488 research outputs found

    The Impact of Probiotics on the Gastrointestinal Physiology

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    Flood Mitigation Policy Directive in East Lombok Regency West Nusa Tenggara Province

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    This type of research belongs to the type of descriptive research. The method used in this research is Mixed Methods. Technique of data analysis in this research by using formula determined by criteria and for analysis of data of policy direction of flood mitigation using AHP. Sembalun Sub-district, East Lombok regency is an area with bad land characteristic and supports flood disaster, in terms of flood hazard level included in criteria of moderate flood hazard and has a total level of total risk. Policy priorities that can be considered in decision making in relation to flood mitigation in Sembalun sub-district, East Lombok regency based on 3 criteria that exist using AHP are 1) Based on land characteristic criteria, among others: a) Making permanent embankment, b) Dissemination and disaster simulation flood, c) Provision of flood posts.2) Based on the criteria of disaster response community, among others: a) Establishment of early warning system, b) Disaster flood socialization and simulation, c) Provision of flood posts. 3) Based on the criteria of flood risk level, among others: a) Making permanent embankment, b) Disaster flood socialization and simulation, c) Provision of flood posts and building early warning system

    SELEKSI POPULASI F3 PADA TANAMAN TOMAT (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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    Permintaan tomat dibeberapa daerah terus meningkat, akan tetapi tidak sejalan dengan produktivitas tomat yang semakin menurun. Sehingga diperlukan program peningkatan hasil dan salah satunya dengan  program pemuliaan tanaman. Penelitian ini di-laksanakan di Desa Torongrejo Kecamatan Junrejo Kota Batu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh individu-individu unggul sebagai bahan seleksi pada generasi selanjutnya. Adapun hipotesis yang diusulkan ialah diduga terdapat individu yang memiliki sifat unggul karakter yang dapat digunakan untuk seleksi pada generasi selanjutnya. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini ialah metode single plant dengan menggunakan bahan tanam 10 populasi F3 pada tanaman tomat yaitu MA-8, ME-20, ME-3, MA-12, PE-29, MA-25, PE-26, KE-5, LE-5, LE-21 dan populasi F1 sebagai penghitung ragam lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisien keragaman, heritabilitas, dan kemajuan genetik harapan memiliki nilai kriteria tinggi, sehingga seleksi populasi F3 dilakukan terhadap karakter jumlah buah, jumlah buah baik, bobot buah pertanaman dan bobot perbuah. Telah terpilih 16 individu tanaman antara lain MA-12.2, MA-12.3, MA-12.38, MA-12.43, MA-25.22, MA-25.26, MA-25.44, MA-8.20, LE-21.33, LE-21.34, LE-5.32, KE-5.1, KE-5.36, PE-26.13, ME-3.6 dan ME-3.9dengan nilai jumlah buah berkisar antara 60 sampai 75, jumlah buah baik 52 sampai 69,  bobot buah per-tanaman 2741,28 g sampai  4287,62 g dan bobot per-buah 35,76 g sampai 60,83 g

    Pengaruh Struktur Modal, Ukuran Perusahaan, Kepemilikan Manajerial Dan Agency Cost Sebagai Variabel Intervening Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2011-2013)

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    Performance of the company is activities and results that can be achieved by the group in realizing the goals, objectives, vision, mission contained in the strategic plan of a company, but the company often conflicts agency. The agency conflict will lead to agency cost which would have a negative impact on the performance of the company. This study aims to demonstrate empirically the influence of capital structure, company size, managerial ownership of the agency cost, and to prove empirically the influence of capital structure, company size, managerial ownership, agency cost to company performance. This research was conducted at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI), which is the manufacturing company in the year 2011 to the year 2013. The company's performance is the dependent variable in this study, and agency cost as an intervening variable, while the independent variable in this study is the capital structure, the size of the company , managerial ownership. The population used in this research are manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) during 2011-2013. Sampling method by purposive sampling according to criteria that have been determined. Total sample of 131 companies. Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis of the path (path analisys). Results of this study indicate that: (1) capital structure statistical effect on agency cost, with a significance level of 0.002 0.1 α. (3) managerial ownership does not affect the agency cost, with a significance level of 0.686> 0.1 α. (4) The capital structure affect the performance of the company, with a significance level of 0.086 0.1 α. (7) the cost Agency does not affect the performance of the company, with a significance level of 0.114> 0.1 α. Keywords: Structural modal, size companie, Managerial ownership, Agency cost and the company's performance

    Izolacija iz periferne krvi i analiza funkcija heterofila kokoši protočnom citometrijom – metodološko istraživanje

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    The aim of this study was to modify the flow cytometric method, which is used for analyzing neutrophils, to analyse the functions of avian heterophils. The blood samples used in the experiments were obtained from hens in slaughterhouses. Blood samples were collected from 10 hens for each trial. Within the scope of the present study, trials were carried out regarding the amount of blood, cell suspension, dihydrorodamine-123 (DHR-123), phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), and N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP), as well as the storage duration of blood samples and incubation time. The results showed that 0.5-3 ml of blood could be used to detect heterophil functions, and it would be ideal to conduct analyses using fresh blood samples. In addition, the results showed that blood stored at +4 °C for up to 8 hours may be also used if necessary. In order to isolate the cells, centrifugation for 30 minutes is sufficient, and it is appropriate to use a 30μL cell suspension. 2μL of DHR-123 should be used as a chemical probe to measure heterophil functions. Excessive use of DHR-123 affected the heterophil functions negatively. In addition, it was observed that using 2μL of fMLP, which is used as an oxidative burst stimulant, and 2μL of PMA as a stimulant of chemotaxic activity, were sufficient. It was concluded that incubation at 41 °C for 5 minutes after stimulating the heterophils is also sufficient. We conclude that the methods established in this study could be used to isolate heterophils and to analyze them by flow cytometry. Therefore, this study would contribute to further research and clinical studies in poultry.Cilj je istraživanja bio prilagoditi metodu protočne citometrije, koja se inače primjenjuje u analizi neutrofila, za analizu funkcija ptičjih heterofila. Uzorci krvi 10 kokoši dobiveni su iz klaonica. Uzevši u obzir količinu krvi, kao i trajanje pohrane krvnih uzoraka odnosno vrijeme inkubacije, analizirana su stanična suspenzija, dihidrorodamin-123 (DHR-123), forbol-12-miristat-13-acetat (PMA) i N-formil-metionil-leucil-fenilalanin (fMLP). Rezultati su pokazali da se 0,5 – 3 mL krvi može upotrijebiti za otkrivanje funkcija heterofila te da bi idealno bilo analizirati svježe uzorke krvi. Osim toga rezultati su pokazali da se i krv pohranjena na temperaturi od +4 °C, u vremenu do 8 sati, može upotrijebiti ako je to potrebno. Kako bi se stanice izolirale, dovoljno je centrifugirati 30 minuta uz primjenu stanične suspenzije od 30 μL. Kao kemijsku probu za mjerenje funkcija heterofila trebalo bi upotrijebiti 2 μL DHR-123. Prekomjerna upotreba DHR-123 negativno je utjecala na funkcije heterofila. Također, uočeno je da je bila dovoljna primjena 2 μL fMLP-a, koji služi kao stimulans oksidacijskog izgaranja, kao i primjena 2 μL PMA-a kao stimulansa kemotaktičke aktivnosti. Zaključeno je da je inkubacija na temperaturi od 41 °C, tijekom 5 minuta poslije stimulacije heterofila također dovoljna. Rezultati su pokazali da se metode ustanovljene u ovom radu mogu primijeniti za izolaciju heterofila i njihovu analizu protočnom citometrijom, čime se doprinosi daljnjim istraživanjima i kliničkim studijama u peradi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman dan perbedaan bobot badan dan ukuran tubuh (morfometri) dari berbagai umur maupun jenis kelamin entog, di Desa Tegalweru Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang. Materi penelitian yang digunakan adalah 25 ekor entog jantan dewasa dan 33 ekor entog betina dewasa serta 25 ekor entog jantan muda dan 31 ekor entog betina muda. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif untuk menggambarkan bobot badan dan ukuran tubuh. Pengelompokan umur didasarkan pada hasil wawancara dengan peternak dilanjutkan dengan engecekan kondisi fisik ternak. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa fenotipe bobot badan  jantan dengan betina pada entog dewasa berbeda sangat nyata (P0,05). Fenotipe ukuran tubuh (panjang badan, lingkar dada, panjang paruh, panjang leher, panjang kaki, dan panjang sayap) antara entog jantan dengan betina dewasa berbeda sangat nyata (P0,05). Sedangkan pada semua ukuran tubuh antara entog jantan dengan betina muda dan dewasa terdapat perbedaan sangat nyata (P<0,01). Kecuali antara entog betina dewasa dan muda berbeda nyata (P<0,05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa bobot badan entog muda sangat nyata lebih rendah 12,16% - 42,47% dibandingkan dengan entog dewasa baik pada  jantan maupun betina. Begitu pula ukuran tubuh entog muda sangat nyata lebih rendah 10,59% - 35,69% dibandingkan entog dewasa baik pada jantan maupun betina. Kata Kunci : Bobot badan, Ukuran tubuh entog, Chairina moschat

    A Comparative Study of Pentaquark Interpolating Currents

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    In a diquark-diquark-antiquark picture of pentaquarks, we use two interpolating currents to calculate the mass of the recently measured Ξ\Xi^{--} state in the framework of QCD sum rules. We show that, even though yielding similar values for mΞm_{\Xi^{--}} (and close to the experimental value), these currents differ from each other in what concerns the strength of the pole, convergence of the OPE and sensitivity to the continuum threshold parameter.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, replaced version accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Altitudinal Effects on Innate Immune Response of a Subterranean Rodent.

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    Solak HM, Yanchukov A, Colak F, et al. Altitudinal Effects on Innate Immune Response of a Subterranean Rodent. Zoological science. 2020;37(1):31-41.Immune defense is costly to maintain and deploy, and the optimal investment into immune defense depends on risk of infection. Altitude is a natural environmental factor that is predicted to affect parasite abundance, with lower parasite abundance predicted at higher altitudes due to stronger environmental stressors, which reduce parasite transmission. Using high and low altitude populations of the Turkish blind mole-rat (TBMR) Nannospalax xanthodon, we tested for effects of altitude on constitutive innate immune defense. Field studies were performed with 32 wild animals in 2017 and 2018 from two low- and one high-altitude localities in the Central Taurus Mountains, at respective altitudes of 1010 m, 1115 m, and 2900 m above sea level. We first compared innate standing immune defense as measured by the bacteria-killing ability of blood serum. We then measured corticosterone stress hormone levels, as stressful conditions may affect immune response. Finally, we compared prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal parasites of field-captured TBMR. We found that the bacteria-killing ability of serum is greater in the mole-rat samples from high altitude. There was no significant difference in stress (corticosterone) levels between altitude categories. Coccidian prevalence and abundance were significantly higher in 2017 than 2018 samples, but there was no significant difference in prevalence, abundance, or intensity between altitudes, or between sexes. Small sample sizes may have reduced power to detect true differences; nevertheless, this study provides support that greater standing innate immunity in high altitude animals may reflect greater investment into constitutive defense