797 research outputs found

    Habits and heterogeneity in demands:a panel data analysis

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    Characterization of glandular trichomes of Minthostachys verticillata “peperina” from northwest and central Argentina: relation with essential oil content

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    Minthostachys verticillata is an endemic species in Argentina that shows higher contents of essential oils (EO %, v/w) in plants from the central area than in those from the northwest. Although the reason for this difference is still unknown, studies on species from this family indicate that the variation in essential oil yields could be due to genetic or environmental factors or their interaction, which modifies the number and size of the glandular trichomes, structures where the oil is synthesized and stored. The main objective of this study was to analyze the density and size of glandular trichomes on M. verticillata leaves and their relation to the EO in wild plants from northwestern (NA) and central Argentina (CA); and then in a semi controlled environment, we studied the relation between the density and size of these to the leaf size (apical vs basal leaves) and plant origin. For the first experiment, we collected random wild plants in the main natural areas of distribution; and in the second one, we used cloned plants and grew them in a completely randomized design. The analyses of the trichome density and size and the EO% were carried out using a transmission electron microscope and a Clevenger type trap respectively. The wild plants from the central area showed larger glandular trichomes and higher EO concentrations; in addition, under semi-controlled conditions, we also found a greater number of trichomes per mm2 in both apical and basal leaves in the plant from CA than in that from NA. Thus, the trichome size and number were affected in a different way by the environment.Instituto de Recursos BiológicosFil: Arteaga, Martín. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Recursos Biológicos; ArgentinaFil: Collado, Cristian Emanuel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Recursos Biológicos; ArgentinaFil: Gil, Alejandra. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentin

    Information on Transcriptional Regulation and Signal Transduction of _Escherichia coli_ K-12 Integrated in the Database RegulonDB.

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    Since its inception, RegulonDB ("http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/":http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/) has been a database that compiles information about the regulation of transcription initiation of _Escherichia coli_ K-12. However, we are aware that transcriptional regulation is not an isolated process; instead, it is the response to the different environmental conditions that trigger a series of concatenated reactions that end in transcriptional regulation, and it implies an adequate response in terms of induced and repressed gene products. We are working now to include all these new data in RegulonDB. As a consequence, transcriptional regulation in RegulonDB will be part of a unit that initiates with the signal, continues with the signal transduction to the core of regulation to modify expression of the affected set of target genes, and ends with an adequate response. We refer to these units as genetic sensory response units, or Gensor Units.

The inclusion of Gensor Units will bring a dramatic change and expansion of RegulonDB, due to the fact that we will be adding several new types of reactions and interactions. We started to collect data about signal transduction of the sigma factors, the two-component systems, of some transcription factors involved in carbon source utilization, and of genes involved in the synthesis of amino acids. We plan a high-level curation with super-pathways summarizing concatenated sets of reactions linked to those other databases that curate such information, while enabling with RegulonDB a compilation of complete Gensor Units.

In addition, the number of DNA binding sites for some transcription factors has grown considerably, and therefore we decided to review systematically those sites whose lengths ranging from 40 to 60 bp with orientation and consensus sequences that are not easy to identify. The current version of RegulonDB is the beginning of a higher-level curation of gene regulation information, and eventually our database will include all regulatory mechanisms and their regulated genes. 

    Information on Transcriptional Regulation and Signal Transduction of _Escherichia coli_ K-12 Integrated in the Database RegulonDB.

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    Since its inception, RegulonDB ("http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/":http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/) has been a database that compiles information about the regulation of transcription initiation of _Escherichia coli_ K-12. However, we are aware that transcriptional regulation is not an isolated process; instead, it is the response to the different environmental conditions that trigger a series of concatenated reactions that end in transcriptional regulation, and it implies an adequate response in terms of induced and repressed gene products. We are working now to include all these new data in RegulonDB. As a consequence, transcriptional regulation in RegulonDB will be part of a unit that initiates with the signal, continues with the signal transduction to the core of regulation to modify expression of the affected set of target genes, and ends with an adequate response. We refer to these units as genetic sensory response units, or geSorgans.

The inclusion of geSorgans will bring a dramatic change and expansion of RegulonDB, due to the fact that we will be adding several new types of reactions and interactions. We started to collect data about signal transduction of the sigma factors, the two-component systems, of some transcription factors involved in carbon source utilization, and of genes involved in the synthesis of amino acids. We plan a high-level curation with super-pathways summarizing concatenated sets of reactions linked to those other databases that curate such information, while enabling with RegulonDB a compilation of complete geSorgans.

In addition, the number of DNA binding sites for some transcription factors has grown considerably, and therefore we decided to review systematically those sites whose lengths ranging from 40 to 60 bp with orientation and consensus sequences that are not easy to identify. The current version of RegulonDB is the beginning of a higher-level curation of gene regulation information, and eventually our database will include all regulatory mechanisms and their regulated genes. 

    Analyzing the heterogeneity of farmers’ preferences for improvements in dairy cow traits using farmer typologies

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    AbstractGiving consideration to farmers’ preferences for improvements in animal traits when designing genetic selection tools such as selection indexes might increase the uptake of these tools. The increase in use of genetic selection tools will, in turn, assist in the realization of genetic gain in breeding programs. However, the determination of farmers’ preferences is not trivial because of its large heterogeneity. The aim of this study was to quantify Australian dairy farmers’ preferences for cow trait improvements to inform and ultimately direct the choice of traits and selection indexes in the 2014 review of the National Breeding Objective. A specific aim was to analyze the heterogeneity of preferences for cow trait improvements by determining whether there are farmer types that can be identified with specific patterns of preferences. We analyzed whether farmer types differed in farming system, socioeconomic profile, and attitudes toward breeding and genetic evaluation tools. An online survey was developed to explore farmers’ preferences for improvement in 13 cow traits. The pairwise comparisons method was used to derive a ranking of the traits for each respondent. A total of 551 farmers fully completed the survey. A principal component analysis followed by a Ward hierarchical cluster analysis was used to group farmers according to their preferences. Three types of farmers were determined: (1) production-focused farmers, who gave the highest preference of all for improvements in protein yield, lactation persistency, feed efficiency, cow live weight, and milking speed; (2) functionality-focused farmers with the highest preferences of all for improvements in mastitis, lameness, and calving difficulty; and (3) type-focused farmers with the highest preferences of all for mammary system and type. Farmer types differed in their age, their attitudes toward genetic selection, and in the selection criteria they use. Surprisingly, farmer types did not differ for herd size, calving, feeding system, or breed. These results support the idea that preferences for cow trait improvements are intrinsic to farmers and not to production systems or breeds. As a result of this study, and some bioeconomic modeling (not included in this study), the Australian dairy industry has implemented a main index and 2 alternative indexes targeting the different farmer types described here

    Measuring farmers' attitude towards breeding tools: the Livestock Breeding Attitude Scale

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    Under-use of genetic improvement tools and low participation in breeding programmes are key drivers of breeding programmes under-performance. Both aspects are heavily influenced by farmers attitudes which, to date, have not been analysed in an objective and systematic manner. A key factor constraining the implementation of attitudinal studies towards livestock breeding tools is the lack of a reference scale for measuring attitudes. In this research, we provide the livestock breeding sector with such a reference measure. We developed the scale following the standardized psychometric methodologies and statistical tools. Then, as a case study, we used the scale to explore the attitudes of beef and dairy sheep farmers in Australia, New Zealand and Spain and analysed farmer and farming system factors related to those attitudes. Fourteen sheep and beef breed associations facilitated the implementation of a survey of 547 farmers, generating data that was used for the scale evaluation. The relationship between attitudinal factors and farmer and farming system factors was analysed using generalized linear models across and within breeds. The results suggest that the 8-item definitive scale we have developed is appropriate to measure farmer attitudes. We found that attitudes towards genetic improvement tools have two components; i) traditional selection and ii) genetic and genomic selection combined. This means that positive attitudes towards traditional phenotypic selection do not necessarily imply a negative attitude towards genetic and genomic selection tools. Farmer attitudes varied greatly not only across the studied breeds, species and countries, but also within them. High-educated farmers of business-oriented farms tend to have the most negative attitude towards traditional selection. However, attitudes towards genetic and genomic selection tools could not be linked to these factors. Finally, we found that the breed raised had a large effect on farmer attitude. These findings may help in the evolution of breeding programmes by identifying both the farmers most inclined to uptake breeding innovations in the early stages of its establishment and the farmers who would be more reluctant to participate in such programmes, thus informing where to focus extension efforts

    Análisis químicos no destructivos sobre cinco mangos de marfil de Época Ibérica

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    Presentamos los análisis químicos realizados sobre un conjunto de cinco mangos de marfil época ibérica (s. VI – s. I a. C.). Son objetos con características técnicas, formales y decorativas muy similares entre sí, lo que que permite plantear una relación entre ellos en su proceso de producción. Sin embargo, fueron recuperados en cuatro yacimientos diferentes del área ibérica: los poblados de Turó de Montgròs (El Brull, Barcelona) y La Serreta (Alcoi, Alicante) y las necrópolis de El Cigarralejo (Mula, Murcia) y Coimbra del Barranco Ancho (Jumilla, Murcia), en esta última, se recuperaron dos de ellos. Todas las piezas, por sus contextos arqueológicos se datan entre el s. IV y principios del s. II a. C. Los análisis se llevaron a cabo con el objetivo de identificar la naturaleza y procedencia de las incrustaciones de carácter decorativo y la sustancia adherente todavía presentes en estos mangos. Si bien, en algunos de ellos, debido a su deteriorado estado de conservación, únicamente quedaban las improntas de las incrustaciones y no había restos aparentes de la sustancia de tono gris-negro que, presumiblemente, serviría para adherir las incrustaciones. Las piezas mejor conservadas son las recuperadas en lugares de hábitat. Los estudios se han realizado mediante técnicas no destructivas que no comprometiesen la integridad de las piezas. Así, se llevaron a cabo análisis por Fluorescencia de Rayos X (XRF), y por Espectrofotometría de Infrarrojo Cercano por Transformada de Fourier (FT-NIR). Todo ello se complementó mediante la revisión de los mangos con un microscopio electrónico de barrido equipado con un Sistema de Rayos X de Energía Dispersiva (SEM-EDAX-Sapphire), un microscopio óptico SMZ (NIKON) y un microscopio digital Dino-lite mod. AM7115MZT EDGE de 10x a 200x con una luz incidente por medio de un iluminador de fibra óptica y dotado de un software con funciones de medición integrales, para obtener imágenes de alta precisión. El análisis de XRF ha permitido identificar como estaño la sustancia empleada para adherir las incrustaciones decorativas en la pieza, empleando una técnica de tipo soldadura blanda. El FTNIR, por su parte, ha revelado que dichas incrustaciones fueron realizadas sobre resinas fósiles, muy probablemente ámbar. Estos resultados resultan totalmente novedosos dentro del mundo artesanal de época ibérica y, por tanto, de gran interés, evidenciando el valor de estas piezas en las que materias primas de presencia escasa en el mundo ibérico como son el marfil y el ámbar aparecen combinadas; así como el uso del estaño a modo de soldadura blanda nos revela procesos de manufactura no atestiguados hasta el momento en las industrias sobre materias duras de origen animal de la Edad del Hierro en la Península Ibérica. Cabe destacar que la realización de análisis químicos sobre piezas arqueológicas aporta datos específicos, prácticamente imposibles de obtener en un estudio macro o microscópico de los artefactos. Por ello, desde el proyecto proyecto “Madera, hueso, marfil, asta, concha ¿Artesanías marginales o marginadas?” (HAR2013-45770-P y ACOMP/2015/256) (financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y la Generalitat Valenciana) dirigido por la Dra. Consuelo Mata, se ha apostado por desarrollar estudios interdisciplinares, que impliquen el contacto y la comunicación entre distintos especialistas con la finalidad de conseguir resultados más sólidos y transversales

    Gene-edited meat: Disentangling consumers’ attitudes and potential purchase behaviour

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    Novel gene-editing (GE) technologies provide promising opportunities to increase livestock productivity and to tackle several global livestock production sustainability and food security challenges. However, these technologies, as with previous genetic modification technologies in food production, are very likely to generate social controversy and opposition toward their use in the meat industry. Here, we explored public attitudes and consumption predisposition toward gene-edited meat products and their potential added benefits to livestock farming. Our results show that societal perception currently comes as a package, where the use of gene-editing technology acts as an extrinsic cue of meat products quality, and is used to make a range of inferences about all quality facets at once. Although consumers with anti-GE attitudinal positions generally were not sensitive to price discounts or added benefits, added benefits increased the consumption predisposition of most moderate and pro-GE consumers, where benefits related to animal welfare had larger effects than those relating to the environment or human health issues.Publishe

    Systematic evaluation of cryptic freshwater snails from central Chile, including the enigmatic Littoridina santiagensis (Gastropoda, Truncatelloidea)

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    In 1944, Walter Biese described Littoridina santiagensis (Cochliopidae) from Estero Dehesa based exclusively on external shell features and a second allopatric population in Yeso Spring three years later. Different samplings carried out since 2011 in the type locality have only provided specimens of the morphologically similar invasive mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Tateidae) raising doubts about the identity of the species. The recent finding of two snail morphotypes in Yeso Spring, a thick shelled form congruent with type specimens of L. santiagensis and a slender one morphologically associable to P. antipodarum, allowed comparative studies, including the taxonomic analysis of additional populations with similar shell morphology occurring in central Chile. A DNA barcoding (COI) approach identified the slender form from Yeso Spring in Maipo Basin and a second population from the contiguous Rapel Basin indeed as the invasive P. antipodarum, however, L. santiagensis was recovered among species of Potamolithus (Tateidae) justifying the binomem Potamolithus santiagensis as a new combination. Besides recognition of other three populations as belonging to Potamolithus, the molecular analysis also suggests trans-Andean dispersal of this group of snails in the Southern Cone of South America.Fil: Collado, Gonzalo A.. Universidad del Bio Bio; ChileFil: Aguayo, Karina P.. Universidad del Bio Bio; ChileFil: Cazzaniga, Néstor Jorge. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Gutierrez Gregoric, Diego Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: de Lucia, Micaela. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Invertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Haase, Martin. University of Greifswald; Alemani

    Levantamiento topográfico, para propuesta de adoquinado, de 1.252 km de calle en el Bo. Anexo Villa Libertad, Departamento de Managua, Municipio de Managua

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    El presente documento, se basa en la realización de un Levantamiento topográfico, para una propuesta de adoquinado, en el Bo Villa Anexo Libertad, departamento de Managua, municipio de Managua, distrito VII, ubicado al noreste de la capital, al este con Bo Villa Libertad, al oeste con Villa Venezuela, al sur con Bo Nueva Nicaragua, y al norte con Mirador la Sabana. El levantamiento topográfico del área en estudio surge a raíz de la propuesta de la Alcaldía Municipal de Managua, el cual consiste en revestir con adoquín 1.252km de calle con una capa de arena de 4cm de espesor, con bordillo. Para la realización de este estudio, primeramente, se realizó una visita de campo en el cual se constató la irregularidad del terreno, con el cual se propondrá una rasante ajustándonos al terreno, ya que las aguas pluviales se empozan, provocando encharcamientos en temporada de invierno, lo que genera una mayor fluidez vehicular. Por tanto, la propuesta del presente proyecto se visiona de gran importancia y sobre todo beneficia a los habitantes del sector. En el documento se encuentra los aspectos que embarcan al proyecto como información existente del terreno y zona levantar, mojones de referencia para la posible ejecución del proyecto, planos topográficos con todo lo existente del terreno y los planos del diseño de la propuesta via