240 research outputs found

    Jose Luis Feliu Pesquera to James Meredith (2 October 1962)

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    Salud e inmigración en el contexto de esta crisis económica y de valores:el ejemplo de España

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    Los principales determinantes de la salud de las personas y de las comunidades son sociales y por tanto así deberán ser sus soluciones. En el caso de la población inmigración existe una excepción a esta regla ya que a su llegada por diversos motivos (que pueden resumirse en el 'healthy migration effect') suelen presentar una salud superior a la población que los acoge. No obstante, con el transcurso de los años está salud tiende a deteriorarse. Los Sistemas Sanitarios Públicos de cobertura Universal han demostrado su capacidad de reducir las desigualdades sanitarias. La Unión Europea en diversos documentos ha enfatizado la importancia de garantizar una adecuada atención sanitaria a toda la población incluyendo la inmigrante. España era un referente mundial en este sentido al garantizar la accesibilidad al Sistema Sanitario de todos los inmigrantes independientemente de su situación administrativa. No obstante, a raíz del Real Decreto Ley 12/2012, el Gobierno Español ha excluido a unas 900.000 de este Derecho provocando un grave problema humano, ético y sanitario ante el que distintos colectivos sociales y profesionales han manifestado su oposición

    La resolución de conflictos internacionales por vía extrajudicial en el ámbito del turismo

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    El mes de febrero de 2016 la Comisión europea inauguró una plataforma on-line para fomentar la resolución alternativa a la vía judicial de las reclamaciones entre consumidores con residencia habitual en la UE y empresarios establecidos en la UE. La plataforma permite presentar reclamaciones sobre productos o servicios adquiridos online y encontrar un tercero neutral ("organismo de resolución de litigios") que las tramite. En este contexto se presenta necesario un análisis del impacto que dicho sistema pueda tener en la resolución de litigios de ámbito turístico

    Activation Energy of Hydrogen Adsorption on Pt(111) in Alkaline Media: An Impedance Spectroscopy Study at Variable Temperatures

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    The hydrogen evolution reaction is one of the most studied processes in electrochemistry, and platinum is by far the best catalyst for this reaction. Despite the importance of this reaction on platinum, detailed and accurate kinetic measurements of the steps that lead to the main reaction are still lacking, particularly because of the fast rate of the reaction. Hydrogen adsorption on Pt(111) has been taken as a benchmark system in a large number of computational studies, but reliable experimental data to compare with the computational studies is very scarce. To gain further knowledge on this matter, a temperature study of the hydrogen adsorption reaction has been carried out to obtain kinetic information for this process on Pt(111) in alkaline solution. This was achieved by measuring electrochemical impedance spectra and cyclic voltammograms in the range of 278 ≤ T ≤ 318 (K) to obtain the corresponding surface coverage by adsorbed species and the faradaic charge transfer resistance. From this data, the standard rate constant has been extracted with a kinetic model assuming a Frumkin-type isotherm, resulting in values of 2.60 × 10–7 ≤ k0 ≤ 1.68 × 10–6 (s–1). The Arrehnius plot gives an activation energy of 32 kJ mol–1. Comparisons are made with values calculated by computational methods and reported values for the overall HER, giving a reference frame to support future studies on hydrogen catalysis.This work was financially supported by the MINECO (Spain) project no. CTQ2016-76221-P. L.E.B. thanks the Generalitat Valenciana for funding from the Santiago Grisolia Program (no. GRISOLIAP/2017/181)

    Las relaciones intelectuales entre médicos judíos y cristianos: La traducción hebrea de las Medicationis Parabole de Arnau de Vilanova, por Abraham Abigdor (ca. 1384)

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    The historicians of medicine have scarcely devoted their attention to the study of the intellectual relations between the physicians belonging to the three religious groups (Christians, Jews and Muslims) that coexisted in the south of the Western Christian Europe during the low medieval centuries. We are referring to those physicians who considered medicine not only a more or less empirical practice but also and activity whose actual foundations were rooted in natural philosophy. One of the channels used, for that relation were translations (from Latin to Hebrew or by the intermediary of a Romance language) of medical works written by Christian university doctors. The present article deals with this problem through the analysis of a concrete case, the translation activities of the Jewish rationalist physician Abraham Abigdor (about 1351-1402), particularly his translation from Latin into Hebrew of the Medicationes Parabole, of Arnau de Vilanova, made during the eighties of the XIV century of the south of France.Los historiadores de la medicina apenas han tenido en cuenta el estudio de las relaciones intelectuales entre los médicos pertenecientes a los tres grupos religiosos (cristianos, judíos, musulmanes), que durante los siglos bajomedievales convivieron en el sur de la Europa cristiana occidental. Nos referimos a los médicos que hicieron de la medicina, no sólo una práctica más o menos empírica, sino que la consideraron, además, una actividad fundada en la filosofía natural. Una de las vías utilizadas para dicha relación, fue la de las traducciones (latín-hebreo, o con el intermedio de una lengua romance) de obras médicas escritas por médicos universitarios cristianos. El presente artículo aborda dicho problema a través del estudio del caso concreto de la actividad traductora del médico racionalista judío Abraham Abigdor {ca. 1351-1402), concretamente de su traducción (latín-hebreo) de las Medicationis parabole de Arnau de Vilanova, realizada en los años ochenta del siglo XIV en el sur de la actual Francia

    Sistema de gestão de atividades docentes de supervisão

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    O presente relatório descreve um protótipo para o apoio à gestão da informação associada com a atividade de supervisão realizada no âmbito do ensino superior. São apresentados os requisitos e os diagramas associados com o sistema. Adicionalmente, a arquitetura, diagrama de classes e os ecrans principais do protótipo são descritos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El Cerro de la Albina y la metalurgia de la plata en Tartessos

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    Se presentan en este trabajo algunos resultados de las investigaciones realizadas en el Cerro de la Albina, yacimiento arqueológico de época tartésica ubicado en la antigua desembocadura del Guadalquivir. Se muestran especialmente aquellos aspectos que tienen que ver con la técnica de refinado de la plata conocida como copelación.This study presents some results from the researches carried out in Cerro de la Albina, a Tartessian period archaeological site placed in the old mouth of Guadalquivir River. The article concentrates on those aspects related to the refining technique of silver known as cupellation

    Mechanical properties obtained by nanoindentation of sintered zircon-glass matrix composites

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    This study was undertaken to determine the effect of zircon content and firing temperature on the hardness and indentation modulus of zircon–glass composites obtained by sintering. A standard non-devitrified borosilicate glass (SRM 717a) powder and an industrial micrometric zircon powder were used to prepare mixtures with a zircon volume/solids volume between 0 and 0.63, by the wet method. The values of these mechanical properties were determined by nanoindentation and related to the most important microstructural characteristics of the composites, such as porosity, zircon volume fraction, glass volume fraction, and average zircon grain size. Composite mechanical performance was interpreted and determined by statistically analysing the results of a large number of indentations using two maximum loads. An empirical model was developed that describes the effect of these microstructural characteristics on composite hardness and modulus of indentation. Composites of high hardness (11.3 ± 2.5 GPa) and low porosity (ε = 0.07) were obtained at 1100 °C from a mixture with a zircon volume/solids volume of 0.43

    Advanced Motor Control for Improving the Trajectory Tracking Accuracy of a Low-Cost Mobile Robot

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    This research was funded by the Grant PID2019-111278RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe”.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Non-isothermal sintering of powdered vitrified composites. A kinetic model

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    This report sets out the results obtained on studying the sintering process of glass–zircon composites, analysing the microstructural changes that developed on modifying zircon content. The sintering of composites with moderate zircon contents only developed via particle rearrangement by viscous flow. In contrast, at high zircon contents, the zircon solution–reprecipitation process was also required. A kinetic model was developed and validated that describes the effect of the heating rate and zircon volume fraction on the composite degree of non-isothermal sintering progress associated with particle rearrangement by viscous flow