2,251 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the implementation of early childhood education programs (PAUD) in a daycare in the city of Makassar, which includes; (1) description of the components of the PAUD program implementation in terms of the fulfillment of the education component at the input stage, the stage of the process and the outcome stage; (2) map of the component of PAUD program implementation in review of rationalization in compliance with PAUD Standards, Minimum Service Standards, Ministry of Education and Culture Policy on the implementation of ECD and eligibility criteria established; (3) the success of PAUD program in terms of achievement of early childhood development. This type of research is a qualitative description with evaluation method, Model Countenance, which includes evaluation of antecedent’s, transactions, and outcomes. Research subjects Unit PAUD, Educators (PAUD Teachers/ Teacher Assistant/ Teacher Young Companion) and Education Personnel (Principal/ Chairman/ Management and Administrative Staff). Data collection techniques with observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis with interactive analysis model. The result of the research show that the “Jasmine” Dharma WanitaPersatuan of the State University of Makassar (TPA “Melati” DWP UNM) as a whole the component of management, facilities and infrastructure, educational staff and instructional support, learning planning, learning implementation, learning evaluation and the level of development achievement children are in the “good” category while the learner, educator, financing, curriculum are in the “less” category. Component development program “very good” category, and the assessment of sufficient category learning and supervision of learning “less” category. NurulFikri Makassar Islamic School Makassar – Full day Program (SIT NurulFikri Makassar- Full day Program) as a whole is categorized as “very good”. Among the components of management, educators, learning support, program development, learning planning, implementation of learning, learning evaluation, learning assessment and the level of child development achievement categorized as “excellent”, students, facilities and infrastructure, education staff, curriculum, “good“ and financing categorized ”enough”

    The Predatory Pricing Practice: The Challenges of Business Competition Law on Ride-Hailing Tariff’s War

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    The predatory pricing is inherently a dynamic strategy typically taking place in a single market, whereby a firm incurs a sacrifice in the short run to exclude competitors, in order to acquire a dominant position. In order to establish fair business growth and ensure equal business opportunities, a healthy environment for the business competition is highly needed. Since 2014, the market share of the ride-hailing sector in Indonesia has been dominated by three providers, namely Grab, Gojek, and Maxim. The three companies provide subsidies and discounts on services-price so that users' rates are cheaper than conventional taxis. This certainly has led to unfair competition and is very detrimental to conventional taxi. This research is normative juridical research that uses a statutory approach and a conceptual approach to analyze the alleged predatory pricing practices in the ride-hailing industry in Indonesia from the perspective of business competition law. The results show that the imposition of unfair prices can be seen from prices gap shown in the application with prices imposition, which should be based on travel distance in order to acquire a dominant position allowing it to recoup its losses and earn supracompetitive profits in the long run. This pattern of sacrifice-then-recoupment is found in the case law as well

    Permohonan Pembatalan Perkawinan Yang Dilakukan Istri Pertama Berdasarkan UU No.1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

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    Penelitian ini berjudul permohonan pembatalan perkawinan yang dilakukan istri pertama berdasarkan UU No. 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, dengan identifikasi masalah istri pertama dapat mengajukan permohonan pembatalan perkawinan terhadap perkawinan suaminya dengan istri kedua dan akibat hukum pembatalan terhadap anak yang lahir dari perkawinan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pembatalan perkawinan oleh istri pertama dapat dilakukan terhadap perkawinan suami dengan istri kedua dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana akibat hukum pembatalan perkawinan terhadap anak yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan. Lokasi penelitian ini bertempat di pengadilan Agama dan Pengadilan Negeri Palu dengan metode penelitian yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Istri pertama tidak dapat melakukan pembatalan perkawinan suaminya atas perkawinan dengan istri kedua karena suaminya tidak dapat bersikap adil dalam menjalankan rumah tangga sebagaimana pernyataan dihadapan pengadilan pada saat memohon ijin melakukan poligami.Kecuali istri hanya dapat mencari keadilan dalam hal pelaksanaan pernyataannya sebagaiman dibuat pada saat bermohon beristri lebih dari satu. Dalam hal terjadi pembatalan perkawinan, maka anak yang lahir dari perkawinan yang dimohon pembatalan, tetap menjadi tanggung jawab kedua orang tuanya seperti halnya sebelum perkawinannya dibatalkan. Tanggung jawab tersebut akan berlangsung sampai anak tersebut dewasa. Tanggung jawab meliputi biaya hidup sehari-hari dan pendidika

    A proposal for a protocol for prevention and control of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), is an extremely infectious disease and has already infected almost three million persons in more than two hundred countries. Based on our current knowledge of this virus and in absence of a vaccine, this article is an attempt to propose out of box ways to prevent and control COVID-19 virus, using linear lipid molecules such as sodium stearate (a major component of ordinary bar soap) or lipid esters for hand sanitization, mouth wash, gargling, steam inhaling and as lungs inhaler along with zinc and copper to trap and inactivate COVID-19. Sunbathing will boost desperately needed good immune system. The ancient Indian techniques of Yoga (Developing inherent power in a balanced manner), Pranayama (Retention and Extension of the breath), Jal-Neti (Nasal irrigation by saline water) and Havan (Holy fire ritual) may also help in controlling this epidemic (COVID-19) of gargantuan proportions by helping the immune system

    Ion funnel quadrupole time of Flight mass spectrometry: optimization for achieving all ion MS/MS and pseudo MSn

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    An attempt has been made to study and understand Ion funnel technology for improved detection and measurement capabilities of ions originating from small molecules. Different ways to create and study collision induced fragments have been explored and strategies to achieve various kinds of all ions MS/MS have been discussed. We observed that stability of ions in the system is largely controlled by the funnel exit DC voltage and Rf voltages of the low pressure funnel also contributes to the collision induced dissociation of the ions. An appropriate mix of in source collision energy coupled with Funnel exit DC voltage and low pressure funnel Rf voltage can induce extensive fragmentation of the ions mimicking several stages of MS/MS simultaneously

    Profile of gross congenital malformations among live newborns and its associated risk factors from a tertiary care rural teaching institute

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    Background: Congenital malformations are defects in morphogenesis during early fetal life. The objective was to study the profile of gross congenital malformations among live newborns and its associated risk factors from a tertiary care rural teaching hospital of north India.Methods: It is a cross- sectional, descriptive. All the babies born in the hospital (live births) during January 2014 to December 2014 formed the baseline population and those with gross congenital malformations were included in the study. Antenatal records were assessed and mothers were interviewed for socio-demographic variables.Results: There were 6143 live births out of which 109 had gross congenital malformations giving an incidence of 1.7%. Central nervous system was most commonly affected (48%) followed by musculoskeletal (28%) and gastrointestinal system (13%). Incidence of congenital malformations was more among multi-parous females, preterm and low birth weight babies.Conclusions: A relative increase in the incidence of congenital malformations once again implies the importance of public health education and regular antenatal screening. We also, strongly recommend mandatory screening of all newborns by pediatrician after birth for timely detection and best possible treatment of these congenital malformations


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    This research aims to contribute to the exploration of self-reliance by examining the lyrics of Taylor Swift’s songs. This research intends to categorizing the data based on the kinds of self-reliance characteristics in Taylor Swift songs’ lyrics and describing the contextual meanings which implied in Taylor Swift’s songs’ lyrics. The data were collected from Taylor Swift’s album “Lover”, with a focus on three of her songs, including “The Man”, “ME!”, and “You Need to Calm Down”. The research employed a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze the data, which was obtained by a thorough examination of the lyrics and close listening to the songs. Subsequently, the data was classified according to the self-reliance concept proposed by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The study findings indicate the existence three different characteristics of self-reliance, including trust in oneself, nonconformity and independent thinking. Significantly, the most dominant of these characteristics was nonconformity, it found four lines of lyrics in all song which has examined. The study also identified two lines of lyrics in “The Man” and “ME!” that express true in oneself characteristics, three lines of lyrics in “ME!” and “You Need to Calm Down” that illustrate the independent thinking. The objective of this study is to make contribution to the current discourse on the important of self-reliance in modern society by examining the self-reliance characteristics found in Taylor Swift’s songs’ lyrics. Furthermore, the result of this study may have implication for the role of music, art and literary work in promoting values such as individualism, self-reliance and nonconformity

    Fast Stereo Images Compression Method based on Wavelet Transform and Two Dimensional Logarithmic (TDL) Algorithm

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    In this paper, a fast stereo images compression method has been proposed. In proposed method, Firstly, stereo images were transformed using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in order to reduce computation time. The disparities between these images were estimated by Two Dimensional Logarithmic (TDL) algorithm. The result of the Motion Vector (MV) was encoded into a bit stream by Huffman encoding while the remaining part is compressed like the compression that is used in still image. The proposed method produced good results in terms of Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), CR, and computation time

    Efektivitas Metode Scrambel dengan Teknik Bermain Jawaban terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMAN 8 Pinrang

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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa hasil belajar dan aktivitas belajar siswa dengan menggunakan metode Pembelajaran scramble dengan teknik bermain jawaban di peroleh persentase kategorisasi hasil belajar sebesar 50 % dalam kategori tinggi, dan 50 % dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Sedangkan untuk aktivitas peserta didik sebesar 3,9 atau berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Adapun peserta didik pada kelas control bahwa hasil belajar dan aktivitas belajar siswa yang tidak diajar menggunakan msssetode Pembelajaran scramble diperoleh persentase kategorisasi hasil belajar sebesar 93,3 % dalam kategori tinggi, dan 6,7 % dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Sedangkan untuk aktivitas peserta didik sebesar 3,7 atau berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Adapun teknik bermain jawaban efektif terhadap hasil belajar dan aktivitas belajar peserta didik diperoleh uji efektivitasnya diperoleh nilai 0,76. Sedangkan analisi secara inferiensial diperoleh harga t = 6,285, df =58 dan sig. (2 tailed) atau p-value = 0,000/2 = 0,000 < 0,05, artinya nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari taraf kesalahan


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    AbstractIndonesia is one of the countries in the world that is famous for having tourist attractions. In order to utilize this potential sector, the government began to focus on developing the tourism sector in all regions of Indonesia as an effort to encourage national economic growth. To support the achievement of the program, the bank seeks to increase business capital lending to tourism businesses. However, Indonesia's geographical location between 3 (three) tectonic plates and active volcanic pathways has caused areas in Indonesia to be prone to natural disasters, such as those that have happened in the Province of Bali and the Province of West Nusa Tenggara. Natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia cause losses to the community, including tourism business actors and banks. Natural disasters can cause bad credit because the debtor is unable to pay the loan installments agreed upon in the agreement. This study aims to determine the efforts to overcome bad credit in tourism areas of natural disasters.Key Word : Credit Relaxation, Credit Agreement Abstrak Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara di dunia yang terkenal memiliki daya tarik wisata. Dalam rangka pemanfaatan potensi tersebut, pemerintah mulai fokus mengembangkan sektor pariwisata di seluruh wilayah Indonesia sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Untuk mendukung pencapaian program tersebut, bank berupaya meningkatkan penyaluran kredit modal usaha kepada pelaku usaha pariwisata. Namun, letak geografis Indonesia yang berada diantara 3 (tiga) lempeng tektonik dan jalur rangkaian gunung api yang aktif dunia menyebabkan daerah-daerah di Indonesia rawan tertimpa bencana alam, seperti yang pernah terjadi di Provinsi Bali dan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Bencana alam yang sering terjadi di Indonesia menimbulkan kerugian bagi masyarakat, termasuk pelaku usaha pariwisata dan pihak perbankan. Bencana alam dapat menyebabkan kredit macet karena debitor tidak mampu membayar angsuran kredit yang telah disepakati dalam perjanjian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya penanggulangan kredit macet di daerah wisata yang tertimpa bencana alam.Kata Kunci : Relaksasi Kredit, Perjanjian Kredi
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