48 research outputs found

    Vulneración al derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad en el régimen disciplinario de las Fuerzas Armadas del Perú

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    The objective of the investigation is to establish how the prohibition of maintaining sentimental relations between personnel of different military classification in the Armed Forces of Peru, violates the fundamental right to the free development of personality recognized by the Political Constitution of the State. For this, a non-experimental investigation of a descriptive cross-sectional design was carried out. The instrument that was used was of our own elaboration and has had the validation of the military authorities where the investigation was carried out. The data collection allows us to affirm that 65% of those surveyed have had this constitutional right violated. In detail, it is stated that 2.5% of the sample were forced to resign to maintain their sentimental relationship with the benefits that the Armed Forces grant to the conjugal union. Likewise, the investigation has allowed us to collect data that shows us that 25% of the respondents maintain sentimental relationships with personnel of different military categories in a hidden way from their institution; causing, that in many cases they have not recognized their children and that for this reason they are not offered the benefits that by conjugal union are granted in the Armed Forces.La investigación tiene por objetivo establecer de qué manera la prohibición de mantener relaciones sentimentales entre personal de distinta clasificación militar en las Fuerzas Armadas del Perú, vulnera el derecho fundamental al libre desarrollo de la personalidad reconocido por la Constitución Política del Estado. Para ello se realizó una investigación no experimental de diseño transversal de tipo descriptivo. El instrumento que se utilizó fue de elaboración propia y ha contado con la validación de las autoridades militares donde se realizó la investigación. El levantamiento de datos permite afirmar que al 65 % de los encuestados se les ha vulnerado este derecho constitucional. De manera detallada se afirma que al 2.5 % de la muestra se les obligó a renunciar para mantener su relación sentimental con los beneficios que otorgan las Fuerzas Armadas a la unión conyugal. Así mismo, la investigación ha permitido recopilar datos que nos demuestra que el 25 % de los encuestados mantiene relaciones sentimentales con personal de distinta categoría militar de manera oculta a su institución; ocasionando, que en muchos casos no hayan reconocido a sus hijos y que por ello no se les brinde los beneficios que por unión conyugal se otorga en las Fuerzas Armadas

    Clima laboral en los servicios de neonatología de dos IPRESS nivel III EsSalud La Libertad, durante el COVID-19

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    Con el objeto de comparar el clima laboral en los servicios de neonatología de dos IPRESS nivel III EsSalud “Víctor Lazarte Echegaray” y “Virgen de la Puerta”, de la ciudad de Trujillo, 2020, durante el COVID-19, se realizó una investigación descriptiva comparativa de diseño transversal, involucrando al personal asistencial y de apoyo sanitario (91 personas), a los que se les aplicó la escala de clima laboral SCL-SPC, 2005. Se encontró que el clima laboral en los servicios de neonatología de las dos instituciones en estudio es percibido, mayoritariamente, como regular (81,0% y 75,0%, respectivamente). En relación a las dimensiones del clima laboral, también son percibidas en un nivel regular en ambos servicios: realización personal (55,6% y 82,1%), involucramiento laboral (55,6% y 82,1%), supervisión laboral (65,1% y 82,1%), comunicación laboral (60,3% y 46,4%) y condiciones laborales (65,1% y 63,3%). Se concluye que sí existe diferencias (p <0,05) entre el clima laboral a nivel general y en sus dimensiones de involucramiento laboral, comunicación y condiciones laborales

    Winter Diet of Montezuma Quail in Arizona and New Mexico

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    Investigating the diet composition of Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) is fundamental for unveiling how food resources limit the species’ population size and may provide relevant tools for their harvest and habitat management. The objective of this research was to determine the composition and geographic variation of the winter diet of the Montezuma quail in Arizona and New Mexico, USA, from quail crops harvested during the hunting seasons of 2008–2017. In addition, we used beta regression analyses to determine the effect of environmental factors and ecological variables (annual mean precipitation, annual mean temperature, landscape diversity, diet diversity, time of hunt, longitude, latitude, and elevation) on Montezuma quail diet composition. We found that acorns (Quercus spp.) and sedge rhizomes (Cyperus fendlerianus) are the most frequent food items of Montezuma quail in Arizona and New Mexico, respectively, followed by tepary beans (Phaseolus acutifolius), woodsorrel tubers (Oxalis spp.) and insects in both states. Individual crop wet mass is positively associated with time of day during winter. Geographic variation in Montezuma quail diet composition in Arizona and New Mexico was associated with mean annual precipitation for acorns and with geographic variation in mean annual temperature for rhizomes and tubers of sedge (Cyperus spp.). Geographic variation of other food items was not associated with those environmental factors. These functional relationships between the species’ diet and environmental factors suggest that Montezuma quail preference towards these two principal food items is subject to climatic control. Therefore, warmer and drier environments in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico may affect the species’ distribution through changes in food availability


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    The dynamics of curriculum design for anthropological competition in teacher training is understood from adequate educational concept to consider the human and cultural formation of these teachers for better professional performance. Such considerations support the idea of developing a curriculum on epistemological and methodological foundations to consider the essential aspects of human formation. The dynamics of curriculum design competition for anthropological models from the Scientific Conception of Holistic-configurational than two dimensions, the anthropological cultural-educational design and other anthropological and professional methodological, both dialectically related configurations expressing movement in the mode of being and make teachers in training.&nbsp; La dinámica del diseño curricular para la competencia antropológica en la formación de docentes se comprende a partir de una adecuada concepción didáctica que considere la formación humana y cultural de estos docentes para un mejor desempeño profesional. Tales consideraciones sustentan la idea de elaborar un diseño curricular sobre fundamentos epistemológicos y metodológicos que consideren los aspectos esenciales de la formación humana. La dinámica del diseño curricular para la competencia antropológica modela desde la Concepción Científica de lo Holístico Configuracional dos dimensiones, una cultural del diseño antropo-pedagógico y la otra metodológica antropo-profesional, ambas relacionan dialécticamente, configuraciones que expresan en su movimiento el modo de ser y de hacer de los docentes en formación

    Composition of the Montezuma Quail’s Diet in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas

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    The Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) is a popular game bird and an indicator species of oak-pine savannas in the northern part of its range. In Arizona and New Mexico, USA, robust populations allow for a hunting season from mid-November through mid-February. However, there is no open hunting season for this quail in Texas, USA. Data on the Montezuma quail’s diet can provide new information and improve management of the species. Our objective was to analyze the diet composition of the Montezuma quail in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Specimens were collected by hunters in Arizona and New Mexico during 2016–2020 seasons and by researchers during 2018–2020 winter and spring seasons in Texas. We estimated the diet composition by macrohistological analysis of the collected quail crops. We found a high variety of food items: 178 items or morphospecies in crops (n = 175), from which 110 and 66 items were of plant and animal origin, respectively, and 2 unidentified items. We found an average (± standard error) of 5.89 ± 0.42 items/crop (range = 0–22) in Arizona (n = 107) samples, 4.15 ± 0.99 items/crop (range = 1–13) in New Mexico (n = 13), and 4.38 ± 0.40 items/crop (range = 1–12) in Texas (n = 55). Winter diet of Montezuma quail in Arizona was mainly represented by bulbs of Oxalis spp. (35.22% of dry weight), bulbs and rhizomes of Cyperus spp. (30.92%), acorns (Quercus spp.; 7.17%), and tepari beans (Phaseolus acutifolius; 6.50%). Winter diet in New Mexico consisted mainly of bulbs of Cyperus spp. (64.13%), beans of Macroptilium spp. (15.82%), and Panicum hallii grains (10.11%). In Texas, winter diet consisted mostly of rhizomes and bulbs of Cyperus spp. (28.17%), Rhynchosia senna beans (22.49%), P. hallii grains (19.54%), Allium wild onions (8.58%), and Cylindropuntia imbricata seeds (4.16%). The Montezuma quail’s spring diet in Texas consisted mainly of rhizomes and bulbs of Cyperus spp. (61.64%) and bulbs of Oxalis spp. (19.46%). The Montezuma quail diet changes in composition and proportion according to the site and season, but bulbs and rhizomes of Cyperus spp. are the predominant food items in all 3 states. This work provides novel information about the winter and spring diet of Montezuma quail in Texas. Information about Montezuma quail diet at several temporal and geographic scales will prove to be highly relevant to implement better management and conservation strategies in the northern edge of the species’ range

    Variability and Genetic Structure of the Montezuma Quail Cyrtonyx montezumae in the Northern Limit of its Distribution

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    A species’ geographic distribution of genetic variability is influenced by different factors including size of geographic distribution, dispersal capability, mating system, and migration. For instance, a low migration rate among populations may cause a decrease in genetic variation. Such is the case of the Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae), a popular game bird with a limited flight capacity that prevents long-distance dispersal. In the northern limit of the species’ distribution in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas in the United States, the species inhabits oak forests that are separated from one another by deserts. Consequently, Montezuma quail populations are distributed in patches or islands. Knowledge of the species’ genetic structure is likely to help inform habitat management decisions. The objective of this study was to determine patterns of genetic variation in populations of the Montezuma quail using 9 microsatellite DNA loci. We genotyped 119 individuals harvested from 4 populations: Arizona (AZ), western New Mexico (WNM), eastern New Mexico (ENM), and west Texas (WTX). Montezuma quail populations had low observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.22 ± 0.04) and a low number of alleles per locus (A = 2.41 ± 0.27) compared to other quail species. A global population genetic differentiation index (RST) of 0.045 suggests a weak genetic structure. Max(RST) occurred among pairwise comparisons AZ-WTX, AZ-ENM, and WNM-WTX. A Bayesian allocation analysis indicates that individuals were separated into 3 groups (K = 3), placing the populations of Arizona and Texas in distinct groups apart from the 2 populations of New Mexico, which are in the same group. Despite this differentiation, the Bayesian allocation analysis suggests admixture among populations, which may be an indicator of migration between them, especially between the populations in New Mexico and Arizona. An isolation-by-distance analysis indicates that there is a strong correlation (R2 = 0.84) and suggestive evidence (P = 0.08) of non-independence between geographical and genetic distances, though Montezuma quail populations in the southwestern United States may not be isolated. Climate change projections indicate an increase in aridity conditions in this region, especially in temperate ecosystems where the species occurs. In this scenario, corridors between the populations may disappear, thus causing their complete isolation

    Síndrome de burnout en el personal de enfermería de unidades de cuidado crítico y de hospitalización

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    Introduction: The objective of the study was to identify the prevalence of the Burnout Syndrome and its dimensions in the nursing personnel working in the critical care and hospitalization units.Methodology: A descriptive, observational, and cross-sectional study was performed in 90 nurses. The Maslach Burnout Inventory for health personnel was used. An exploratory, descriptive, and inferential analysis was carried out; the Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests statistics were used.Results: A medium level regarding the burnout syndrome, 82.2%, was found; emotional exhaustion decreased by 62.2%; low level of depersonalization, 57.8%, and low level of lack of personal accomplishment, 40%. There was a statistically significant difference between burnout syndrome and work shift, double work shift per month, vacation periods per year, and workload; between emotional exhaustion and type of service, two-week income, double work shift, vacation periods, type of procurement, and workload; between depersonalization and workload; and between lack of personal accomplishment and type of service, work shift, two-week income, rest period during the shift, vacation periods per year, and type of procurement. Conclusions: A higher percentage of nursing personnel had a mild burnout syndrome. No statistically significant difference between burnout syndrome and its dimensions and the sociological characteristics of the nursing personnel was found. Evidence that job characteristics are those that show more influence in the development of the burnout syndrome was found.Introducción: El objetivo del estudio fue identificar la prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout y sus dimensiones en el personal de enfermería de unidades de cuidado crítico y de hospitalización.Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal en 90 enfermeras y enfermeros. Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Maslach Burnout Inventory para el personal de salud. Se realizó análisis exploratorio y análisis descriptivo e inferencial; se emplearon los estadísticos U de Mann Whitney y Kruskal Wallis.Resultados: Se encontró nivel medio de Síndrome de Burnout 82.2%; Agotamiento Emocional bajo 62.2%; nivel bajo de Despersonalización 57.8% y nivel bajo de Falta de Realización Personal 40%. Se evidenció diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre Síndrome de Burnout y turno de trabajo, doble turno al mes, períodos vacacionales al año y carga de trabajo; entre Agotamiento Emocional y tipo de servicio, ingreso quincenal, doble turno al mes, períodos vacacionales, tipo de contratación y carga de trabajo; entre Despersonalización y carga de trabajo; y entre Falta de Realización Personal y tipo de servicio, gusto por el servicio, turno de trabajo, ingreso quincenal, períodos de descanso en el turno, períodos vacacionales al año y tipo de contratación.Conclusiones: Un porcentaje mayor del personal de enfermería obtuvo nivel medio de Síndrome de Burnout. No se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el síndrome de Burnout y sus dimensiones con las características sociológicas del personal de enfermería. Se encontró evidencia de que las características laborales son las que presentan mayor influencia en el desarrollo del Síndrome de Burnout


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    This investigation includes an integrative perspective of the problematic thing related to the formation of a dialectic holistic knowledge in the professors of the medical sciences in the context of the scientific pedagogic formation starting from the insufficiencies identified in this process in the educational stages in Puerto Padre Medical Sciences University, Las Tunas, andCuba. This study offers an strategy with diverse components as well as the interrelation of the develop categories. This topic supported theoretically in a pedagogical model of formation on the base of a philosophical conception– pedagogic that expresses the dialectic report of the configurations, link together, dimensions and the system of by relations of the activity, it is exposed also as the base of the development of the process, the existent contradiction between the scientific formation dialectic holistic to the educational physicians and the inconsistent results in the pedagogical functions, after the application of the strategy describes in the investigation, have can appreciate substantial advances in practice pedagogic of these educational, these results corroborated through two workshops of socialization with the presence of specialists and the sample that reveal the pertinence of the proposal in a process contextualized in the Medical Superior Education.Esta investigación aborda, desde una perspectiva integradora la problemática de la formación de un conocimiento holístico dialéctico en los docentes de las Ciencias Médicas en el contexto de su formación científico pedagógica partiendo de las insuficiencias identificadas en este proceso en los escenarios docentes dela Filialde Ciencias Médicas de Puerto Padre, Las Tunas, Cuba. En el referido estudio se ofrece en el orden práctico una estrategia con sus diversos componentes así como la interrelación de las categorías trabajadas. Lo anterior se sustenta teóricamente en un modelo pedagógico de dicha formación sobre la base de una concepción filosófico – pedagógica que expresa la relación dialéctica de las configuraciones, eslabones, dimensiones y el sistema de relaciones de la actividad, se expone también como base del desarrollo del proceso, la contradicción existente entre la formación científica holístico dialéctica de los docentes médicos y sus inconsistentes resultados en el desempeño de sus funciones pedagógicas, tras la aplicación de la estrategia descrita en la investigación, se han podido apreciar avances sustanciales en la práctica pedagógica de estos docentes, estos resultados se corroboraron a través de dos talleres de socialización con la presencia de especialistas y la muestra involucrada que revelan la pertinencia de la propuesta en un proceso debidamente contextualizado enla Educación MédicaSuperio