% ⁶⁷Сu was extracted from water phase of ZnSO₄ into organic phase (solution DAPPM in chloroform). The ⁶⁷Cu remainder in organic phase is 4.6%. Effective extraction of protonated forms of reagent and ionic associate of metal+halide was realized by means of antipyrin forms in acid halide solution. The decrease of acidity of a water phase is necessary for effective reextraction. Re-extraction was realised by means of consecutive washing of organic phase (DAPPM in chloroform) by means of distilled water. Some amount of ZnSO₄ in process of extraction gets in organic phase that causes a low level re-extraction in first two tests. These tests re-extraction have low values рН. Re-extraction ⁶⁷Cu from solution DAPPM in chloroform is carried out consistently four times by distilled water. The activity of ⁶⁷Cu in third and fourth re-extraction tests was 72.7%.Экстракция диантипирилпропилметаном (ДАППМ) позволяет эффективно выделять ⁶⁷Cu. Реализовано экспериментальное выделение ⁶⁷Cu из сернокислого раствора (1 моль/л) цинка (2 моль/л) с добавлением йодистого калия (0,1 моль/л) при помощи ДАППМ (0,02 моль/л), растворенного в хлороформе. При экстракции ⁶⁷Сu из водной фазы ZnSO₄ переходит в органическую фазу (раствор ДАППМ в хлороформе) 84,4% ⁶⁷Сu. В органической фазе остается 4,6% ⁶⁷Сu. Производные антипирина образуют в кислых галогенидных растворах хорошо экстрагирующиеся ионные ассоциаты металл + галогенидного аниона и протонированной формы реагента. Поэтому для эффективной реэкстракции необходимо снижение кислотности водной фазы, что и реализуется при последовательных перемешиваниях органической фазы (ДАППМ в хлороформе) с дистиллированной водой. Некоторое количество ZnSO₄ в процессе экстракции попадает в органическую фазу, что обуславливает низкую степень реэкстракции в первых двух пробах. Эти пробы реэкстракции имеют низкие значения рН. Реэкстракцию ⁶⁷Сu из раствора ДАППМ в хлороформе проводили последовательно четыре раза дистиллированной водой. В третью и четвертую пробы реэкстрагировалось 72,7% активности ⁶⁷Сu.Екстракція діантіпірілпропілметаном (ДАППМ) дозволяє ефективно виділяти ⁶⁷Cu. Реалізовано експериментальне виділення ⁶⁷Cu з сірчанокислого розчину (1 моль/л) цинку (2 моль/л) з додаванням йодистого калію (0,1 моль/л) за допомогою ДАППМ (0,02 моль/л), розчиненого в хлороформі. При екстракції ⁶⁷Cu з водної фази ZnSO₄ переходить в органічну фазу (розчин ДАППМ в хлороформі) 84,4% ⁶⁷Cu. У органічній фазі залишається 4,6% ⁶⁷Cu. Похідні антипірину утворюють у кислих галогенідних розчинах добре екстрагуючі іонні асоціати метал + галогенідні аніони і протоновану форми реагенту. Тому для ефективної реекстракції необхідне зниження кислотності водної фази, що і реалізується при послідовних перемішуваннях органічної фази (ДАППМ в хлороформі) з дистильованою водою. Деяка кількість ZnSO₄ в процесі екстракції потрапляє в органічну фазу, що обумовлює низьку ступінь реекстракції в перших двох пробах. Ці проби реекстракції мають низькі значення рН. Реекстракції ⁶⁷Cu з розчину ДАППМ у хлороформі проводили послідовно чотири рази дистильованою водою. У третю і четверту проби реекстрагувалося 72,7% активності ⁶⁷C

    Structural and superconducting properties of MgB2x_{2-x}Bex_x

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    We prepared MgB2x_{2-x}Bex_{x} (x=0x=0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6) samples where B is substituted with Be. MgB2_{2} structure is maintained up to x=0.6x=0.6. In-plane and inter-plane lattice constants were found to decrease and increase, respectively. Superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} decreases with xx. We found that the TcT_{c} decrease is correlated with in-plane contraction but is insensitive to carrier doping, which is consistent with other substitution studies such as Mg1x_{1-x}Alx_{x}B2_{2} and MgB2x_{2-x}Cx_{x}. Implication of this work is discussed in terms of the 2D nature of σ\sigma -band.Comment: 3 pages,4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Dielectric functions and collective excitations in MgB_2

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    The frequency- and momentum-dependent dielectric function ϵ(q,ω)\epsilon{(\bf q,\omega)} as well as the energy loss function Im[-ϵ1(q,ω)\epsilon^{-1}{(\bf q,\omega)}\protect{]} are calculated for intermetallic superconductor MgB2MgB_2 by using two {\it ab initio} methods: the plane-wave pseudopotential method and the tight-binding version of the LMTO method. We find two plasmon modes dispersing at energies 2\sim 2-8 eV and 18\sim 18-22 eV. The high energy plasmon results from a free electron like plasmon mode while the low energy collective excitation has its origin in a peculiar character of the band structure. Both plasmon modes demonstrate clearly anisotropic behaviour of both the peak position and the peak width. In particular, the low energy collective excitation has practically zero width in the direction perpendicular to boron layers and broadens in other directions.Comment: 3 pages with 10 postscript figures. Submitted to PRB on May 14 200

    The dynamics of element content in patients with lung cancer during radiotherapy

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    Determination of the element contents in the biological samples (blood, serum of blood, hair) of patients with the diagnosis of lung cancer III degree is carried out during beam therapy. The method of PIXE excited by protons on the accelerator with energy 3 MeV has been used. During radiotherapy the difference in the element contents in hair of patients has not been detected. Trustworthy reduction of Fe, Cu, Mn, Ca, Sr, Rb etc is marked during treatment. The obtained results can be used as the additional test at carrying out adequate treatment in radiotherapy.Проведено визначення вмiсту мiкроелементiв в бiологiчних зразках (кров, сироватка кровi, волосся) пацiєнтiв з дiагнозом раку легенi III ступеня в процесi променевої терапiї. Використовувався метод характеристичного рентгенiвського випромiнювання, яке збуджувалось протонами прискорювача з енергiєю 3 МеВ. Протягом радiотерапiї вiдмiнностей у вмiстi елементiв у волоссях пацiєнтiв виявлено не було. У процесi лiкування вiрогiдно виявлене зменшення Fe, Cu, Mn, Ca, Sr, Rb i т.д. в кровi i сироватцi кровi. Отриманi результати можуть бути використанi як додатковий тест при проведеннi адекватної терапiї в курсi променевого лiкування.Проведено определение содержания микроэлементов в биологических образцах (кровь, сыворотка крови, волосы) пациентов с диагнозом рака легкого III степени в процессе лучевой терапии. Использован метод характеристического рентгеновского излучения, возбуждаемого протонами на ускорителе с энергией 3 МэВ. В течение радиотерапии отличий в содержании элементов в волосах пациентов обнаружено не было. В процессе лечения достоверно обнаружено уменьшение Fe, Cu, Mn, Ca, Sr, Rb и т.д. в крови и сыворотке крови. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в качестве дополнительного теста при проведении адекватной терапии в курсе лучевого лечения

    Effects of C, Cu and Be substitutions in superconducting MgB2

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    Density functional calculations are used to investigate the effects of partial substitutional alloying of the B site in MgB2 with C and Be alone and combined with alloying of the Mg site with Cu. The effect of such substitutions on the electronic structure, electron phonon coupling and superconductivity are discussed. We find that Be substitution for B is unfavorable for superconductivity as it leads to a softer lattice and weaker electron-phonon couplings. Replacement of Mg by Cu leads to an increase in the stiffness and doping level at the same time, while the carrier concentration can be controlled by partial replacement of B by C. We estimate that with full replacement of Mg by Cu and fractional substitution of B by C, Tc values of 50K may be attainable.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Retention of Two-Band Superconductivity in Highly Carbon-Doped MgB2

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    Tunneling data on MgB_{1.8}C_{0.2} show a reduction in the energy gap of the pi-bands by a factor of two from undoped MgB2 that is consistent with the Tc reduction, but inconsistent with the expectations of the dirty limit. Dirty-limit theory for undoped MgB2 predicts a single gap about three times larger than measured and a reduced Tc comparable to that measured. Our heavily-doped samples exhibit a uniform dispersion of C suggestive of significantly enhanced scattering, and we conclude that the retention of two-band superconductivity in these samples is caused by a selective suppression of interband scattering.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; added one figure, added one reference, minor changes to the text, manuscript accepted for publication as a Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communicatio

    Gamma-activation method for the element analysis of agricultural products after vacuum drying

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    Development of the combined technologies of drying allows one to speed up the process of moisture moving away from the dried material and to decrease the energy consumption per the production unit. The composition of macro- and microelements before and after drying of the dispersed materials was monitored by the nuclear-physical method. Quantometer method was used for definition of the intensity of oxidative processes at the level of cell membranes. And the method of electron microscopy was used for detection of possible destructive processes in organelles.Розробка комбінованих технологій сушіння дозволяє прискорювати процес відходу вологи з матеріалу і зменшувати витрати енергії на одиницю продукції. Склад макро- і мікроелементів до і після сушіння матеріалів був вивчений ядерно-фізичними методами. Метод реєстрації індукованого випромінювання використовувався для визначення інтенсивності окисних процесів на рівні мембран клітини. Метод електронної мікроскопії використовувався для виявлення можливих деструктивних процесів у клітині.Разработка комбинированных технологий сушки позволяет ускорять процесс ухода влаги из материала и уменьшать затраты энергии на единицу продукции. Состав макро- и микроэлементов до и после сушки материалов был изучен ядерно-физическими методами. Метод регистрации индуцированного излучения использовался для определения интенсивности окислительных процессов на уровне мембран клетки. Метод электронной микроскопии использовался для обнаружения возможных деструктивных процессов в клетке

    Electronic Properties of TiO2_2 Nanotubes

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    quasi-one-dimensional (1D) titania nanostructures - single-walled nanotubes formed by rolling [101] planes of TiO2_2 (anatase phase) are modeled and their electronic properties and bond orders indices are studied using the tight-binding band theory. We show that all zigzag (n,0)- and armchair (n,n)-like nanotubes are uniformly semiconducting, and the band gap trends to vanish as the tube diameters decrease. It was established that the zigzag (n,0) nanotubes configurations are more likely to form when the diameters are larger 1 nm. The Ti-O covalent bonds were found to be the strongest interactions in TiO2_2 tubes, whereas Ti-Ti bonds proved to be much weaker.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Risk profiles and one-year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation in India: Insights from the GARFIELD-AF Registry.

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    BACKGROUND: The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF) is an ongoing prospective noninterventional registry, which is providing important information on the baseline characteristics, treatment patterns, and 1-year outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). This report describes data from Indian patients recruited in this registry. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 52,014 patients with newly diagnosed AF were enrolled globally; of these, 1388 patients were recruited from 26 sites within India (2012-2016). In India, the mean age was 65.8 years at diagnosis of NVAF. Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor for AF, present in 68.5% of patients from India and in 76.3% of patients globally (P < 0.001). Diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD) were prevalent in 36.2% and 28.1% of patients as compared with global prevalence of 22.2% and 21.6%, respectively (P < 0.001 for both). Antiplatelet therapy was the most common antithrombotic treatment in India. With increasing stroke risk, however, patients were more likely to receive oral anticoagulant therapy [mainly vitamin K antagonist (VKA)], but average international normalized ratio (INR) was lower among Indian patients [median INR value 1.6 (interquartile range {IQR}: 1.3-2.3) versus 2.3 (IQR 1.8-2.8) (P < 0.001)]. Compared with other countries, patients from India had markedly higher rates of all-cause mortality [7.68 per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval 6.32-9.35) vs 4.34 (4.16-4.53), P < 0.0001], while rates of stroke/systemic embolism and major bleeding were lower after 1 year of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Compared to previously published registries from India, the GARFIELD-AF registry describes clinical profiles and outcomes in Indian patients with AF of a different etiology. The registry data show that compared to the rest of the world, Indian AF patients are younger in age and have more diabetes and CAD. Patients with a higher stroke risk are more likely to receive anticoagulation therapy with VKA but are underdosed compared with the global average in the GARFIELD-AF. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION-URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01090362