12,660 research outputs found

    Steady-state, effective-temperature dynamics in a glassy material

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    We present an STZ-based analysis of numerical simulations by Haxton and Liu (HL). The extensive HL data sharply test the basic assumptions of the STZ theory, especially the central role played by the effective disorder temperature as a dynamical state variable. We find that the theory survives these tests, and that the HL data provide important and interesting constraints on some of its specific ingredients. Our most surprising conclusion is that, when driven at various constant shear rates in the low-temperature glassy state, the HL system exhibits a classic glass transition, including super-Arrhenius behavior, as a function of the effective temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Nitrification amplifies the decreasing trends of atmospheric oxygen and implies a larger land carbon uptake

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    [1] Atmospheric O-2 trend measurements are used to partition global oceanic and land biotic carbon sinks on a multiannual basis. The underlying principle is that a terrestrial uptake or release of CO<sub>2</sub> is accompanied by an opposite flux of O-2. The molar ratio of the CO<sub>2</sub> and O-2 terrestrial fluxes should be 1, if no other elements are considered. However, reactive nitrogen produced by human activities (e.g., fertilizers, N deposition) is also being incorporated into plant tissues. The various reaction pathways of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle cause fluxes of atmospheric O-2. Thus the cycles of nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen must be linked together. We report here on previously unconsidered anthropogenic nitrogen-related mechanisms which impact atmospheric O-2 trends and thus the derived global carbon sinks. In particular, we speculate that anthropogenic-driven changes are driving the global nitrogen cycle to a more oxidized state, primarily through nitrification, nitrate fertilizer industrial production, and combustion of fossil fuels and anthropogenic biomass burning. The sum of these nitrogen-related processes acts to additionally decrease atmospheric O-2 and slightly increase atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub>. We have calculated that the effective land biotic O-2: CO<sub>2</sub> molar ratio ranges between 0.76 and 1.04 rather than 1.10 ( moles of O-2 produced per mole of CO<sub>2</sub> consumed) over the period 1993 - 2003, depending on which of four contrasting nitrogen oxidation and reduction pathway scenarios is used. Using the scenario in which we have most confidence, this implies a 0.23 PgC yr(-1) correction to the global land biotic and oceanic carbon sinks of most recently reported estimates over 1993 - 2003, with the land biotic sink becoming larger and the oceanic sink smaller. We have attributed large uncertainties of 100% to all nitrogen-related O-2 and CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes and this corresponds up to +/- 0.09 PgC yr(-1) increase in global carbon sink uncertainties. Thus accounting for anthropogenic nitrogen-related terrestrial fluxes of O-2 results in a 45% larger land biotic sink of 0.74 +/- 0.78 PgC yr(-1) and a slightly smaller oceanic sink of 2.01 +/- 0.66 PgC yr(-1) for the decade 1993 - 2003. [References: 38

    Inter- and Intra-Chain Attractions in Solutions of Flexible Polyelectrolytes at Nonzero Concentration

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    Constant temperature molecular dynamics simulations were used to study solutions of flexible polyelectrolyte chains at nonzero concentrations with explicit counterions and unscreened coulombic interactions. Counterion condensation, measured via the self-diffusion coefficient of the counterions, is found to increase with polymer concentration, but contrary to the prediction of Manning theory, the renormalized charge fraction on the chains decreases with increasing Bjerrum length without showing any saturation. Scaling analysis of the radius of gyration shows that the chains are extended at low polymer concentrations and small Bjerrum lengths, while at sufficiently large Bjerrum lengths, the chains shrink to produce compact structures with exponents smaller than a gaussian chain, suggesting the presence of attractive intrachain interactions. A careful study of the radial distribution function of the center-of-mass of the polyelectrolyte chains shows clear evidence that effective interchain attractive interactions also exist in solutions of flexible polyelectrolytes, similar to what has been found for rodlike polyelectrolytes. Our results suggest that the broad maximum observed in scattering experiments is due to clustering of chains.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX, 15 eps figure

    A hybrid traceability technology selection approach for sustainable food supply chains

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    Traceability technologies have great potential to improve sustainable performance in cold food supply chains by reducing food loss. In existing approaches, traceability technologies are selected either intuitively or through a random approach, that neither considers the trade-off between multiple cost–benefit technology criteria nor systematically translates user requirements for traceability systems into the selection process. This paper presents a hybrid approach combining the fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) with integer linear programming to select the optimum traceability technologies for improving sustainable performance in cold food supply chains. The proposed methodology is applied in four case studies utilising data collected from literature and expert interviews. The proposed approach can assist decision-makers, e.g., food business operators and technology companies, to identify what combination of technologies best suits a given food supply chain scenario and reduces food loss at minimum cost.Cambridge Trust and Commonwealth Scholarship Commission

    A Titan exploration study: Science, technology and mission planning options, volume 1

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    Mission concepts and technology advancements that can be used in the exploration of the outer planet satellites were examined. Titan, the seventh satellite of Saturn was selected as the target of interest. Science objectives for Titan exploration were identified, and recommended science payloads for four basic mission modes were developed (orbiter, atmospheric probe, surface penetrator and lander). Trial spacecraft and mission designs were produced for the various mission modes. Using these trial designs as a base, technology excursions were then made to find solutions to the problems resulting from these conventional approaches and to uncover new science, technology and mission planning options. Several mission modes were developed that take advantage of the unique conditions expected at Titan. They include a combined orbiter, atmosphere probe and lander vehicle, a combined probe and surface penetrator configuration and concepts for advanced remote sensing orbiters

    Rate dependent shear bands in a shear transformation zone model of amorphous solids

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    We use Shear Transformation Zone (STZ) theory to develop a deformation map for amorphous solids as a function of the imposed shear rate and initial material preparation. The STZ formulation incorporates recent simulation results [Haxton and Liu, PRL 99 195701 (2007)] showing that the steady state effective temperature is rate dependent. The resulting model predicts a wide range of deformation behavior as a function of the initial conditions, including homogeneous deformation, broad shear bands, extremely thin shear bands, and the onset of material failure. In particular, the STZ model predicts homogeneous deformation for shorter quench times and lower strain rates, and inhomogeneous deformation for longer quench times and higher strain rates. The location of the transition between homogeneous and inhomogeneous flow on the deformation map is determined in part by the steady state effective temperature, which is likely material dependent. This model also suggests that material failure occurs due to a runaway feedback between shear heating and the local disorder, and provides an explanation for the thickness of shear bands near the onset of material failure. We find that this model, which resolves dynamics within a sheared material interface, predicts that the stress weakens with strain much more rapidly than a similar model which uses a single state variable to specify internal dynamics on the interface.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, corrected typos, added section on rate strengthening vs. rate weakening material

    Quantifying methane and nitrous oxide emissions from the UK and Ireland using a national-scale monitoring network

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    The UK is one of several countries around the world that has enacted legislation to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, we present top-down emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) for the UK and Ireland over the period August 2012 to August 2014. These emissions were inferred using measurements from a network of four sites around the two countries. We used a hierarchical Bayesian inverse framework to infer fluxes as well as a set of covariance parameters that describe uncertainties in the system. We inferred average UK total emissions of 2.09 (1.65–2.67) Tg yr−1 CH4 and 0.101 (0.068–0.150) Tg yr−1 N2O and found our derived UK estimates to be generally lower than the a priori emissions, which consisted primarily of anthropogenic sources and with a smaller contribution from natural sources. We used sectoral distributions from the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) to determine whether these discrepancies can be attributed to specific source sectors. Because of the distinct distributions of the two dominant CH4 emissions sectors in the UK, agriculture and waste, we found that the inventory may be overestimated in agricultural CH4 emissions. We found that annual mean N2O emissions were consistent with both the prior and the anthropogenic inventory but we derived a significant seasonal cycle in emissions. This seasonality is likely due to seasonality in fertilizer application and in environmental drivers such as temperature and rainfall, which are not reflected in the annual resolution inventory. Through the hierarchical Bayesian inverse framework, we quantified uncertainty covariance parameters and emphasized their importance for high-resolution emissions estimation. We inferred average model errors of approximately 20 and 0.4 ppb and correlation timescales of 1.0 (0.72–1.43) and 2.6 (1.9–20 3.9) days for CH4 and N2O, respectively. These errors are a combination of transport model errors as well as errors due to unresolved emissions processes in the inventory. We found the largest CH4 errors at the Tacolneston station in eastern England, which may be due to sporadic emissions from landfills and offshore gas in the North Sea
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