323 research outputs found

    Applying model-driven paradigm: CALIPSOneo experience

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    Model-Driven Engineering paradigm is being used by the research community in the last years, obtaining suitable results. However, there are few practical experiences in the enterprise field. This paper presents the use of this paradigm in an aeronautical PLM project named CALIPSOneo currently under development in Airbus. In this context, NDT methodology was adapted as methodology in order to be used by the development team. The paper presents this process and the results that we are getting from the project. Besides, some relevant learned lessons from the trenches are concluded.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Durability of expanded polystyrene mortars

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    The influence of the addition of various types and various concentrations of expanded polystyrene foam (both commercial and recycled) on the durability of Portland cement mortars is studied. In particular, the microstructure is studied utilizing the following methods: capillary absorption of water, mercury intrusion porosimetry, impedance spectroscopy and open porosity. In addition, the effects of heat cycles and freeze–thaw cycles on compressive strength are examined. Scanning electron microscopy is used as a complementary technique. An air-entraining agent, water retainer additive and superplasticizer additive are used to improve the workability of mortars. The results show that the presence of expanded polystyrene in mortar results in a decrease in the capillary absorption coefficient. The mercury intrusion porosimetry technique and the equivalent circuits previously used by researchers to interpret impedance spectra of ordinary cementitious materials were found to be inadequate for interpreting the microstructure of mortars with expanded polystyrene. This is due to the polymeric nature as well as the internal porous structure of expanded polystyrene. A slight increase of compressive strength is observed in mortars with expanded polystyrene subjected to heat cycles. The compressive strength of mortars subjected to freeze–thaw cycles likely improves because expanded polystyrene particles absorb part of the pressure of ice crystallization. It is concluded that the durability of mortars improve with the presence of expanded polystyrene, making them viable for more sustainable usage in masonry, stucco and plaster mortars.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Union (FEDER) for the BIA2007-61170 project funding, in the framework of which this work has been done, and the FPI scholarship (BES-2009-012166) award to Verónica Ferrándiz Mas which allows her to develop her doctoral thesis, which this present work is part

    Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, divulgación científica y pymes biotecnológicas. Una propuesta de punto de partida. 

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    The reason most frequently adduced by SMEs to avoid the implementation of CSR programs is their shortage of material resources. In this paper we propose the possibility that biotech SMEs supply the RSC with something they’ve got in abundance, that is, knowledge. Popular science thus becomes the focus of these programs, an affordable resource that can benefit them, and not only in reputation. Our study focuses on 32 SMEs settled in four Technology Parks in Andalusia

    Acetic Acid Bacteria and the Production and Quality of Wine Vinegar

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    The production of vinegar depends on an oxidation process that is mainly performed by acetic acid bacteria. Despite the different methods of vinegar production (more or less designated as either “fast” or “traditional”), the use of pure starter cultures remains far from being a reality. Uncontrolled mixed cultures are normally used, but this review proposes the use of controlled mixed cultures. The acetic acid bacteria species determine the quality of vinegar, although the final quality is a combined result of technological process, wood contact, and aging. This discussion centers on wine vinegar and evaluates the effects of these different processes on its chemical and sensory properties

    El papel del marketing en el deporte

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    La aplicación del marketing se va extendiendo a gran diversidad de campos en los que tradicionalmente no tenía cabida, por ejemplo, el deporte. Dos coordenadas fundamentales explican el desarrollo del marketing deportivo: en primer lugar, el afianzamiento del marketing como disciplina y los avances de sus herramientas y resultados, y en segundo lugar, la creciente importancia del fenómeno deportivo como hecho social y cultural

    Examining organizational innovations in different regional settings

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    [EN] A key element of regional growth is its ability to transform knowledge into innovation. This research combines a group of indicators which define innovative regions with a rurality versus urbanization typology, in order to formulate guidelines to facilitate the emergence of higher levels of organizational innovation. Three main findings stem from this work. First, rurality does not appear prohibitive to the achievement of organizational innovation. Second, in regions with low levels of tertiary education, a combination of high levels of collaboration among small- and medium-sized enterprises, and public investment in research and development facilitates significant rates of organizational innovation. Third, in general, collaboration among firms promotes organizational innovation. The results of this research are in line with those from other studies in the sense that regions with internal and external networks show enhanced growth and innovation capacities. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.The authors thank Norat Roig-Tierno, ESIC Business and Marketing School and Valencian International University (VIU) for his careful reading and suggestions, especially in the methodology section. We wish to thank the Project AGL2015-65897-C3-3-R funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, for its support for this research.Mas Verdú, F.; Ortiz Miranda, D.; García Alvarez-Coque, JM. (2016). Examining organizational innovations in different regional settings. Journal of Business Research. 69(11):5324-5329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.132S53245329691

    Lightweight mortars containing expanded polystyrene and paper sludge ash

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    The objective of this research was to develop lightweight cement mortars with good thermal-insulation properties by incorporating expanded polystyrene (EPS) and paper sludge ash (PSA), both of which are problematic waste materials. The mortars formed had low thermal conductivity and low bulk density compared to control samples. Ground EPS produced lower thermal conductivity samples than powdered EPS. Resource efficient mortars containing up to 20% PSA, and 60% of EPS are considered suitable for use in rendering and plastering applications.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Union (FEDER) for project funding (BIA2007-61170), and the FPI scholarship (BES-2009-012166) award to Verónica Ferrándiz Mas which allowed her to develop her doctoral thesis. This research was carried out in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Imperial College London, with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (EEBB-I-12-0574) to support Verónica Ferrándiz Mas

    Ocupaciones prehistóricas del barranco de Olula (Almansa, Albacete): Estudio de los registros líticos de superficie

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    La industria lítica proveniente de los registros de superficie localizados en el Barranco de Olula (Almansa), permite plantear en esta zona la existencia de ocupaciones al aire libre anteriores a la Edad de Bronce. Se presenta la documentación valorando de forma crítica los problemas del registro del que proceden. Por último, se contextualiza esta información en el marco del poblamiento de la Prehistoria Reciente del Corredor Almansa-Vinalopó y de otras áreas próximas

    Rhetoric and scientific disclosure. A proposal for the web of biotechnology companies

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    La retórica como teoría de la argumentación y de la persuasión se relaciona con un modo específico de enfocar la divulgación científica, que ya no se concibe como mera alfabetización, sino como un diálogo. Tal cambio implica la participación activa de la sociedad en la toma de decisiones sobre la orientación de la ciencia. Con ese marco, entendemos que empresas como las biotecnológicas, cuya actividad despierta entre la ciudadanía filias y fobias que pueden marcar su devenir, deben tomar un papel activo en esas conversaciones. Sobre ese planteamiento hemos seleccionado una muestra constituida por pymes biotecnológicas asentadas en cuatro parques tecnológicos de Andalucía. Hemos analizado los textos de las páginas de inicio de 29 pymes; porque entendemos que esos relatos, propios y no intermediados, nos permiten conocer si consideran a la ciudadanía como auditorio de interés al que dirigirse, primer paso para hacer de la divulgación el eje de su comunicación corporativa. La respuesta es negativa.Rhetoric as a theory of argumentation and persuasion specially relates to a spe - cific way of approaching scientific disclosure, which is no longer regarded as mere literacy, but as a dialogue. Such a change involves the active participation of soci - ety in making decisions on the course of science. With this framework, we believe that companies such as biotechnology whose activity arouses philias and phobias among the public — which can make its becoming — must take an active role in these talks. On the approach we have selected a sample consisting of biotech SMEs settled in four technology parks in Andalusia. We have analyzed the texts of the homepages of the 29 SMEs; because we understand that these stories themselves and not intermediated, let us know if you consider citizenship as audience interest at which he first step in making the disclosure the axis of its corporate communication. The answer is no

    Governance of knowledge and innovation in the Ibero-American agri-food system

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    [EN] Aim of study: Governance and the knowledge and innovation system (KIS) are interrelated concepts. Knowledge management best practices are linked to KIS performance. This article explores the governance of the leading research, development, and innovation institutes in Ibero-American agriculture, food, and agro-industry sector. The paper reports mapping of the governance of 20 agricultural research institutes. Area of study: Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. Material and methods: In total, 51 strategic objectives for effective governance were identified. Self-evaluation by the National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) was validated at a workshop backed by FONTAGRO, a cooperation mechanism amongst Latin American and the Caribbean countries, Portugal and Spain, and the Ibero-American Network of NARIs. Main results: As a strength, the key dimension of NARIs appears to be coordination and cooperation. This result was acknowledged in the internal and external evaluations and supports previous research on the relevance of innovation networks in Latin America. By contrast, as a challenge, the key dimension appears to be demand articulation, followed closely by capacity building. Most of the institutes are also well-positioned to develop deeper ties with social and environmental challenges. Research highlights: In the medium and long term, NARIs should make efforts to improve the processes of organizational evaluation and learning, demand articulation, and strategic direction of the institutions. Improvement in management processes, in addition to best practices for social responsibility and gender equality, appear to be short-term priorities.American Development Bank and the Knowledge Partnership Korea Fund for Technology and Innovation (KPK). Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain and ERDF (European Commission). 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