1,490 research outputs found

    Teaching and play. Early childhood teachers perspectives

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    Poster apresentado na 27ª Conferencia da EECERA, realizada em Bolonha, Itália, a 30 de Agosto de 2017.The purpose of the present on-going study is to investigate early childhood teachers’ perspectives about the use of play for promoting learning and development. This research is a result of a study, made within a community of practice for research and curriculum development, involving teachers, cooperating teachers and students of a Portuguese School of Education. The common interest is the focus on Imagination and Play in Education. The Portuguese curriculum guidelines for early childhood Education sustains that play should be valued for learning and development (OCEPE, 2016). Nevertheless many students observations of early childhood contexts relate that teaching is mainly centred in activities for the all group of children, teacher directed, so perhaps the role of play has been misunderstood. The early childhood teacher's pedagogical role in play has been re-thought in the light of new theoretical understandings of play (Rogers & Evans, 2008, Fleer, 2010, Bruce, 2011). The study includes early childhood teachers in different stages of professional development. A survey through on-line questionnaire was made to 100 participants. Personal anonymity was central to gain reliable information. Discussion will focus on these issues: - early childhood teachers’ conceptions about play, - relation between play and learning, - role of play in planning and curriculum development, - evidence of child learning through play in evaluation. Results will be discussed in the community of practice and impact on curriculum development for those involved should be expected.N/

    Train to include – the promotion of inclusive practice through training in context.

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    The project "Training to Include" was aimed at promoting inclusive practices through training in context of professionals from various educational levels. It was also intended to enable the development of curricular, pedagogical and organizational innovative interventions, sustained in scientific knowledge and reflection on practice. This project was conceived by a group of teachers of Instituto Superior Politécnico de Santarém - Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém, in the framework and mission of its Centro de Apoio Pedagógico (Educational Support Center) and establishing partnership with the training Centre of Lezíria do Tejo. It obtained approval and funding by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, as part of the Gulbenkian Qualification New Generations Program - Special Education 2014. It involved teachers of all groupings of the coverage area of that training center.Fundação Calouste GulbenkianN/

    Ludoteca " Mariana Viegas"

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    Apresentação da Ludoteca da Escola Superior de Educação e do Projeto IMAGinE com o qual articula.N/

    Waist-to-height ratio is independently related to whole and central body fat, regardless of the waist circumference measurement protocol, in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Pimenta N.M., Cortez-Pinto H., Melo X., Silva-Nunes J., Sardinha L.B. & Santa-Clara H. (2017) Waist-to-height ratio is independently related to whole and central body fat, regardless of the waist circumference measurement protocol, in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients. J Hum Nutr Diet. 30, 185–192, which has been published in final form atdoi: 10.1111/jhn.12410. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Background: Waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) has been reported as a prefer-able risk related body fat (BF) marker, although no standardised waistcircumference measurement protocol (WCmp) has been proposed. Thepresent study aimed to investigate whether the use of a different WCmpaffects the strength of relationship between WHtR and both whole andcentral BF in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients.Methods: BF was assessed with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in28 NAFLD patients [19 males, mean (SD) 51 (13) years and nine females,47 (13) years]. All subjects also underwent anthropometric evaluationincluding height and waist circumference (WC) measurement using fourdifferent WCmp (WC1, minimal waist; WC2, iliac crest; WC3, mid-distancebetween iliac crest and lowest rib; WC4, at the umbilicus) and WHtR wascalculated using each WC measurements (WHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3 andWHtR4, respectively). Partial correlations were conducted to assess the rela-tion of WHtR and DXA assessed BF.Results: All WHtR were particularly correlated with central BF, includingabdominal BF (r = 0.80, r = 0.84, r = 0.84 and r = 0.78, respectively, forWHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3 and WHtR4) and central abdominal BF (r = 0.72,r = 0.77, r = 0.76 and r = 0.71, respectively, for WHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3and WHtR4), after controlling for age, sex and body mass index. There wereno differences between the correlation coefficients obtained between allstudied WHtR and each whole and central BF variable.Conclusions: Waist-to-height ratio was found a suitable BF marker in thepresent sample of NAFLD patients and the strength of the relationshipbetween WHtR and both whole and central BF was not altered by usingdifferent WCmp in the present sample of NAFLD patients.FUNDING SOURCES The first author of this paper was supported by a research grant (PhD scholarship) from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal (grant: SFRH/ BD/ 70515/ 2010). The present study was funded by: the Centre for the Study of Human Performance, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vinculação, práticas educativas na primeira infância e intervenção precoce

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    Os primeiros seis anos de vida são cruciais no desenvolvimento (Papalia, Olds & Feldman, 2001). Nos primeiros três anos ocorre um período rápido e rico em mudanças desenvolvimentais. O bebé, neste breve período de vida, adquire locomoção autónoma, comunicação oral, autonomia, capacidade de fantasiar e imaginar, entre tantas outras habilidades que muito entusiasmam que com ele vive. Mais tarde, estas competências são sofisticadas e elaboradas permitindo ganhos cognitivos de reversibilidade e de compensação de ganhos e perdas

    a case study

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    UID/HIS/04209/2013The Portuguese Revolution of April 1974 ended 48 years of dictatorship. The political evolution that followed the coup gave rise to a revolutionary process, the OnGoing Revolutionary Period, which gained momentum, after March 11, 1975, opening"the path to socialism". As a side effect, the state became the owner of almost all the press. The first democratic elections took place on April 25, 1975. For the first time in almost 50 years, the press had the opportunity to do the cover in an environment of freedom of expression. However, the media were not immune to the revolutionary process and the newspapers were affected by the struggle for control of the information. The purpose of this study is a first approach in order to understand the news process and strategies to cover the electoral campaign in the press. The methodology will rely on a comparative analysis of the journalist formats in Diário de Notícas and Jornal Novo, chosen for de difference of each journalistic format and almost opposite editorial status.publishersversionpublishe

    Digital Image Sensor Integration in the Scope of EyeFundusScope: a Retinal Imaging System for Mobile Diabetic Retinopathy Assessment

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    Diabetic Retinopathy is a pathology, asymptomatic in early stages, that is a consequence of diabetes mellitus, a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Specifically on people with Diabetic Retinopathy, long periods of hyperglycemia lead to the creation of very fragile blood vessels in the retina, or to the suppression of old ones, leading to problems like hemorrhages or exudates, that may cause blindness. Diabetic Retinopathy can be diagnosed with several devices, but these are mainly too expensive and non-portable, not allowing the screening of a great part of the population. This way, EyeFundusScope was created, being a smartphone based, non-mydriatic, handheld and low-cost Embedded Retinal Imaging System. Image quality depends on the system’s optical alignment and it should provide fundus images with a wide field-of-view. A communication protocol for streaming video and capturing still fundus images, from an UVC-Compliant Camera was developed, after a careful examination of the types of cameras that could be integrated in the system. Such cameras can be placed meticulously in the compact optical system, and suppress issues related to the different specifications of smartphone cameras, that often vary according to the manufacturers. An approach for low level control of high resolution and low cost camera modules was also evaluated. With the system developed, the user can select Internal Fixation Point Actuators, that are extremely important for this diagnosis, since they allow a fixed target for the patient to fixate on, reducing image aberrations due to its eye movement and providing wider field-of-view images. In the future, the UVC-Compliant Camera and Internal Fixation Points Actuators should be integrated on the current prototype, providing an accurate Diabetic Retinopathy screening tool which can enhance the early treatment of the pathology to a greater percentage of the population

    Unfreeze the pedagogies: introduction of a new innovative measure in Portugal

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    Calibrating the right developmental approach when introducing a new innovative intervention is a complex task for governments, and schools alike. The new Projeto-Piloto de Inovação Pedagógica offers six schools an opportunity to break most ofthe rules in order to unfreeze pedagogical and curricular traditions and open the “black box” classrooms. The paper examines what this intervention means for the Ministry and for the schools involved and reflects on its prospected outcomes.Calibrating the right developmental approach when introducing a new innovative intervention is a complex task for governments, and schools alike. The new Projeto-Piloto de Inovação Pedagógica offers six schools an opportunity to break most ofthe rules in order to unfreeze pedagogical and curricular traditions and open the “black box” classrooms. The paper examines what this intervention means for the Ministry and for the schools involved and reflects on its prospected outcomes

    Improving entrepreneurial skills in Portugal Higher Education - a case study in Alto Minho Region

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    RESUMO O tema empreendedorismo é identificado como uma alavanca de mudança com o intuito de aumentar o crescimento económico e a transformação da sociedade. Em particular, deve ser usado como uma estratégia de contrarresposta à atual crise e como um meio para combater a apatia, a inércia e a falta de iniciativa empresarial. Sabe-se que a educação para o empreendedorismo aumenta as intenções individuais para iniciar um negócio. O maior desafio no Ensino Superior é o romper com os métodos tradicionais de estudos, onde os alunos e suas famílias pensam na criação de novos funcionários para outras empresas e não para criar um novo empregador. A educação para o empreendedorismo visa produzir graduados com um conjunto de competências e uma mentalidade empreendedora, cujo objetivo final é desenvolver ideias originais que darão resposta a carências e necessidades identificadas no mercado. Na Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, um conjunto integrado de projetos e atividades estão a tentar contribuir para a melhoria das competências empresariais da região: desde oficinas abertas à comunidade, a projetos individuais dos alunos para preparar uma empresa startup, têm sido várias as contribuições para aumentar as novas capacidades dos alunos e melhorar a sua identidade empresarial. Alguns dos objetivos destas iniciativas integradas referem-se a: desenvolver a capacidade de aplicar conceitos e teorias abordados durante o curso de uma forma integrada, proporcionando-lhes a oportunidade de confrontar as teorias estudadas com as práticas profissionais existentes destinadas a experiência de consolidação e desempenho profissional; preencher lacunas específicas em áreas consideradas relevantes para o progresso e desenvolvimento da sua futura atividade profissional; fornecer uma visão prática da realidade empresarial através da formulação de ideias com potencial para a preparação de planos de negócios e marketing; fornecer aos estudantes ferramentas de execução, acompanhamento e gestão de negócios adequadas; incentivar o espírito empresarial e uma cultura ética e pró-ativa através da implementação de projetos que conduzam à solução de problemas e melhorias em processos organizacionais. Palavras-chave: competências empresariais; educação para o empreendedorismo; Ensino Superior; identidade empresarial; Leaders for the Future. ABSTRACT The entrepreneurship topic is identified as a switch gear to enhance the economic growth and as an important driver for the society transformation. In particular, it should be used as a counter response strategy to the current crisis and as a means to combat apathy, inertia, and the lack of entrepreneurial initiative. It is known that entrepreneurship education increase self-reported intentions to begin a business. The biggest challenge in higher education is the breaking of traditional studies methods, where students and their families think in create new employees for other companies and not to create a new employer. Entrepreneurship education aims to produce graduates with a set of skills and an entrepreneurial mindset, in order to come up with original ideas in response to identified market shortfalls and needs. At Business School of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, an integrated set of projects and activities are trying to contribute to the improvement of entrepreneurial skills of the region: since workshops open to community, to individual projects of students to prepare a startup company, they have been contribute to enhance new capacities and a better entrepreneurial identity of students. Some of the objectives of these integrated initiatives refer to: develop the ability to apply concepts and theories covered during the graduation in an integrated manner and providing them the opportunity to confront the theories studied with existing professional practices aimed at consolidation experience and professional performance; fill specific gaps in areas considered relevant to the progression and development of their future professional activity; provide a practical view of business reality through the ideas with potential formulation for the preparation of business plans and marketing; provide students tools for implementation, monitoring and proper business management; encourage the entrepreneurial spirit and an ethical culture and proactive by implementing projects that lead to the solution of problems and improvements of organizational processes. Keywords: entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurial identity; entrepreneurial skills; Higher Education; Leaders for the Future

    Avaliação do nível de literacia em saúde de alunos do ensino superior: Evolução ao longo da formação

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    Objectives: This work has two objectives: contribute to evaluate the level of health literacy of students in higher education, in the area of health and to contribute to the formulation of strategies to adapt the content of training to the needs of students. Methods: In this longitudinal observational study, a health literacy assessment questionnaire (NVS) was applied to students from 3 Health Schools and 2 different courses (Nursing and Dental Hygiene), at the beginning of the first school year, and at the end of the third year. Results: Less than 5% of the students participating in this study had inadequate health literacy at the entrance to the course. Women had a better level of health literacy than men, although no statistical significance was found (p=0.153). The health literacy gains are different among the courses. Nursing students began with a higher level of health literacy but were overtaken by oral hygiene students at the end of the 3rd year. However, the level of health literacy did not differ statistically throughout the training, although an increase in the level of health literacy was observed. Conclusions: The relationship between health literacy and health is recognized. Higher education institutions need to formulate strategies to adapt the content of training to the needs of students and to the level of health literacy in order to train students for lifelong learning.Objetivos: Este trabalho tem dois objetivos: contribuir para avaliar o nível de literacia em saúde dos estudantes do ensino superior, na área da saúde e contribuir para a formulação de estratégias para adaptar os conteúdos da formação às necessidades dos estudantes. Métodos: Neste estudo longitudinal observacional foi aplicado um questionário de avaliação da literacia em saúde (NVS) a estudantes de 3 Escolas de Saúde e 2 cursos diferentes (Enfermagem e Higiene Oral), no início do primeiro ano escolar, e no final do terceiro ano. Resultados: Menos de 5% dos estudantes participantes neste estudo tinham uma literacia de saúde inadequada à entrada para o curso. As mulheres apresentam um melhor nível de literacia de saúde do que os homens, embora não tenha sido encontrado qualquer significado estatístico (p=0,153). Os ganhos do nível de literacia de saúde são diferentes entre os cursos. Os estudantes de enfermagem começaram com um nível mais elevado de literacia de saúde, mas foram ultrapassados pelos estudantes de higiene oral no final do 3º ano de escolaridade. No entanto o nível de literacia em saúde não diferiu, estatisticamente, ao longo da formação, embora se tenha observado um aumento do nível de literacia em saúde. Conclusões: A relação entre literacia em saúde e saúde é reconhecida. As instituições de ensino superior precisam de formular estratégias para adaptar os conteúdos da formação às necessidades dos estudantes e ao seu nível de literacia em saúde de modo a capacitar os estudantes para a aprendizagem ao longo da formaçãoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio