561 research outputs found

    Causal propensity as an antecedent of entrepreneurial intentions

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    https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-022-00826-1 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11365-022-00826-1The tourism sector is a sector with many opportunities for business development. Entrepreneurship in this sector promotes economic growth and job creation. Knowing how entrepreneurial intention develops facilitates its transformation into entrepreneurial behaviour. Entrepreneurial behaviour can adopt a causal logic, an effectual logic or a combination of both. Considering the causal logic, decision-making is done through prediction. In this way, entrepreneurs try to increase their market share by planning strategies and analysing possible deviations from their plans. Previous literature studies causal entrepreneurial behaviour, as well as variables such as creative innovation, proactive decisions and entrepreneurship training when the entrepreneur has already created his or her firm. However, there is an obvious gap at a stage prior to the start of entrepreneurial activity when the entrepreneurial intention is formed. This paper analyses how creativity, proactivity, entrepreneurship education and the propensity for causal behaviour influence entrepreneurial intentions. To achieve the research objective, we analysed a sample of 464 undergraduate tourism students from two universities in southern Spain. We used SmartPLS 3 software to apply a structural equation methodology to the measurement model composed of nine hypotheses. The results show, among other relationships, that causal propensity, entrepreneurship learning programmes and proactivity are antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions. These findings have implications for theory, as they fill a gap in the field of entrepreneurial intentions. Considering propensity towards causal behaviour before setting up the firm is unprecedented. Furthermore, the results of this study have practical implications for the design of public education policies and the promotion of business creation in the tourism sector. These policies should promote causal, proactive and creative behaviour in their entrepreneurship training. In this way, such policies would boost the entrepreneurial intention of individuals, which is an essential element to business creation

    How effectual will you be? Development and validation of a scale in higher education

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    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2021.100547The literature on effectual theory offers validated scales to measure effectual or causal logic in entrepreneurs’ decision-making. However, there are no adequate scales to assess in advance the effectual or causal propensity of people with an entrepreneurial intention before the creation of their companies. We aim to determine the validity and reliability of an instrument to measure that propensity by first analysing those works that provide recognised validated scales with which to measure the effectual or causal logic in people who have already started up companies. Then, considering these scales, we designed a scale to evaluate the effectual or causal propensity in people who had not yet started up companies using a sample of 230 final-year business administration students to verify its reliability and validity. The validated scale has theoretical implications for the literature on potential entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention and practical implications for promoters of entrepreneurship who need to orient the behaviour of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs of established businesses who want to implement a specific strategic orientation, entrepreneurs who want to evaluate the effectual propensity of their potential partners and workers, and academic institutions interested in orienting the entrepreneurial potential of their students

    The long-term post-operative electromyographic evaluation of patients who have undergone carpal tunnel decompression

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    Producción CientíficaWe present the electromyographic (EMG) results ten years after open decompression of the median nerve at the wrist and compare them with the clinical and functional outcomes as judged by Levine's Questionnaire. This retrospective study evaluated 115 patients who had undergone carpal tunnel decompression at a mean of 10.47 years (9.24 to 11.36) previously. A positive EMG diagnosis was found in 77 patients (67%), including those who were asymptomatic at ten years. It is necessary to include both clinical and functional results as well as electromyographic testing in the long-term evaluation of patients who have undergone carpal tunnel decompression particularly in those in whom revision surgery is being considered. In doubtful cases or when there are differing outcomes, self-administered scales such as Levine's Questionnaire should prevail over EMG results when deciding on the need for revision surgery


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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloFour compounds that belong to two structure types, namely dibenzylbutyrolactone and sesterterpenoids, were obtained from the extract of the strain Aspergillus sp. (2P-22), isolated from a marine sponge, Cliona chilensis. Among them, compound 1 was identified as new, namely butylrolactone-VI. The structures of these compounds were characterized on the basis of spectroscopic data. Biological activities of these fungal metabolites, are described.http://ref.scielo.org/kbf7v

    La administración electrónica al servicio de las políticas públicas

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    This work analyzes from several perspectives the growing importance of electronic administration in the design and implementation of public policy. First, analysis is made of the difficulties inherent in viewing electronic administration solely as an instrument, given that its methods substantially modify the traditional modes of interaction with citizens as well as the implementation of public policy; and this gives rise to an opportunity to reconfigure traditional policies, even in an essential way. This work concentrates in particular on horizontal public policies, where the possibilities for modification and momentum are most evident, including public management quality policies, policies for democratic development (especially development of “open government”), inclusion policies, and economic policy. Finally, the article considers the autonomous policy of effective use of electronic administration, given the existing gap between supply of and demand for electronic services, as well as the inclination of citizens to continue using traditional administration, an issue that has been systematized and analyzed in various international reports.El presente trabajo analiza desde diversas perspectivas la importancia creciente de la administración electrónica en la configuración y ejecución de las políticas públicas. Se analizan en primer término las dificultades de considerar la administración electrónica en su dimensión exclusivamente instrumental, dado que la misma modifica cuestiones sustanciales de los métodos tradicionales de relacionarse con los ciudadanos y de ejecutar las políticas públicas, por lo que no deben desaprovecharse las posibilidades que ofrece para reconfigurar las políticas tradicionales, a veces de forma esencial. El trabajo centra la atención en determinadas políticas públicas horizontales en las que esta capacidad de modificación e impulso es más evidente, como son la política de calidad de la gestión pública; las políticas de desarrollo democrático y en particular el desarrollo del “gobierno abierto”; las políticas de inclusión y la política económica. Para finalizar, el artículo considera la política autónomo de uso efectivo de la administración electrónica, dada la brecha existente entre la oferta y la demanda de servicios electrónicos y la inclinación cultural de los ciudadanos por la administración tradicional, cuestión que ha sido sistematizada y analizada en diversos informes internacionales

    Impact of effectual propensity on entrepreneurial intention

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    For decades, entrepreneurship has been promoted in academia and the tourism sector and seen as an opportunity for new business ventures. In entrepreneurial behaviour, effectual logic shows how individuals use their resources to create new opportunities. This paper aims to determine effectual propensity as an antecedent of entrepreneurial intentions. For this purpose, and based on the TPB model, we conducted our research with tourism students from Cadiz and Seville (Spain) universities with Smart PLS 3. The results show that effectual propensity influences entrepreneurial intentions and that attitude and perceived behavioural control mediate between subjective norms and intentions. Our research has a great added value since effectual propensity is studied for the first time as an antecedent of intentions in people who have never been entrepreneurs.Durante décadas, el emprendimiento ha sido promovido en la academia y el sector del turismo, siendo visto como una oportunidad para nuevas empresas. En el comportamiento emprendedor, la lógica efectual muestra cómo los individuos utilizan sus recursos para crear nuevas oportunidades. Este documento tiene como objetivo determinar la propensión efectual como un antecedente de las intenciones emprendedoras. Con este propósito, y basándonos en el modelo TPB, llevamos a cabo nuestra investigación con estudiantes de turismo de las universidades de Cádiz y Sevilla (España) utilizando Smart PLS 3. Los resultados muestran que la propensión efectual influye en las intenciones emprendedoras y que la actitud y el control conductual percibido median entre las normas subjetivas e intenciones. Nuestra investigación tiene un gran valor agregado, ya que la propensión efectual se estudia por primera vez como antecedente de intenciones en personas que nunca han sido emprendedoras

    Un pedestal de estatua con inscripción de Pajaritos (Huelva)

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    Un pedestal con la dedicación de un aedilis y IIvir, de la tribu Quirina, confirma el estatus jurídico privilegiado de Onoba Aestuaria y descarta la condición jurídica de colonia para Onoba. Este pedestal apareció en la finca Pajaritos, cerca del cruce (Cuatro Caminos) de las vías Ab Ostio Fluminis Anae- Italica y Onoba-Pax Iulia.______________________________________A pedestal set up by an aedile and IIvir enrolled in the Roman voting tribe Quirina confirms Onoba Aestuaria’s privileged juridical status and calls into question the commonly held view that Onoba had the juridical status of a colony. This pedestal appeared in Pajaritos site, near crossing place (Cuatro Caminos) of the roman roads Ab Ostio Fluminis Anae-Italica and Onoba -Pax Iulia

    Modulating Strain in Twisted Pyrene-Fused Azaacenes

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    The design and synthesis of strained aromatics provide an additional insight into the relationship between structure and properties. In the last years, several approaches to twist pyrene-fused azaacenes have been developed that allow to introduce twists of different sizes. Herein, we describe the synthesis of a new set of twisted dibenzotetraazahexacenes constituted by fused pyrene and quinoxaline residues that have been distorted by introducing increasingly larger substituents on the quinoxaline residues. Their twisted structure has been demonstrated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, absorption, fluorescence, electrochemical and theoretical studies shine light on the effects of the substituents and twists on the optoelectronic and redox properties.This work was carried out with support from the Basque Science Foundation for Science (Ikerbasque), POLYMAT, the University of the Basque Country, Diputación de Guipúzcoa, Gobierno Vasco (PIBA_2022_1_0031 and BERC programme) and Gobierno de España (Projects PID2021-124484OB-I00 and CEX2020-001067-M financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Project (PCI2022-132921) funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación through the PCI 2022 and M-ERA.NET 2021 calls. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 722951). This work was funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe grant 101046231. Technical and human support provided by SGIker of UPV/EHU and European funding (ERDF and ESF) is acknowledged. In addition, support through the project IF/00894/2015, the advanced computing project 2021.09622.CPCA granting access to the Navigator cluster at LCA-UC, and within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020, UIDP/50011/2020 & LA/P/0006/2020, financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC (PIDDAC) is gratefully acknowledged

    De la eficiencia al sentido : ética, economía y empresa en los debates contemporáneos.

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    The article presents the results of a research on the central aspects of the relationship between ethics, economics and business, both in the context of global crisis as in the theoretical revision in the area studied. Content takes an approach of theoretical, methodological and practical components of the complex relationship under study, from a human approach to economics and business, incorporating contributions from the ethics of the good, the ethics of duty and contemporary bioethics. Are analyzed the tools that exist to consolidate ethics management, social responsibility and the relationship of the company with all stakeholders. The importance of the humanistic approach to management education is highlighted, exposing the formative elements necessary for a new management and a new type of business to meet the contemporary requirements.El artículo expone los resultados de una investigación sobre los aspectos centrales de la relación entre la ética, la economía y la empresa; tanto en los contextos de crisis global como en la revisión teórica en curso en el ámbito estudiado. El contenido realiza un abordaje de los componentes teóricos, metodológicos y prácticos de la compleja relación en estudio, desde un enfoque humano de la economía y la empresa, incorporando aportes provenientes de la ética del bien, la ética del deber y la bioética contemporánea. Se revisan asimismo las herramientas prácticas existentes para consolidar la gestión ética, la responsabilidad social y la relación de la empresa con todos los actores sociales. Se destaca la importancia del enfoque humanista de la educación gerencial, exponiendo los elementos formativos necesarios para una nueva gerencia y un nuevo tipo de empresa para responder a las exigencias contemporáneas

    Business process management systems in port processes: A systematic literature review

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    Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) represent a technology that automates business processes, connecting users to their tasks. There are many business processes within the port activity that can be improved through the use of more efficient technologies and BPMS in particular, which can help to coordinate and automate critical processes such as cargo manifests, customs declaration the management of scales, or dangerous goods, traditionally supported by EDI technologies. These technologies could be integrated with BPMS, modernizing port logistics management. The aim of this work is to demonstrate, through a systematic analysis of the literature, the state of the art in BPMS research in the port industry. For this, a systematic review of the literature of the last ten years was carried out. The works generated by the search were subsequently analysed and filtered. After the investigation, it is discovered that the relationship between BPMS and the port sector is practically non-existent which represents an important gap to be covered and a future line of research.INDESS. Universidad de Cádi