211 research outputs found

    “Intervención de la Estrategia de prevención, atención y protección frente a la violencia familiar y sexual en zonas rurales en la población del distrito de Cristo Nos Valga, año 2014-2017”

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito describir la intervención de la Estrategia de prevención, atención y protección frente a la violencia familiar y sexual en zonas rurales en la población del distrito de Cristo Nos Valga, año 2014-2017. El diseño de investigación responde a un estudio cualitativo de tipo fenomenológico, la recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas, se aplicaron seis guías de entrevistas estructuradas y dos fichas de análisis documental. La muestra estuvo conformada por nueve autoridades del distrito, cuatro facilitadoras comunitarias, catorce mujeres mayores de quince años, un abogado y diez usuarias. La información fue procesada utilizando la codificación y categorización: Codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. De acuerdo al análisis realizado podemos concluir que la intervención de la Estrategia de prevención, atención y protección frente a la violencia familiar y sexual en zonas rurales en el distrito de Cristo Nos Valga se realiza bajo tres componentes, el primero no se ejecuta de manera articulada la Instancia Distrital de Concertación con los Comités de Desarrollo Local –CODECO de los caseríos de Cerritos y Mala Vida. Además, se ha constatado que el CODECO del caserío Mala Vida no viene funcionando, el segundo la población femenina sí reconoce y visualiza la violencia contra la mujer y el tercero, que la ruta de atención está funcionando de manera articulada

    Aplicación de la info-pedagogía a través de las herramientas de colaboración

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    In this work, we report the results of a research carried out in a higher education institution where we applied info-pedagogy as an experiment in a class, the purpose of research is to evidence the impact of using ICT in the academic performance and to motivate Its application in the most difficult subjects. was applied an experimental research with quantitative focus, It was created a website where It was published multimedia resources such as videos, pictures, text, elaborated with the ICT tools, Google Sites, Google Drive, Windows Movie Maker and Youtube, the data collected by means of a questionnaire created in Google form, applying an adaptation of the educational model of EEES. The results revealed that the application of the "Inverted Classroom" "Learning based on problems", "Autonomous work", they had good acceptance by students, It evidences a higher average grade of the experimental group (1.49 points) than the control group. In conclusion, the application of ICT tools facilitates the access to the curriculum contents and It helps significantly in the teaching process, It increases the level of motivation and interaction, and it forces and improve the academic performance showed in the report card.En este trabajo se exponen los resultados de una investigación realizada en una institución de educación superior, donde se aplicó la Infopedagogía en una asignatura, el propósito de la investigación es motivar el impacto que tiene las TIC en el rendimiento académico, y así motivar su aplicación en las asignaturas con mayor dificultad de aprendizaje. Se realizó una investigación experimental con enfoque cuantitativo, se creó un sitio web donde se publicó recursos multimedia como videos, imágenes, texto, elaborados con las herramientas de las TIC, Google Sites, Google Drive, Windows Movie Maker y YouTube, la recogida de los datos se realizó mediante un cuestionario creado en Google Form, aplicando una adaptación del modelo docente del EEES. Los resultados revelaron que la aplicación de las estrategias de enseñanza mediada por las TIC: “aula invertida”, “aprendizaje basado en problemas”, “trabajo autónomo”, tuvieron buena aceptación de parte de los estudiantes, evidencian mayor promedio del grupo experimental (1.49 puntos) que el grupo de control. En conclusión las TIC facilitan el acceso a los contenidos curriculares, ayudan significativamente en el proceso de enseñanza, incrementan el grado de motivación e interacción, fortalecen y mejoran el rendimiento académico reflejado en las actas de calificaciones

    Modelamiento hidráulico de la quebrada San Carlos, con fines de prevención; Distrito Laredo – Trujillo, La Libertad

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    El informe de investigación está basado en la determinación de las áreas inundables por máximas avenidas de la quebrada San Carlos, en una distancia de 3 km, desde el punto de la salida de cuenca aguas abajo, se ha utilizado datos de levantamiento topográfico, hidrológico y suelos, los cuales han sido procesados usando software como el Auto Cad, Civil 3D, Global Mapper, Hec Ras, Hcanales, Excell y Word respectivamente. El tramo estudiado nos ha permitido establecer zonas críticas que deben ser tratadas y superadas con obras civiles, con la finalidad de salvaguardar la integridad física y material de los habitantes cercanos a dicha quebrada, El tramo en estudio tiene las siguientes características, área de cuenca es de 39.72 Km2 , tiene una longitud de 10.25 km y una pendiente promedio de 6.12 % , a través de los métodos estadísticos Gumbel y el método racional modificado se ha llegado a determinar un caudal de diseño de Q(50) = 71.11 m3 /s. Con el programa Hec Ras se ha definido las zonas críticas para lo cual se plantea la construcción de muro de contención tipo gavión en la zona más crítica y un canal de evacuación, previniendo de esta forma de futuras inundaciones, cumpliendo nuestro objetivo general planteado

    The Candida albicans-Specific Gene EED1 Encodes a Key Regulator of Hyphal Extension

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    The extension of germ tubes into elongated hyphae by Candida albicans is essential for damage of host cells. The C. albicans-specific gene EED1 plays a crucial role in this extension and maintenance of filamentous growth. eed1Δ cells failed to extend germ tubes into long filaments and switched back to yeast growth after 3 h of incubation during growth on plastic surfaces. Expression of EED1 is regulated by the transcription factor Efg1 and ectopic overexpression of EED1 restored filamentation in efg1Δ. Transcriptional profiling of eed1Δ during infection of oral tissue revealed down-regulation of hyphal associated genes including UME6, encoding another key transcriptional factor. Ectopic overexpression of EED1 or UME6 rescued filamentation and damage potential in eed1Δ. Transcriptional profiling during overexpression of UME6 identified subsets of genes regulated by Eed1 or Ume6. These data suggest that Eed1 and Ume6 act in a pathway regulating maintenance of hyphal growth thereby repressing hyphal-to-yeast transition and permitting dissemination of C. albicans within epithelial tissues

    Galaxies Correlating with Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory reports that 20 of the 27 highest energy cosmic rays have arrival directions within 3.2 deg of a nearby galaxy in the Veron-Cetty & Veron Catalog of Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (12th Ed.), with ~5 of the correlations expected by chance. In this paper we examine the correlated galaxies to gain insight into the possible UHECR sources. We find that 14 of the 21 correlated VCV galaxies are AGNs and we determine their bolometric luminosities. The remaining 7 are primarily star-forming galaxies. The bolometric luminosities of the correlated AGNs are all greater than 5 x 10^{42} erg/s, which may explain the absence of UHECRs from the Virgo region in spite of the large number of VCV galaxies in Virgo, since most of the VCV galaxies in the Virgo region are low luminosity AGNs. Interestingly, the bolometric luminosities of most of the AGNs are significantly lower than required to satisfy the minimum condition for UHECR acceleration in a continuous jet. If a UHECR-AGN correlation is substantiated with further statistics, our results lend support to the recently proposed ``giant AGN flare" mechanism for UHECR acceleration.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, to be submitted to Ap

    Benefits and resource implications of family meetings for hospitalized palliative care patients: research protocol.

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    BACKGROUND:Palliative care focuses on supporting patients diagnosed with advanced, incurable disease; it is 'family centered', with the patient and their family (the unit of care) being core to all its endeavours. However, approximately 30-50% of carers experience psychological distress which is typically under recognised and consequently not addressed. Family meetings (FM) are recommended as a means whereby health professionals, together with family carers and patients discuss psychosocial issues and plan care; however there is minimal empirical research to determine the net effect of these meetings and the resources required to implement them systematically. The aims of this study were to evaluate: (1) if family carers of hospitalised patients with advanced disease (referred to a specialist palliative care in-patient setting or palliative care consultancy service) who receive a FM report significantly lower psychological distress (primary outcome), fewer unmet needs, increased quality of life and feel more prepared for the caregiving role; (2) if patients who receive the FM experience appropriate quality of end-of-life care, as demonstrated by fewer hospital admissions, fewer emergency department presentations, fewer intensive care unit hours, less chemotherapy treatment (in last 30 days of life), and higher likelihood of death in the place of their choice and access to supportive care services; (3) the optimal time point to deliver FM and; (4) to determine the cost-benefit and resource implications of implementing FM meetings into routine practice.METHODS:Cluster type trial design with two way randomization for aims 1-3 and health economic modeling and qualitative interviews with health for professionals for aim 4.DISCUSSION:The research will determine whether FMs have positive practical and psychological impacts on the family, impacts on health service usage, and financial benefits to the health care sector. This study will also provide clear guidance on appropriate timing in the disease/care trajectory to provide a family meeting.<br/

    Emission and Absorption Properties of Low-Mass Type 2 Active Galaxies with XMM-Newton

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    We present XMM-Newton observations of four low-redshift Seyfert galaxies selected to have low host luminosities (M_g>-20 mag) and small stellar velocity dispersions (sigma_star<45 km/s), which are among the smallest stellar velocity dispersions found in any active galaxies. These galaxies show weak or no broad optical emission lines and have likely black hole masses <10^6 M_sun. Three out of four objects were detected with >3sigma significance in ~25 ks exposures and two observations had high enough signal-to-noise ratios for rudimentary spectral analysis. We calculate hardness ratios (-0.43 to 0.01) for the three detected objects and use them to estimate photon indices in the range of Gamma=1.1-1.8. Relative to [OIII], the type 2 objects are X-ray faint in comparison with Seyfert 1 galaxies, suggesting that the central engines are obscured. We estimate the intrinsic absorption of each object under the assumption that the [OIII] emission line luminosities are correlated with the unabsorbed X-ray luminosity. The results are consistent with moderate (N_H~10^22 cm^-2) absorption over the Galactic values in three of the four objects, which might explain the non-detection of broad-line emission in optical spectra. One object in our sample, SDSS J110912.40+612346.7, is a near identical type 2 counterpart of the late-type Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4395. While the two objects have very similar [OIII] luminosities, the type 2 object has an X-ray/[OIII] flux ratio nearly an order of magnitude lower than NGC 4395. The most plausible explanation for this difference is absorption of the primary X-ray continuum of the type 2 object, providing an indication that obscuration-based unified models of active galaxies can apply even at the lowest luminosities seen among Seyfert nuclei, down to L_bol~10^40-10^41 erg/s.Comment: 5 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    X-ray Properties of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Active Galaxies. II. X-ray-Bright Accretion and Possible Evidence for Slim Disks

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    We present X-ray properties of optically-selected intermediate-mass (~10^5--10^6 M_Sun) black holes (BHs) in active galaxies (AGNs), using data from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. Our observations are a continuation of a pilot study by Greene & Ho (2007). Of the 8 objects observed, 5 are detected with X-ray luminosities in the range L_0.5-2 keV = 10^41--10^43 erg s^-1, consistent with the previously observed sample. Objects with enough counts to extract a spectrum are well fit by an absorbed power law. We continue to find a range of soft photon indices 1 < \Gamma_s < 2.7, where N(E) \propto E^-\Gamma_s, consistent with previous AGN studies, but generally flatter than other narrow-line Seyfert 1 active nuclei (NLS1s). The soft photon index correlates strongly with X-ray luminosity and Eddington ratio, but does not depend on BH mass. There is no justification for the inclusion of any additional components, such as a soft excess, although this may be a function of the relative inefficiency of detecting counts above 2 keV in these relatively shallow observations. As a whole, the X-ray-to-optical spectral slope \alpha_ox is flatter than in more massive systems, even other NLS1s. Only X-ray-selected NLS1s with very high Eddington ratios share a similar \alpha_ox. This is suggestive of a physical change in the accretion structure at low masses and at very high accretion rates, possibly due to the onset of slim disks. Although the detailed physical explanation for the X-ray loudness of these intermediate-mass BHs is not certain, it is very striking that targets selected on the basis of optical properties should be so distinctly offset in their broader spectral energy distributions.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ApJ, emulateap

    Against Whitewashing

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    This article is an account of recent activity in the U.K. archives sector against white supremacy which is written by a number of people active in the work. Through our work, we are aware of previous initiatives in this area, but written sources about the history of this work are patchy at best. This account offers a description of recent activity so that it is “on record”. We recognise that a historical account of previous efforts would be valuable, but that is not our objective here. This article offers a statement of the problem of white supremacy in the U.K.’s archives sector. It then provides an overview of the work of organisations such as the Black Cultural Archives (BCA), The National Archives (TNA), and the Archives and Records Association (ARA). This is background for more grassroots activities and networks, which are described in the article. The article discusses the events at the ARA 2019 conference, which was a flashpoint for resistance to white supremacy in the profession, before discussing a number of subsequent activities that sought to define a vision for the profession in which white supremacy and other violent power structures are abolished. The article concludes by offering some thoughts about the future of this work

    Against Whitewashing: The Recent History of Anti-Racist Action in the British Archives Sector

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    This article is an account of recent activity in the U.K. archives sector against white supremacy which is written by a number of people active in the work. Through our work, we are aware of previous initiatives in this area, but written sources about the history of this work are patchy at best. This account offers a description of recent activity so that it is on record . We recognise that a historical account of previous efforts would be valuable, but that is not our objective here. This article offers a statement of the problem of white supremacy in the U.K.’s archives sector. It then provides an overview of the work of organisations such as the Black Cultural Archives (BCA), The National Archives (TNA), and the Archives and Records Association (ARA). This is background for more grassroots activities and networks, which are described in the article. The article discusses the events at the ARA 2019 conference, which was a flashpoint for resistance to white supremacy in the profession, before discussing a number of subsequent activities that sought to define a vision for the profession in which white supremacy and other violent power structures are abolished. The article concludes by offering some thoughts about the future of this work