649 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular drug therapy for human newborn: review of pharmacodynamic data

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    BACKGROUND: Circulatory failure in preterm and term newborn infants is commonly treated with inotropes or vasoactive medications. In this structured literature review, the available data on pharmacodynamic effects of the inotropes adrenaline, dobutamine, dopamine, levosimendan, milrinone, noradrenaline, and the vasoactive drugs vasopressin and hydrocortisone are presented. METHODS: Structured searches were conducted to identify relevant articles according to pre-defined inclusion criteria which were human clinical trials published after 2000. RESULTS: Out of 101 identified eligible studies only 22 studies met the criteria for evidence based practice guidelines level I to IV. The most prevalent pharmacodynamic effects were increase in blood pressure and/or heart rate, which were also the most frequently studied circulatory parameters. CONCLUSION: This review demonstrates the need for further systematic studies on all reviewed drugs with incorporation of novel non-invasive biomarkers in this vulnerable patient group, for more timely and appropriate treatment for clinical efficacy

    Pathophysiology and Treatment of Non-motor Dysfunction in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive and fatal neurodegenerative disease typically presenting with bulbar or limb weakness. There is increasing evidence that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a multisystem disease with early and frequent impacts on cognition, behaviour, sleep, pain and fatigue. Dysfunction of normal physiological and metabolic processes also appears common. Evidence from pre-symptomatic studies and large epidemiological cohorts examining risk factors for the future development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis have reported a high prevalence of changes in behaviour and mental health before the emergence of motor weakness. This suggests that changes beyond the motor system are underway at an early stage with dysfunction across brain networks regulating a variety of cognitive, behavioural and other homeostatic processes. The full impact of non-motor dysfunction continues to be established but there is now sufficient evidence that the presence of non-motor symptoms impacts overall survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and with up to 80% reporting non-motor symptoms, there is an urgent need to develop more robust therapeutic approaches. This review provides a contemporary overview of the pathobiology of non-motor dysfunction, offering readers a practical approach with regard to assessment and management. We review the current evidence for pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of non-motor dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and highlight the need to further integrate non-motor dysfunction as an important outcome measure for future clinical trial design

    Longitudinal impact of a youth tobacco education program

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    BACKGROUND: Information on the effectiveness of elementary school level, tobacco-use prevention programs is generally limited. This study assessed the impact of a structured, one-time intervention that was designed to modify attitudes and knowledge about tobacco. Participants were fifth-grade students from schools in western New York State. METHODS: Twenty-eight schools, which were in relatively close geographic proximity, were randomized into three groups; Group 1 was used to assess whether attitudes/knowledge were changed in the hypothesized direction by the intervention, and if those changes were retained four months later. Groups 2 and 3, were used as comparison groups to assess possible test-retest bias and historical effects. Groups 1 and 3 were pooled to assess whether attitudes/knowledge were changed by the intervention as measured by an immediate post-test. The non-parametric analytical techniques of Wilcoxon-Matched Pairs/Sign Ranks and the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Rank Sums Tests were used to compare proportions of correct responses at each of the schools. RESULTS: Pooled analyses showed that short-term retention on most items was achieved. It was also found that retention on two knowledge items 'recognition that smokers have yellow teeth and fingers' and 'smoking one pack of cigarettes a day costs several hundred dollars per year' was maintained for four months. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that inexpensive, one-time interventions for tobacco-use prevention can be of value. Changes in attitudes and knowledge conducive to the goal of tobacco-use prevention can be achieved for short-term retention and some relevant knowledge items can be retained for several months

    Use of a liquid nicotine delivery product to promote smoking cessation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite access to various pharmacotherapies and counseling support to aid cessation, smokers typically demonstrate quit rates below 50%. This report describes the results of a Phase 2a study exploring the efficacy of a liquid nicotine delivery system as an aid to smoking cessation assessed after 12 weeks of therapy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A single-arm Phase 2a study was conducted. Community-based smokers (ages 18+ years, smoking at least 10 cigarettes daily for the past year and interested in making a quit attempt) were recruited and completed clinic visits at 2 week intervals over the 12 week study period where carbon monoxide levels were assessed and the Smoke-Break product was rated on taste and overall satisfaction. Participants were provided with a supply of liquid nicotine cigarettes (e.g., Smoke-Break) at each clinic visit. A total of 69 smokers were enrolled and received the intervention product (intention to treat group, ITT) and 52 smokers verified participation (according to protocol group, ATP).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The cessation rate at 12 weeks after the baseline visit, assessed as the bioverified point prevalence of abstinence, was 71.1% (95% confidence interval [CI] 58.8%-83.5%) in the ATP group and 53.6% (41.8%-65.4%) in the ITT group. Participants rated the liquid nicotine delivery system highly and also expressed general satisfaction. Few adverse events were identified with no serious adverse events.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results support the efficacy of the liquid nicotine delivery system in smoking cessation. If this nicotine delivery product proves to be effective in larger trials, it could represent an inexpensive, readily accessible and well-tolerated agent to promote smoking cessation.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>This trial is registered at clinicaltrials.gov as study NCT00715871.</p

    Artificial Neural Network Inference (ANNI): A Study on Gene-Gene Interaction for Biomarkers in Childhood Sarcomas

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    Objective: To model the potential interaction between previously identified biomarkers in children sarcomas using artificial neural network inference (ANNI). Method: To concisely demonstrate the biological interactions between correlated genes in an interaction network map, only 2 types of sarcomas in the children small round blue cell tumors (SRBCTs) dataset are discussed in this paper. A backpropagation neural network was used to model the potential interaction between genes. The prediction weights and signal directions were used to model the strengths of the interaction signals and the direction of the interaction link between genes. The ANN model was validated using Monte Carlo cross-validation to minimize the risk of over-fitting and to optimize generalization ability of the model. Results: Strong connection links on certain genes (TNNT1 and FNDC5 in rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS); FCGRT and OLFM1 in Ewing’s sarcoma (EWS)) suggested their potency as central hubs in the interconnection of genes with different functionalities. The results showed that the RMS patients in this dataset are likely to be congenital and at low risk of cardiomyopathy development. The EWS patients are likely to be complicated by EWS-FLI fusion and deficiency in various signaling pathways, including Wnt, Fas/Rho and intracellular oxygen. Conclusions: The ANN network inference approach and the examination of identified genes in the published literature within the context of the disease highlights the substantial influence of certain genes in sarcomas

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in elderly subjects: impact on functional status and quality of life

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    AbstractChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an important cause of morbidity and disability. Many studies have investigated factors influencing quality of life (QoL) in middle-aged COPD sufferers, but little attention has been given to elderly COPD. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of COPD on QoL and functional status in the elderly. Sixty COPD patients and 58 healthy controls over 65 years old were administered Pulmonary Function Tests, 6min Walking Test (6MWD) for exercise tolerance, the Barthel Index and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) for functional status, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) for mood, and the Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) for QoL. FEV1 and P aO2 were reduced in COPD patients. Also the distance walked during 6MWD was significantly shorter for patients than controls (282.5±89.5 vs. 332.9±95.2m; P<0.01). Moreover, COPD patients had significantly worse outcomes for the Barthel Index, GDS and SGRQ. The logistic regression model demonstrated that a decrease in FEV1 is the factor most strictly related to the deterioration of QoL in COPD patients. Mood was also an independent factor influencing QoL. In conclusion, elderly COPD patients show a substantial impairment in QoL depending on the severity of airway obstruction; symptoms related to the disease may be exaggerated by mood deflection

    Cerebellar Integrity in the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Frontotemporal Dementia Continuum

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) are multisystem neurodegenerative disorders that manifest overlapping cognitive, neuropsychiatric and motor features. The cerebellum has long been known to be crucial for intact motor function although emerging evidence over the past decade has attributed cognitive and neuropsychiatric processes to this structure. The current study set out i) to establish the integrity of cerebellar subregions in the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia spectrum (ALS-bvFTD) and ii) determine whether specific cerebellar atrophy regions are associated with cognitive, neuropsychiatric and motor symptoms in the patients. Seventy-eight patients diagnosed with ALS, ALS-bvFTD, behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), most without C9ORF72 gene abnormalities, and healthy controls were investigated. Participants underwent cognitive, neuropsychiatric and functional evaluation as well as structural imaging using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to examine the grey matter subregions of the cerebellar lobules, vermis and crus. VBM analyses revealed: i) significant grey matter atrophy in the cerebellum across the whole ALS-bvFTD continuum; ii) atrophy predominantly of the superior cerebellum and crus in bvFTD patients, atrophy of the inferior cerebellum and vermis in ALS patients, while ALS-bvFTD patients had both patterns of atrophy. Post-hoc covariance analyses revealed that cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms were particularly associated with atrophy of the crus and superior lobule, while motor symptoms were more associated with atrophy of the inferior lobules. Taken together, these findings indicate an important role of the cerebellum in the ALS-bvFTD disease spectrum, with all three clinical phenotypes demonstrating specific patterns of subregional atrophy that associated with different symptomology

    Virtual histological assessment of the prenatal life history and age at death of the Upper Paleolithic fetus from Ostuni (Italy)

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    The fetal remains from the Ostuni 1 burial (Italy, ca 27 ka) represent a unique opportunity to explore the prenatal biological parameters, and to reconstruct the possible patho-biography, of a fetus (and its mother) in an Upper Paleolithic context. Phase-contrast synchrotron X-ray microtomography imaging of two deciduous tooth crowns and microfocus CT measurements of the right hemimandible of the Ostuni 1b fetus were performed at the SYRMEP beamline and at the TomoLab station of the Elettra - Sincrotrone laboratory (Trieste, Italy) in order to refne age at death and to report the enamel developmental history and dental tissue volumes for this fetal individual. The virtual histology allowed to estimate the age at death of the fetus at 31–33 gestational weeks. Three severe physiological stress episodes were also identifed in the prenatal enamel. These stress episodes occurred during the last two months and half of pregnancy and may relate to the death of both individuals. Compared with modern prenatal standards, Os1b’s skeletal development was advanced. This cautions against the use of modern skeletal and dental references for archaeological fnds and emphasizes the need for more studies on prenatal archaeological skeletal samples

    Recommendations to improve physical activity among teenagers- A qualitative study with ethnic minority and European teenagers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To understand the key challenges and explore recommendations from teenagers to promote physical activity with a focus on ethnic minority children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Focus groups with teenagers aged 16-18 of Bangladeshi, Somali or Welsh descent attending a participating school in South Wales, UK. There were seventy four participants (18 Somali, 24 Bangladeshi and 32 Welsh children) divided into 12 focus groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The boys were more positive about the benefits of exercise than the girls and felt there were not enough facilities or enough opportunity for unsupervised activity. The girls felt there was a lack of support to exercise from their family. All the children felt that attitudes to activity for teenagers needed to change, so that there was more family and community support for girls to be active and for boys to have freedom to do activities they wanted without formal supervision. It was felt that older children from all ethnic backgrounds should be involved more in delivering activities and schools needs to provide more frequent and a wider range of activities.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study takes a child-focused approach to explore how interventions should be designed to promote physical activity in youth. Interventions need to improve access to facilities but also counteract attitudes that teenagers should be studying or working and not 'hanging about' playing with friends. Thus, the value of activity for teenagers needs to be promoted not just among the teenagers but with their teachers, parents and members of the community.</p