995 research outputs found

    body art as a tool for the alteration of perception in militar contexts (a case study in Herodotus)

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019Warfare is largely based on the senses and on psychomotor capabilities of those involved; soldiers and commanders need to be aware of their surroundings and of the enemy in order to fight. Any disruption which leads to alteration of perception can prove disastrous, and Ancient Warfare has numerous such cases. In Herodotus, the case study of the usage of whitewash by the Phocians against the Thessalians is a good example of the effect’s deception can have in the perception of reality by an enemy army, leading them to lose their north and consequently lose the battle. In other words, deception is a key element in warfare, due to its ability to shift the state of mind of the enemy, causing them to become confused, and hence less proficient in their tasks. In my communication, I intend to approach the topic of deception as a disruptor for the experience of battle, supporting my statements with evidence collected from the aforementioned battle between Phocians and Thessalians, recounted by Herodotus in his Histories (book 8, sections 27 and 28). Furthermore, I will also aim to provide an overview of the importance of perception as a whole in the topic of battle, and how perception (or the disruption of perception) contributes to the outcome of military episodes.publishersversionpublishe

    Benign inheritable disorders of bilirubin metabolism manifested by conjugated hyperbilirubinemia: a narrative review

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    © 2022 The Authors. United European Gastroenterology Journal published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of United European Gastroenterology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.Bilirubin, a breakdown product of heme, is normally glucuronidated and excreted by the liver into bile. Failure of this system can lead to a buildup of conjugated bilirubin in the blood, resulting in jaundice. Hyperbilirubinemia is an important clinical sign that needs to be investigated under a stepwise evaluation. Inherited non-hemolytic conjugated hyperbilirubinemic conditions include Dubin-Johnson syndrome (caused by mutations affecting ABCC2 gene) and Rotor syndrome (caused by the simultaneous presence of mutations in SLCO1B1 and SLCO1B3 genes). Although classically viewed as benign conditions requiring no treatment, they lately gained an increased interest since recent studies suggested that mutations in the responsible genes leading to hyperbilirubinemia, as well as minor genetic variants, may result in an increased susceptibility to drug toxicity. This article provides a comprehensive review on the pathophysiology of Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes, presenting the current knowledge concerning the molecular details and basis of these conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    East Timor and the importance of aid in an oil-producing country

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    Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação InternacionalEste trabalho analisa comparativamente as fontes de financiamento externo vis-à-vis as receitas de petróleo e os fatores que podem influenciar a APD a Timor-Leste. A questão principal desta dissertação é a discussão do papel dessas fontes de financiamento e, em particular, a APD e petróleo como fontes confiáveis de forma a assegurar o futuro desenvolvimento económico e social de Timor-Leste.This work will comparatively analyze the sources of external financing sources vis-à-vis the oil revenue and the factors that might influence East Timor's ODA. Thus, the main research question of this dissertation is to discuss the role of those financing sources and, particularly, ODA and oil as a reliable source in assuring the economic and social future development in East Timor.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of manual lymphatic drainage and neuromuscular bandages in the rehabilitation of post-liposuction for breast reconstruction: a case report

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    Introdução – A reconstrução mamária, no processo pós-cancro da mama, poderá ser levada a cabo através da lipoaspiração cujas consequências poderão ser ultrapassadas através da fisioterapia. Objetivo – Verificar, num estudo de caso, os resultados da drenagem linfática manual (DLM) e das bandas neuromusculares (BNM) na dor, edema, hematoma e pigmentação do abdómen e mamas após lipoaspiração para reconstrução mamária. Metodologia – Uma paciente foi sujeita a 10 sessões de fisioterapia com aplicação de DLM e BNM. Em cada sessão foram avaliados, nas mamas e no abdómen, a dor, o edema, o hematoma e a pigmentação. Resultados – Eliminação da dor, desaparecimento do hematoma abdominal, normalização da pigmentação mamária e diminuição do edema. Conclusão – Neste estudo de caso, a DLM e as BNM melhoram as consequências no pós-cirúrgico de lipoaspiração para reconstrução mamária. ABSTRACT - Introduction – Breast reconstruction, post breast cancer, can be carried out through liposuction which consequences may be overcomed through physiotherapy. Objective – Check, in a study case, the results of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and neuromuscular bandages (NMB) in pain, edema, bruising and pigmentation on abdomen and breasts, after liposuction for breast reconstruction. Methodology – A patient underwent 10 sessions of physiotherapy with application of MLD and NMB. In each session were evaluated breast and abdomen pain, edema, bruising and pigmentation. Results – Elimination of pain, disappearance of abdominal hematoma, normalization of breast pigmentation and reduction of edema. Conclusion – In this study case, MLD and NMB improve the consequences of post-surgical liposuction for breast reconstruction

    Rotor Syndrome Presenting as Dubin-Johnson Syndrome

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    A 42-year-old man with no relevant past medical history presented with intermittent mild icterus and no signs of chronic liver disease. Laboratory tests were notable for hyperbilirubinemia (total 7.97 mg/dL, direct 5.37 mg/dL), bilirubinuria, no signs of hemolysis, normal liver tests and lipids profile. Abdominal ultrasound was unremarkable. A panel of chronic liver diseases was negative except for increased serum (147.4 μg/dL) and urinary (179 μg/24 h) copper, with normal ceruloplasmin. No other Leipzig criteria for Wilson’s disease were found, including a negative test for ATP7B gene mutations (by exome sequencing). Total urinary coproporphyrin was normal with predominance of isomer I (86% of total urinary coproporphyrin output). Clinical and laboratorial profile was compatible with Dubin-Johnson syndrome; however, exome sequencing and search for deletions in the ABBC2 gene (encoding MRP2) only found a heterozygous potentially pathogenic variant (c.1483A>G – p.Lys495Glu). Additional extended molecular analysis of genes implicated in bilirubin metabolism found a homozygous deletion of a region encompassing exons 4–16 of SLCO1B3 gene (encoding OATP1B3) and all SLCO1B1 exons (encoding OATP1B1), thereby establishing Rotor syndrome diagnosis. Rotor and DubinJohnson syndromes are rare autosomal recessive liver diseases characterized by chronic conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, caused by the absence of the hepatic function OATP1B1/B3 (leading to impaired hepatic bilirubin reuptake and storage) and MRP2 transporters (leading to impaired hepatic bilirubin excretion), respectively. We report a case of compound hereditary hyperbilirubinemia with a misleading presentation with special focus on its diagnosis, particularly the advantage of extensive unbiased genetic testing by dedicated laboratories. With this case, we aim to highlight the necessity of establishing a diagnosis, reassuring the patient, and avoiding unnecessary invasive and costly diagnostic procedures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Corporate social responsibility levels and firm performance: Evidence from countries in crisis

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsIn times of economic downturn it is of utmost importance for companies to find alternative ways to enhance their value while disregarding all activities that have the potential to destroy value. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosures inform analysts and investors about companies‟ ethical accountability and engagement towards society, possibly contributing to the overall value of a company. This paper examines the rapport between different levels of CSR disclosure and stock market performance, analyzing a sample comprised by companies from Portugal, Spain and Italy, given that these are some of the countries most affected by the 2008 financial crisis. The period covered ranges from 2008 to 2012. CSR disclosure levels are measured through the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. Results unveil that markets value a low CSR disclosure negatively, but do not find other levels of disclosure to add value, which implies that in times of crisis a low CSR disclosure may increase information asymmetry between a company and market participants. Furthermore, an analysis of the changes in GRI reveals the existence of a positive relation between stock market returns and upward changes in CSR disclosure levels

    Identifying key competencies of a high potential candidate for a position of a district manager at Calzedonia Portugal

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    The following Direct Research Work Project aims at solving the challenge of recruiting appropriate candidates for a position of a District Manager at Calzedonia Portugal. The purpose of this work project is to identify key competencies of a high potential District Manager for that position and to help the company in the process of finding these competencies on candidates. A sample of twenty seven responses from the employees working for Calzedonia Portugal was obtained and analysed. Results indicate that the top five key competencies of a high potential District Manager at this company are leadership, assertiveness, technical expertise and a need for achievement

    Destination brand love and destination coolness: A case study about Lisbon

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    Over the years, tourism is suffering a lot of changes. There is a constant need of adaptation to the new trends, so a destination keeps occupying a special place in tourists minds. For Lisbon, as a tourism destination is not any different since, in general, it is greatly impacted by the influx of tourism. On the other hand, tourists are now changing their perspective when it comes to decide where they should travel to and deciding it based on feelings and emotions. This study contributes to the tourism research since its main objective is to understand the influence of brand love and coolness and how it affects Lisbon as a tourism destination. For the methodological approach, a quantitative analysis was made through a questionnaire that was carried out online. To test the hypothesis purposed, multiple linear regression models were used based on several equations in SPSS. According to this study’s results, the image of a destination is primordial for the tourists’ perceptions. Also, the two main constructs of these study, brand love and coolness, lead to positive outcomes that can have great impact in Lisbon’s tourism. The results presented in this study contribute to the existing research and helping in that way the tourism sector to better understand and follow the changes that tourism is suffering every day.Ao longo dos anos, o turismo tem sofrido algumas alterações. Existe uma constante necessidade de adaptação às novas tendências para que o destino continue a ocupar um lugar especial na mente do consumidor. Esta nova adaptação não será diferente para Lisboa, como destino turístico, uma vez que no geral, a mesma é fortemente impactada pelo fluxo do turismo. Por outro lado, os turistas estão a alterar a sua perspetiva no que diz respeito à escolha de um destino turístico, tomando decisões com base em sentimentos e emoções. Este estudo contribui para a pesquisa de turismo uma vez que os seus principais objetivos passam por perceber a influência do brand love e do coolness e de que forma os mesmos podem afetar lisboa enquanto destino turístico. Para a abordagem metodológica, foi elaborado um estudo quantitativo através de um questionário realizado online. Para testar as hipóteses propostas, modelos de regressão linear múltipla foram utilizados nas várias equações elaboradas, através do SPSS. Tendo em conta os resultados apresentados neste estudo, a imagem de um destino mostrou-se primordial no que diz respeito às perceções dos turistas. É também importante referir que os dois principais construtos do presente estudo, brand love e coolness, refletem-se em resultados bastante positivos que poderão ter um grande impacto no turismo em lisboa. Os resultados apresentados neste estudo, contribuem para a literatura existente, ajudando dessa forma o setor do turismo a entender da melhor forma e a seguir as mudanças que o turismo sofre constantemente

    The impact of local responsiveness on the process of internationalization : the case of Jerónimo Martins in Colombia

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    The case study under examination focuses on the internalization strategy held by a major Portuguese retail company that decided to expand its business to Colombia by starting a successful local supermarket chain named "Ara". The objective of the research is to provide an important insight regarding the relationship between the dilemma of standardization/adaptation, the Local Responsiveness (“LR”) impact and sustainability for the retail food industry. This dissertation endeavours to recognize the factors hidden LR as saw by administrators of Multinational Enterprises ("MNE") inside an element rising environment. This project purpose is to analyse three crucial areas that can definitely impact the success of such strategy: environment, structure and organization. The results that surfaced from this research attest the difficulty in understanding a given company’s international strategy, namely because although the internationalisation process can be easily assessed the underlying strategy suffers profound structural changes along the process. The final finding is that, to some extent, when the internationalization strategy considers LR as core goal, it supports sustainable growth and contributes to the success of the project. My goal is that the conclusions drawn from this study can make an important commitment to the current hypotheses with respect to the subject, and also helping organizations in characterizing and executing their internationalization methodologies.O impacto da capacidade de resposta local no processo de internacionalização. O caso da Jerónimo Martins na Colômbia Autor: Mariana Carvalho Duarte de Sousa Morais O caso de estudo apresentado, foca o processo de internacionalização de uma grande empresa de retalho portuguesa, Jerónimo Martins, que decidiu expandir o seu negócio na Colômbia através de uma nova cadeia de supermercados – a “Ara”. O objetivo desta tese é obter uma melhor compreensão entre o dilema da relação de conceitos como a sustentabilidade/adaptação, o impacto da resposta local na estratégia e a sustentabilidade do sector do retalho alimentar. Identificando os fatores subjacentes ao conceito de Local Responsiveness percebidas pela gestão das subsidiarias de multinacionais, enquadrada na dinâmica de países emergentes. Propõe-se validar três níveis de fatores: ambientais, estruturais e organizacionais. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a estratégia internacional de uma empresa nem sempre é facilmente compreendida quando analisada. Como exemplo, o momento em que se decide enveredar pela globalização pode determinar o processo de internacionalização, mas a estratégia pode mudar ao longo do tempo. Como conclusões finais, demonstra-se que, quando uma empresa inclui na sua estratégia a capacidade de resposta local e acredita que esse fator é crucial para o sucesso, tal decisão ajuda a suportar e manter o crescimento do projeto. Espera-se que as conclusões deste estudo possam vir a contribuir positivamente para as teorias existentes sobre esta matéria e para o sucesso da estratégia de crescimento e internacionalização de qualquer empresa