5,150 research outputs found

    Search for massive protostellar candidates in the southern hemisphere: I. Association with dense gas

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    (Abridged) We have observed CS and C17O lines, and 1.2 mm cont. emission towards a sample of 130 high-mass protostellar candidates with DEC<-30 deg. This is the first step of the southern extension of a project started more than a decade ago aimed at the identification of massive protostellar candidates. We selected from the IRAS PSC 429 sources which potentially are compact molecular clouds. The sample is divided into two groups: the 298 sources with [25-12]>0.57 and [60-12]>1.30 we call 'High' sources, the remaining 131 we call 'Low' sources. In this paper, we check the association with dense gas and dust in 130 'Low' sources. We find a detection rate of ca. 85% in CS, demonstrating a tight association with dense molecular clumps. Among the sources detected in CS, ca. 76% have also been detected in C17O and ca. 93% in the 1.2 mm cont. Mm-cont. maps show the presence of clumps with diameters 0.2-2 pc and masses from a few Msun to 10^5 Msun; H2 volume densities lie between ca. 10^{4.5} and 10^{5.5} cm^{-3}. The L(bol) are 10^3-10^6 Lsun, consistent with embedded high-mass objects. Based on our results and those found in the literature for other samples, we conclude that our sources are massive objects probably in a stage prior to the formation of an HII region. We propose a scenario in which 'High' and 'Low' sources are both made of a massive clump hosting a high-mass protostellar candidate and a nearby stellar cluster. The difference might be due to the fact that the IRAS 12mu flux, the best discriminant between the two groups, is dominated by the emission from the cluster in 'Lows' and from the massive protostellar object in 'Highs'.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astron. & Astroph.; 34 pages (incl. 14 figures and 8 tables

    The Nature of Risk Preferences: Evidence from Insurance Choices

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    The authors use data on insurance deductible choices to estimate a structural model of risky choice that incorporates standard risk aversion (diminishing marginal utility for wealth) and probability distortions. They find that probability distortions--characterized by substantial overweighting of small probabilities and only mild insensitivity to probability changes--play an important role in explaining the aversion to risk manifested in deductible choices. This finding is robust to allowing for observed and unobserved heterogeneity in preferences. They demonstrate that neither Kőszegi-Rabin loss aversion alone nor Gul disappointment aversion alone can explain our estimated probability distortions, signifying a key role for probability weighting

    The Cost of Legal Restrictions on Experience Rating

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    We investigate the cost of legal restrictions on experience rating in auto and home insurance. The cost is an opportunity cost as experience rating can mitigate the problems associated with unobserved heterogeneity in claim risk, including mispriced coverage and resulting demand distortions. We assess this cost through a counterfactual analysis in which we explore how risk predictions, premiums, and demand in home insurance and two lines of auto insurance would respond to unrestricted multiline experience rating. Using claims data from a large sample of households, we first estimate the variance-covariance matrix of unobserved heterogeneity in claim risk. We then show that conditioning on claims experience leads to material refinements of predicted claim rates. Lastly, we assess how the households’ demand for coverage would respond to multiline experience rating. We find that the demand response would be large

    Estimating Risk Preferences in the Field

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    We survey the literature on estimating risk preferences using field data. We concentrate our attention on studies in which risk preferences are the focal object and estimating their structure is the core enterprise. We review a number of models of risk preferences—including both expected utility (EU) theory and non-EU models—that have been estimated using field data, and we highlight issues related to identification and estimation of such models using field data. We then survey the literature, giving separate treatment to research that uses individual-level data (e.g., property insurance data) and research that uses aggregate data (e.g., betting market data). We conclude by discussing directions for future research

    Distinguishing Probability Weighting from Risk Misperceptions in Field Data

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    The paper outlines a strategy for distinguishing rank-dependent probability weighting from systematic risk misperceptions in field data. Our strategy relies on singling out a field environment with two key properties: (i) the objects of choice are money lotteries with more than two outcomes and (ii) the ranking of outcomes differs across lotteries. We first present an abstract model of risky choice that elucidates the identification problem and our strategy. The model has numerous applications, including insurance choices and gambling. We then consider the application of insurance deductible choices and illustrate our strategy using simulated data

    IRAS 23385+6053: a candidate protostellar massive object

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    We present the results of a multi-line and continuum study towards the source IRAS 23385+6053,performed with the IRAM-30m telescope, the Plateau de Bure Interferometer, the Very Large Array Interferometer and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The new results confirm our earlier findings, namely that IRAS 23385+6053 is a good candidate high-mass protostellar object, precursor of an ultracompact HII_{II} region. The source is roughly composed of two regions: a molecular core 0.03÷0.04\sim0.03\div0.04 pc in size, with a temperature of 40\sim40 K and an H2_{2} volume density of the order of 107^{7} cm3^{-3}, and an extended halo of diameter \leq0.4 pc, with an average kinetic temperature of 15\sim 15 K and H2_{2} volume density of the order of 105^{5} cm3^{-3}. The core temperature is much smaller than what is typically found in molecular cores of the same diameter surrounding massive ZAMS stars. We deduce that the core luminosity is between 150 and 1.6×104L1.6\times10^{4}L_{\odot}, and we believe that the upper limit is near the ``true'' source luminosity. Moreover, by comparing the H2_{2} volume density obtained at different radii from the IRAS source, we find that the halo has a density profile of the type nH2r2.3n_{\rm H_{2}}\propto r^{-2.3}. This suggests that the source is gravitationally unstable. Finally, we demonstrate that the temperature at the core surface is consistent with a core luminosity of 103L10^3 L_{\odot} and conclude that we might be observing a protostar still accreting material from its parental cloud, whose mass at present is 6M\sim 6 M_{\odot}.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figure

    The Nature of Risk Preferences: Evidence from Insurance Choices

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    We use data on households' deductible choices in auto and home insurance to estimate a structural model of risky choice that incorporates "standard" risk aversion (concave utility over final wealth), loss aversion, and nonlinear probability weighting. Our estimates indicate that nonlinear probability weighting plays the most important role in explaining the data. More specifically, we find that standard risk aversion is small, loss aversion is nonexistent, and nonlinear probability weighting is large. When we estimate restricted models, we find that nonlinear probability weighting alone can better explain the data than standard risk aversion alone, loss aversion alone, and standard risk aversion and loss aversion combined. Our main findings are robust to a variety of modeling assumptions.

    Mesonic correlation functions at finite temperature and density in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with a Polyakov loop

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    We investigate the properties of scalar and pseudo-scalar mesons at finite temperature and quark chemical potential in the framework of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model coupled to the Polyakov loop (PNJL model) with the aim of taking into account features of both chiral symmetry breaking and deconfinement. The mesonic correlators are obtained by solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation in the RPA approximation with the Hartree (mean field) quark propagator at finite temperature and density. In the phase of broken chiral symmetry a narrower width for the sigma meson is obtained with respect to the NJL case; on the other hand, the pion still behaves as a Goldstone boson. When chiral symmetry is restored, the pion and sigma spectral functions tend to merge. The Mott temperature for the pion is also computed.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.