107 research outputs found

    La resistencia antiseñorial del concejo de Cáceres durante el siglo XV

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    Los conflictos producidos en la Extremadura septentrional han merecido escaso interés para los historiadores. Julio Valdeón, el mejor conocedor en su conjunto de esta problemática en Castilla, solamente hace una breve reseña de uno de los episodios de resistencia protagonizado por la ciudad de Trujillo en 1469; pero él mismo reconoce que «es aún muy grande el campo que queda por investigar en este terreno». Breves alusiones se encuentran también en el estudio sobre Juan II de Aragón, de Jaime Vicens Vives. En el amplio repertorio de acontecimientos que Luis Suárez Fernández nos ofrece en su historia sobre los Trastámaras, se limita a hacer una rápida mención de la resistencia que Cáceres y Trujillo opusieron a la absorción por Pedro Estúñiga, en 1440. El movimiento de resistencia antiseñorial en la Extremadura septentrional tiene dos grandes protagonistas: Cáceres y Trujillo. Me limitaré, casi exclusivamente, a la primera, por razones de espacio y también porque la resistencia cacereña presenta ciertos aspectos originales dentro de los movimientos urbanos de oposición señorial. La resistencia protagonizada por el concejo de Cáceres presenta dos fases cronológicas, cada una de ellas con características peculiares

    La acción de los poderes locales en la primera expansión astur (siglos IX-X)

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    La rapidez de la expansión astur entre la Cordillera Cantábrica y el río Duero se explica en este trabajo desde el prisma de la persistencia de población, así como de alguna forma de organización política, por rudimentaria que esta sea. La defensa de esta tesis se basa en el hecho comprobado de la ocupación por parte de los astures de una serie de núcleos de la meseta que en una antigüedad más o menos remota habían constituido centros de control social o de organización militar y que previamente a la conquista pasarían a ser asiento de poderes locales con autoridad sobre pequeños distritos locales con escasa o nula articulación entre ellos. Buenos conocedores del territorio, con experiencia de mando, terminarían aceptando la superioridad de los reyes astures. Aceptación que se vería recompensada con su integración en la nueva aristocracia del reino al lado de la primitiva aristocracia astur y la elite eclesiástica de obispos y abade

    Social Vulnerability and Touristification of Historic Centers

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    Historic centers have su ered di erent processes of neglect, occupation, segregation, gentrification, and touristification as a result of changes in demand and policies. Currently, they are going through a homogenization process motivated by tourist pressure, which is causing the expulsion of the local population; this is a common topic of interest for media and political agendas, which requires scientific analysis. This research aims at identifying the winning and the losing tourist groups in the historic center of Seville. It is structured in two parts: a conceptual one based on the bibliographic review with which one wants to know how the current society responds to tourist pressure through defining and characterizing the processes of substitution of uses and inhabitants, and another empirical one in which the analysis of statistical indicators (demographic, economic, and residential) treated with Geographic Information System (GIS) allows us to measure the degree of existing vulnerability and analyze social and spatial e ects caused by the tourism in Sevill

    En torno a la génesis de las sociedades peninsulares altomedievales. Reflexiones y nuevas propuestas

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    [ES] Con motivo de la reciente aparición de la segunda edición del libro Las sociedades feudales -ahora con el título de La España de los sighs VI al XIII. Guerra, expansión y transformaciones, San Sebastián: Nerea, 2004- el autor ofrece una síntesis y justificación de las modificaciones introducidas en esta edición. Más que un estado de la cuestión sobre la génesis de las sociedades del norte peninsular, es una exposición de su trayectoria científica personal en la comprensión y explicación de algunos de los problemas claves de la Alta Edad Media española. Problemas que han sido objeto de intenso debate en los últimos años y en los que el autor ha tomado parte activa a través de artículos publicados en ésta y otras revistas y de las ponencias presentadas a diversos congresos. A partir de ellos y de otros trabajos menores se reafirman, matizan, revisan o desechan tesis defendidas en la primera edición del libro aparecida hace ahora diez años. Problemas en torno a la feudalización de la sociedad visigoda; la romanización astur; la pervivencia de estructuras gentilicias en las primeras sociedades altomedievales del norte peninsular; las diferenciadas vías y cronología de la feudalización en las formaciones políticas septentrionales; la continuidad o la ruptura como formas de transición; todos ellos son temas de gran calado historiografia) sobre los que el autor vuelve a manifestarse con una visión a veces distinta de la ofrecida diez años antes en la primera edición del libro de referencia.[EN] On the occasion of the recent publication of the second edition of the book Las sociedades feudales —now under the title La España de los siglos VI al XIII. Guerra, expansión y transformaciones, San Sebastián: Nerea, 2004— the author offers a synthesis and explanation of the amendments included in this last edition. It is, therefore, more than a state of the question of the origins of the societies of the North of the Iberian Peninsula, an exposition of the author's personal scientific development about the comprehension and explanation of some of the key problems of the High Middle Ages in Spain. These problems have been during the last years the object of an intense debate of which the author has been an active member by means both of articles published in this and other magazines and of presentations introduced in several. From these works, and also from other minor works, the theories defended in the first edition of the book, published ten years ago, are now reaffirmed, amended or disposed of. Problems about the feudalisation of the Visigothic society; the Asturian romanisation; the survival of the gentilician structures of the High Middle Ages early societies in the north of the Iberian Peninsula; the differentiated paths and chronology of the feudalisation in the northern political formations; the continuity or rupture as forms of transition; these topics, all of which have a high historical importance, are considered again by the author under a new perspective, at times different that the one offered ten years ago in the first edition of the aforementioned work

    Non-linear adjustment of import prices in the European Union

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    This paper focuses on the non linear adjustment of import prices in national currency to shocks in exchange rates and foreign prices measured in the exporters' currency of products originating outside the euro area and imported into European Union countries (EU 15). The paper looks at three different types of non linearities: (a) non proportional adjustment (the size of the adjustment grows more than proportionally with the size of the misalignments), (b) asymmetric adjustment to cost increasing and cost decreasing shocks, and (c) the existence of thresholds in the size of misalignments below which no adjustment takes place. There is evidence of more than proportional adjustment towards long run equilibrium in manufacturing industries. In these industries, the adjustment is faster the further away current import prices are from their implied long run equilibrium. In contrast, a proportional linear adjustment cannot be rejected for some other imports (especially within agricultural and commodity imports). There is also strong evidence of asymmetry in the adjustment to long run equilibrium. Deviations from long run equilibrium due to exchange rate appreciations of the home currency result in a faster adjustment than those caused by a home currency depreciation. Finally, we also find that adjustment takes place in the industries in our sample only when deviations are above certain thresholds, and that these thresholds tend to be somewhat smaller for manufacturing industries than for commoditie

    Measurement of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review of Corporate Sustainability Indexes, Rankings and Ratings

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    Companies are currently changing their traditional role in society and transforming it into a proactive role in which their operations generate social and environmental positive impacts. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved from simple philanthropy to a more theoretical concept with a new corporate philosophy that takes all the interests of all stakeholders into consideration. The financial market is pushing the development of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), which has led to the rise of Corporate Sustainability Systems (CSS). These CSSs are tools that rate corporate performance on sustainability. However, they constitute a chaotic universe, with instruments of different nature. This paper identifies and groups the common characteristics of the CSSs into three different typologies: Indexes, Rankings and Ratings. Despite this classification, and although the fundamental pillar of CSR is the “Stakeholder Theory”, CSSs are still not ideal tools to be used by all stakeholders. From the magma of CSSs, this article identifies and describes, through a comparative analysis, those which best comply with the “Stakeholder Theory”. This paper facilitates the work of researchers and stakeholders by exposing the differential characteristics of the most important CSSs.This research was founded by IHOBE, Environmental Management Public Agency of the Basque Government, and was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Graphic Design and Engineering Projects of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

    La situación de las personas mayores en Castilla y León

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    Producción CientíficaAnálisis del envejecimiento como rasgo demográfico fundamental en Castilla y León, características socioeconómicas de los mayores, atención a este grupo de población, problemática y perspectivas.GeografíaObra elaborada a partir del informe encargado por el Consejo Económico y Social de Castilla y León

    Nitric Oxide Metabolism Affects Germination in Botrytiscinerea and Is Connected to Nitrate Assimilation.

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    [EN]Nitric oxide regulates numerous physiological processes in species from all taxonomic groups. Here, its role in the early developmental stages of the fungal necrotroph Botrytis cinerea was investigated. Pharmacological analysis demonstrated that NO modulated germination, germ tube elongation and nuclear division rate. Experimental evidence indicates that exogenous NO exerts an immediate but transitory negative effect, slowing down germination-associated processes, and that this effect is largely dependent on the flavohemoglobin BCFHG1. The fungus exhibited a "biphasic response" to NO, being more sensitive to low and high concentrations than to intermediate levels of the NO donor. Global gene expression analysis in the wild-type and ΔBcfhg1 strains indicated a situation of strong nitrosative and oxidative stress determined by exogenous NO, which was much more intense in the mutant strain, that the cells tried to alleviate by upregulating several defense mechanisms, including the simultaneous upregulation of the genes encoding the flavohemoglobin BCFHG1, a nitronate monooxygenase (NMO) and a cyanide hydratase. Genetic evidence suggests the coordinated expression of Bcfhg1 and the NMO coding gene, both adjacent and divergently arranged, in response to NO. Nitrate assimilation genes were upregulated upon exposure to NO, and BCFHG1 appeared to be the main enzymatic system involved in the generation of the signal triggering their induction. Comparative expression analysis also showed the influence of NO on other cellular processes, such as mitochondrial respiration or primary and secondary metabolism, whose response could have been mediated by NmrA-like domain proteins
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