198 research outputs found

    Pancreastatin and islet hormone release.

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    Isolation and primary structure of human PHI (peptide HI)

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    AbstractThe isolation of the human form of PHI (peptide HI) is described. The peptide was purified from human colonic extracts by using a chemical method for the detection of its C-terminal amidated structure. Human PHI consists of 27 amino acid residues and the complete amino acid sequence is: His-Ala-Asp-Gly-Val-Phe-Thr-Ser-Asp-Phe-Ser-Lys-Leu-Leu-Gly-Gln-Leu-Ser-Ala-Lys-Lys-Tyr-Leu-Glu-Ser-Leu-Met-NH2. The differences between the structures of porcine and human PHI are at position 12 (Arg/Lys replacement) and at position 27 (Ile/Met).Human PHIPorcine PHIBovine PHIBrain peptideGut peptideC-terminal amideVIP/PHI precurso

    Medical and social aspects of population mortality in the Sverdlovsk region

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    The problem of a high mortality rate in the Sverdlovsk region remains one of the most relevant in the field of medical and demographic policy. The purpose of the study is to assess the trends in the level and structure of mortality by the example of the Sverdlovsk region in comparison with data on the Russian Federation and the Urals Federal District for the period 2014-2018. It was found that in the Sverdlovsk region the level of general mortality decreased, but exceeded that in the compared territories. A significant proportion of the deaths of the working-age population was revealed, especially among men. Mortality from diseases of the circulatory system and neoplasms in the Sverdlovsk region exceeds the average level in Russia, and since 2015 there has been an increase in mortality from neoplasms. In connection with the presence of a significant proportion of premature deaths for a set of actions to reduce mortality from leading classes of diseases with pronounced social and behavioral determinants, additional measures should be developed and included in the Action Plan to reduce mortality of the population of the Sverdlovsk region from the main causesПроблема высокого уровня смертности населения в Свердловской области остается одной из наиболее актуальных в сфере медико-демографической политики. Цель исследования — оценить тенденции динамики уровня и структуры смертности населения на примере Свердловской области в сравнении с данными по РФ и УрФО за период 2014-2018 годы. Установлено, что в Свердловской области уровень общей смертности населения снижался, но превышал аналогичный на сравниваемых территориях. Выявлена значительная доля смертей населения трудоспособного возраста, особенно среди мужчин. Смертность от болезней системы кровообращения и новообразований в Свердловской области превышает средний уровень по России, а с 2015 года отмечался рост смертности от новообразований. В связи с наличием существенной доли преждевременных смертей для комплекса действий по снижению смертности от лидирующих классов болезней с выраженными социальными и поведенческими детерминантами должны быть разработаны дополнительные меры и включены в план мероприятий по снижению смертности населения Свердловской области от основных причин

    Does vitamin D supplementation alter plasma adipokines concentrations? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    We aimed to elucidate the role of vitamin D supplementation on adipokines through a systematic review and a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCTs). The search included PUBMED, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar through July 1st, 2015. Finally we identified 9 RCTs and 484 participants. Meta-analysis of data from 7 studies did not find a significant change in plasma adiponectin concentrations following vitamin D supplementation (mean difference [MD]: 4.45%, 95%CI: −3.04, 11.93, p = 0.244; Q = 2.18, I2 = 0%). In meta-regression, changes in plasma adiponectin concentrations following vitamin D supplementation were found to be independent of treatment duration (slope: 0.25; 95%CI: −0.69, 1.19; p = 0.603) and changes in serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels (slope: −0.02; 95%CI: −0.15, 0.12; p = 0.780). Meta-analysis of data from 6 studies did not find a significant change in plasma leptin concentrations following vitamin D supplementation (MD: −4.51%, 95%CI: −25.13, 16.11, p = 0.668; Q = 6.41, I2 = 21.97%). Sensitivity analysis showed that this effect size is sensitive to one of the studies; removing it resulted in a significant reduction in plasma leptin levels (MD: −12.81%, 95%CI: −24.33, −1.30, p = 0.029). In meta-regression, changes in plasma leptin concentrations following vitamin D supplementation were found to be independent of treatment duration (slope: −1.93; 95%CI: −4.08, 0.23; p = 0.080). However, changes in serum 25(OH)D were found to be significantly associated with changes in plasma leptin levels following vitamin D supplementation (slope: 1.05; 95%CI: 0.08, 2.02; p = 0.033). In conclusion, current data did not indicate a significant effect of vitamin D supplementation on adiponectin and leptin levels

    Pancreatic β-cell signaling: toward better understanding of diabetes and its treatment

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    Pancreatic β-cells play a central role in the maintenance glucose homeostasis by secreting insulin, a key hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. Dysfunction of the β-cells and/or a decrease in the β-cell mass are associated closely with the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus, a major metabolic disease that is rapidly increasing worldwide. Clarification of the mechanisms of insulin secretion and β-cell fate provides a basis for the understanding of diabetes and its better treatment. In this review, we discuss cell signaling critical for the insulin secretory function based on our recent studies

    Evolutionary Sequence Modeling for Discovery of Peptide Hormones

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    There are currently a large number of “orphan” G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) whose endogenous ligands (peptide hormones) are unknown. Identification of these peptide hormones is a difficult and important problem. We describe a computational framework that models spatial structure along the genomic sequence simultaneously with the temporal evolutionary path structure across species and show how such models can be used to discover new functional molecules, in particular peptide hormones, via cross-genomic sequence comparisons. The computational framework incorporates a priori high-level knowledge of structural and evolutionary constraints into a hierarchical grammar of evolutionary probabilistic models. This computational method was used for identifying novel prohormones and the processed peptide sites by producing sequence alignments across many species at the functional-element level. Experimental results with an initial implementation of the algorithm were used to identify potential prohormones by comparing the human and non-human proteins in the Swiss-Prot database of known annotated proteins. In this proof of concept, we identified 45 out of 54 prohormones with only 44 false positives. The comparison of known and hypothetical human and mouse proteins resulted in the identification of a novel putative prohormone with at least four potential neuropeptides. Finally, in order to validate the computational methodology, we present the basic molecular biological characterization of the novel putative peptide hormone, including its identification and regional localization in the brain. This species comparison, HMM-based computational approach succeeded in identifying a previously undiscovered neuropeptide from whole genome protein sequences. This novel putative peptide hormone is found in discreet brain regions as well as other organs. The success of this approach will have a great impact on our understanding of GPCRs and associated pathways and help to identify new targets for drug development

    Mating and aggregative behaviors among basal hexapods in the Early Cretaceous

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    Among the many challenges in paleobiology is the inference and reconstruction of behaviors that rarely, if ever, leave a physical trace on the environment that is suitable for fossilization. Of particular significance are those behaviors tied to mating and courtship, individual interactions critical for species integrity and continuance, as well as those for dispersal, permitting the taxon to expand its distribution as well as access new habitats in the face of local or long-term environmental change. In this context, two recently discovered fossils from the Early Cretaceous amber of Spain (ca. 105 mya) give a detailed view of otherwise fleeting ethologies in Collembola. These occurrences are phylogenetically spaced across the class, and from species representing the two major clades of springtailsÐSymphypleona and Entomobryomorpha. Specifically, we report unique evidence from a symphypleonan male (Pseudosminthurides stoechus SaÂnchez-GarcõÂa & Engel, 2016) with modified antennae that may have functioned as a clasping organ for securing females during mating on water's surface, and from an aggregation of entomobryomorphan individuals (Proisotoma communis Sánchez-García & Engel, 2016) purportedly representing a swarming episode on the forest floor. We demonstrate that the mating behavioral repertoire in P. stoechus, which is associated with considerable morphological adaptations, likely implied elaborate courtship and maneuvering for guarantee sperm transfer in an epineustic species. These discoveries reveal significant behaviors consistent with modern counterparts and a generalized stasis for some ancient hexapod ethologies associated with complex mating and courtship and social or pre-social aggregations, so critical to specific constancy and dispersal